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Using Technology by High School Teachers in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example

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This essay "Using Technology by High School Teachers in Saudi Arabia" aimed at exploring the effectiveness of using technology for high school teachers in Saudi Arabia. In trying to answer this, the paper assessed some of the impacts of technology on both learners and teachers…
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The effectiveness of using technology for high school teachers in Saudi Arabia Introduction The use of technology is becoming more and more important in the world today. Learning institutions are increasingly integrating technology in their curriculum to improve both teaching and learning. It has significantly improved the range, sophistication, and complexity of potential classroom activities. By reducing the obstacles of time and distance, students' lifelong learning can be attained. Due to a broad global attention given to e-Learning, various studies had been conducted by academe, different organizations as well as the government of various nations (Alenezi, Karim and Veloo, 2010:22). It is worth noting that there are mixed feelings about the role of technology in educational arena. There are those who believe that it will bring significant a change in every culture and even revolutionize the education process. Many have advocated the enhancement of learning with technology. However, some educators are apprehensive about the associated effects of learning technology (Li, 2007:377). It is perceived as enemies of culture and morality with negative impact on issue such as ethics. In addition, it is has also brought with it many new challenges for the teacher who seeks to determine what it has to offer and how that should be delivered to students. Therefore there is need to expound on the role of technology in education. For the purposed of this paper, technology encompasses a range of electronic technologies employed in educational settings like high schools which enhance or enable the processing, presentation and communication of information between adult and groups of people, no matter how far apart. The paper seeks to investigate effectiveness of using technology for high school teachers in Saudi Arabia. In particular, it aims at clarifying the impact of technology on adult education The paper is organized as follows: Section 1 present brief background of the problem. The next section(2) introduces the body of the paper which relates to the role of technology in learning process, the benefits of using technologies by teachers as well as Disadvantages of using technology in teaching. In this section, the views of teachers and students about the use of learning technologies in teaching are presented. The third section presents recommendations while the last section (4) gives conclusion drawn from the rest of the study. Technology and student’s learning process The ultimate goal of technological aided learning system is to improve the development and learning of adult student of different background and needs. It has been argued that technology can be only useful in the learning process when it achieves a learning objective which can only happen when learning is active, constructive, intentional, authentic, as well as supportive (Hazari, North and Moreland, 2009:190). The importance of technology in the learning process among adults in high school goes beyond skills expressed through pen and paper learning software, internet and computer usage. It revolves equipping students with communication and good analysis as well as problems solving skills educational technology greatly help in achieving these needs but only if properly integrated into the adult education syllabus (Aboderin, Fadare and Kumuyi, 2012:57). It helps in building skills in critical thinking and continuous learning. In other words, technology becomes another vehicle for not only ones expression but also self-production since it offers adult learner an authority to figure out things for themselves. When incorporated into the learning process, technology allows these goals to be more easily met. Specifically, it encourages and integrates all the three interdependent types of learning; factual, procedural, and motivational engagement as supported as by three different brain systems (U.S. Department of Education, 2010:15). Technology is also linked to motivation and has a positive effect on the learning process and academic achievement as it capture the interest of students hence they will enjoy and be comfortable with these technologies. Again, various forms of educational technology encourage a more dynamic and learner-centered approach which allows adult students to undertake greater responsibility for self learning, and giving them the mandate and authority to fulfill that role. Technology also empowers adult learners in various ways: it as democratizes knowledge where adult learners are able to have free access to up to date, content based information and thousands of other of valuable courses and experts. By employing the use educational technologies, learners have the freedom to shape their studies in a way they deem appropriate. Moreover, they can decide on their own learning time, place and resources in a much better or improved way. In addition, it encourages participatory or active learning and authentic as well as multimodal learning (Lemke and Coughlin, 2009:54). Apart from empowering adult learners by offering innumerable choice of information, it also gives students opportunity to interact with colleagues, specialist and experts which would not otherwise be possible in the traditional learning methods. It is very important in collaborative learning where adult learners seek help from teachers and fellows, and even share their learning experiences and ideas in a more productive manner (Ibid: 56). Educational technology can be regarded as an enabler in the facilitation of learning. Through distance learning, adult learners have the opportunity to interact with other students in web-based environment. The benefits