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Edgar Allan Poe: Life and Critical Exposure to His Work
11 pages (3065 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
?He also published several book reviews, poems, critiques, and short stories in the paper.... He also released frequent stories, articles and reviews, thus increasing his reputation as a strong critic at the Southern Literary Magazine.... His collection of tales of the Arabesque and Grotesque was issued in two volumes of the same magazine which bought him little money and reviews of both positive and negative aspects.... Lasley Dameron, "Thomas Ollive Mabbott on the Canon of Poes reviews," Poe Studies, 5 (December 1972): 56-57....
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Marketing Behaviour and Executive Action
19 pages (6820 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
k/living/food_and_drink/reviews/article343600.... literature Review Introduction The purpose of this literature review is to construct a theoretical framework for the understanding the impact of the wave of Ecommerce upon the digitalization of transactions upon export intermediation.... This literature review is aimed at arriving at a conceptual framework to investigate the impact of Internet upon export intermediaries, in terms of activities (traditional and new), matching with what the suppliers' think and then suggest the future of export intermediaries( Houmann 2005) . ...
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The Savages (2007, Tamara Jenkins) movie review on aging related discussion
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
"The Savages" a movie that is eye opening about the predicaments of the old age and also the eternal relationship between the siblings, wonderfully nuanced, a tragicomedy movie about two wallowing souls and their ailing father.... The movie highlights the fact that aging is.... ... ... The movie touches the heart of viewers, seeing the devotion of the daughter towards the ailing father....
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Infection Risks Associated with Urinary Catheters
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 9 , Literature review
his literature review is on the topic of the prevention of infections with urinary catheters.... A literature review is an exploration undertaken in both research and evidence based practice. ... ithin the following literature review the choice of topic has developed from clinical placements it is based on the literature which has already been used to research preventing infections with urinary catheters.... Aveyard (2007) mentions, that a literature review is a critical summary of previous literature, which is related to the research on a chosen topic. ...
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Differential Strategies in the Banking Industry
12 pages (3499 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Banking and Finance: literature Review ... This paper conducts a literature review of several studies that mainly used the SERVQUAL model to evaluate these constructs.... The importance of quality service in banking and finance is well documented in the service quality literature.... In respect to the literature review, this paper argues that better service quality of banks and finance institutions has positive influence on customer satisfaction and profitability....
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Chronic Disease Programmes and Their Contribution to Chronic Disease Management
33 pages (9528 words) , Literature review
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The paper "Chronic Disease Programmes and Their Contribution to Chronic Disease Management" is a good example of a literature review on nursing.... The paper "Chronic Disease Programmes and Their Contribution to Chronic Disease Management" is a good example of a literature review on nursing.... The paper "Chronic Disease Programmes and Their Contribution to Chronic Disease Management" is a good example of a literature review on nursing.... Methods A systematic review with synthesis of qualitative data was conducted in several databases – Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health literature (CINAHL), Ovid Medical literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Excerpta Medica data BASE (EMBASE), PsychLit, the Cochrane Library, the Database of Abstracts of Evidence (DARE), and reports from the Department of Health, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and Australian Bureau of Statistics....
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Lose Your Mother
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Review Of Lose Your Mother: A Journey along the Atlantic Slave Trade By Hartman, Saidiya Institution A Review of Lose Your Mother: A Journey along the Atlantic Slave Trade By Hartman, Saidiya In this inspiring narrative, Berkley Professor Hartman outlines the immediate process of her fore fathers forced to become migrants from the Gold Coast in order to shed light in the history of the Atlantic slave trade (Hartman, 2008)....
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Virtues That Pharmacists Should Possess
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
It is proposed that a review of relevant literature, focus group interviews to narrow possible virtues in good pharmacists and a survey of pharmacists and students to cater for perspectives with a reasonably large sample (... This paper "Virtues That Pharmacists Should Possess" focuses on the fact that pharmacy is a patient-centred profession and not a product-for-profit centred occupation....
