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Governance, Risk & Compliance within UK financial sector (banking) Social science Essay
10 pages (2844 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Individuals who opt to save demand for banking and financial products that can be immediately transformed into cash but fetch high rates of
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Strategies for Gender Equality in the European Union Social science Coursework
7 pages (2006 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
EU should formulate policies that change society’s perspectives regarding both genders and, consequently, view the genders as equal in all aspects. The policies should promote self-employment through the promotion of entrepreneurship among the female gender. The result would be gender independence and financial security between men and women. 
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Medicare and Medicaid Social science Coursework
6 pages (1798 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The federal and state governments provide joint funds for the Medicaid program (, 2015). The federal government administers the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage to each state based on the per capita income. FMAP ranges from 50-75% but not beyond 82% depending on the wealth level of each state under the Medicaid program.
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Racialization and Racism Social science Essay
10 pages (2887 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Patterns of race formation existed before the first Asians arrived in America as basic race relations could be traced to Indian wars and the slavery of Negros. These were the early tenets of race development in the modern-day American and they formed a system that would perceive any immigrants to the nation as different from the natives.
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Arguements of Capital Punishment Social science Coursework
6 pages (1559 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The proponents of capital punishment also suggest that this practice provides the families of the victim some kind of closure (Scherdin 113). Of course, it does not mean that capital punishment is an institutionalized mechanism of revenge; however, the finality of it shows that there is nothing more that can be done in this situation. 
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Workplace Prejudice and Negative Corporate Behavior Social science Assignment
6 pages (1713 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Decisively, it is the role of every organization member to take note and prevent any nonconforming behaviors or specific people in the workplace. However, managers should be at the forefront of countering prejudice, especially due to its cost-related consequences and other problems in the personnel departments (Baack 2012).
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Great Leaders Are Born, Not Made Social science Coursework
11 pages (3120 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Increasingly studies and research suggest that leadership is not something inherited, but a process that can be learned. According to the research of Richard Arvay at NUS Business School of Singapore, almost 72% of leadership traits can be learned and the majority of present and past leaders’ life studies have supported the fact. 
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Contracting Private Garbage Removal for Public Services Social science Coursework
10 pages (2595 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The National Environment Maintenance has different policies that ensure the works the private companies carry out are up to par to ensure residents of Maywood are living in environment-friendly conditions.  However, NEM has no specific rules or legislation on the management of garbage from delicate areas like a hospital.
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Freedom to Breed Will Bring Ruin to All Social science Report
12 pages (3464 words) , Download 1 , Report
More than two centuries have elapsed since Thomas Robert Malthus, a prominent scholar and cleric inspired debate in the disciplines of demography and political economy. The scholar’s essay on exponential population growth prompted people to think about the usage of available resources and how overpopulation could cause their depletion.
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Prejudice and Discrimination Social science Essay
8 pages (2217 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Prejudice is a cultural attitude towards a group of individuals based on prejudgement and negative stereotypes because of their religious, cultural, ethnic or racial orientations. The stereotype against a group is based on the views that perpetrators have concerning certain beliefs, attitudes and practices that the targeted groups are characterized with.
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What Does It Mean to Be an American Social science Essay
6 pages (1562 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Although ethical inequality has almost been completely scraped off, there still exist some remnants that promote social inequality. Political equality refers to a state whereby every person is treated equally by the government, and they follow the laws irrespective of their race, social class, gender, or religion.
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Current Issues and Trends in Corrections from Corrections Professionals Social science Essay
7 pages (2645 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Five different professionals have been selected as the respondents for this questionnaire survey process. The type of facility and information about the work environment of the facility has been asked to the professionals in order to determine the nature and types of inmates. 
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Religious Fundamentalism and the Subordination of Women Social science Essay
8 pages (2427 words) , Download 1 , Essay
These Holy Scriptures might include holy books like The Bible and Quran or any other Holy Scriptures followed by a community or a certain society. These scriptures become a very important part of religious fundamentalists who look to follow it word by word ignoring science and other progress made by society.
