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Module Three Politicians/Influential Political People Social science Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Bentley, Governor, Andrew Cuomo, Governor Rick Scott, Governor Jerry Brown Most bills he has voted for have passed including the following bills: Bill on protecting bobcats, bill on reducing toxic fire retardants in
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Political Regimes, Legitimacy without Democracy Social science Essay
6 pages (1649 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Any political regime first gains its legitimacy before enforcing its authority on the people. At the outset, it is important to differentiate legitimacy from legality. Legality is a technical concept, which may or may not always satisfy criteria for legitimacy. Legitimacy is ascertained through an ethical evaluation of an action, phenomenon or institution.
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Roles of Political Parties and Interest Groups in Contemporary US Society Social science Essay
6 pages (1585 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The party system in the US can be defined as a centrist, however; they are not as ideological as in other nations. A political party is defined as officeholders, activities as well as voters that are linked to a group label and focus on electing individuals of a specific label to public office.
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A Trade-off between Centralization and Decentralization of Government Power Social science Essay
6 pages (1631 words) , Download 3 , Essay
You have mentioned that in recent decades, power is again tilting towards the state, and have asserted that it causes “some dysfunction inequality and uniformity of programs.” I agree with this statement, however, you might want to give some ‘recent’ examples of such dysfunction in order to support your statement.
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A Political History of Appointments to the Supreme Court Social science Assignment
1 pages (455 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Even if the United States of America (USA) is known for having an independent judiciary, judicial decisions are not always effectively implemented as they ought to be. There are several issues surrounding the implementation of U.S. Supreme Court and federal appellate court decisions (O'Brien 226).
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Freedom of press Social science Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The trend is powered by the large number of people who are willing to collect and share information with each other without having the need for middle men; it has
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Acting in an Uncertain World by Michel Callon Social science Essay
6 pages (1643 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The public has begun by playing a role in formulating the problem; taking part in research, and eventually in translation three where they turn back to the world. In every translation, citizens are beginning to dialog with the scientific processes. The question of whether or not the sheep in England are likely to become affected by the fallout from Chernobyl.
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The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Companies usually give back to the community through initiating programs that are aimed at benefiting a large percentage of the society such as education programs. This essay will look into the importance of corporate social responsibility to the organization, its employees and the entire community using illustrations based on Google Company.
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Recreational Drug Use Negatively Affects Society Social science Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
According to the report the use of recreational drugs is likely to result in the increase in crime rate as drug users get addicted very easily. Addiction is one of the most common consequences and the highest risk of taking recreational drugs. People may intend to take it for enjoyment, to relieve stress, to overcome depression, or for pleasure.
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Lone Wolf Terrorism: Leaderless Resistance Social science Term Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The lone wolves actor in terrorism is one that has become a greater threat even then organized terrorist groups according to Sec. Napolitano. It is clear that the United States needs to have substantial law enforcement those with which to handle this type of terrorism. The problem, of course, is that it is not always easy to see it coming.
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Medical Assisted Suicide Case Social science Research Paper
5 pages (1498 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Gonzalez vs. Oregon ruling by the Supreme Court in 2006 was a decision that made it clear that that the United States Attorney General could not enforce federal laws against practitioners who prescribed drugs in accordance with the Oregon state laws in an attempt to initiate assisted suicide.
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Achievement, Leadership, Enlightenment, and Perseverance Organization Social science Case Study
8 pages (2145 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Organizations require more than ever building trust and boosting their reputation in the market. The more an organization strives to provide full information about the products and services it offers, the more it will get involved in fieldwork to study the market, identify untapped opportunities, find existing challenges and how to overcome them.
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Indias Stable Democracy Puzzle Social science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the paper rich countries have been known to maintain democratic regimes that have been associated with their tremendous economic success. Being a country where poverty, as well as illiteracy, are widespread, it can only be a puzzle as to why the country has been able to maintain it democratic regime.
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Polsky's "Presidency at War" Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A careful scrutiny of historical wartime events shows that the cost of war and the loss of lives fail to justify the necessity of war. An important point to note in Andrew Polsky’s article
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Viewing Disability Binary vs. Continuum Social science Coursework
1 pages (250 words) , Download 25 , Coursework
A binary view of disability would not consider the interrelation between the resultant interaction of contextual factors and an individual's health condition where disability should be regarded as an injury. It should also be measured in the context of the limitations in the activities an individual can perform their capacity and their performance at society levels hence.
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Professional and Socially Intelligent Leader Social science Essay
1 pages (373 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Obama had assignments with the International Business Group, a globally recognized consulting firm. His primary task was to organize the inhabitants of Altgeld Gardens to put pressure on the Chicago City Hall to advance the dilapidated housing conditions. He enrolled at Harvard Law School where he first became the president of the Harvard Law School.
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A Debate About Plagiarism Social science Article
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Gene Weingarten from Washington Post stresses that plagiarism is theft. I agree that a person has to write their own ‘stuff,’ as Sullivan named it, otherwise it is compulsory to provide links and references. There is intellectual property, thus, withdrawing it is theft. Everyone who writes has to be capable of combining.
