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Analysis of Australian Governments Education Revolution Policy Social science Essay
6 pages (1887 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper seeks to analyze the Australian Government’s Education Revolution Policy while referring to Ken Henry’s study on ‘The shape of things to come.” The first part of this essay tackles factors that influence productivity and some of the major global trends. This is followed by a glimpse of education and skills in Australia.
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Analysis of Incidence of Loss for Broking Clients Social science Assignment
11 pages (3732 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Every loss must be recorded containing the following data: Date, time, and location of loss;b. Description of loss, damage, or injury;c. Circumstances surrounding the loss, damage, or injury;d. Personnel in attendance;e. Immediate loss control action taken;f. Items lost/ damaged or injuries sustained;g. Anticipated cost of loss, damage, or injury;h. Remedial action required.
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Forms of Social Capital and Their Applicability to Teacher Education Social science Report
10 pages (2678 words) , Download 1 , Report
The knowledge of the typological social category to which my students belong will enable me to assist their families in terms of bonding and linking them with available opportunities. In building school-family partnerships, I will use strategies from Epstein’s framework of six types of involvement for comprehensive programs of partnerships (Epstein 2001).
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The Effect of VET on the Changing Nature of Employment Social science Report
10 pages (2965 words) , Download 0 , Report
Some elements of the means through which VET practitioners work have experienced radical change, especially key relationships with training organizations, students, colleagues, and industry and work responsibilities. Many workers are positive about changes; however, a considerable proportion, particularly those who work for public practitioners are not.
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Policymakers and Service Providers of Welfare Social science Literature review
16 pages (5170 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The aim is to compare various welfare models with the Australian welfare model. Increased attention has tended to focus on groups that are traditionally at a disadvantage with regard to access to disability services: the Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people, people with psychiatric disabilities, people from non-English speaking backgrounds, and the elderly.
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Intercultural Communication Social science Report
8 pages (2419 words) , Download 0 , Report
Despite being of significant importance, social media also has its negative implications as far as cross-cultural communication is concerned. As such, some measures need to be put in place in order to curb the challenges as illustrated by the following points. We should use interacted means to diminish bias in cultures.
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Hazard and Risk Management in Sweden Social science Case Study
7 pages (1802 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
the country embarked on developing more informed assessment techniques for identifying major risks affecting its society (National Risk Register of Civil Emergencies 2015, 35). Moreover, such strategies aim at building the capacities of the local communities to prevent, manage, and recover from the occurrence of serious incidents and events.
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Housing Repairs and Maintenance Social science Literature review
8 pages (2586 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This paper is also with the strategies the management has to put in place to improve on rent collection the estate since to effectively the above tenants’ complaints; cash investment is important (Manville et al. 2016). Given the improvement in the living standards and health conditions in residential areas, many individuals would wish to live comfortably once they have paid rent.
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People Living with Learning Disability Social science Literature review
9 pages (3287 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
James is considered to be a vulnerable individual since he has learning difficulties. James lives away from his immediate family and therefore does not have an immediate carer at his side. His disability makes it a challenge for him to effectively interact with both adults and children despite his friendly nature.
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The Role of Social Policy in the Issue of Inequality among Blacks and Minority Ethnic Communities Social science Term Paper
16 pages (4517 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The discussion in this paper seeks to evaluate the strategies implemented to enhance social policy as well as resolve the issues arising from some policies. It evaluates how society defines social policy and how it uses social policy in the socio-economic contexts of a community both in developing and developed countries.
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How Australians Perceive Racism in Todays Social and Cultural Context Social science Research Proposal
8 pages (2399 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Ms. Langdon told ABC Radio after they checked in the hotel room, they had to go out and soon hotel manager came and told them they were not fit to stay in the hotel as they were aboriginals, and the other people in the hotel were afraid of them. This is the darkest chapter in the face of Australia that boasts of itself as a democratic country and besides the historical apology made by Australians.
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Different Modes of Behaviour with People Social science Literature review
10 pages (3045 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
To turn away or focus on a distant object when addressing another person can be attributed to rudeness, shyness, or lack of interest. In the West, eye contact signifies honesty, directness, attentiveness, respect, and a variety of other virtues that are the important ingredients of successful human communication. 
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The Role of the Government in Ending Road Accidents Due to the Careless Driving Social science Case Study
10 pages (2813 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The youth is a stage that is characterized by rapid physical and psychological changes and it is at this stage that the young individuals progress from being dependent on their parents to independent adults in society. This period of change has been complicated by the technological, economic, and social transformations in Australia.
