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Business Selection Discussion Summary
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This is because that as people globally is becoming more and more aware of the camping and adventure sports they are interested in buying top of the shelf products.... Although it is not something very unique in the globalized and national culture, it is still a profitable business as more and more....
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Underground Construction in Iconic Buildings
6 pages (2113 words) , Download 3 , Essay
arly 2008 saw the launch of an ambitious plan to see car packs and roads build under the city centre of Amsterdam as a way of solving parking problems while at the same time providing facilities for recreation, sports and leisure (Muynck, 2008).... This essay "Underground Construction in Iconic Buildings" defines an underground design of modern buildings as a much safer solution than skyscrapers due to the threat of terrorism....
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Teaching and the Human Brain: Using Assessment and Feedback
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Gifted children: A research study.... I will develop a set of questions that will help give information on learners' families and themselves, for example, home life and schedule, learners' views on my subject area, and their interests, for example, movies, music, and sports....
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Why I Want to be Physical Therapy Assistant
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, after the research I have conducted on the different specialties I am more drawn towards alleviating the pain of the physically disabled and helping them regain in whichever fraction their ability to walk, jump, run or even simple enjoy motion.... They work in diversified environmental settings, including such places as clinics, nursing homes, schools and sports facilities....
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Gap Years - the United Arab Emirates
4 pages (1114 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In fact, research indicates that some of the teens who are not taking gap years tend to make poor career choices because of lack of enough time for making the choice.... For instance, gap years will enable UAE teens who have grown up in a structured family with clearly defined goals be it academic, sports, or athletics to be free to assess themselves....
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Revolutionising Sound - The Emergence of Electronic Music
8 pages (2135 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Throughout the early 20th century, research into enhancing Valdemar Poulsen's magnetic wire recorder had progressively continued (Nyman, 1999).... The paper "Revolutionising Sound - The Emergence of Electronic Music" discusses the biggest impact on music in terms of creation, production, and performance within the first half of the 20th century that Thaddeus Cahill's Telharmonium has given, including the main technological advancements....
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Nature And Significance Of Economic Science
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
So, to keep up with the market, in 1963, Honda released its “first sports car, in Japan” (HA, par.... The prime purpose of the paper "Nature And Significance Of Economic Science" is to discuss how people utilize scarce resources to produce goods and services to satisfy the most pressing and how they distribute these goods and services amongst themselves....
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Purchasing and Supply
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Purchasing and Supply Management Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: Introduction Purchasing and supply management entails procurement, storage and observation of movement of stock in the company's store.... Purchasing and supply manager ensures that purchasing department functions properly and also controls all employees working in this department....
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The Common European Asylum
14 pages (3755 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Common European Asylum" highlights that providing operational and financial assistance to help Member States and the establishment of teams of asylum experts, which could be called to assist Member States are some of the options proposed.... ... ... ... Asylum as defined in the encyclopedia 'is the protection granted by a state to a foreign citizen against his own state'....
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Business incubation programs in
26 pages (6500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
A Gantt chart is also provided to show the research The research methods details the two phases of the proposed research, the research design that will be followed, its rationale, and also identifies the research paradigm.... The section on research instruments gives even greater details of precisely how the two instruments will be used and also their justification for doing so....
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Objectives of Incentive Systems
6 pages (1759 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Objectives of Incentive Systems" focuses on the critical analysis of the major objectives of incentive systems.... Numerous factors contribute to the success associated with an organization.... Chief among these is the quality of service provided by the concerned organization.... ... ... ...
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How Do Coal Seam Gas Companies Report on Corporate Social Responsibilities Issues in Australia
8 pages (2584 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "How Do Coal Seam Gas Companies Report on Corporate Social Responsibilities Issues in Australia" is an excellent example of a research paper on finance and accounting.... The paper "How Do Coal Seam Gas Companies Report on Corporate Social Responsibilities Issues in Australia" is an excellent example of a research paper on finance and accounting.... The research is expected to reveal important information about the operation of the companies and their commitment to corporate social responsibility....
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Free Trade and Protectionism
9 pages (3024 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Free Trade and Protectionism" focuses on free trade that serves long-term interests and justifies global conclusions of open markets, while protectionism works under the pressure of circumstances and brings success only in short-term perspectives of a country.... .... ... ... Discussions trying to figure out what is the best: the policy of protectionism, which leads to the development of national industry, or free trade, which allows directly to compare national costs of production with international indicators, have become a subject of centuries-old dispute among economists and politicians....
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Innovative Practices Become Key Ingredients of Success
1 pages (351 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The networked solution generates a pool of creative ideas that are tested for their relevance and undergo comprehensive R&D, marketing research, marketing, and other functions before they are launched.... The paper "Innovative Practices Become Key Ingredients of Success" states that a large-scale ecosystem is developed as a response to emergencies or an external environment like economic breakdown....
