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The Films Machuca and Malena Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
12 pages (3249 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Bombing, broken buildings, ruined towns, etc…these are the typical images one would normally imagine when thinking about war. Armed soldiers on the street, children who have lost their parents, survivors who wail beside the bodies of their families that are already cold…the people’s lives have completely been robbed. That is the first image of war in most people’s minds.
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Analysis of On the Waterfront Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (516 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Diegetic elements in the movie: can be the actual sounds that are produced by the actors in the film (e.g. footsteps of the characters while running, the sound of the ships’ horns in the docks). Non-diegetic elements in the movie: mostly the background music, which are not produced within the scenes of the movie, and rather applied post-production (e.g. background music heard during the opening sequence of the film).
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The Movies 2010 Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The movie 2010 is not only a movie supposed to entertain the audience, but also intended to project the anticipations of mankind towards exploring new places, new planets, and as well presenting a global culture in particular with a man in which he tries to find solutions to the past problems with the missions of space exploration.
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You should discuss some artworks in architecture from the 19th century Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Art is meant to be looked at and be appreciated for its inherent value. Its qualities which were special, set art apart so that it’s often placed away from everyday life, in museums, caves or churches (Beil 2011). What does aesthetic mean? By defining it,
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Defending our lives Visual Arts & Film Studies Book Report/Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 7 , Book Report/Review
graphic and emotional accounts of the violent experiences they were subjected to by the same people that promised to love and cherish them, their husbands. These women, who all come from the greater Boston region, kill their husbands in their quest for liberation from domestic
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The Most Effective Method of Solving the Problems Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
10 pages (2734 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
There will also be a need of changing the names of the games, to another significant name, and this is because the term Medieval Quest Games is associated with pornography and sexual images. Through this new strategy, chances are high that the organization might recover from its losses, and hence achieve profitability.
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Film/Reading Response Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
The character’s actions help in developing the theme of gender in the film. It is worth affirming that Italian movies focused on social themes as evident in “neorealist films stressed social themes” (Bondanella 120). Through Marcello, the
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Theater Final Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
In this heady atmosphere, ego clashes, fluctuations of fortunes and changing trends take a toll on the players involved. As a result there is manifestation of greed, egoism, mistrust, jealousy and insecurity aplenty. Yet,
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Camera Shots in The Great Gatsby Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 19 , Essay
The conclusion from this study states that the film is noteworthy for the aesthetics it infuses with the camera shots. It creates an extraordinary feeling that is unimaginable normal life. There are intense colors and a wide range of camera angles that create the exquisiteness of the film. Up-close shots were essential for manifesting the emotions of characters.
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Movie Exorcist Based on the Best-Seller of William Peter Blatty Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (268 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is essential to state that I am fond of mysticism and everything connected with it. Many people do not believe in mysticism, but this is their choice, and this phenomenon occupies an important place in our life. I chose the movie “Exorcist” also because I like thrillers and this is my favorite genre.
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Select one picture and talk about 2 Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It measures 52”x60” in. (142.2 x 142.2 cm). Moreover, it is found in Lowe Art collections of the University of Miami. It was bought using Beaux Arts Endowment Funds, 1967 (Jones viii). The painting was made during the time non-objective abstract painting was the basis for
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The Poetry of Anne Sexton Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (326 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Anne Sexton began writing poetry at a very young age of 29 as a way of engaging herself and avoiding committing suicide. She suffered from mental illness and was an alcoholic but still, she managed to create an interesting work of poetry valued by many readers. The bibliography of her life full of controversies promoted her work, as many people were interested in reading her work.
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Historical Film Movement Film Noir as the Forerunner of the Present-day Crime and Action Movies Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Film Noir was a style of black and white American films that became prominent in the post-war era. The primary moods of classic film noir were melancholy, alienation, bleakness, disillusionment, disenchantment, pessimism, ambiguity, moral corruption, evil, guilt, desperation and paranoia. Alfred Hitchcock was a forerunner of the American film noir.
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Western and Melodrama Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2223 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Expectedly, each of the various film genres has its own strengths and weaknesses. These polarities of the film genres were exploited by both the art historians and genre critics in order to generate a well-argued and coherent set of review and appraisal. Unfortunately, only two of the diverse film genres were able to make it to the top priorities.
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Soap Opera by David Ives Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It is evidently clear from the discussion that over time, there had been several attempts to introduce new sub-plots to the soap opera story concept - from tragic to thriller - and this comic way of depicting this concept is nothing new. What is entertaining in this script, however, is the novel way of using metaphors and personifications coupled with not-too-subtle undertones.
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Popularity of Reality Shows Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1717 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The rules for this particular type of popularly broadcasted material are not tight and that could be one of the main reasons it is now controlling the screens around the world. This factor has made it possible for the production of hundreds of Reality TV programs. This is a type of program where not so much is needed from the performers like the way an actor has to memorize and maybe change his/her looks and so on.