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Experience of Keeping a Reflective Journal Social science Essay
7 pages (1682 words) , Download 0 , Essay
I was overweight and at risk of heart disease so I realized that I may not live long enough if I do not check on my weight, exercise, and maintain a healthy diet. I purposed to begin exercising after the checkup. I woke up at 5:00 am feeling lethargic and wondered if I should exercise. The exercise had to be fun, light-to-moderate, and for a duration of 30 minutes.
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Social Leisure Activities Social science Assignment
7 pages (1889 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Most people in society experienced three careers namely work, family and leisure. However, today life has become more complex, for example, where traditional families have changed to childless couples and work has changed to the job for life. Due to such changes people have embraced the idea of the life course.
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Restrictions and Regulations to Absolute Freedom of Choice Social science Literature review
6 pages (1769 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The right to abortion must be a component of the pregnancy rights portfolio that allows women to decide freely whether to abort or not (BBC, 2014). The right to abortion has been a subject of heated debate in most countries and has been restricted and banned in numerous states, but governments must see the woman as a human being and not merely as a fetus container. 
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Societal Risks Associated with Incidents of Fire in the Community Social science Term Paper
10 pages (2882 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Fire protection reduces not just hazards related to fires, but as well maintains safety. Fire safety connotes the measures taken to reduce or prevent the chance of a fire, which may lead to property damage, injury, or death, and it facilitates those exposed to fire to evacuate from or survive in areas affected.
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The Effectiveness of Different Brushes in Term of Fingerprint Recovery Technique Social science Term Paper
11 pages (3201 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The choice of fingerprints as the method of identification is based upon its ease and fastness in connecting a person of interest or suspect to a crime. There are numerous cases within the criminal justice system that depends on fingerprinting. Nearly all the cases use fingerprints from homicide, burglary, rape, and robberies of all sorts not to mention its importance in solving civil disputes.
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Description of Ladbroke Grove Rail Crash Social science Case Study
6 pages (1816 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
On the 5th of March 1999, at exactly 08:06 British Summer Time, a Thames Trains service departed from Paddington station, platform nine, and veered off to Bedwyn railway station in Wiltshire. The Thames Train (whose headcode was 1K20) was the type of a 3-car turbo class fitted with   165 diesel units. The driver of this train was Michael Hodder (Kletz. 2002).
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Community Fire Safety: Development of Community Safety Strategy Social science Term Paper
10 pages (2697 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Preventing the occurrence of fire incidents is logically much better than fighting a fire and rescuing occupants in a very dangerous or life-threatening environment. However, prevention strategy requires the fire and rescue service to put more effort into planning, training, risk assessment, and management.
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Generation Y as Public Library Users Social science Term Paper
7 pages (2221 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper provides a greater understanding of how young adults seek and interact with information and the online environment. The paper will provide intensive and comprehensive information describing the characteristics and behavior of this generation. Similarly, the paper explains the main understanding of Generation Y theory. 
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Experimental Fires in Enclosures Social science Literature review
11 pages (3084 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Fire development in enclosures such as buildings and houses is different from a fire in open spaces because its growth is affected by the size and shape of the enclosure, increasing temperature, and level of oxygen in the enclosure. Fire development in the enclosure has different stages – ignition, growth, flashover, fully developed fire, and decay.
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National Governments' Rationale for Supporting International Student Mobility Social science Literature review
12 pages (3696 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
From the perspective of both sender and receiver countries’, Baron (1993) indicated that agreements for sending and acceptance of the foreign students are largely viewed to be motivated by foreign policy agenda and objectives. Baron stated that this was linked to political influences that hoped to facilitate future ties and to prepare grounds and networks for international trade relations.
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Types of Information That Must Be Referenced if You Use Them in Your Own Submissions Social science Assignment
7 pages (2093 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Always reference: Paraphrasing – this is when you take another author’s ideas and put them into your own words. if you borrow an idea from a secondary source or you are paraphrasing in some detail from a primary one Whenever you make specific references to the work of another author. Whenever another person’s work has been critical in developing your own findings or ideas (Stern, 2007).  
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Citizen Participation with Government in Policy Development Social science Research Paper
20 pages (6828 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Public participation acknowledges the pluralism of objectives and values, which enables collaborative problem solving that, is aimed at achieving legitimate policies. Public participation is the highest order of public engagement; information is exchanged between the sponsors of the participation process and the participants.
