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The Importance of Foreign Trade to the Economy of Saudi Arabia
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
One should be ready to take extensive research into the business sector of the country.... The paper 'The Importance of Foreign Trade to the Economy of Saudi Arabia' describes Imports of Saudi Arabia that depend on competitive prices and punctual delivery.... Retain and wholesale trades are controlled by the country's private sector....
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Evaluation of Training in HRM
12 pages (3499 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This research points out that training evaluation is for the larger part made use of within feedback towards individuals as well as to inform and educate the process of training and slightly lesser for the return on investment as discussed earlier.... Hence the workplace understandings are derived from how things shape up with research done from a number of angles and perspectives.... Cultural Diversity in Organizations: Theory, research, and Practice, San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc....
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John Ronald Reuel Tolkien and the Effect of World War I on the Creation of Middle Earth
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The story reportedly started as a sort of afterthought that occurred to Tolkien one day after having spent several boring hours grading papers.... “According to his own account, one day, when Tolkien was engaged in the soul-destroying task of marking examination papers, he discovered that one candidate had left one page of an answer-book blank.... Instead of giving imagination a free rein, Tolkien turned to research....
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Wireless Network Security
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The primary goal of this research is to present comprehensive discussion on various features included in wireless network security.... Hence security of wireless networks is a promising area for future research.... This paper "Wireless Network Security" has presented an overview of various security aspects of wireless networks....
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The effects of human cloning
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The third type of cloning is therapeutic cloning, referred also to as embryo cloning, somatic cell nuclear transfer, research cloning, cloning for biomedical research or cell... Effects of Human Cloning Date Abstract The topic of human cloning has become very a controversial, as it is faces with many “ethical dilemmas”....
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Poor World and Rich World
6 pages (1716 words) , Download 0 , Essay
National Bureau of Economic research.... Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic research.... This paper ''Poor World and Rich World'' tells that Industrialization is often regarded as one of the principal indicators of economic development.... Countless empirical investigations have revealed that industrialization is the underlying element in the divergence of the level of living standards....
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Market Access and the Merits of This Approach
6 pages (1742 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(2009) The European Courts Political Power: Selected essays.... This essay "Market Access and the Merits of This Approach" focuses on the Cassis de Dijon case where ECJ held that Article 28 can nibble, where the rule prohibits the free flow of products within the EU subject to exceptions when the analogs' rule extends to imports and domestic products....
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Institutional Theory in Political Science: By B.GUY Peters
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While discussing about the new institutionalism and normative institutionalism, the author of the book defines an institution to mean, in political science, a loosely formed group, which can vary from a formal structure like parliament to a body of certain society members that.... ... ... The author further gives reference of March and Olsen, who according to the author do not think the institution to be necessarily a formal structure....
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Automobile Assembly Line
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
1.... Introduction.... There is argument that society shapes technology and that technology then interacts to shapes society.... This essay will argue that this statement is true and that evidence in favour of this argument is visible in the development of the moving assembly line by Ford Motor Company....
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Ethics of Cloning and Genetic Manipulation
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The topic which is taken under discussion in this essay is the ethics of cloning or genetic manipulation and it will also explore the conflict theories of Karl Marx and Max Weber about cloning.... Before discussing the theories of Karl Marx and Max Weber it is important to know that what is cloning....
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Objectives of Promotional Strategy of Plush Karaoke
4 pages (1136 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For instance, it provided the ideal avenue on which the different research strategies on the target market could be done prior to the production and distribution of the merchandise (Steinke 145).... mong the promotional practices offered by the organization, which I took part in their marketing and promotion were; happy Thursday, expansion of craft beer, adding a second TV in each room, barber cut machine, new song selections, sports programming at bar area, music video at bar area and refreshed food menu....
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Knowledge Management and Innovation
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This piece of research work critically examines the knowledge sharing theoretical models developed by Nonaka and Takeuchi to elucidate how this model has been implemented in a typical industry to apply KM to the innovation of a product.... KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION Your name …………………………....
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The Effective Media Tool in Communicating with Arab Audience
4 pages (1276 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Degree in Journalism, my focus of research will be the Arab audience.... Many factors will give me competency in doing this research.... In moving forward towards my PHD Degree in Journalism, my focus of research will be the Arab audience.... Many factors will give me a competency in doing this research.... This study enables me to apply my research techniques and know the role of each medium in influencing public opinion. ...