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Optical Wireless Communication
7 pages (2290 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
?reviews in Theoretical Science, 2(4), 320-333. ... ?reviews in Theoretical Science, 2(3), 201-210. ... literature Review---Optical Wireless Communication ... This work "Optical Wireless Communication" describes a complementary technology to the convectional RF wireless communications systems....
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Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
2 pages (562 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Many reviews have commented that the book adds new understanding to the Holocaust with examples like people were not killed in concentration camps but rather, Eastern Europe; that the Soviet Union also bears responsibility for mass murders; and the Wehrmacht is suspected of complicity in the Holocaust.... The book also does not conform to other literature that portrays the deaths of the two regimes as having taken place in World War II....
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The work involved the construction of a hypothesis about the connections between ADHD and LD after a literature review on the subject, and validation of the hypothesis based on quantitative analysis of data generated through telephonic responses of parents selected at random from a national database. ... he literature review focuses on ADHD, and covers relationships with LD adequately as well (Smith, and Adams, 2006)....
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Analysis of Bullying in Schools
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This review discusses both bullies and victims in a number of terms but this literature review focus on research in relation to gender and age, and the accounting for victims and bullies.... ecent research has focused on both bullies and victims in a number of terms but this literature review will focus on research in relation to gender and age, and the accountings for victims and bullies.... n the research literature there have been a number of definitions provided for bullying, and as (Attwood, 2004, para....
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A Correlation Between Essential Roles and Health Behavior
6 pages (1581 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The literature review showed that there was data collected had demonstrated that the overall approach to social lifestyle gave particular health behavior.... literature reviewThe researchers have used several past projects carried out by different others.... The topics in the literature review are problems related to the topic the researchers were handling.... The literature review showed that there was little research carried out on the purpose statement but data collected had demonstrated that overall approach to social lifestyle gave particular health behavior (Burdette et al....
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Biotechnology Industry In Europe
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Bio-Technology is truly a global business as there are numerous biotechnology patents registered every year.... The paper "Biotechnology Industry In Europe" discusses the biotechnology as the largest growing business in Europe and its development features in the United Kingdom.... ... ... ... It is sometimes very risky to put a price tag on biotechnology companies....
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The Limited Rights of Women in the Democratic Republic of Congo
8 pages (2323 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
literature 1 ... literature 3 ... With this, it is very clear that this third literature is very much related to my own research paper.... Relevance of this literature ... This literature just reinforces the fact that more and more NGOs are concerned with the status of the Congolese women right after the war.... With this idea alone, it is apparent that this literature will add credibility to my own research undertaking regarding the numerous assistance and extensive efforts that NGOs are providing for the Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly to its women populace....
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Is Voting for Young People
4 pages (1268 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The following literature reviews the book, giving supportive evidence which led to his conclusions that the youth do not participate in such civic duties, in addition to his suggested solutions. ... Distractive technology and literature such as magazines not only affect the political knowledge of the younger generation, but other areas such as studies and health as well. ...
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The Lost of Relevance of the Auditor Profession
6 pages (1715 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "The Lost of Relevance of the Auditor Profession" discusses carried out on the relevance in the context of increasing financial scams involving the financial disclosure of companies, such financial scams have raised concerns over the protection of investor's interests.... The secondary data sources have been used to study the previous studies and the empirical literature on the incompetency of the auditors and the adverse consequences faced by the public due to their activities....
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Event Studies and Abnormal Returns
13 pages (3616 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
literature Review: Event Studies and Abnormal Returns literature Review Introduction There have been many problems associated with traders on stocks at the time of real investment or business.... Relationship of Event studies and abnormal Returns In the context of past studies and literature review, there is a significant relationship between event analysis and abnormal returns.... From past empirical studies and literature, it is evident that abnormal returns relate significantly to long term abnormal performances....
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Humor and fun at workplace
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
Writing Integrative literature reviews: Guidelines and Examples.... Introduction literature Review is a quick and easy method to gather information and data on the topic under study.... Traditional form of literature review has been conducted wherein first the definition and concept of humor has been discussed after which its linkage to organizational performance has been reviewed.... Organizational culture can enhance performance and literature on this has been reviewed in the next section....