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Analysis of Human Behaviors during Fire Emergencies Social science Research Paper
45 pages (12607 words) , Research Paper
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Research studies on human behavior and psychology in relation to fire disasters need collaboration among diverse parties, departments, and disciplines. Future researches necessitate cooperation and integration of multiple disciplines, large-scale research partnerships, and interflow, well-documented research plans, and exchange of knowledge and information.
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Without Work, There Can Be No Leisure Social science Assignment
8 pages (2236 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Talking of work on the one hand almost automatically suggests leisure on the other. A distinction of the two can only be started after a person does a critical examination of both of these terms. This paper is exactly aimed at describing what work is and what leisure is. In addition, it will show the historical development of the two terms from ancient times up to the present times.
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Meaning Statement: Without Work, There Can Be no Leisure Social science Assignment
8 pages (2420 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
In the US, the expression "work-life balance" was first applied in 1986. Chucks (2007) examine work and leisure as a totality component; he considers them to be connected together. Chucks (2007) argued ‘It is simpler to consider leisure as the reverse of work or to describe it as time available just after work’.
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Airline Pilots Commuting and Its Effects on Fatigue Social science Literature review
15 pages (4015 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
In this research, the paper will concentrate on a systematic literature review from peer-reviewed journals, experiments, and reports from a different organization in the airline transport systems as well as publications from different sources. In air transport, pilots are required to have a high level of alertness in order to ensure the safety of the passengers. 
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Barriers to Sustainable Development Social science Research Proposal
7 pages (2096 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Sustainable development consists of the various long-term strategies that are focused on the development of human needs that are considered current with the consideration of the environmental impact of such projects (Siew, 2014). Sustainable development looks into the economic viability of a development program before its initiation.
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Importance of Historical Culture for the Art and Design Curriculum Social science Research Paper
10 pages (2825 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
This qualitative study of how Saudi Arabia’s Unique Historical and Cultural Context Influence Art Education Curriculum Development was designed in a way that would make it possible to obtain a depth view of this subject matter. Incident relevant to research questions were coded which attended to various issues that included
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Drug Abuse a Threat to the World Social science Book Report/Review
6 pages (1552 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
I am optimistic that my book readily meets market demands. It will be used to educate those in various institutions such as schools, rehabilitation centers, and healthcare organizations, criminal departments, and even during motivational talks. Anyone who will be lucky to get an opportunity and access to my book will be unchained from the claws of this monster “DRUG ABUSE”.
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An Assessment of the United Kingdoms National Risk Register of Civil Emergencies Social science Case Study
8 pages (2040 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Attempts to prevent terrorists from accessing nuclear weapons may be futile since nowadays they have the know-how for making weapons. Chapter 2 in the National Register is insignificant; it is a repetition of chapter 3. Risks are quantified and qualified through historical analysis, numeric modeling, risk matrices, and the use of scale rating.
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Teenage Problems including Smoking, Luxury Goods Consumption, Suicide Social science Term Paper
12 pages (3060 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
We all have to go through the transition from being a child to being an adult. This transition phase happens during the teenage. Being a teenager is fun but it is often coupled with a lot of challenges which if not well managed could get out of hand. This report looks at some of the problems that teenagers face.
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Semi-independent Housing as a Way of Dealing With Social Seclusion of Teenage Mothers Social science Literature review
12 pages (3536 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Despite the fact that the teenage childbearing rate has decreased by a good percentage since the mid-century, the number of unmarried teenage mothers who are receiving welfare support is constantly increasing, therefore, raising a lot of concern to the society on the consequences of young parenthood.
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Exchange and Use Values of the Building Industry Social science Case Study
6 pages (1571 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The exchange value of the building industry indicates that housing as a commodity is “supposed to be produced in a way that meets the condition set by the industry, in order for it to be exchanged in the formal markets” (Vertiage 2055). The same house needs to meet and satisfy all socially acceptable standards so that it acquires use-value.
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Child Beauty Contest Social science Report
6 pages (1662 words) , Download 0 , Report
One is that the contests do not always increase the confidence of the participants as the comments from the judges and the audience are not always positive. Cartwright 2016, argues that participation of children in activities that mainly focus on physical appearance can result in poor eating habits, struggles with perfection, and body image issues, hence low self-confidence.