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Henry Armstrong
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Clients Name Name of Professor Name of Class Date Henry Armstrong The boxer Henry Armstrong is a part African American who made a name for himself that is legendary in boxing.... His skill places him as the second best boxer of all time, creating a legacy that has spanned the decades since his time....
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Analytical Procedures - A Powerful Tool for Auditors
5 pages (1693 words) , Download 3 , Essay
JD sports Fashion PLC is a company engaged in selling and distribution sports goods and apparel.... sports Direct International PLC is also engaged in the retailing and wholesale distribution of sports clothing, footwear and apparel.... Thus, it stands as a strong competitor of JD sports Fashion PLC.... Financial Ratio Formulae JD sports Fashion PLC sports Direct International PLC 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 Current Ratio Current Assets/ Current Liabilities 0....
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Civilisation and the arts in london
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Civilisation and the Arts in London Date: University: Civilisation and the Arts in London Television, movies, fashion, sports and music are the main components of today's pop culture in London.... Civilisation and the Arts in London Civilisation and the Arts in London Television, movies, fashion, sports and music are the main components of today's pop culture in London.... Media, television, audio media and sports all influenced the fashion in the life of youth and children specially....
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SLP: Housing Recreational Areas and Bathing Facilities Disaster Sanitation
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Illnesses Associated to Contaminated Beach Water Following the storm Regina, we are advising swimmers and surfers to skip their beach surfing routines in the next few days.... Beaches would be temporarily closed to public as the recent test on beach water were found to be contaminated with pathogens and there is an elevated bacteria level due to runoff cause by the recent storm....
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Zheng Hes Expedition and Ming Dynasty
16 pages (4540 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Historical research on the Ming Dynasty in Mainland China — 1995–2009.... The paper "Zheng Hes Expedition and Ming Dynasty" highlights that generally, the economies of the Ming dynasty comprised some technological advances, increased political power of lower class nationals such as merchants, and the imperial rule slow weakening....
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Scholarly database search
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Elsevier collated research studies from numerous authors and scientists as far back as 1823.... Thus, improvement in research methods can be easily seen in search results.... Elsevier collated research studies from numerous authors and scientists as far back as 1823.... Thus, improvement in research methods can be easily seen in search results.... This is of particular importance in the topic selected to browse relevant research studies and compare and contrast the methods and results across timeline....
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Living Life in a Bubble
7 pages (1912 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Not only books but entire research journals are available to the general public.... This paper "Living Life in a Bubble" describes the harm effect of living inside this bubble - technological innovations.... The author outlines Sitting behind a desk all day, holding a cordless device or even watching television all day is detrimental for human abilities....
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How can an eco-house change people behaviour in the culture of Saudi Arabia
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The aim will be fulfilled with the help of achieving the objective of this research.... The objective is to conduct research and identify every possible ways of designing an eco-friendly house that suits within the environment of Saudi Arabia.... For fulfilling the objective of this research, the methods will be analysed and presented for the creation of an eco-friendly house compatible with the Saudi Arabian environmental conditions such as that of availability of natural resources (Susilawati & A-Surf, 2011)....
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A Young Athlete
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In Athens, Vases sculptured similar to above illustrated amphora were packed with 42 quarts of sacred Athenian olive oil were delivered like rewards to champions in the athletic competition of the Panathenaic Festival which was conducted once in every 4 years.... (Hyman 2006).... ... ... The athletes were skilled to perfection in the “Xystos” (Camp 2004) and usually their instructors were precedent champions....
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Analysis and Contrast Between Phoenix, Arizona and The Lottery
3 pages (833 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Analysis and Contrast Between Phoenix, Arizona and The Lottery" will begin with the statement that Phoenix, Arizona written by Sherman Alexie is a very simple short story but nevertheless interesting.... The story revolves around Victor who had just lost his job and his father.... ... ....
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Saudi Consumers Perceptions and Reactions
14 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In order to address these challenges and fulfilling the gap in the literature, the researcher has designed this research papers.... hapter 2: Research Problem and research Questions ... In this proposal 'Saudi Consumers Perceptions and Reactions' the researcher has provided brief idea of the selected research topic Saudi Consumers perceptions and reactions to companies CSR (corporate social responsibility) initiatives.... research questions and background of the research has also been discussed in this proposal and in suitable cases, the researcher has taken help of research works of previous researchers to validate the argument....