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Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (292 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Daguerre owes his fame to photography, he is also well known for the development of diorama theatre and also happened to be a versatile painter. Daguerreotype photography happened to be a really convenient and immensely effective technique of photography as compared to the photographic techniques that existed before.
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Discuss the photograph below with specifics to the assignment given Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
“As an aid in the search for reality, the photograph offered an immediate, faithful and permanent record, a source of artistic exploration” (Brown,
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Art in the field Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The Hakone Garden is one example of such art work, a traditional Japanese style garden; it brings to the viewer the essence of Japanese horticulture and lifestyle all in a very tranquil and peaceful setting. The garden is laid out as an estate garden and it contains different
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Regional Horror Films: Tree Producers Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The author states that Allen Stewart Konigsberg was born in 1935 in the dazzling city of New York, the city that made his dreams come true. His childhood was spent in Brooklyn where he did his pre-high and high schooling. He was one of those famous personalities who dropped out the university due to poor grades!
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Natural Selection in a Globalized World Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (454 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The events of natural selection and speciation are the main causes of evolution which means an organism develops new traits to survive in harsh climatic conditions. Natural selection acted on the phenotype while the genetic characteristics were not altered which leads to produce the appearance of design in nature.
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Compare and Contrast Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Annie uses ….the author uses the piece of work to display how it is like for a typical African American woman to wake up and head for work on a Monday morning, in a country that the blacks have over time received hate and reparation for the people of the
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Basic elements of a photo Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The photographer may pay attention to some of these elements depending on what he or she wants to emphasize. The picture does not necessarily need to include all these tools but can include one or two depending on the intentions of the photographer
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The justification of love as a tool that can unite the world Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Love can move mountains as others believe. The world is in a state of disarray today. Countries and people are fighting left and right. There is much hatred and racism going on all over the world. People have grouped themselves based on certain identities.
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Duty of Care in British Common Law Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1043 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Employers must always accommodate their employees a feature that gives them a duty of care to provide a safe, healthy, and secure working environment for their employees. As such, employers have the legal obligation to ensure the safety and health thus both the physical and psychological well-being of their employees.
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Paranormal Activity 3 Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the main characters, Dennis, is a boyfriend of the mother of girls, Julie. It is said in the movie that he has his own business of taking videos of weddings, editing them and selling to the clients. There is no doubt in the fact that his occupation is
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Roger Shimomuras Artwork Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
According to the author of the text, the “Yellow Terror” has a representation of the popular American culture in the paintings. Actually, Roger Shimomura uses the “Yellow Terror” to communicate the underlying perceptions of people who have a different color than Americans, highlighting their fears and the biases that exist against these people.
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Modern Nature Paintings Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
One of the highly notable paintings is O’keeffe’s Horse’s Skull with White Rose, which she did in 1931. The painting is so articulate and real that it looks more like a carving artwork. The flower paintings such as “Red Poppy” in 1927, “White Trumpet Flower in 1932, and “Red Amarylis” in 1937 among others are definitely inspired by nature.
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Japanese Haiku Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Fentiu, in her turn, wrote that the entire essence of Japanese poetry, which had been “interpreted since its very beginnings as the language of passion and emotion”, is crystallized in
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Look at the files Visual Arts & Film Studies Admission/Application Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
In fourteenth-century art in Europe work, artists such as Duccio di Buonninsegna, Giotto de Bondone and dedicate their time to artwork based on Christianity. This period connects Medieval and Renaissance art in Europe. An elaboration of lives of relevant life
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Relationships of Power Featured in Virginian Luxuries Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Assignment
The author states that the painting depicts sexual harassment and physical violence as common liberties taken by slave owners. The relationships of power that is featured in Virginian luxuries is exploitive as masters used force and violence to compel their slaves to work and kept the profit to themselves.
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Analysis and Perception of Film Philadelphia Story Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (667 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The film was directed by Gorge Cukor and produced in Philadelphia. Moreover, it was produced in a region that has upper individuals in the society with beautiful mansions, making the scene of production very colorful. The director introduces the following as the primary characters in the film. First, we have Katherine who acts as Tracy Lord; we have Grant, who is presented as Dexter-Tracy. 
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Matisse's Serpentine Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
9 pages (2447 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay discovers the art of Henri Matisse. Exaggerated anatomy and two-dimensional sources were uncharacteristic for an artistic who, before this period, relied solely on the presence of models. This is evident by the photographed model Matisse used for the sculpture The Serpentine. “I sculpted as a painter. I did not sculpt like a sculptor"
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Frame by Frame - Music and Soundscapes Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This shot is edited against a close of the Nash character. Rather than functioning as a traditional close-up the camera rotates in a 360-degree angle around Nash. These shots are followed by a series of close-ups and
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Arts in elementary/secondary education Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
But art is not dead and it should not be killed, especially in elementary education. State education boards should not undervalue arts in elementary education because it can improve academic achievements by enhancing critical thinking and creativity
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Eco Fashion, fashionable Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
It can be noted that the marketing of eco fashion addresses a particular segment of the market. The current status of eco fashion is explored in this paper. Emphasis is given on the following issue: is the differentiation within eco fashion feasible. The strategies of eco brands in the fashion industry use for promoting their activities are reviewed.