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Analysis of the Squatting Phenomenon across the World and Specifically in Geneva Social science Case Study
7 pages (2048 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In general, the movement knows a slowing down, despite the economic situation. Squatters are citizens who have created their own micro-society. They belong to a different world and the reason why they are squatting can divide into necessity or conviction. The purpose and lifestyle of squatters is the same.
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Bloodhound Project Team Social science Book Report/Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The author describes that he is working hard to ensure that the three people fill up these five profile gaps: Plant (creative genius), team worker, completer-finisher, resources investigator and implementer.  All these profiles are vital for the success of the Bloodhound Project.  The team will certainly needs a creative and unorthodox member.
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The Role of the Governments, United Nations and Non-Governmental Organizations Social science Essay
5 pages (1372 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Human rights include the basic living conditions and norms which are pertinent to the people at large. It takes into consideration their basic ways and means through which they meet their most basic needs, communicate and interact with one another and are given their due in the form of diverse requirements that they have on a consistent basis.
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Gun Control Social science Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Going by the scope of the issue being discussed, the word ‘arms’ here predominantly means fire arms or guns. A recent spate in the incidents of violence associated with guns in the nation has given way to an intense debate regarding enacting
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Patients in Making End-of-Life Decisions Social science Assignment
7 pages (2180 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Deontology guides people in making the right end-of-life decisions, which is not euthanasia all the time. These rules, moreover, do not violate health care professionals’ duties to saving a life by limiting conditions that warrant it.  Instead, deontology asks doctors to respect the wishes of the dying.
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Edward Snowden: The Inside Story Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Reporter’s privilege should not be therefore abused because it is the reporter’s defense against the tyrannical tendency of the government not to be mention that it is one of the ethical pillar of
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The Concepts Visions and Ethical Behavior Social science Essay
6 pages (1649 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The take from Hume is that rationality must be tempered by something within us that is akin to a moral compass that engages our whole selves, our intuitions, emotions, feelings, and our natural inclinations and aversions. This is true when we make moral judgments and conduct our lives in relation to others.
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Caste System in India and Types of the System Social science Case Study
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The commonality may be in the form of race or tribe, occupation, religion et cetera. In India, the caste system is also known as varnas. Varnas are social stratification of individuals of the same occupation. At the top level in this form of stratification were the Brahmans. The Brahmans were the priests. Below the Brahmans were the Kshatriyas. 
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Political Science Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The Miranda rights and warnings include the suspect’s right to remain silent and a warning that anything said by the suspect will apply against them in a court of law
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Historical Periods and Feminist Stylistics Social science Coursework
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The author states that the different periods in the evolution of literature marked different times for women in society. Until the mid-20th century, women played a lesser role in the mainstream. Like is still the case in some societies today, in many of these periods, women were believed to have nothing else to do beyond the domestic realm.
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The Depiction of Muslim Men and Muslim Women in Orientalist Discourses Social science Essay
6 pages (1621 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The misinterpretation of the role of women presented by orientalists prevents the East from demonstrating its potential. The first female writer in the Ottoman and Islamic world, when she mentioned names of women from Islamic history, was guided by these reasons, having called them "predecessors" and "outstanding women".
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Self Interest Social science Coursework
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
Humans commonly do things for their own benefit because of egoistic motives. Ethical egoism holds that it is good for people to pursue their own self-interest. However, ethics overrides self-interest, one of the traditional elements in ethical decision-making is an impartial consideration of the interest of others.
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Policy Lightening and Bureaucracy Social science Essay
2 pages (518 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The population loses hope because such programs do not meet the population's needs. The second problem is that why is it that when the public sees the government’s puzzles, they do not fix them. The public also should assist the government to avoid the recurrence of the same. We always like complaining about the failures in the government yet as a public we cannot help.
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Action For Age: Product Introduction and Launching Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the author, a person’s attitude may need to be adjusted; it could be at the root of his unhappiness. For instance, some elderly people insist on living alone well beyond their ability to care for themselves. It is likely unbearable for them to actually accept that this is already their new state.
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On Hunger in Developing Countries Social science Literature review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Quite simply, hunger is not an economic issue but rather a moral one. We are not limited by our inability to help but our capacity for empathy. When this is realized on a larger scale, not only of a fleeting, forgetful phase, then how can there be a hindrance big enough to tamper with our common understanding to help those who are in need.
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Construction Safety Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 7 , Assignment
The need for a safety program very often arises when the constructor or the workers are least expecting it. The main objective of an emergency action plan is to consider safety requirements with special importance given to mishaps like “fall, struck by, caught between and electrical hazards” (CPWR, 2010), and etcetera.  
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The Maternal Philosophy of the Women of Bom Jesus Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author mentions that “more than three hundred babies died during 1965 alone” and the bells of Nossa Senhora das Dores tolled for each one of them. Most of the deaths “were senseless and unnecessary.”  But “I learned, as they did, to ‘conform’ and to tell myself that, after all, perhaps it was ‘meant’ to be so.
