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Art and gender book review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In most instances, feminists have attempted to encourage women to ignore the overwhelming demands for beauty so that they can concentrate on acquisition of political and social.... ... ... Other parties have claimed that beauty is an evolutionary force or an avenue leading to feminine power.... The topic of beautification ought to be revisited due to the varying arguments between feminists....
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Movie review examples (camera shots, camera angles, transition)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Movie Review
An up-close analysis of how these are manipulated to communicate is done below through reviews of a number of short films.... Producers of films employ a number of techniques besides the story line to aid in communicating the intended message.... Among the most commonly manipulated techniques include camera shots, camera angles, transition and color balance among many....
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Annotated Bibliography on Fernando Pessoa and Nationalism
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Berg, C, Durieux, F & Lernou, G 1995, The turn of the century: modernism and modernity in literature and the arts, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.... hey identify the source of the movement as the outdated assumptions of literary realism and bourgeois subjectivity universal in the pre-modernism literature.... He further postulates that the poet was ahead of his peers because he kept abreast of new literature.... These are styles that the author traces as pertinent in modernists literature....
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Review of an Academic Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
It denotes that research do not provide a guideline on how to evaluate educational validity in relation to validation, implementation and building of.... ... ... These concepts are applied to business gaming simulation. ... ... n order to measure the validity of the business gaming simulation, it is important to analyze the effectiveness of the educational validity of Educational validity is influenced by the representational validity problems, and methods of implementing the simulation (Stainton, Johnson and Borodzicz, 2010, p....
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Art and gender book review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Within the communities of Basile and Tee Mamou, Mardi Gras runs have, for long, been performed by men but this tradition has changed since late in the 20th century.... Although some other communities allow women's involvement in these performances, most others still do not allow.... ... ... These celebrations are characterized by disguises where the performers either males or females disguise themselves....
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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Book Report/Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is one of the best written works in the history of English literature.... It is more or less a science fiction novel that stresses a warning against the over -reaching of modern man and his insane explorations.... Written at a time of dramatic advances in science and technology, the novel shows the raising of the creation against the creator, which implies as a warning that the advancement of science can lead to destructions....
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Lurking Variables
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
This paper ''Lurking Variables'' tells that statistics is a technique that involves data collection, and making appropriate conclusions from collected information.... In either way, statistical analysis involves the computation of both descriptive and inferential statistics.... Descriptive statistics fully characterize all population parameters.... statistics Lurking Variables statistics is a technique that involves data collection, analysis, and making appropriate conclusions from collected information (Gupta 20)....
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Video Review of Muhammad
7 pages (1912 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
The review "Video Review of Muhammad" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the major issues in the video review of Muhammad.... Muhammad: Legacy of the Prophet is a documentary film based on the life of Islam's founder, Prophet Muhammad.... ... ... ... First broadcasted on PBS, the documentary was produced by Michael Wolfe and Alexander Kronemer and directed by Michael Schwarz, with actor André Braugher as the narrator....
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The Wind Rises: A Review
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
This "The Wind Rises: A Review" describes the plot of the film, events that became the basis for this plot and the reasons why this film has become so successful.... This review will help you decide to watch this movie or not.... ... ... ... The Wind Rises is an animation released in 2013 that was a great success....
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Position/Peer Review Paper 1 - Evolution of European Order
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In the article ‘Imag(in)ing the Other: Amazons and Ethnicity in Fifth-Century Athens', Andrew Stewart shows how the image of Amazons appears in the Athenian literature and art to symbolize various threats from time to time4.... They provide a lot of valuable insight into the nature of political power, its exercise, effects, agents, and the arguments through which the political power is....
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The Art and Science of 360 Degree Feedback by Lepsinger and Lucia
12 pages (3459 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
As the title implies, this chapter offers basic details, along with a description of 360-degree reviews and a brief overview of its history and progress.... It also explains how multi-source reviews are being used, and with whom.... As the title implies, this chapter offers basic details, along with a description of 360-degree reviews and a brief overview of its history and progress.... It also explains how multi-source reviews is being used, and with whom....
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Book review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Name: Date: “The Great Rebalancing” by Michael Pettis Executive summary Michael Pettis is a well-known economist and China expert.... While the book discusses about challenges faced by United States to combat its trade disadvantages and Euro loosing its strength, the author argues that the world economies are undergoing through critical rebalancing process....
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Book review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The relaxed atmosphere, he talks about his early life and the new German empire.... The full text about the talk was preserved by Bormann.... Few examples are available of his thought.... ... ... The notes show him relaxing, but terribly much in control of his utterances.... The history is relative complex numerous individual are involved and working in different times....
