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An Effective Change in Educational Institutions Education Essay
7 pages (2005 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This would in turn require a comparison of the key concepts within the realm of change and its management and consideration of the multidimensional facets of the phenomena. The three key concepts that underlie this are change, transition, and transformation.
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Educational Research Methods Education Essay
7 pages (2097 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Introduction Research that has been of interest to many scholars has been the educational reform that is needed in schools as well as other educational institutes these days. It has been seen that in general, the schools are the bodies that are composed of union councils, the guardians as well as the administrators who are responsible for making the decisions on the schools and all the activities that are being undertaken by the school.
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Audit of a Workplace as a Learning Environment Education Case Study
13 pages (3694 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The position is the lowest job rank in the editorial department of the magazine with four ranks of other senior editors above. In short, the job description of the position involves sourcing for, interviewing, and writing a single features profile of a prominent sports personality every week and handing in the written copy on Thursday of every week and any other task that may be assigned by the features editor.
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The Level of Comfort the Students at QUTIC Have in Their Learning Environment Education Personal Statement
6 pages (1956 words) , Download 0 , Personal Statement
This report analyzes the results of a survey that was carried out on twenty students at QUTIC. The study determines the use and satisfaction with some of the learning facilities at the institution with the intention of improving the facilities at the P Block building. These facilities are study rooms, classrooms, lecture theatres, notice boards, assignment boxes, and consultation rooms provided to students.
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The Practice of English Language Teaching Education Article
7 pages (2039 words) , Download 0 , Article
It is very rare to find business organizations operating internationally where English is not a preferred language. In fact, some business organizations in non-English speaking countries require that their employees are literate and able to communicate in English. Hence, the need to learn English as a secondary language is highlighted. However, teaching a foreign language like English to non-English-speaking people entails a lot of difficulties.
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Induction and Study Skills Education Case Study
12 pages (2805 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
It is therefore essential to provide an orientation and induction for such students prior to the start of their first term of studies with the aim of helping them fit, understand, and adapt to the new environment in which their studies will be conducted hence. This, as the paper has already established, is an even more pronounced need, in the emergent trend of internationalization of postgraduate students.
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21st Century Issues for Higher Education Education Article
8 pages (2037 words) , Download 0 , Article
It has been observed in this process that the schools become the area that helps ensure that the change is bought about (ASQ). In other words, educational institutions become the modem through which the change in the mindset of the young can be ensured so that the social scene can be changed as a whole. Education thus becomes a very important tool in the hands of the state and the individuals.
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Adult, Vocational and Higher Education Education Essay
14 pages (3749 words) , Download 0 , Essay
However, education has not been without stabling blocks to its success. This paper, therefore, seeks to discuss the 21st-century issues for adult, vocational, and higher education. The paper will also reflect on the perceived challenges affecting these institutions of learning which have posed a great threat to the learning process.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using ICT to Teach ESL Education Essay
12 pages (3340 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The swift improvement and development in ICT have led to the transmission of technology in education. Many believe that the use of ICT would be advantageous for students to learn in case it is used in a proper manner. Although it has been found that ICT might have its own flexibility and advantages for helping students to learn, it might not be useful for every other learner.
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The Use of Facebook-Based Online Community Education Essay
7 pages (2187 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Vygotsky's sociocultural theory indicates that social interaction plays a crucial role in cognitive development (Lantolf, 2000). Application of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory in learning Generally, the inferences of Vygotsky’s theory are that learners should be given socially rich environments that are aimed at exploring the knowledge domains with their fellow outside experts, teachers, and students (Vygotsky, 1978).
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The Purpose and the Practice of Adult Education in High Schools Education Essay
14 pages (3897 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Factors contributing to the mismatch which brings tension include educators' personal beliefs concerning teaching, the school program, learning, market demands, and the school culture. These contemporary influences create an inconsistency between the purpose and practice of education among adult learners in ways that align with individual learning plans.
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Educational Policy of South Korea Education Term Paper
27 pages (7053 words) , Term Paper
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An education system consists of socially specified policies, laws, and organizations designed to efficiently offer educational activities. The education of a nation is operated by an educational administration, which follows education policies based on the education system. The education system specifies the education policies of a country through laws, has a relatively stable organization, and forms a part of the basic social system.