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Augustines Views on Morality of Lying Social science Essay
6 pages (1717 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Subsequently, various opinions concerning the essence of the notion as well as concerning its permissibility were expressed. As a result, today, it is possible to regard the morality of lying from quite different perspectives applying different theories or moral beliefs.
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International Security Social science Essay
10 pages (2700 words) , Download 1 , Essay
There are several terrorist groups in the world. Each and every group has separate political agendas and goals. All those varying political agendas and goals have made them different from one another. Apart from the varying political goals, places of terrorist activities are also different.
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More Intelligence Failures Are Caused By Failures of Analysis than By Intelligence Collection Social science Essay
16 pages (4565 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Intelligence failure results in a huge blow not only in the political sphere but also in the social life of the people. However, even after beholding several instances of intelligence failures the major reasons that lead to the occurrence of such failures are still not exposed.
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Measurement of Civil Society Social science Essay
17 pages (4411 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Both public and private organizations, non- profit and profit-oriented organizations are all guided by some procedures and policies. These procedures and policies reviewing periodically to make sure that there are optimum utilization and efficiency. The review process does not just help in the assessment of the failure or success of the procedure or policy. 
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Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Ethnic Compositions and Their Effects on National Prosperity Social science Coursework
9 pages (2652 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Homogenous ethnic compositions can be narrowly defined as a composition or clustering of people with the same socio-cultural aspects of life. On the other hand, heterogeneous ethnic compositions are made up of different ethnic groups operating in one geographical location. Heterogeneity is one of the characteristics of the growing world in the 21st century.
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The Field of International Relations and Descriptions Offered by History Social science Coursework
8 pages (2393 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Drawing from the past history feeds the future without offering repetition by describing the past without generalizations. Cultures are inherently linked in a manner that changes that occur in one of them will inevitably affect the others. The relationship between people can be viewed from perspectives based on issues such as globalization.
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The English School between Realism and Idealism Social science Coursework
8 pages (2362 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
There was a tension that was emphasized to have existed between several regional and global levels of international society and how the English schools had treated the issues. English schools were often receiving criticism for being Eurocentric that is they saw Europe as being the most superior society using all perspectives and points of view.  
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How Society Is Being Brainwashed, In the Lego Movie by President Evil Social science Movie Review
6 pages (1704 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
Society is being brainwashed in the Lego movie by the use of an intelligent symbol of freedom and creativity of the various characters and techniques used in the production of the movie. In the movie, the actions undertaken by the figurines, characters in the movie do not reflect the free will towards the course they championing towards.
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Land Use Mapping Social science Coursework
11 pages (2885 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The land is one of the most important resources all over the world. As a resource, the land is the basis upon which all other assets and resources are based. Therefore, the way that land is used is very much essential in ensuring that the land is effectively planned and managed for the best and most efficient utilization. 
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Negative Impacts of War in Human Society Social science Coursework
8 pages (2107 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
From the above discussion, it is clear that wars have been an important part of the beginning of human society. Wars are disregarded by most of the people in the world due to its ability of destruction. There are some people who believe that wars are necessary for human society as they bring evolution and helps in technological advancements.
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Similarity between Straight women and Homosexual Discrimination in Workplaces Social science Essay
7 pages (2018 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Dorothy’s concern with the labor unions activity and lack of women representativeness is a better cry but the way the author puts it makes it sound so biased by all angles from gender, race, and reasoning. It is for these aforementioned weaknesses that I choose not to agree with the author on most of her reasoning but do agree with her concern. 
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Proctor & Gamble Unethical Practices Social science Case Study
10 pages (2718 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The company is seen to sack workers or reducing the number of employees in an effort to reduce its operating costs in line with those of the main competitors. On the other hand, the CEO is rewarded with a lump sum of money including bonuses. The huge sum that is given to senior officials in the company is troubling and insulting to workers. 
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Contract Management Case: Sanitation in the City of North Miami Social science Case Study
10 pages (2853 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The city is approximately 16 Kilometers North of Miami. Before its renaming to become the ‘town of North Miami' in 1931, the city formerly was referred to as the ‘town of Arch Creek.' Following its exponential growth in both population and infrastructure, the city of North Miami was incorporated into the ‘City of North Miami’ in 1953. 