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Violence in A Good Man is Hard to Find by O'Connor Social science Book Report/Review
1 pages (416 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The grandmother inspired a violent reaction in those people around her. Even the violent car accident was caused by her sneaking the cat into the car and her suggesting an out of the way plantation to visit. Even though she seemed to be a harmless old grandmother, she brought out the worst in the people around her, especially the Misfit.
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Terrorism and The Threat to Democracy Social science Assignment
7 pages (1820 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
That really can only be accomplished by capturing suspected terrorists and grilling them to find out what potential attacks are in place. That also means that anyone suspected of even speaking in a manner that suggests possible threats to a nation, must now be watched by members of the intelligence community.  This means more resources in manpower and funding to accomplish these needs for proactive measures.
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The Student Conduct Code Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 14 , Essay
Following his elaboration of previous written thoughts, the author ended up not being included in the class’ grading system. In his opinion, he did not commit academic cheating, as his essay was not even submitted in the competition. As a result, of the misunderstanding, it almost cost him his chance to complete his education in the institution.
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Media, Culture and Society Social science Assignment
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
For this research, a content analysis approach was used. This method was chosen in order to explore and examine the content of the newspapers, so as to come up with an accurate assessment of the extent to which newspapers influence the public across the world. In view of this, this study defines the British National newspapers as the study population.
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European Spatial Planning: Local Enterprise Partnerships of Liverpool City Social science Term Paper
10 pages (2936 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Liverpool City Region LEP has extensive economic growth that is in line with EU development agendas. ERDF 2007-2014 (European Regional Development Fund 2007-2014) has a business growth grant that promotes business development in sectors that support economic growth. Liverpool LEP is able to access ERDF support.  
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The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Social science Coursework
7 pages (2122 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
In today’s society, there are more women becoming CEOs and presidents of companies than males because women are beginning to speak up more and gain control of an organization. It’s certainly important to have all employees involved in business events and meetings that will improve the company's value and organizational structure.
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Civil Liberties and Terrorist Attacks Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Those who favor suspension of civil liberties, argue that people do not hesitate unfolding their personal information on social media, but feel uneasy when questioned about their personal matters by government agencies. It is also argued that national security interests should be given top priority.
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Research Methods in the Social Sciences Social science Coursework
2 pages (628 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
From a calculated substantive perspective, optional information may be the main information accessible for the investigation of certain exploration issues. There are a few methodological preferences for optional information, including an open door for replication, the occupation of longitudinal plans, a change in the legitimacy of estimation, an increment in specimen size, and triangulation.
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200 Villagers Houses Burnt Down Again Near Barrick Gold Mine in Papua New Guinea Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Despite the efforts of the Porgera Landowners Association (PLOA) to resettle the community and to restrain the State from burning the houses, the National Court of Papua New Guinea has not undertaken measures necessary for protecting local citizens and
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Readings on Native and Women of Color Social science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The image of a woman is then generalized through different tribes and regions, integrating the author’s view of the Indian woman. In the second section of the story, she traces the loss of identity to the fifteenth century, with the coming of the Anglo-Americans, and captures the changes that the woman underwent as stories told by the author’s mother.
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Ethical Problem of Euthanasia Social science Research Paper
12 pages (3392 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Those in support of euthanasia contend that an enlightened society ought to permit individuals to die in pride and without ache, and ought to permit others to help them do so in the event that they cannot oversee it all alone. They say that our bodies are our own, and we ought to be permitted to do what we need with them. In this manner, it is not right to make people live more than they need.
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Current Issues in the Persian Gulf Social science Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Days before UAE attained independence from the British, Iran deployed troops to Abu Musa, but an agreement was reached under which the island can into co-sovereignty over the two countries. However, Iran has tried to have
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Religious Conflicts in Lebanon Social science Essay
10 pages (2793 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Enhancing Lebanese society and focusing on the training efforts on Sunni militants is essential in order to control the activities of these militants in the society and prevent cases of bombings and assassinations. More so, the security forces should be keen on the effects of Syrian conflicts on Lebanese society, particularly on different religious sects.
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Challenge of Renewable Energy Social science Research Paper
5 pages (1684 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The low energy density associated with the renewable source of energy will pose a great challenge to the transport sector. The vehicles will have to recharge their batteries after covering short ranges. This process will increase commutation time. Consequently, the cost of maintaining the electric supply of batteries will be difficult.
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Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Social Movements Social science Essay
4 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Democracy in a state or a nation is achieved when freedom of association and expression are enabled and the existence of Social Movements, Political Parties, and Interest Groups manifest some shreds of democracy in that state/nation. However, their distinct differences in terms of formation, structure, and ultimate objective distinguish them. 
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Handling Conflict and Leadership Strategy Social science Essay
1 pages (350 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A sudden flood of anger shifts the attention of the leader from the more important things. For example, if a leader hears that one of the senior executives has engaged in sexual harassment, he ends up directing all his energy from the normal concerns such as improving the normal efforts to eliminate harassment.
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