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Critical review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 7 , Book Report/Review
Hares, Rabbits, and rodents are the most susceptible and usually die in large numbers following an outbreak.... Humans can be infected through the following ways:.... ... ... ck and deer fly bites, skin contact with infected animals, Ingestion of contaminated water, Laboratory exposure and Inhalation of contaminated aerosols or dust....
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Article Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In her article, Facing Poverty with a Rich Girl's Habits, published in the New York Times in 2004, Kim Suki describes her experiences in Queens of the early 80's, both as a thirteen year old immigrant from South Korea, and as a formerly wealthy girl now confronting poverty.... ... ... ... Adopting an intimate, autobiographical tone, Suki chronicles the transitions this drastic change in life involves, including using public transport in lieu of “being driven by a chauffeur” (Suki, 2004), doing the household chores in the absence of a maid, and watching her Suki, Kim: Facing Poverty with a Rich Girl's Habits....
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Chapter Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
He opened the chapter by dissecting global poverty into relative and absolute poverty where relative poverty means how poor a person is compared to.... ... ... Singer then equated extreme poverty to murder because it is tantamount to allowing others to die when we do not do something about extreme poverty....
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Impact of Self-Esteem on the Reading Capabilities of Early Learners
8 pages (2739 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Nevertheless, one limitation that may surround this study lies in the fact that the researcher might have been biased in selecting the literature sources to review.... imilarly, a study conducted Leary (1999) primarily relies on previously published literature sources to determine the impact that self-esteem has on the reading capabilities of students.... Leary also uses an interpretivist approach by exploring and interpreting various literature source....
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Half the Sky Book Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Half the Sky by Nicholas D.... Kristoff and Sheryl WuDUNN A Book Review by Name of of University June 01, 2010 Vintage Books 320 pages Reprint edition Brief Synopsis of the book Half the Sky by Nicholas D.... Kristoff and Sheryl WuDUNN is a book that talks about the Oppression of the female gender in the developing world and the need to fight against the evil that has been meted against women....
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Book review - Day of Infamy
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
He captures the human drama that ensued during the incidence with detail of the spies behind the action.... He also explains the operations carried out by the.... ... ... Following the creation of the drama on this fateful strike on Pearl Harbor, it can be deduced that indeed that was a day that would subsist in Day of Infamy Book Review In his masterpiece book, Lord gives an intriguing of the day Japanese troops invaded America's Pearl Harbor....
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Movie review
1 pages (221 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
Berlin in Germany becomes the setting of the film and the growing National Socialist Party is also of prime importance in the movie. ... ... rain and Sally are the two main.... ... ... characters and Max also plays an important part in the movie, the plot of the movie is really interesting and it becomes even more interesting with the sub-plot of the movie. ...
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Article Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Taking into consideration the aspect of values as per the case study, we realize that values and attitudes goes hand to hand with each other and clearly defines about what is correct and.... ... ... As with most popular sayings, there is some truth in the adage, “Great leaders are born, not made....
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Anna Frank Diary Review
8 pages (2132 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
"Anna Frank Diary Review" paper focuses on The diary of the Dutch girl Anne Frank, one of the most known and impressive documents on fascism atrocities.... It made her name well-known around the whole world.... Anna kept the diary from June 12, 1942, to August 1, 1944.... .... ... ... Even its flagrant aggressiveness did not serve as the sign of its wrongness....
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Ground Zero Film Review
8 pages (2016 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
The author of this review "Ground Zero Film Review" underlines that Ground Zero has depicted many themes.... It has also related so much to what is happening to many states.... The government is shady; there is always something in the closet.... And the government would do anything to cover it up....
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Current Issues in Economic Integration
9 pages (2545 words) , Download 0 , Statistics Project
ummary statistics ... As shown in the statistics above, foreign direct investment is determined by a number of factors that also determine the extent of the investments.... In the analysis of the impact of gross domestic product, GDP Growth and Gross Capital Formation on foreign direct investment in BRIC countries, regression models will be used....
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Movie review for Shattered Glass
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
It was written and directed by Billy Ray, with Ray writing the screenplay based on an article by H.... G.... Bissinger featured in the September 1998 issue of Vanity Fair.... The film chronicled the fast and dubious.... ... ... se of a journalist named Stephen Glass at The New Republic during 1990s, and how he had a steep and career-breaking fall, when his unethical or even fraud journalistic activities were exposed....