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How Should the Professional Practice of Adult Education Respond to Globalization Education Essay
12 pages (3275 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In order to safeguard society against these effects of globalization and to make the business community and governments accountable and to keep them in check in making the interests of society the first priority, radical adult education is required. Radical adult education is a transformative form of adult education.
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What Does It Mean to Be an Effective Teacher Education
8 pages (2481 words) , Download 2
The paper "What Does It Mean to Be an Effective Teacher" is a great example of a report on education. The importance of teaching, and of how teachers teach in their classrooms, is being recognized as the single most significant factor in a child’s learning. This is because many types of research indicate that teacher quality has an impact on student’s achievement.
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What Is Inclusive Education Education Essay
11 pages (3038 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Inclusion involves the rights of students to participate in school activities and the duty of the school to accept the students. It also discourages using special schools and or separate classrooms to divide disabled students from nondisabled students. This allows disabled students to fully participate in school activities and ensures that their educational, civil, and social rights are respected.
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Creating and Maintaining Safe and Supportive Learning Environments Education Case Study
8 pages (2304 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The feelings, behaviors, and perceptions of the school community members tell that the school is a location where people are capable of carrying out their businesses without any worry for their security. An orderly school is one characterized by an atmosphere of responsibility and mutual respect. Students relate to teachers, staff, and to each other in suitable ways.
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Developing Positive Teacher-Student Relations Education Case Study
8 pages (2451 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
On the other hand, the comprehensive approach in the classroom calls upon the teacher to act as a caregiver, model, and mentor, create a moral community, practice moral discipline, create a democratic classroom environment, teach values through the curriculum, use cooperative learning, encourage moral reflection through reading, research, easy writing, journal keeping, discussion, and debate.
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How to Improve Childrens Learning and Development Education Article
9 pages (1951 words) , Download 1 , Article
Another activity that can be used to improve personal, emotional, and social development is letting the children do something on their own. This can be done by providing drawing materials and some art and craft materials and then allowing the children to create what they like.
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Personal Knowledge and Attitudes to Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education Article
7 pages (2128 words) , Download 0 , Article
A number of factors conspire to impede success in mathematics, science, and technology. These problems, in a nutshell, lie primarily in the perception students have of the subjects, the teaching methodology- how the learners are introduced to, and the exposure they are given to mathematics, science, and technology- the global environment. Fear by the learners has a negative attitude towards mathematics.
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Integrated Learning Program Education Assignment
23 pages (6339 words) , Assignment
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I chose this topic because it relates to human activities as contributing factors to the increase in carbon concentration in the atmosphere. For the Year 5/6 class, it is an important topic since they are able to contribute and give their suggestions to the Australian government on how to curb the rising problem of global warming.
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Portfolio of Five Lesson Plans Education Assignment
11 pages (2892 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Learning how to use plurals will enable them to include others in their social life. Problems may arise in keeping the children’s attention on the assigned tasks, but these will be tackled by shifting to different tasks after a few minutes. For instance, instead of three games in 20 minutes, there could be five games.
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Educational Artifacts Evaluation Education Case Study
13 pages (3648 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Critical determinants of outstanding teacher performance have been one of the educational issues marked with vagueness as there are no specific strategies or predetermined criteria towards the same. Some proponents argue that the performance of a student is directly tied to the ownership and applicable strategies of the school attended or the abilities of the teacher.
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Language and Literacy Development in Children Education Article
8 pages (2115 words) , Download 1 , Article
The child will be called Twinkle in this essay. Description of the Child: Twinkle is a four-year-old girl who comes from a rich Turkish family. She speaks and understands only Turkish. English is an additional language that she has to understand. She is a very happy child with very little attention span. She keeps moving from one place to another and has difficulty sitting in one place.
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Pedagogical Capacity of Primary School Education Essay
6 pages (1635 words) , Download 0 , Essay
I have still discovered that all the kids in this school need to learn every aspect of life with a very easy procedure of making a selection (G. F. Hoban, 2002). You can keep on making a selection of your choice and can learn as per your own idea. There should not be any hard and fast rules regarding the choice of learning. 
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Educational Assessment Issues Education Essay
9 pages (2656 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The assessment generally offers how the learners are graded as either having passed or failed a certain course. It also offers the basis for deciding whether a student is qualified to proceed to the next level or qualified to receive a certain award. To the students, assessment helps them to get feedback on their learning process.