of using technologies by teachers The use of educational technologies has a myriad of advantages for teachers. The inter-phase or crossing point between technology and teaching is an open ground with various new opportunities which can be utilized through the use of the internet/web and distance learning. With the ability to take full advantage of this avenue, teachers can be able to link with other teachers in career or professional growth. In addition, by utilizing this resource, teachers can access complimentary resources which would help them in teaching. Computer assisted technology such as the internet can also not only teachers but also learners with easier access to learning or teaching materials available globally and any other up dated instant information on any topic of interest. Precise and accurate information is essential for successful teaching and learning; and educational technologies can help provide this right information to not only the right people but also at the right time (Hussain and Safdar, 2008:46). It also motivates teachers to increase their skills and use of educational technology to make the most of their student’s learning .Various technologies can provide teachers with many teaching tools and materials which they can utilize to enhance their teaching practice. In order to make effective use of the tools, there is a need for careful analysis on associated strengths and weakness of each as well as the need to consider the possibilities of using technology in the classroom and about possible outcomes as the result of implementations of these tools. Apart from the use of the internet, there is also a wide range of other applications. Teachers can take advantage of tools such as the e-learning platforms; web-based applications and comprise of several of tools ranging from learning text, video to graphics. Successful implementations of these tools , improves learning process and can help the teacher bring positive change in the learner’s real behavior as a result of this engagement (Alhabahba et al, 2012:105). These tools assist instructors or teachers to follow the progression of the learning process and allow them to monitor performance of every adult learner in giving an assignment (Blas and Fernandez, 2009:35). Information technologies or tools like the Internet can be used by teachers to encourage learning and motivate learners thus playing pivotal role in the improvement their academic achievement. As a teacher, one has a major role in deciding those leaning activities or tasks that force students to use these technologies .Encouraging learners to make use of the internet for instance is in itself as a motivational drive to students tired of the normal or traditional teaching approaches particularly in a classroom setting. Technology also helps teachers in adjusting to the demands of the Modern changing society where there is increased need for latest approaches and paradigms in the education sector where the teacher has changed and adopt the new responsibilities of mentoring, coaching and assisting adult as opposed to the traditional method of teaching in the classrooms (Hussain and Safdar, 2008:47). The teacher role has really changed and today, he or she is no longer giving information as a result of the accessibility of information resources on the internet. The main aims of this kind of pedagogical experience are to formulate teaching methods that would enhance students’ intelligences. Technology accommodates a wide range of learning styles of students and teachers is able to educate them for a wide range of intelligence which cannot be all represented in the traditional approach. With the associated flexibility of the learning technologies, it is possible for teachers to devise appropriate learning settings where adult learners can deal with or have self representations of knowledge in their minds (Koc, 2005, par 1). Teaching with technology aided tools has facilitated and lays more emphasis on the skills-based form of teaching. This has also reduced the time and energy needed in the labor-intensive nature of the initial approach model of teaching in academic institutions can transfer the focus a self-directed learning process (T.H.E. Journal, 2000). Disadvantages of using technology in teaching Although technology has facilitated teaching and made it incredibly easy, it is not without its share of adversities. The process of using these technologies in teaching is very complex and thus opportunities offered to sustain instruction and learning re not without problems. Technology in teaching is susceptible to various barriers which impact negatively on teaching. These barriers have been classified as extrinsic and intrinsic barriers. Extrinsic relates to the first-order and revolves around accessibility, lack of time, support, resources and training .On the other hand, intrinsic barriers as second-order and entails attitudes, beliefs, practices and resistance (Salehi and Salehi, 2012:41). On the other hand, Corbin (2003) identified three major barriers to effective use of technology in teaching which included lack of experience, inaccessibility to computers in high school, and appropriate technical assistance. The next paragraphs present a detailed discussion of these disadvantages. Technologies may require extra training on the part of the user which in this case is the teacher. There is a weak link in the technological knowledge infrastructure in learning and training institutions. This is attributed to the fact that technology as an instructional aid is sometimes highly complicated and time consuming unless it is well mastered. It may necessitate some particular skills from the user as well technical support. Teachers and learners alike should be equipped with the basic skills on how to use these technologies. Sadly, many teachers lack adequate technological training to help their students exploring the technologies like the computer and its assisted learning software (Lai and Kritsonis, 2006:3). Inadequate technology-based skills are a major reason why many teachers are hesitating to use electronic forms of teaching which generally necessitate a wide range of abilities. Many