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Habeas Corpus in English Traditions
6 pages (1628 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Habeas Corpus in English Traditions" highlights that the legal system is where the suspects are taken to court and the court decides their fate.... The court determines whether the reason that the prisoner has been imprisoned is legal and gives the person the chance to offer a petition....
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Stage of Innovation by Nurses During the Process of Research Utilization and Adoption
1 pages (285 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Stage of Innovation by Nurses During the Process of research Utilization and Adoption" tells us about the level of research on the competence of nurses.... The purpose of the research process and the nursing process are different.... In research process is done to find out the result in a specific field for producing new knowledge while the nursing process is done to plan and implement healthcare plans for care for the client....
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Violence in the Media Makes Society More Violent
6 pages (1765 words) , Download 0 , Essay
European Journal on Criminal Policy and research, 13 (3-4), pp.... Children, adolescents, and media violence: a critical look at the research.... Journal of research in Crime and Delinquency, 42, pp.... Media violence research and youth violence data: why do they conflict?... It was also observed that the Romans of the past used to watch lethal sports....
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Toddler Development and Its Influences
9 pages (2484 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper "Toddler Development and Its Influences" based on a research of six scholarly reviewed articles regarding toddler development and its influences.... Toddler Development and Its Influences Introduction This is an essay based on a research of six scholarly reviewed articles regarding toddler development and its influences.... The potential impact of this research is that it can be of assistance to parents, nutritionists to provide appropriate diet for the toddler and how diet may prevent brain under development....
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Risk Assessment for Non-profit Hospital
4 pages (1149 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The "Risk Assessment for Non-profit Hospital" paper particularly performs a risk assessment for non-profit hospitals and discusses various aspects related to the issue.... Hospital data are vulnerable to different threats like malware attacks or hacking.... .... ... ... Nessus is a comprehensive vulnerability scanning program that can be deployed to enhance computer security (Nessus: NationMaster)....
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Maritime Cybersecurity Issue
5 pages (1266 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Maritime Cybersecurity Issue" highlights that professional engineering organizations collaborate with the maritime industry to come up with an awareness program.... Cybersecurity awareness ought to be built into training programs for all the sailors and shore-based personnel.... ... ... ...
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Personal journey
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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I took part in an extracurricular scientific research project in the university.... The project was a grand success and our team won bagged the award as the 2nd Outstanding research Project of the year.... For my postgraduate research, I chose to study and conduct research on behavioural health.... took up metabolic syndrome as the entry point for my research, as it is a common and socially legitimate condition that requires proactive actions....
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Media Power and Its Impact on Society
7 pages (1948 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Online learning tools and research papers enable the mass audience to get affordable learning materials, which can in turn be distributed further to the general public through email and blogs.... The term social business is increasingly being used, and it suggests that engagement with social media is significant and affects people working in sales, research and development and human resource management (Kietzmann et al, 2011).... Television viewing among children also keeps them from participating in art, music or sports and activities require time for practice to gain skills....
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Financial Globalization, Economic Growth and the Crisis
10 pages (2634 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This has ignited much debate and consequent research to investigate the causes and eventual effects of economic globalization on world economies.... This is research has been based on arguments for and against policies that are made to support integration of emerging markets to the world markets (Scholte, 2005, 57).... The research and eventual findings state that the benefits of globalization outstretch issues that stand against it.... research shows that the volume of financial flows has changed significantly for a long run and it has been in a greater capacity for advanced countries....
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Marketing Communications Campaign of Nike Inc
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The author of this research paper "Marketing Communications Campaign of Nike Inc" highlights that Contemporary organisations are known for their extensive use of marketing techniques.... Identification of Demography, Consumer Behaviour and Culture of the Target Audience by Conducting Marketing research ... Segmentation of Target Audience as per the Outcomes of Marketing research ... In this stage, an organisation must gather necessary information regarding the customers through market research....
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Should Public Schools Offer Single Sex Instruction
8 pages (2149 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Several courses such as human sexuality and contact sports were permitted to continue being single sex.... The essay "Should Public Schools Offer Single Sex Instruction?... critically analyzes whether public schools should offer single-sex instruction with a focus on supporting single-sex instruction....
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Ontology of Smart Homes and Elderly Self Care Home
17 pages (5246 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Chapter 5 Justification of the literature review method The method adopted in this project research is related to existing research papers (literature review), mainly the research paper of Shojanoori et al.... For this purpose and in order to get the best result of the project, it was planned to use journals and academic papers, the “building OWL ontologies tutorial” of the University of Manchester, and supervisor meetings.... Journal and academic papers were available online in the library of the University of Westminster....