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Contemporary Employment and Work-Life Balance
9 pages (2686 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
ournal Article reviews ... The paper "Contemporary Employment and Work-Life Balance" is a good example of a literature review on human resources.... This literature review will focus on whether the work-life programs are any beneficial to the employees.... The data provided is reliant on literature that was put forth by other writers.... The paper is more of a literature review than it is a research paper.... The evidence that is provided in this article is supported by literature from a broad array of sources, most of which are journals and books....
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Disadvantages and Advantages of Massive Online Courses
4 pages (1233 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The author of the paper "Disadvantages and Advantages of Massive Online Courses" states that as a way of evaluating the quality of education, there is a need to review literature as to how Massive Online Courses has benefited or otherwise affected the learning environment.... As a way of evaluating the quality of education, there is need to review literature as to how MOOC has benefited or otherwise affected the learning environment.... This review looks at literature from peer reviewed articles, credible writers, and trusted dailies with regard to the effect of MOOC....
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Greek Sublime by Chandra, V
8 pages (2060 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
he two cultures, literature and science are still with us with only a shift in the fault lines.... he book brings out the argument that intellectual cultures is considered into two, that of literature and science.... In the current situation in which people live, many are able to explain science as literature but are not able to go deep into the explanation to prove and give the facts that are behind science....
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Students in Rural and Remote Schools in Queensland
11 pages (3265 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Students in Rural and Remote Schools in Queensland" focuses on the use of information and communication technologies and resources such as video conferencing and Moodle to support students learning that may encourage voluntary school non-attendance.... Over the year, a number of literature have explored the ways in which students in schools based in rural and remote Australia are disadvantaged as compared to students in schools based in urban areas(Alloway & Dalley-Trim, 2009; Brennan, 2006; Lyons et al, 2006; Porter, 2006)....
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Effect of Domestic Violence on Children
7 pages (2190 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The impact of exposure to domestic violence on children and young people: A review of the literature.... The paper "Effect of Domestic Violence on Children" states that research about the effects of domestic violence is required so that the public can be sensitized on its effects....
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Book review Earth in Mind by David W Orr 1994
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The book Earth in Mind: on education, environment and the human prospect has been written by the renowned environmental educator David W.... Orr.... The author focuses on the problems of the education system in his work.... .... ... ... The book Earth in Mind: on education, environment and the human prospect has been written by the renowned environmental educator David W....
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Professional Rounds in Education
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
he book also provides its learners on how to conduct end of the year program reviews. ... his literature was published in the year Nov.... It is also a good source of literature for researchers and practitioners in the field of education. ... The essay 'Professional Rounds in Education' analyzes the book by Sarah E....
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The Infiltration Performance of Practically Operating Landfill Liners
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The review of the literature supports the research on the properties of landfill liner made of crushed slate waste and bentonite clay while serving as the background for the study.... In this review of literature, works pertaining to different aspects of landfill liners and the role of bentonite as landfill liners is being reviewed.... The review of literature supports the research on the properties of landfill liner made of crushed slate waste and bentonite clay while serving as the scientific background for the study....
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Posttraumatic Stress Disorders in Ambulance Paramedics
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The paper 'Posttraumatic Stress Disorders in Ambulance Paramedics' was conducted to institute the degree of literature on interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder in ambulance paramedics.... A literature review was conducted to institute the degree of literature on interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder in ambulance paramedics.... The fundamental intervention that was used for literature review was the critical incident stress debriefing, though many debated over this intervention....
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Why Companies Pay Dividends
5 pages (1533 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
, based on dividend literature, discusses why companies pay dividends; why investors pay attention to it; do dividends affect an organization's value and how do managers use dividends in the organizational financial management.... ummary of literature Review ... he review on the current dividend literature provided in the following section is particularly focused on the areas related to the positive and negative characteristics of dividends to business organizations....