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Rights, Equity and the State Social science Coursework
7 pages (2012 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Among the rising human issues in this that need to get worked on include minimization as well as fighting corruption in the legislative field and jurisdiction. This has the prime purpose of reducing the cases of bribing in the court processes where the juries receive bribes from offenders of sexual crimes.
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Ancient and Medieval Political Theory Social science Essay
6 pages (1725 words) , Download 1 , Essay
While on one hand, the political system of an economy cannot function without its sound and strong judiciary system, it must also allow dignity and the required level of freedom to its citizens in order to respect the right to democracy. This particular issue has evidently been a long-debated one, rooted ever since the ideology of democracy was developed at the time of Plato and Aristotle. 
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How Science Has Been Tainted by Racism Social science Coursework
9 pages (2350 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
In science, especially in medical practice, professionals have had evidence to prove that people of certain races are inferior to those of other races. However, conscious ethnic prejudice is on the decline, but unconscious ethnical prejudice has remained high. Conscious racial prejudice has had negative impacts on African Americans, who have been used in medical experiments without their consent.
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The Domestic Violence Problem of the Modern World Social science Essay
6 pages (1763 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This study provided reliable information that can be used by society-based antiviolence campaign groups in their attempts to help families steer clear of domestic violence. Domestic violence has acquired various definitions depending on the context in which it is used. However, the constituting elements of domestic violence are predominant within religious, traditional practices.
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Semiotic Analysis of Tarot Cards Social science Research Proposal
6 pages (1775 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Tarot symbols have had a big impact psychologically over the years (Semetsky, I. 2005, pp. 81-94). They have demonstrated the power of healing and transformation due to the fact that they create a semiotic bridge between the unconscious mind, taken to be the universals of man’s experiences and the conscious mind (Semetsky I. 2006, pp. 95–116).
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Stereotypes about the Chinese in the United States Social science Essay
6 pages (1810 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The least every person may do is to start learning foreign languages, watching foreign films, and looking for foreign friends on social networking sites. Every person should remember that sometimes it is wrong to attempt to change the world and the people around it. It is sometimes necessary to start with their own self.  
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Dan Donovan Votes for Abortion Social science Report
6 pages (1698 words) , Download 1 , Report
Many are the time's people ask such questions to find answers that would justify abortion. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy through medical procedures so that it does not result in birth. Women end their pregnancies if they were unplanned and especially because they may not be ready to raise a child mainly because of economic reasons, age, and education.
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Capitalism in Cyclo Social science Movie Review
6 pages (1672 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Tran Anh Hung has effectively used a number of filmic techniques such as the absence of a linear storyline, image contrasts, abstracts and wordless communications to highlight capitalism, violence and representations of gender as well as other significant issues in the modern-day post-war society of Vietnam.
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Theories of Conflict Resolution Social science Essay
7 pages (1879 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Marx actually becomes successful as he introduces a belief in social structures, which acts as the catalyst for the grassroots social conditions as Darwin widens humanity’s view of the biological variations as he defines it as the product of difficult interrelationships as well as interactions with all features of the natural world.
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Relationships of Employees in One Organization Social science Essay
6 pages (1595 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Thereafter, it is necessary to make a clear vision of change. That means the people should have a clear idea about the kind of change being introduced, and the various factors to be altered to achieve this change. Once the vision is ready, it is time to communicate the change. Instead of a single formal meeting to declare change.
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Humanity and International Security Social science Essay
7 pages (1957 words) , Download 1 , Essay
None of these groups represent the true religious teachings and these attacks are not justifiable by any religion and their acts of terror are heavily condemned by these religions including Islam as put down in the Quran and the final statement (Suskind, 2008).
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What Is the Religious/Social Catalyst behind the Insurgency in Colombia Social science Essay
17 pages (4409 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Although the nation has the least experience being led by the military in comparison to other Latin American nations, in the 1990s, it was described as the most violent place on earth. The insurgency began in 1964 and to this day, peace talks continue to be conducted.