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Strategic Analysis Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
12 pages (3414 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Over a period of last 10 years, Tesco has achieved sustainable growth in the international retail sector and has become the third-largest retail organization. The business and corporate-level strategies of Tesco PLC aim at strengthening the growth pattern in five parts, i.e. the core business of the organization in the UK, the non-food business.
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Shermans 1977-80 Film Stills: Hyperquotationalism and Irony in Framing the Female Body Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
1 pages (768 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Cindy Sherman took photos of herself in different characterizations, poses, and settings, called “1977-80 Film Stills,”  that are familiar enough to come from American and European films from the 1950s to the 1960s.  The copying of these female images is seen as, what Carl Matheson calls, quotationalism through film allusions.
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Gender Roles In Music Videos Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
You belong with me is popular culture music video by Taylor swift (Taylor). It topped the charts in 2009 with its perfect exposure of gender-stereotyping theme. In the video, Swift who
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An Uncertain Relationship to the Instant of their Cultural Production Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
13 pages (3523 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The still shot scene lasts for more than two minutes with the only having digenetic action of some bikes and pedestrians who are crossing the street, and then the silence is broken by the background conversation between two voices. There is also an inserted scene just like the opening scene of the film during a different time.
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How Did Each Artist Contribute Individually to the Rise of Modernism Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
4 pages (1107 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The artists presented their ideas which brought controversy in the order of the society and contributed to the acceptance of new ideas. Manet went through all odds to paint a stark naked picture on a large canvas, giving it a similar status to high ranked paintings. This was not the order of the society then and brought a lot of controversies.
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Analysis of Lola Rennt German Thriller Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
6 pages (1625 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
According to the observation, it has been revealed that the story was highly emphasised towards Lola’s character with the aim of empathising the actions and choices of Lola. Moreover, Tykwer through his movie actually tries to empathise the ability of women and the importance of time in the life of a person.
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Review of Pollock (2000) Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Released in 2000, the movie stars Ed Harris, Marcia Harden, Jennifer Connelly and Robert Knott. The film appeared to make a strong impression on the viewers since it is one of the few films that focus on not just an artist but also art. While the movie is a biography on Pollock, many artists would be able to relate to the film.
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Racism in The Searchers Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
3 pages (764 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that Ethan is completely opposed to native peoples and everything about them, while Martin reveals that he has some Indian blood in him. This taints him in a negative way as far as Ethan is concerned, and gives Ethan an opportunity to taunt him in a racist way. Both men have suffered at the hands of the Comanches.
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The Highly Appreciated Powerful Performance of American History X Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Mccarthy outlines this dominant depiction of the storyline with the use of raw brutality, that can be accurately summed up in three scenes from the movie; The raid that Derek leads on the raid that takes place on the Korean-owned grocery stores; the verbal as well as physical attack on his mother, while kicking her Jewish boyfriend, Elliott Gould.
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Jackson Pollock Art Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The paper analyzes Jackson Pollock's art. One of the things that come in my mind when I look at the four painting is the automation that must have been involved during their preparation. By this I mean, the abstractness of the images that have been made by the lines, images that appears to lay emphasis on the creativity of the painter.
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Breathless and Bonnie and Clyde as Variations of the Outlaw Couple on the Run Story Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Outlaw Couple on the run movies have been quite popular after the sensational movie Bonnie and Clyde directed by Arthur Penn. It was this movie that inspired many others of the same kind. This movie is classified as the sub-genre of crime movies. While keeping in view the nature of crime and road movies.
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Analysis of Control Room Directed by Jehane Noujaim Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
1 pages (353 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The documentary shows the predicament of Lieutenant Josh Rushing, American Marine in charge of the press at Central Command. He is a balanced individual, philosophical and sober but as a true American Marine, he is thoroughly convinced about the merits of the war. He sees nothing wrong in the American version of the media coverage.
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Analysis of the TV Shows Friends and How I Met Your Mother Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In 1994, when our parents were the teenagers in their formative years, the television program that influenced them the most was the show about a group of people who had an uncanny love for coffee and sitting around a coffee shop long before Starbucks turned hanging out in coffee shops a lifestyle. That show was a half hour comedy titled “Friends”.
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Inherit the Wind Movie Analysis Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Drummond loses in the trial when he was denied the chance to use his expert witnesses to challenge the trial. In addition, his client was acting against the law that prohibits the teaching of the hypothesis or other ideas in public schools. However, he won by the fact that he was within the law to exercises his rights to believing.   
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