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State of the union review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The address on the state of the union by president Obama had some few interesting points especially on foreign policy and the wars that America has been involved in.... The first instance where the president mentioned anything related to America's foreign policy was regarding the.... ... ... The president, Mr Obama, said that more than 60, 000 of American troops that were in Afghanistan have been brought back to America with those remaining in the country only providing a support role to the afghan forces which have taken the lead; the president The address on the of the union by president Obama had some few interesting points especially onforeign policy and the wars that America has been involved in....
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Chapter Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Natives of America were the Red Indians and had privileges based on bureaucracy.... The Indian terminations made the government cease to grant Native Americans exceptional.... ... ... This meant Native Americans started to pay taxes, which they formerly did not pay at all.... Native Americans were also subject to the set law....
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Article Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
According to the article, online community is fundamental for the successful course completion and depends on an interaction between a peer group and a facilitator.... However, online students experience a discontent from the invisible students and those who made shallow and.... ... ... Indeed, student online visibility manifests in read-only participants and highly visible participants who offer no contribution....
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Article review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Winning; By Jack Welch Central Lesson: The main lesson that the author is trying to teach is on how to succeed as an entrepreneur.... This book tries to answer most questions that employee and employers of a business organization seek to answer.... ... ... ... For instance, this book answers questions on how to develop the missions and values of an organization....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The author paints a distinctive overview of the way in which globalization has impacted upon what was traditionally a limited enterprise within Guatemala.... Moreover, the book provides a narrative account into the process by which natural fiber is turned into usable textiles and.... ... ... As described in the preface and at length throughout the text, the years of traveling through Guatemala and seeing the way in which the average worker lived Further the complexity of globalization and the means by which it impacts upon even a poor worker within Central America is another identifiable motivation that the author experienced....
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Book Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Flash boys is a publication of Michael Lewis that exposes high frequency traders (HFTs).... t could not have come at a better time especially in the finance industry and has served as a wakeup call for the Feds to take action.... When the book was launched in April last year, many.... ... ... For the better part of last year, it seemed, the Justice Department, the exchange commission (SEC), the FBI as well as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority launched Flash boys Flash boys is a publication of Michael Lewis that exposes high frequency traders (HFTs)....
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Book Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Name Teacher Class Date Chapter 1: The Psychological Legacy of Slavery Work The blacks may have been conditioned by their white masters that their significance is only tied up with bondage labor but there is another aspect of it that I would like to discuss that was ingrained among the blacks that they were slaves....
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Book review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Jerry Ciacho November 3, 2012 Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded British writer, journalist, explorer and geologist Simon Winchester delves into and explores the lasting and the ever so powerful consequences and results of the disastrous and shattering explosion in the coast of Indonesia of the planet's most devastating super volcano island, Krakatoa....
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Book Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Date Power, Money and the Media: Communication Patterns and Bureaucratic Control in Cultural China Introduction Chin Chuan Lee is the chair professor and head of the department of media and communication in City University of Hong Kong.... ... ... ... He has written a lot of about media and communication....
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Book review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
After the war that freed Black American from slavery, it seemed that the freedom is just another setback for them as White Americans regarded them more with anger and even disgust as to say.... Instead of creating freedom, this era seemed to create more problems for them.... Others.... ... ... It seemed that being a slave was better than being free....
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Book review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
From a Confucian point of view, heaven is not place where we go to after death but rather a state of the highest spiritual level that we as human beings can be aware of.... Unlike in Christian theology where a person can either go to heaven or hell depending on the merit of his or.... ... ... her stay on earth, the Confucian view about life and death does not end in heaven or hell but rather a cycle of retribution where the soul will continue to live or be reincarnated in another form of life depending on how he or she behaved during the duration of the present life....
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Collaborating public managemant Reading Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Collaborating Public Management Performance of the whole network can sabotage as a result of poor performance of a member organization or a conflict between two member organizations.... In order to make a network strong, the manager needs to know the art of governing by network that involves assigning tasks, informing, making different members coordinate with one another, solving dysfunctional conflicts, completing data records and meeting shortages of capacity....
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Art and gender book review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In addition, the society uses this appearance to categorize individuals.... This helps in interpretation of behavior and in determining how to make decisions concerning coordination of social activities.... ... ... ... Attractiveness has a significant impact on people's social lives.... This is why people think of the attractive individuals more often, express better appreciation for the work done by Art and Gender Book Review A person's self-definition is mostly defined by their physical appearance....
