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Gender in American Politics Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Politics globally has become a phenomenon, as the environment continues to attract both men and women who receive equal treatment in voting. The political environment has for a long time had the misconception to be man's field.
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The positive effects of video games on society Social science Essay
7 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that one of the most outstanding benefits of video games is its promotion of cognitive skills. Contrary to believes that video games are intellectually sedating and lazy, video games can effectively enhance cognitive skills. Most of the games that enhance these skills are action games, which are often considered violent.
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The Processes of Community Action Social science Report
12 pages (3725 words) , Download 2 , Report
Our human communities, from small towns to megalopoli, are in a constant state of change due to degradation of the environment, weathering, and human habitation. The social community is an intimate part of the physical space within which we live, and the community was initially established to provide protection and services to its members.
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Naturalization Complicated for Many Immigrants by Marlena Hartz Social science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author describes that the story of this woman is narrated in order to make the audience understand the struggles immigrants endure in order to integrate themselves in US society and become legal citizens of the land of opportunity. The states are still truly a place foreigner’s consider a place to achieve economic prosperity.
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How I Stopped Being a Perfectionist Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
However, the one strange thing about this mindset was that I got too entangled in my thoughts about achieving the desired results, which impacted my ability to focus on the task at hand. Hence, irrespective of being a success-driven person, I sometimes ended up underachieving. Once, I was working on a school project in the living room, and my uncle Matthew happened to be sitting there.
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Interpersonal Skills for Work Place Social science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The author states that interpersonal skills are important for effective communication in all spheres of life. While communicating it is essential to understand the person with whom you are communicating so as to take out maximum of the interaction. It is quite clear that interpersonal skill is an important part of managerial competence.
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Women Find Comfort In Their Bodies Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author has explained this idea by talking about situations from the books Persepolis and Dogeaters. Women suffer from far more insecurities as compared to men because of the sole reason that they find it pressurizing to look appealing and ‘sexy’ all the time. For some women it is hard to adjust to their figures.
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Answering the Questions Related to Child Development - 14 months Social science Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The baby observes the actions on the television, during feeding, the baby spits food that they do not like and he also listens when a familiar song is sung to him. The perceptions are in line with the book as the toddler is grossly able to distinguish taste, sound and visual perception. The child is not on any medication and his weight is moderate.
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Ethical Decision Making and Ethical Leadership Social science Coursework
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
I realize that you are well aware of what the company’s code of ethics highlights about this matter. As you mentioned, the company does not accept you to accept gifts from customers. Notably, the code of ethics does not specify that employees should only avoid expensive
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Community Teen Fights Social science Case Study
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
 In fact, teenage violence usually starts with the family and peers. This also happens when the teens especially those who live together in the congregation like school settings observe what their peers are doing. In this case, the responsible, obedient and disciplined teenagers may easily get influence and their morality may get corrupted by that of those who have loose morals. 
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California State and Local Government Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Energy crisis also affects the state; there is insufficient supply of power due to poor transmission systems. In addition, there are Poor health conditions such as smoke from Happy Camp Complex. The Constitution of California has established California
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Ethics Article Summary Social science Book Report/Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Clearly, Bendeman’s research conducted in South Africa appears to abide by the basic ethical principles of research. Fundamental ideals relevant to the research ethics are followed. However, despite the insightful commentary on resolving workplace conflicts, the
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The Battle of Order versus Justice Social science Essay
1 pages (313 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Respect for the nation’s independence is a fundamental principle for the formation of international societies (1977). According to Bull, shared rules and institutions should inform the dealings among nations with an international agenda. The pillars of the international relations order encompass diplomacy, balance of power, and international law.
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Displaying Sexual Artwork Social science Essay
7 pages (1936 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The evolution of soft porn prompted the development of pornographic content. This is the most unethical practice that the art world has embraced, with the videos getting more viral with the advancements of communication technology. Having regular access to semi-nude visual content makes the audience yearn for more than just the content they have.
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How Self-Concept, Perception, and Emotion Impact Interpersonal Communication Social science Case Study
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Misunderstanding and conflicts have been said to be results of miscommunication. Interpersonal communication, when used properly, however, could lead to good relationships and better understanding among individuals. To be able to make good use of interpersonal communication, it is useful to know and have a little understanding of interpersonal communication and other related theories.
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The Growing Demand for Bilingualism in Modern Society Social science Research Paper
10 pages (2935 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
 Due to impact of morphographic versus alphabetic languages on learning English, the alphabetic language learner attempting to learn English may have a more difficult time becoming fluent because having a longer RT to seeing something and communicating the information back serves to make the conversation seem more unnatural or lacking in a flow that is common in L1 interactions.