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Developing Oracy (Speaking and Listening) for Pupils with SLD Education Essay
6 pages (1890 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A number of children do not develop language and speech as expected. They may go through difficulty with all or some aspects of language and speech. Common challenges include the criteria for moving the muscles used for speech control and the capability to use or understand language. These challenges vary from severe to mild or even long-term. 
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Strategic Management in Education Education Case Study
14 pages (3967 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Strategic management can be highlighted as an activity within the level of managerial activity under the framework of setting tactics and goals. The process offers an overall direction to the institution and is closely linked to studies on Organization. The overall goal of strategic management within institutions is to analyze the overall organization's performance and the progress toward the attainment of the organization's objectives.
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Phonics Learning in Australia Education Essay
6 pages (1824 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Therefore, this method was adapted with the hope that students would be better at reading and consecutively at comprehension. In Australia, the program was introduced in the year 2005. This was following a report that was released by the Department of Education, Science, and Training.
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Adult Learning Basics Education Essay
12 pages (3161 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The learning process is vital in human development as it facilitates the transfer of knowledge from one generation to the other. The process is continuous at all stages of life independent of such factors as age, gender, and race. There is no specific pattern of knowledge transfer. The pattern that knowledge transfer follows depends on the information available. 
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Social Class and Inequity in Education Education Assignment
14 pages (3664 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Addressing this issue in the contemporary initial teacher training shows that it is a relevant concern in school. From elementary to upper secondary schooling and adult education, education in Sweden is structurally uniform. The tuition is made free for the public schools and the public budget caters to all the other public education either partially or wholly.
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British Council Education Essay
13 pages (3600 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This is attributed to the fact that the site has more than seventy years of teaching the English language, and therefore, the teachers are capable of helping learners attain their goals. The LearnEnglish website has a lot of listening activities together with video content for listening and watching. In addition, the website also has IELTS exam materials of practice, materials regarding the Business & Work and Grammar section.
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Purse and Value of Survisry Leadership Prtis Education Research Paper
29 pages (7316 words) , Research Paper
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In some contexts, supervision is considered to be a process that enables individuals to meet their goals in order to ultimately meet the goals of the agency (Delano and Shah, 2009). Burke & Krey (2005) consider supervision as a dynamic and continuous process that involves coordinating, supporting, and improving performance outcomes. On the other hand, Milne (2009) argues that supervision may involve activities or processes.
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The Grammar School Debate Education Essay
8 pages (2427 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Finally, the essay will incorporate a conclusive paragraph, which will review the major arguments in grammar schools concerning the case of the United States. Contextualization Education is one of the critical issues in the growth and development of the economy and society concerning the case of the United States.
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Digital Pedagogy Review Education Article
8 pages (2243 words) , Download 0 , Article
It was conducted on primary school students who took science learning through media arts pedagogy. The article targets primary school students and teachers who participate in school science. The primary schools with students from diverse backgrounds were essentially targeted because diverse students have different levels of understanding.
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Use of Games and Songs in Teaching English Education Article
8 pages (2288 words) , Download 1 , Article
Songs are one of the most powerful tools used in teaching a second language. Selecting the right song that will suit the learners can be difficult sometimes. However, songs can be used to teach young learners (Nyota and Mapara, 2008). Songs can be used to develop the learner's listening skills and pronunciation, and therefore this will help them in their speaking skill as well.
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Concerted Cultivation and Natural Growth Parenting Models Education Essay
7 pages (2155 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The natural growth model is a technique used by working-class and poor parents to raise their children. The working-class and poor parents do not take their children to organized activities because they are more concerned about providing basic needs such as food and shelter. To them, providing these needs in itself is an accomplishment (Lareau, 2011).
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School Effectiveness Framework Education Case Study
17 pages (4181 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
It is thus clear that different plans help in deciding how to guide any group of learners and when to enforce this guidance (Stoll, 2007; Borko, 2004). The Australian national university is a research-based institution located in Canberra Australia. The university has different outlets around the country. They consist of seven research colleges and also a few academies and institutes.
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Education in Saudi Arabia Education Article
9 pages (2440 words) , Download 0 , Article
This means that areas of study, educational strategies, curricula, systems of education, systems of administration in education, practicability in education, and all other factors in education are focused on the achievement of these societal objectives (Sedgwick, 2001). Undoubtedly, the Saudi Arabian educational policy was developed and continues to be anchored on Islamic teachings (Alquraini, 2010).