teachers are usually ill-equipped to use these new technologies in their teaching. This might explain the insufficient use of technologies in education for instance, it has been reported that in Saudi Arabia, educational institutions do not take the full advantage of the available modern technologies at their disposal. (Altowjry, 2004/05:12). In a concluding remark, Abuzaid and Singh (2007:9) argue that the use of technology in Saudi Arabia particularly e- platforms have been generally lacking due to various Obstacles. Apart from the inadequate training, teachers themselves have to deal with various challenges and bottlenecks that hinder effective utilization of these technologies. Besides, inadequate technical supports at schools as well as limited Internet coverage and ICT thwart teachers’ efforts to effectively use computer aided technologies in their class setting. The few high Schools which have purchased computers aided devices have ignored training of users which should lead to successful teaching .Worse still, lack of enough time required to learn further act as barriers for teachers to integrate these technologies into the curriculum (Salehi and Salehi, 2012:43). A Study in Saudi Arabia established that disadvantages of technology in teaching were enhanced by obstacles in the whole educational setting which was subject to change. In addition, inaccessibility to internet by both teachers and students is also another issue. There is also technophobia where teachers may react passively to the modern educational setting (ibid: 45). The use of technology in teaching can be affected by the user’s negative attitude and by extension, the overall success in the implementation. Some teachers may be resistant to change owing to their poor attitude and inherent resistance in the eventual adoption of technology. Most of the technologies are also vulnerable to constant changes in the modern world. Consequently, users need to update their skills in order to take full advantage of these technologies in teaching. Again, such technologies are susceptible tear and wear which may require replacement of part or the whole system which can be quite is expensive (Inoune and Bell, 2006, 99). The other disadvantage concerns the inability of some or most of these technologies to handle unforeseen situations. Learning is continuously changing and due to the various limitations of these technologies, they may not be able to cope with learners’ unanticipated learning challenges compared to the traditional method of teaching (Lai and Kritsonis, 2006:4). The other challenge relates to the possibility of incorrect information. This can be partly attributed to the liberal nature of some of the technologies like the internet where anybody can upload information on the internet, so long as he or she is accessible to it. Consequently this makes it susceptible to inaccurate literature which may misguide the teacher. Another disadvantage of technology concerns the problem of overload where getting required information may be challenging, sometimes time-consuming and even frustrating. The foregoing barriers or challenges individually or collectively impact negatively in teaching using educational technologies. According to the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE, 1997), there is a vicious circle that illustrating barrier interrelationships. For instance, the teachers’ “fear of failure” is reinforced by failure to use educational technology effectively. According to the report, the higher the level of internalization of the teacher’s earlier failures, the less the likelihood that the teacher can solve any emerging compatibility issues related to the technology. Attitude of Teachers and students on the use of learning technologies in teaching. Both Teachers and students constitute important stakeholder groups in any effort to incorporate technology into schools. Consequently an assessment of their attitude is vital step towards taking any appropriate initiative associated with technology. However, from the literature, it seems that their perceptions vary with respect to their experience of adapting learning technologies (Li, 2007). Teachers’ belief about teaching, learning and technology is influencing the integration of technology. A study by Song (2003) revealed that teachers perceived that using Web resources made students' learning more dynamic and active. It motivated students to in the learning process, interaction as well as communication between them. In addition, it necessitated a change of role to that of facilitator. In a similar study, Oyaid (2009) assessed teachers’ perception of the use of technology and observed that teachers agreed that technology was a major source of learning and teaching although there were some concerns regarding the reliability of the sources of information. However, some teachers felt there was no need to worry since technology assisted significantly to their teaching and were opposed to the fact that they were too unreliable to be utilized for knowledge acquisition (p. 50-51). On the other hand, students believed that with the use of technology in teaching, they were able to benefit from rich sources and the latest information. For example, Li (2007) found that that 87.3% of the students preferred technology and believed it enhanced learning. Students believed the use of learning technology enhanced efficiency, pedagogy, planning and augmented motivation as well as confidence. However, Galbraith and Haines (1998) argue that not all students were confident in the adoption of technology, nor were they convinced of the advantages of technology-aided teaching. Recommendations The foregoing disadvantages seem to revolve around ineffective implementation of technology in teaching. Efforts should therefore be made which would encourage integration of such technologies in the learning process. To this end, training institutions should enough support for teachers. At the same time, instructors should be keen on whatever is taking place in their respective classrooms. Lastly, adequate and effective technology can be adopted in teaching and learning, in a way which would ultimately foster the upgrading of