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Critique of USAID Governance Social science Essay
12 pages (3379 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In this regard, their involvement in these activities has not been embraced without criticism especially due to the influence of internal management, external influence, and finances (Oakley 1991). In the last two decades, some countries have come out strongly to criticize NGOs for what they term to be political interference of the countries.
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Development of Military Power for International Security Social science Essay
9 pages (2547 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The measures involve diplomatic agreement and military actions. National and international security is linked in one way or the other. Major international security policies are developed and passed by countries under the United Nations. Some countries are also known to influence such decisions (Buzan & Hansen, 2009).
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Influence of Geography on Countries Destiny Social science Assignment
8 pages (2320 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Some social scientists relate poverty to the geographical locations of countries. This approach gave birth to the concept of the name geography hypothesis.  Actually, many poor countries in Central America, South Asia, and Africa are located between tropics of Cancer and Capricorn while in contrast while rich nations generally are located in temperate latitudes. 
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American Social Environment Social science Assignment
6 pages (1691 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
According to James Twitchell, when high levels of production are undertaken, then high marketing levels are being undertaken as well. These latest results in the creation of individuals who are stereotyped in the economy. In a single economy, people usually find themselves in some economic groupings and classes and later moves up as they mature economies.
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Was Iraq War Handled Effectively Social science Essay
6 pages (1728 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The second phase led to the Iraq occupation by the insurgency. Due to the decline of violence in 2007, the U.S. government started to withdraw its troops gradually. It completed the withdrawal in December 2011. Even though the U.S., United Kingdom, and a number of coalition allies were able to defeat the Iraqi government within a very short time.
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Domestic Violence Prevention Programs Social science Annotated Bibliography
7 pages (1852 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The author of this article claims to predict the possibility of cases for the recurrence of assault against cases of no results in male offenders. The method of prediction that was used here aimed at improving the prediction for these cases using the multinomial logistic approach whereby multiple outcomes were compared to improve the prediction mechanisms.
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Policy Analysis - Roger Williams University Social science Essay
10 pages (2698 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Initiated in 1956, it was christened for theologian and Rhode Island cofounder Roger Williams. The campus has no religious attachment (Gebo and Brend, 2012). The university’s setup dates to 1919, when Northeastern University opened a division campus in the YMCA office block in Providence, Rhode Island. In 1940, the YMCA stakeholders took over the institute and the YMCA Institute approved its first collaboration degrees in 1948.
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Leisure and Single Mothers Social science Report
12 pages (3448 words) , Download 1 , Report
As for alternative choices of triangulation that might be used in the research, it would be quite advantageous to pay attention to the one that it called time use diaries. Indeed, this is a rather interesting triangulation choice as it requires a person to keep a little diary of the use of time and categorize it according to the purpose.
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Should the Voting Age be lowered to 16 Years Social science Essay
15 pages (4523 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Even though most nations do not allow 16 years olds to vote, this age group is still allowed to acquire driving licenses at 16. Many governments in the West today are being pressurized by their own populations to make it possible for the voting age to be established as 16 years.
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Why is some Human Rights More Protected than Others Social science Essay
6 pages (1758 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In most cases, human rights are regarded as universal in that it is accorded to every person, and thus everyone should enjoy them. Similarly, they are regarded as independent in the sense that not only are they available but also exist as standards of criticism and justification whether they are recognized and implemented by the legal system of a country, or not.
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The International Social-economic Impact of Child Labor Social science Essay
6 pages (1538 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The children belonging to the families living under the poverty line are forced to do labor for the survival of their families. However, this child labor is weakening the economy as well as society. The child laborers never get chances for improving their education or skills to become better workers.
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Understanding the Concept of Terrorism after September 11 Social science Essay
6 pages (1811 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The prejudice surrounding terrorism has grown to a point where some people have claimed rather sarcastically that it is easier to name those acts that do not meet the criteria of terrorism. In most cases, in classifying terrorism, authors differentiate between the objective and the means utilized (Crenshaw, 2000).
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