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On the Job Ethics Sex and Alcohol Social science Assignment
1 pages (263 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
There could have been other ways to focus the public’s attention on the issue. One such way could have been to publish the real-life stories of some of the affected women in a local newspaper. Their identities could have been protected to ensure confidentiality. The news release was misleading because the poll was not carried out in a valid manner. 
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Animal Rights versus Animal Welfare Social science Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
The conclusion from this study states that animal welfare law covers the treatment of animals by their handlers during research, exhibition or transport. The laws cover the lowest acceptable standards of care that should be provided to the animals. Animal rights laws ensure just treatment of animal to ensure that they do not suffer.
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Volunteer Service Evaluation Paper Social science Essay
1 pages (340 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to Greeley's place, Holiday retirement is a community center that aims to give senior citizens an active and fulfilling life. It provides them with an environment that makes them live like a family. It has 3 programs that are independent living, Alzheimer's and memory care services as well as assisted living.
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Appeal Letter Attempting the Appealing My Academic Misconduct Incident in Germ E-371 Social science Essay
2 pages (702 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In accordance with the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, I was charged with plagiarism. I want to make it clear that, it was a revision of my first paper. “The grade I receive on a rewritten paper can ordinarily improve by no more than a full letter grade, over the first version of the paper” according to the syllabus.
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Utilitarian Defense of Torture Social science Essay
2 pages (548 words) , Download 3 , Essay
At present, the United States and the world face a list of controversial issues that touch upon morality and ethics. Usually, opinions concerning them vary greatly and depend on the perspective from which a topic is being examined. Among such has been the question of the relevance of using torture while interrogating criminals.
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Civilian Nuclear Power Programs Social science Essay
12 pages (3303 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Most of the energy in the United States of America is obtained from burning fossil fuels such as coal. The utilization of fossil fuels to obtain energy has resulted in the emission of greenhouse gases. China, another emerging global power is one of the countries that emit the most amounts of greenhouse gases.
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Zygmunt Baumans Thesis Link to Holocaust Social science Essay
2 pages (559 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Holocaust exhibition presents the revelation of concealed issues that do not attract explanation or clarification in Bauman’s thesis. Pertinent issues such as the role of bureaucracy in Germany attract platforms in the holocaust exhibition. The bureaucracy of the Germans is uncommon and grant the mission of eliminating Jews since Hitler’s appointment as German Chancellor.
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Political Influences Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Lobbying is conducted by lobbyist who are registered and they usually have quite close contact with the government policy makers and in certain cases lobbyist are those individuals who have already served as a part of the government. The job of a lobbyist is to inform
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The Hunger Problem and Its Causes Social science Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
As the dicussion declares Kent describes the world and local food security situations providing answers to common questions and proposing solutions to the issue of food insecurity. In this book, which is composed of 12 chapters, Kent explores the problems of food insecurity and hunger in the world.
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Evolution of al Qaeda Social science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Throughout history, the al Qaeda movement has been characterized by successes and failures; increases in terrorist activity and setbacks. However, al Qaeda is still a major threat to global peace and stability. This
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Singer and Regan's Approaches to Animal Liberation Social science Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
The author states that there is a difference in their arguments, which reflects a distinction, which philosophers draw between theories of ethics. This help in judging how right an act is by looking at its consequences, and those that judge acts either right or wrong in themselves, and almost regardless of the prevailing consequences.
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Politics of the knowledge Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is depicted in chapter eight of the book. Chapter 8 illustrate the underlying responsibilities that historical depictions regarding the constructivist accounts of the prevailing story. Constructivist is significant
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The Concept of Business Ethics Social science Essay
8 pages (2440 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The approval, promotion, pricing, labeling of the drug should be done by focusing and safeguarding the patients. Pfizer should protect the interest of its shareholders, customers, and employee (Zadek 42-44). The company should not pay doctors or other people for prescribing its products. This ethical code comes under the federal health law.
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Advantages of Globalization Social science Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Education does unlock all the ignorance leading to creativity and innovation. Therefore, it is pretty important to globalization. Most importantly, such an inter-country movement has led to the spread of culture. One can easily perceive and note any flaws in their culture. They then adopt better values, assuming the primitive ones.
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Indigenous knowledge in education systems Social science Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The author states that implementing holistic education system is challenging because the student meets the system in the course of their growth contrasting its key significance of life-long process. The contemporary classroom teachers are gesturing that the traditional knowledge and skills are of little significance.
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Is the Nation state finished Social science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Despite the case, the concept of nation state must satisfy the scale of sovereignty hence it is arguably true to say that it came in a
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Engineering with ethics Social science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that his number one goal is to become professionally successful which might raise some eyebrows because the ambition to become successful often drives people to become greedy and unethical in their profession. He would not disregard ethics in his pursuit to get ahead or to become successful.