educational programs (Salehi and Salehi, 2012:43). On the same vein, efforts geared towards assimilation of technology in the curriculum cannot ignore the role of leadership and transparency. School leadership is therefore required to encourage teachers to engage in innovative practice. School administration could also employ the use of appropriate reward systems to motivate teachers in their productivity, innovation and performance. Some of the reward strategies may include for instance promotion and recognition. The assumption is that reluctance in developing technology based instructional tool can be greatly reduced. There is also an urgent need for proper planning at the administrative level with precise and a clear commitment to additional technological devices and integration into existing teaching curriculum The challenge of inadequate technical skills in the use and maintaining the educational technologies can be arrested through the offering instructional assistance which is one of the major factors that facilitates the degree of technology-based education. There is also need to enhance the adoption and development of learning technologies is to while also addressing the major problems affecting the same. There is a need to encourage or motivate teachers and other staff members who re not ready or hesitant to embrace the new technologies. It is also wise motivating those who are not good at using them and be able to make at least some effort to develop their technology-related skills. Conclusion This study aimed at exploring the effectiveness of using technology for high school teachers in Saudi Arabia. In trying to answer this, the paper assessed some of the impacts of technology for both learners and teachers. The potential for using technology aided tools in teaching and learning is quite immense worth the benefits in both learning and teaching highlighted in the previous sections. This notwithstanding, it the role of the However, it is the teachers to fully understand its assets as well as liabilities to have full advantage of the available technologies in their teaching and facilitating the learning process. This is because effective utilization of technology depends on the user. Apart from the beneficial use of technologies, they are associated with several shortcomings. This paper has introduced some of these disadvantages in the form of barriers to effective implementation of education technology. Some of the barriers highlighted include insufficient skills among practitioners, negative attitude and resistance, the vulnerability of these technologies deprecation, the inability of these technologies to respond the unexpected situations among other. Some of the factors if not all, act in a vicious manner in hindering the effective utilization of these technologies in teaching. All in all, Teachers and students have consensus that implementation different learning or teaching technologies have greatly revolutionized the educational sector. Some of the recommendations revolve around providing training and support to the practitioners, proper planning and full implementation or integration of technology in the curriculum. Technology in high school to these problems recommend providing academics with considerable instructional support, giving them encouraging incentives to as a way to value their work, decreasing their workload, and taking their innovative work into account for promotion and tenure. All the suggested solutions to the inherent challenges experienced in the adoption of educational technologies are aimed at achieving effectiveness its use. Bibliography Abdulhameed Rakan Alenezi, Abdul Malek Abdul Karim and Arsaythamby Veloo (2010). An Empirical Investigation Into The Role Of Enjoyment, Computer Anxiety, Computer Self-Efficacy And Internet Experience In Influencing The Students' Intention To Use E-Learning: A Case Study From Saudi Arabian Governmental Universities, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – October , volume 9 Issue 4:22-34 Abdullah Mohammed Altowjry (2004/05). Reforming Higher Education in Saudi Arabia: The Use of Telecommunications Technology, Master Of Science Thesis in Telecommunications Engineering Technology, (unpublished) Afnan A. Oyaid (2009) Education Policy in Saudi Arabia and its Relation to Secondary School Teachers’ ICT Use, Perceptions, and Views of the Future of ICT in Education Submitted, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education, the University of Exeter (unpublished) Cheng-Chieh Li and William Allan Kritsonis (2006). The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Computer technology In Second Language Acquisition, Doctoral Forum National Journal For Publishing and Mentoring Doctoral Student Research Vol. 3 (1):1-6 Corbin, J. F. (2003). The integration of technology into the middle and high school science curriculum, Dissertation Abstracts International. (UMI No. 3081518). Hadi Salehi and Zeinab Salehi (2012). 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Vol. 2, Issue 1 National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). (1997). Technology and the new professional teacher: Preparing for the 21st century classroom. Qing Li (2007) Student and Teacher Views about Technology: A Tale of Two Cities? Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 39 (4): 377-397 Rana Ahmed S. Abuzaid and Diljit Singh (2007). The Usage of Educational E-Resources in Developing Countries: A Case Study Of Implementation in Saudi Arabia Proceedings of the Redesigning Pedagogy: Culture, Knowledge and Understanding Conference, Singapore, May 2007 Teresa Martin-Blas and Ana Serrano-Fernandez (2009). The role of new technologies in the learning process: Moodle as a teaching tool in Physics, Elsevier Ltd. Computers & Education 52:35–44 U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology. (2010). National education technology plan 2010: Transforming American education: Learning powered by technology. Washington, D.C Yukiko Inoune and Susnee Bell (2006). Teaching with Educational Technology in the 21st Century: The Case of the Asia Pacific Region, USA: Idea Group Inc Read More
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