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Leadership Development in School Education Essay
12 pages (3322 words) , Download 1 , Essay
A courageous principal will trust his or her school’s staff with leadership authority so that they can learn how to use it wisely. And the sooner the principal shares significant powers with a new generation of staff (other teachers), the sooner they will turn out to be the next generation of leaders in schools.
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Learning English as a Second Language Education Case Study
23 pages (6240 words) , Case Study
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Psychometric tests have now become widely used tools for educational measurement. They can be applied in English testing just as they are used in assessing achievement in other areas of knowledge. However, there are some special difficulties that always stick out whenever one is learning English as a second language. Educational researchers have not been doing much in the area of systematically and accurately measuring second language ability.
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Teaching in the 21st Century is Challenging and Demanding Education Essay
8 pages (2186 words) , Download 0 , Essay
However, teachers are facing challenges in this century following some of the changes within and outside the system. The pressure is mounting in facilitating their roles with demands on the increase that compromise their role (Dempsey, 2006). The biggest challenge facing teachers in their role is irresponsibility on the side of parents (Arthur, Gordon & Butterfield, 2003).
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The Study of Learning Theories Education Essay
8 pages (2198 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Learning can be described as a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, new values, behavior, and preferences. It involves taking in different information and allowing the brain to process this information into desirable outcomes. Learning largely depends on the subject being learned, one’s mental capacities, environmental circumstances, and socio-cognitive circumstances.
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Linguistic and Cultural Issues in Translation Education Research Paper
14 pages (3623 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This being the case there is often misunderstanding with most people thinking that translation is a simple task that involves getting a word in the source language, looking for its equivalent in the target language, and writing it as it is, a process popularly known as word-for-word translation. This process fails to take into account differences in grammar between the two languages, the context, and conventions.
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Structure and Development of Curriculum Education Article
7 pages (2088 words) , Download 0 , Article
One of the main elements that dictate the quality of education is the curriculum. This paper will identify the structure of the curriculum used in Northern Territories in Australia; evaluate how its scope and functionalities address the need of the 21st-century learner, and identify how well the curriculum agrees with the existing theories of learning and human development.
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Teaching for Diversity Education Essay
10 pages (2762 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Everybody in today’s society is concerned about education and wants to get the best out of it so as improve the standard of living and keep updated on the new issues that come with evolution, For example, technology is changing so fast and its impacts are much felt in the lives of the people. Devices such as computers have eased the style of doing things such as communication (Bron & Schemmann 2003).
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Teachers of Today Education Essay
9 pages (2595 words) , Download 1 , Essay
There are various dynamics that revolve around teaching. Key among these aspects includes teaching strategies, the management, and organization of a classroom, upholding ethics in the teaching profession, and the notion of developmental learning among many other factors(Flanders & Amidon, 1997). This paper seeks to present a comprehensive and incisive outlook on who teachers are and what they need to know.
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Educational Psychology Issues Education Article
7 pages (2138 words) , Download 0 , Article
The modal model or rather the cognitive processes that are involved in learning refers to the structure that the human memory exists in, and how it inputs, processes, and outputs information. According to Atkinson and Richard, human memory has several partitions that serve as the stages that the input data goes through before it is output.
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Bilingualism: a Personal Perspective Education Essay
21 pages (5779 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Students can succeed if they understand how to cross-cultural boundaries in order to transfer from one language and culture and shift to another (Haugen, 1969). The paper also outlines why bilingual education provides better curriculum results and leads to communication advantages in terms of the ability to write and converse in different languages.
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Vocational Education and Training Policy Education Essay
12 pages (3304 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It offers a wide range of options to its people including marketing, tourism, business studies, design making, and advanced information technology (ANTA 2002). The main elements in the VET system include the Australian qualification network(AQF) which ensures the issue of qualification from secondary certificate levels to Ph.D. levels.
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Observations of Human Development in an Educational Context Education
7 pages (1896 words) , Download 0
The paper "Observations of Human Development in an Educational Context" is a great example of a report on education. Human development can be referred to as the process of people growing physically, emotionally, biologically, spiritually, socially, and psychologically. Human development per se has a significant influence on behavior.
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