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Racial Profiling as a Significant Area of Concern for Practitioners and Law Enforcement Scholars
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
hesis: Racial profiling is evidently a significant area of concern for practitioners and law enforcement scholars hence the need to look at it critically through available literature. ... From the literature reviewed, it is evident that using race as a benchmark for criminal behavior is not only unconstitutional, but also dents law enforcement by discouraging the confidence that American people have in different State law enforcement agencies.... n conclusion, it would be convenient to restate the thesis of this paper: that the researches and the various literature viewed all prove that racial profiling has been predominant among the whites and the blacks, with the African Americans being targeted more than the other minority populations....
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Book Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: This book discusses different features of the psychological effects of slavery on the modern mindset of African Americans.... The book also discusses in length how to solve these problems.... It gives a clear manual on ways to overcome the psychological damage.... ...
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Book review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The book inquires on the questions that have long interested students on the subject of politics.... These questions addressed in the book include the extent of.... ... ... The book also discusses the beliefs these Americans have on the concepts of citizenship, government, and democracy.... The central argument of the book focuses on the A new engagement The book provides a remarkable range of analysis on the political and civic engagement of the American society....
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Stats Report
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
statistics provides ways to design efficient and convenient experiments that eliminate time-consuming trial and error.... For example, among the various applications of statistics include Double-blind tests for opinion polls, aptitude and intelligence tests, medical, biological, and industrial experiments which apply statistical methods and theories to reach useful inferences.... statistics has a wide application in our daily lives.... o illustrate how statistics can be a powerful tool Lorentzen analyzed sea temperature data sampled at Station-M in the Norwegian Sea (Lorentzen, 2014)....
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Analysis of the Methods for Controlling Projects
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
part from the searches conducted using the COPAC library search engine, internet searches were also conducted for articles, research papers, literature reviews and thesis which had been written in relation to the techniques and methods for the control of projects.... Many enhancements in management are possible as a result of this (Centre for reviews and Dissemination, University of York, 2001, “Stage I” and “Stage II”). ... A problem with some of the journals, however, is that a subscription is required for access to the material and hence this has been a problem with accessing literature from these sources (Centre for reviews and Dissemination, University of York, 2001, “Stage I”, “Stage II” and “Appendices”)....
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Classical and Positivist Views on Crime
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
However, crime statistics which began to be observed annually in France from 1827 showed that there was no salutary effect of the newfound theory.... If anything, statistics revealed that crime rates were going up, not moving down.... Thinkers, writers and men and women of original disposition, particularly in the realm of arts down the ages were unable to digest the fact that the system in society could be regimented to favor a few and fine the rest. ...
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Charlies Country: A Film Review
7 pages (2088 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
The review "Charlie's Country: A Film Review" focuses on the critical analysis of the movie titled "Charlie's Country" that appealed to the author in the thought that it covered multiple aspects of the native life in Australia and how Charlie coped with two cultures and addictive habits.... ... ... ...
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Impact of Consumption and Investment on the GDP in Qatar 1990-2013
6 pages (1542 words) , Download 3 , Statistics Project
These provided are as obtained from an online source on Qatar economic statistics and indicators.... The data collected is then analyzed using different measures after considering the descriptive statistics for the three variables of consumption, investment and the GDP of Qatar.... Qatar Economic statistics and Indicators....
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The Shawshank Redemption Movie Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
Name Professor Course Date The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption is a film directed by Frank Darabont in which the main character Andy is tormenting over his wife's death.... He knows that he can free himself from the pain of his wife's death by going to exile at Shawshank Prison.... ...
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Man of Marble Film Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
This movie is a great example of typical Andrzej Wajda work.... All of his films are based on Polish politics.... His main objective is to educate the youth of Poland about the history of the country.... The film can.... ... ... e characterize as arobust argument against the Communist government in Poland and demonstrated the control that the government had over people and the degree of censorship was placed on the artist. ...
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Movie Review: Ghosts of Rwanda
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The reporter describes 'Ghosts of Rwanda' as a movie written, produced, and directed by Greg Barker.... The movie starts by explaining that there were about 800, 000 people who lost their lives through slaughtering because of the war between Hutus and Tutsis.... .... ... ... Majority of those who died were the Tutsis, and while this happened, the world turned away assuming that nothing was happening....
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Boo review of Ogbar's book
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Book Review The setting of the book, “Black Power: Radical Politics and African American Identity (Reconfiguring American Political History” is in the 1960s.... “Black power” is a slogan used by the African Americans in defense against racial discrimination....
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