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Twentieth-century Marxism. Georg Lukcs and the problem of consciousness
72 pages (18000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Georg Lukacs stands as a dominant figure in twentieth-century Marxism.... The publication of his History and Class Consciousness and Karl Korsch Marxism and Philosophy in 1923 marked the first serious efforts to rethink Marxism.... ... ... Both Lukacs and Korsch were responding to the inability of the orthodox viewpoint to account for either the unexpected survival of the Russian Revolution or the progressive dissolution of revolutionary working-class movements in Europe....
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The Role of Social Networking Sites
7 pages (2172 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
ontext and background to research 2 ... ontext and background to research ... The general aim of this research was to ascertain the role of social networking sites by undergraduates of Essex University and hence the main reasons for conducting this study were: ... The research investigated how the youths normally use the social media.... From the title of the study it is beyond reasonable doubt that majority of undergraduates fall here thus it will be of importance and relevant to this research study....
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Transparency Promoting Design and Privacy in Modern Architecture
12 pages (3167 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
According to research, 1914 was the year that marked the start destruction of the old-fashioned stone facades of Western Europe's towns.... While many abstract artists seemed to be rejecting any connection with the environment around them, nonetheless, research shows that Dan was striving to give a new shape to his promise to social concerns through conceptual art.... From the research, it is evident that transparency also suggests something more comprehensive than visual effects since it also comprises of spatial expression....
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RN Staffing Time and Outcomes of LongStay Nursing Home Residents Must be a Nursing Research Critique
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Moreover, this research highlights the inadequacy of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1987 whereby only 8 hours of RN care is covered, necessitating more political lobbying to expand the sphere Medicaid.... lthough this article provided impressive background information of the authors, not much of their previous works and field of interest were cited to back the general aim for the convergence of each into the overall principle of this research article.... It would have been useful to know what other studies they have conducted in order to establish, if there are any, a pattern that explains why this particular research was engaged and therefore realize the connection of each of the authors aim....
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The PROS and CONS ofImplantingInformation Chips in Humans
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Clearly, papers get burn or soaked with water and computer software gets corrupted or crashed.... The PROS and CONS of implanting information chips in humans Introduction and background to the implantable medical records The issue of keeping medical records is an important ethical issue when it comes to medical and healthcare practice....
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Effect of New Media Technology on Political Thought and Theory
5 pages (1589 words) , Download 1 , Essay
As a result, the "news" reports of these papers simply wrote exaggerated articles (Lester, 2010).... This paper 'Effect of New Media Technology on Political Thought and Theory' seeks to research on how new media technology affects political thought and theory as far as the new media technology plays a critical role in the American society and its democracy.... How new media technology affects political thought and theory due: This paper seeks to research on how new media technology affects political thought and theory....
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Global Christianity
9 pages (2384 words) , Download 1 , Essay
A Christian View on Islam, essays on Dialogue.... This paper ''Global Christianity'' tells that translation could have resulted to clear understand of the bible since its original text would be converted to another language according to the will of the receptor.... Translation of bible verses could have enabled the expansion of Christianity in the world....
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Oil Prices and Performance of Stock Markets
4 pages (1251 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The ultimate way to validate, the assertion that the stock prices can be the result of changes in oil prices is only through empirical research.... Most of the research on the relationship between these two variables are normally in the Western developed countries, and yet oil forms a significant part of the economy of the GCC countries (Alabdulwahab, 2008).... ?Three essays on financial markets and monetary behavior in GCC ...
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Lu Xun by Zhou Shuren
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
His essays are often satirical in his societal remarks and with his mastery of the vernacular language; his expertise with tone, which does not always project an easy thought, make his works even harder to translate.... The attractive set of red, cloth-bound volumes that he, his students and colleagues produced contains an all-new German translation of Lu Xun's selected works from 1881 to 1938, several of which were never published before in English or French, including some of Lu Xun's essays in wenyan which were written in period of 1907 to 1908....
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Critical writing skills
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Rotenberg's text has proven to be viable resource to aid students become better writers.... he book is based on an array of approaches that provides the reader with critical thinking techniques that could help them build a strong base for argument.... ... ... ... The author outlines various philosophical approaches from other scholars such as Roger and Aristotle, while also manipulating models that support the reason for these argumentative approaches Critical Writing Skills Rotenberg's text has proven to be viable resource to aid become betterwriters....
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Analysis of a Leader: Howard Schultz
10 pages (2510 words) , Download 6 , Essay
He has given $30 million in order to aid research for PTSD and brain trauma in order to help vets returning from war.... Shultz also pushed for more customer research, which applies the client's values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors to marketing techniques.... He was an outstanding athlete, being prominent in basketball and football, and sports won him scholarship for his university studies at Northern Michigan University....