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Gender and Leadership Qualities
10 pages (3565 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "Gender and Leadership Qualities" is a great example of a gender and sexual studies literature review.... The paper "Gender and Leadership Qualities" is a great example of a gender and sexual studies literature review.... This literature review paper, therefore, examines a number of such articles in its quest to obtain the necessary information that is used to base the two hypotheses i.... close scrutiny of scholarly and literature review articles reveal somewhat a different point of view on the subject of which among the sexes perform better in leadership positions....
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Research Process as a Multi-stage Process
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
There is no specific number of the stages to be followed in the research process, they vary from one literature to another.... Reviewing the literature enables one to generate and refine ideas and also part of the research project proper.... There is no specific number of the stages to be followed in the research process, they vary from one literature to another.... literature review ... eviewing the literature enables one to generate and refine ideas and also part of research project proper (Sharp et al....
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Australian Trade Unions' Workers in Worker Education
6 pages (1753 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
It is based on these reviews and case studies that the authors come up with suggestions on how unions can play an active role in impacting literacy and numeracy policy debates so as to create spaces for numeracy and literacy that develops social capital which in turn is important for developing human capital as well.... This citing of numerous sources of literature is clear evidence that the authors conducted adequate research to obtain facts about the issue at hand....
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How Does Centrality in Coopetition Networks Matter
6 pages (1763 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Generally speaking, the paper "How Does Centrality in Coopetition Networks Matter" is a good example of an information technology literature review.... Generally speaking, the paper "How Does Centrality in Coopetition Networks Matter" is a good example of an information technology literature review.... The literature, still has gaps in that it lacks studies on the likely impact of firm's position in those networks.... Secondly, the study did not have a picture on the implications of a firm's position within such networks in the aspects of performance and competitive as no literature addresses these two critical aspects....
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Quality of Life in Haemodialysis Patients
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This review focuses on outlining the title, abstracts, literature review, methods used, and analyzing the discussion of the article 'Group Intervention to Improve Quality of Life in Haemodialysis Patients' by Lii, Tsay and Wang (2007). ... The article provides ample evidence of referencing and considerably recent literature that have been systematically written, clearly showing relationships among its concepts.... Lii et al (2006) have successfully addressed the important aspects through literature review....
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The Use of Product Placement in the USA, Sweden, And Switzerland
4 pages (1291 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The literature review will be as discussed by Mary-Lou Galician a prominent researcher on media trends, in her research on product placement.... The literature review will look at the development and use of product placement in the USA, Sweden, and Switzerland.... Marketing Topic: Marketing literature Review Grade Marketing literature Review on Product Placement Introduction The literature review will analyze the development of product placement or advertisement in different countries at different times....
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Book Review of The Slave Ship: A Human History by Marcus Rediker (penguin, 2006)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The Slave Ship: A Human History by Marcus Rediker Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Thesis Statement 3 The Slave Ship: A Human History: A Review 4 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 5 Conclusion 6 Work Cited 7 Introduction Imperial America and Britain enlightened the avenues of history, with their glorious past....
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A Study of Employee Motivation in a Retail Company in Hong Kong
5 pages (1404 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
hese reviews are based on relevant books, journals, research papers and websites.... CHAPTER TWO literature REVIEW Quality manpower is very important for services industry sector, in particular for the retail industry.... The literature review looks into several theories of motivation and management. ...
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Is There a Link between Obesity and Asthma in Adolescent Children
12 pages (3037 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
In this literature review, a computer search in the PubMed electronic database was used to identify sources on the relationship between obesity and asthma using the keywords 'obesity', 'asthma' and 'adolescence' as well as combined keyword searches 'obese asthma', 'obese adolescent' and 'adolescent asthma'.... In this literature review, a computer search in the PubMed electronic database was used to identify sources on the relationship between obesity and asthma using keywords “obesity”, “asthma” and “adolescence” as well as combined keyword searches “obese asthma”, “obese adolescent” and “adolescent asthma”....
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Testing Internet Applications
8 pages (2215 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature reviews the techniques, models and strategies applied in internet testing. ... In this literature review, different strategies that are applied in the testing of internet applications have been discussed.... "Testing Internet Applications" paper discusses strategies that are applied in the testing of internet applications....
