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The Community of Passionate Environmentalists - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "The Community of Passionate Environmentalists" although he is not a professional environmentalist, yet he is very much of a practical environmentalist. The author has changed his life in favor of the environment ever since environmental issues took on his nerves…
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The Community of Passionate Environmentalists
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I have started to live green in my little capacity. I never throw litter around but in the dustbin. I pick up litter spread by others and put it at its right place. I don’t use plastic bags for shopping. I have my own cloth bag and use that whenever I have to go shopping. I prefer to travel around on my bicycle as much as I can help it. Every day, I sow some seeds randomly all across the width of my town and water them. I hope one day that would provide people with fruits whether or not I’m there.

These are some of the changes I have made in my life for the better. Apart from doing my own bit, I also encourage others to indulge in environment-friendly activities. Maintaining the highest level of politeness in my tone, I forbid them from throwing litter around when roaming around with my friends. I think if everybody does even this much, this world would be a great place to live in within a few years.

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