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Introduction to Tourism and Leisure Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
No research has been conducted in the town previously.... uring the course of this investigation, the goal of the research will be to gather information that will be relevant to the council.... The city council seeks to learn more about out the visitors that are coming to their town....
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The Drug Trade and Abuse in Australia
7 pages (2419 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Whilst the general amphetamine-type stimulant prevalence is regarded as stable, research indicates that there is frequent consumption in populations which already consume drugs and fast change in drug-consuming patterns towards the consumption of methamphetamine which is in crystal form, and have a consequential rise in severe harms (Dunn et al, 2007). ... In 2013, a research in Western Australia confirmed that 44 percent of people living in the region are consuming methylamphetamine....
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Reflections on Cognitive-Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice
12 pages (3370 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Reflections on Cognitive-Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice" focuses on the critical analysis of the use of reflective journals in nursing, especially emphasizing cognitive behavior therapy in clinical practice.... It helps in maintaining a written and objective record of the experience....
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Capitalisation of Jazz
6 pages (1688 words) , Download 1 , Essay
essays on Music.... This work "Capitalisation of Jazz" describes jazz as a tool for conformism producing and increasing repression of freedom under capital.... The author outlines Theodor W.... Adorno's theories about jazz.... From this work, it is clear that jazz music has inspired a lot of great thinkers and artists since the beginning of the 20th century to create valuable works of art....
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The new education style
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Scholarship Essay
a.... The person you think you are comes from reflection and experience and may have nothing at all to do with what other people see or think.... Only you can know what your experiences are and only you can decide who you are inside.... The person that other people see is who you let them see.... ...
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Implementation and Analysis Proposition 30 ( increase tax for education )
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, the beneficiaries of the policy range from community colleges and schools, universities, department of development services, department of parks and recreation, department of fish and game, city police departments among other funded educational programs (Williams, 2011)....
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Revision Process in the Rhetoric and Composition
2 pages (557 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Revision Process in the Rhetoric and Composition" describes that the greatest recognition the author made was that re-writing is often as important as writing.... Ultimately, he can take these revision skills and implement them in future classes, professions, and general life experiences....
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Cross-Cultural Management - Looking Into Intercultural Teams
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
ased on a past research by Kabasakal and Bodur (1997), some cultures are characterised by a strong slant towards collectivism and both societal and organisational levels.... he research of Mendenhall and Oddou (1985) indicate that adjustment to the cross-cultural facets of a global assignment requires three distinct personal abilities, as follows: 1) the capacity to sustain a valued sense of self; 2) the ability to associate to host nationals; 3) the ability to intellectually appreciate the belief systems that underpin behaviours in the host country....
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Agenesis of Corpus Callosum
5 pages (1407 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The National Organizations for the Disorders of the Corpus Callosum (NODCC) is an organization that provides information, education and research into ACC and its related conditions.... This implies that the NODCC is an organization formed by persons who seek to initiate research and studies into the situation in order to improve the quality of life amongst people who have ACC.... The fundamental mission of the NODCC is “to enhance the quality of life and promote opportunities for individuals with disorders of the corpus callosum, and raise the profile, understanding and acceptance of these disorders through research, education, advocacy and networking....
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Conducting of Research - Avoiding of Bias, the Role of Theory Formulation, and Literature Review
3 pages (961 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
'Conducting of research - Avoiding of Bias, the Role of Theory Formulation, and Literature Review" paper argues that a researcher would only seek to examine the performance of men and women managers without focusing on any other area of research.... Thus, theory guides research work and process.... Theory must be formulated and in turn, offer the basis for conducting the research.... This stems from the fact that research cannot begin or take place if there is no theory to guide the whole research process....
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European Business Law
5 pages (1438 words) , Download 0 , Essay
2) write “Irregular migration (although the EU institutions persist in using the pejorative term ‘illegal' rather than irregular) has been the subject of intense Union activity, with a steady stream of policy papers and action plans.... Notwithstanding the brightest ideas articulated in the various discussions, papers and agreements by the EU, the ground realities are entirely different.... oner, Helen (Author), Guild, Elspeth (Author), Baldacinni, Anneliese (Author), Whose Freedom, Security and Justice: EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy (essays in European Law), Hart Publishing, June 4, 2007....
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Prevention of Diabetes
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
However, latest research indicates that the disease is now affecting even children especially because of the high rates of obesity.... The paper "Prevention of Diabetes" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the prevention of diabetes.... Diabetes is a chronic disease and hence the essay aims to look at its superseding symptoms, types, and tests for prevention....
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A Religion of Ritual
7 pages (1923 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Mass is a recreation of partaking of bread and wine as symbolic of sharing in the body and blood of Christ, a communion that established the new covenant as Christ was about to be sacrificed for the sins of all men and women.... Baptism is a the ritual symbolic recreation of the death of Christ and the resurrection after that death....
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