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Quality and Standards: Fire and Rescue Service Social science Term Paper
10 pages (2809 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The author of the paper states that the organization is generally committed to the principle of Customer Service Excellence and the primary quality assurance systems in place are IRS (for incident recording and planning) and HSG65 (for workforce health and safety), and ISO 14000 for environmental protection.
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Social Impact Assessment of Coal Mining Social science Report
10 pages (2851 words) , Download 0 , Report
The aim of the study was to examine the various methods of collecting field-based information, the methodologies to be used to assess the social impact of the proposed mining activity, and their limitations. Social impacts are changes that occur in communities or individuals due to externally-induced changes and hence need to be identified, measured, managed.
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Food Variety at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Social science Case Study
10 pages (2835 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In order to meet the needs of a diverse student population, ERAU dining services offer a variety of meal options. The choice of plan is based on individual preferences. There are about eight main meal plans namely; Sonic Cruiser, Hercules, Top Gun Jet, 757 express, Cargo Carrier, Jet Streem, Low Rider, and Red Baron. 
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The Infection Risks That Are Associated with the Second-Hand Clothing and the Household Linens Social science Case Study
10 pages (4117 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study showed that second-hand market clothes comprise a great number of microbial loads. Mostly, the most affected people are women and children, since their second-hand clothes bought from these markets are densely infected by pathogens thus increasing the chances for unhealthiness to the victims.
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The Shortage of Nurses in Australia Social science Research Proposal
8 pages (2561 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The major problem that health care faces is the shortage of nurses. There are lots of reasons behind nursing shortage like; lack of autonomy, gender inequality as well as social factors like; shift work, nurses’ priority in life, etc. Today, Nurses are identified for their lengthy hours, low salary, and very traumatic jobs.
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Ethical Challenges and Their Impact on the Library Professional Social science Essay
10 pages (2881 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In public and academic, librarians have a responsibility to make sure that the information given by them is accurate and reliable and they are providing it equally to members of the population.  A new dilemma recently has faced that the librarians questioning whether or not to provide information that potentially could be harmful to the person making request or society as a whole.
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International Students in the US and Factors Influencing Friendship Social science Research Proposal
8 pages (2701 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Education tends to make students explore the globe and discover new friends. As such students acquire some status in society when they study abroad hence they will like to associate themselves with friends of their class abroad. The objectives will be to find out factors influencing such friendships and what are the outcomes of these.
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Work-Based Learning into the Emergency Admission Social science Case Study
13 pages (3392 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
As I sat in the waiting room for my time to be seen, there was rushed into the emergency admission an old lady probably in her early 70s. She had multiple burns and wounds that covered most of her body and especially her face and her hands. This scene made me gasp for air as I had never before seen something like that before.
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Planning and Preparedness for Disasters Social science Assignment
8 pages (2382 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Due to our humanitarian efforts, I am writing on the behalf of our community disaster management team requesting your participation in disaster management. In most cases, medical departments do great jobs of rescuing disaster victims. It is important to do proper health planning because it is the first response (module, p8).
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Kinder Emergency Shelter in Texas Social science Case Study
12 pages (3160 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
“Our goal is to meet the need as a result of child abuse cases, discrimination and victims of domestic violence in Texas by placing those affected and infected into loving, stable, and Christian environments in order to encourage them to become upright citizens and agents of change in the region,” said the center’s programs coordinator.
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The Impact of Colonisation or Invasion Process on Torres Strait Island People Social science Essay
8 pages (2251 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Although much of the early provided history among Europeans and Torres Strait Islanders was interrupted by cases of attacks and revenge. It is necessary to point out that the various efforts aimed at enhancing long-term working relationships with Islanders today, suggest the need for visitors to respect Islander ways of working. 
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Community Fire Safety Analysis: The Inner City Estate Social science Case Study
8 pages (2141 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The population is quite sparse and comprises of a large Indian community (that does not interact with the remainder of the community, students from the local university and BME many which are migrant workers from Poland who speak little English. The area is plagued by anti-social behavior. A recent house fire involved a crime-related issue.
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Culture and Curriculum a Dramatic Context Social science Assignment
18 pages (4815 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The cognitive part consists of beliefs that concern the attributes of the object of the attitude. The affective part involves the feelings held towards an object and is assessed using psychological indices. And lastly the behavioral is concerned with the manner people direct their actions towards the object (Neimiec, Sikorski, &Waberg, 1999).
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