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Research Critique: Esmond, Butler, and McCormack
9 pages (2637 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Writing literature reviews can be made more “pleasant for all readers” if a logical process is followed (Delamont, 2002, p.... Research literature Review.... The literature review in this article, though more brief than some, seems appropriate.... The literature review overall is constructed well, presented accurately and helps the reader to understand the basic issues while leading to the substantive aspects of the design, results, discussion, and conclusion portions. ...
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Research Critique: Esmond, Butler, and McCormack
9 pages (2637 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Writing literature reviews can be made more "pleasant for all readers" if a logical process is followed (Delamont, 2002, p.... Research literature Review.... The literature review in this article, though more brief than some, seems appropriate.... The literature review overall is constructed well, presented accurately and helps the reader to understand the basic issues while leading to the substantive aspects of the design, results, discussion, and conclusion portions. ...
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International and Comparative Human Resource Management
10 pages (2893 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
head of critically analysing these two articles, the next section reviews the existing literature regarding career development and the role of international assignments.... The paper "International and Comparative Human Resource Management" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "International and Comparative Human Resource Management" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The detailed review of literature comes just after the theories. ...
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Effective Physical Health Care of People with Schizophrenia
27 pages (6992 words) , Literature review
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From the paper "Effective Physical Health Care of People with Schizophrenia" it is clear that future reviews would benefit from more inclusion of randomized control trials in testing the efficacy of interventions on the physical health of people with schizophrenia.... ... ... ... It is quite essential to state that this chapter will discuss the primary research in relation to the themes identified following a thematic analysis....
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Leadership Philosophy
6 pages (1940 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The article reviews Chinese leadership philosophies that take account of Chinese philosophies.... This literature review "Leadership Philosophy" is structured around a review of several articles on the topic of leadership philosophy.... The Project Manager's Leadership Style As A Success Factor On Projects: A literature Review.... he article examines the general statements made by leadership literature to describe specific instances when leaders can be considered as being effective, or when leadership styles can be regarded as being appropriate....
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Hilton Park Lane Leadership Style
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The industry includes services such as transportation, lodging services, and other fields that are within the tourism industry.... The hospitality Industry can be divided into three main categories food, beverage, accommodation, travel, and tourism (Jensen, 2003). ... Travel and tourism are also indispensable in hospitality management....
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Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Treatment of Alcohol Addiction
8 pages (2328 words) , Download 6 , Literature review
This literature review "Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Treatment of Alcohol Addiction" presents a literature review on the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment of alcohol addiction patients.... This paper presents a literature review on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for treatment of alcohol addiction patients....
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Factors Affecting Leadership Effectiveness
7 pages (1919 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Even when there are existing literature that shows the characteristics of good leaders, not all people can emulate these characteristics because of the fact that they are indeed different from each other.... These literature then are just guidelines and it clearly depends on the leaders to follow these or form their own strategies on how to best lead their own organizations.... uestionnaire was developed by the researcher based on reviewed literature and took note of the indicators of transformational; transactional and laissez-fare leadership styles....
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This is a review on the movie Passions of the Christ
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Though watching it was a bit difficult psychologically later I realized that I adore this movie and admire its creator Mel Gibson for doing such a wonderful, shocking, and at the same time terrific.... ... ... Mr.... Gibson has not only written the script but produced and directed this movie as well....
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Training Needs Analysis
8 pages (2270 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Training Needs Analysis" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "Training Needs Analysis" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... Training Needs Analysis Table of Contents Training Needs Analysis Introduction 3 Review of the literature 4 Implications of the literature 7 Conclusion 8 ... eview of the literature ... mplications of the literature ...
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The Monopoly of Telecommunication in UAE
9 pages (2462 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'The Monopoly of Telecommunication in UAE' is a valuable example of a technology literature review.... The literature review summarizes and synthesizes the arguments of other researchers on the impact that different providers of telecommunication in Europe and other developed countries.... The paper 'The Monopoly of Telecommunication in UAE' is a valuable example of a technology literature review.... The literature review summarizes and synthesizes the arguments of other researchers on the impact that different providers of telecommunication in Europe and other developed countries....
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