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Leadership int the public Social science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It will further give recommendations on the leadership portrayed in the study. The public service is often interactive in nature; it has an inclination towards relationships not only between the
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Can we apply Hobbes argument about the state of nature to international relations Social science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
According to Hobbes (1985, p.33), international relations denote a global state of nature. In Leviathan, war is caused by living in the state of nature and that state of war is influenced by competition, difference and glory (Sorell,
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Those Areas That Do Not Well Use the Resources Stay Undeveloped Social science Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The commonality in all the articles is on sustainability and proper use of resources to make them more available and also the resources are to be handled in away that make their use be over a long term with minimal depletion. Sustainability article summarizes all the articles on the proper use of resources.
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The Second Amendment and the Right to Bare Arms Social science Research Proposal
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author states that in the recent case of the District of Columbia versus Heller, the District of Columbia stuck down a ban on hand guns in a five to four supreme court ruling. Prior to the ruling, it was not lawful to carry an unlicensed firearm, specifically a handgun. The ruling in favor of legalizing handguns was groundbreaking.
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Los Angeles is Big City Social science Essay
1 pages (275 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper will expansively present the vividness of Los Angeles. I make it a point to attend every possible function wherein I would get to see the artwork of talented artists’. I particularly like visiting museum exhibitions because I get to see a lot of talent. The quality and the variety are two things which can be found in a museum exhibition.
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The Issue of Discrimination Against Sensory Disabled People Social science Article
1 pages (341 words) , Download 3 , Article
Sensory disabilities mean weakness or complete failure of one of the senses of the body. It also includes the failure of different organs of the body due to the weakness of senses. Almost 12 percent of the Canadians are still suffering from the disabilities of their senses. A disabled person is considered to be a part of normal Canadian society.
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Reading and Writing Without Authority Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
According to the report the article illustrated that learning is not merely about the acquisition of knowledge and information but rather the understanding and development of such information and knowledge perpetually to make it a workable and useful to the beholder. Getting information through reading is not enough as attested in the method of  writing.
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Social Work Intervention on Young People Social science Research Proposal
7 pages (1927 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Social work activities and procedures can be considered to consist of two key parties. The first part is referred to as the social worker and the second party, is the client. The client is considered to be the person facing issues and challenges in his / her life that manifest themselves as hurdles to an individuals’ gradual positive progression in life. Words: 60 Characters: 356
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Identity Fraud: The Heinous Impersonator Social science Outline
1 pages (538 words) , Download 3 , Outline
Identity fraud is a type of crime where an individual assumes the identity of another in a fraudulent manner. This crime takes place when the perpetrator utilizes the victim’s personal information like names, banking account or credit card numbers or even social security information without consent to acquire monitory gain or commit fraud.
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Should All Tobacco Products Be Banned Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that tobacco industries are one of the largest sectors that raise the tax revenues. Banning it would, therefore, result in losing all these millions of dollars that tobacco industries provide. The tax returns from tobacco are also generated from its numerous advertisements and exportation.
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Social and Cultural Views of Health Social science Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This paper gives detailed information that communities also simultaneously train and inform their members about consequences of diverting from particular cultural practices. To mingle and gain acceptance in another community, individuals require recognizing and appreciating the importance of diversity in advancing social order.
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City: A Guidebook for the Urban Age by P.D. Smith Social science Book Report/Review
5 pages (1487 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
.D. Smith is the author of the book, City: A Guidebook for the Urban Age. Other than this book, Smith also authored three other books. Doomsday Men was the first cultural history of science publication he wrote. He wrote a short bibliography on Einstein in addition to a longer survey of science in German literature, Metaphor, and Materiality.
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National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that Domestic Family Abductions (NCMEC) provides gathers reports about children who are missing, and this includes children who have been abducted or detained wrongfully or those who have been hidden from their parents or guardians. This only applies to cases within the United States.
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Online Socializing Has Given Rise to Social Isolation Social science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
 An online social network is a website that functions like an online community of people. There are a lot of online social websites which allow internet users to take their membership for free and socialize with other members regarding hobbies, career, religion, fashion, politics etcetera.
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International relations Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
esident an ordinary owner of all the terrain there, and after that have each and every individual that owns land pay rent to the citizens also as owners (Ross 51). The more valuable a land is considered, the more rent the land owner will have to settle. Land has to be held at a
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Analysis of Germany Cancels Verizon Contract over Snooping Fear Article Social science Essay
1 pages (278 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Alongside the parliament’s decision, a discussion of the fact that a relatively US-friendly Angela Merkel stands in sharp contrast to the public opinion that is exhibited throughout Germany; one in which personal privacy and the belief in national sovereignty trumps any mutual or shared interests that the US or Angela Merkel might seek to promote.
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Federal Compliance Law Social science Coursework
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The act is expensive as companies like General Electric Experts have spent more than thirty million dollars annually in order to comply with the law. The law has served to improve conduct and make financial
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