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Caretakers' Emotional Responses to Providing Care to Elderly Loved Ones in Assisted Living Facilities
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The study by Sanderson & Meyers is a qualitative study and it is necessary to briefly discuss the general strengths and weaknesses of this research style before continuing.... ssignment 1b: Critique of Qualitative research Report By ID# INSERT HERE Submitted in Partial Requirements for NURS 530 Trinity Western University DATE The assignment being critiqued here is Sanderson & Meyers (2008).... It has been suggested that the title of a paper is important in many ways (Kuper, Lingard & Levinson, 2008), particularly instructing the reader as to whether the article is relevant to their own research....
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The Theory of Social Facilitation
5 pages (1409 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A lot of research has historically been conducted to explain this phenomenon.... Most of the research involves experimental studies.... A lot of research has historically been conducted to explain this phenomenon.... Most of the research involves experimental studies....
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Structural engineering
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
They are innovators who create structures used everyday such as houses, hospitals, theatres, sports stadia, space satellites, bridges and oil rigs.... It uses Mathematics and Science to shape the world by designing and creating building and non-building structures.... These engineers are focused on the architectural and constructional....
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Communication of Window Display
6 pages (2079 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In 1913, the Chanel shops in Deauville and Biarritz, which were couture shops offered for sale the Pret-a-porter sports clothes for women.... These practical designs allowed the women to play sports.... The essay "Communication of Window Display" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the communication of window displays....
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The Circumstances of Life and the Way People Live Largely Determine Their Health
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Physical activity in the treatment of the adulthood overweight and obesity: current evidence and research issues.... research in this area is important because a focus on preventable health outcomes is one major way in which the wider public health force can identify and address adverse life circumstances to improve health.... From here, research went on to do statistical studies that showed a link between smokers and lung cancer that was not present in non-smokers (Peto et al, 2000), which led the medical world to believe that there was likely some link between smoking and incidences of certain chronic diseases (White, 1990)....
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Discuss: women department stores and fashion in the city
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Fashion became a significant aspect of women's life in Victorian epoch (especially as far as the middle class and upper class of society are concerned).... Dress was a tool used by women to express their identity, and this was almost single aspect of life not defined and designed.... ... ... "the rise of the department store …providing a highly legitimate, if limited, participation in the public sphere....
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The pro and con sides to using MULTIPLE CHOICE TESTS at the college level
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Hughes suggests that multiple choice tests benefit those examiners who do not have ample time going through long essays and marking them.... Tamir suggests in his research that multiple choice tests are especially beneficial for those students who are not good at writing.... ?? Australian Computing Education Conference 2005- research and Practice in Information Technology 42(2005): 1-8.... Scoring hundreds of long essays is impossible when time is short, and thus, examiners find it practically easy to mark multiple choice tests....
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Sexuality in America comedy show
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many comedy shows normally show the way females are scrutinized, objectified, derided by uncovering the steady stream of sexism and misogynist in shows.... The comedies are very provocative as they show how people behave in very immoral ways yet they are just contented with the.... ... ... Portraying a woman in such an awkward is regarded by the society as normal leaving someone wonders what is in store for the next generation....
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Development of American Revolution and James Madison
2 pages (665 words) , Download 3 , Essay
James Madison (1789)Madison's notes for these essays indicate that he considered them an extension of the research and thinking he had done in preparing for the Constitutional Convention and in writing The Federalist.... The essays filled out Madison's ideas about republican government and the threats it faced, informed by further reading and, more important, by several years of experience under the new Constitution....
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Marketing Ethics: Recycling
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From papers to bottles, metals and everything, UK has already proposed various methods to recycle any of it.... They say that they are willing to recycle plastics, glasses or papers.... This research subjected 8 Chinese students in the UK for an interview/survey....
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Theoretical Background for Multilateralism and Regionalism
13 pages (4693 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Thesis ment Economic research program have been affected by the theoretical achievements.... Thus, it shows that how their research program have been affected by the theoretical achievements.... i's research is shaped with the study of three stages as follows.... And numerous research programs of international political economists have working the theories of international economics in the configuration of their research programs....
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Paper on The Awakening of Civil Society
6 pages (1691 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the paper "Paper on The Awakening of Civil Society" it is clear that with continued access to information and education, the people are more aware of their rights and are willing to ensure that the Arab world will have better leadership in the future.... ... ... ... The increasing flow of information in the Arab world will facilitate the adoption of new ideologies....
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The Student Survival Guide
4 pages (1273 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The action plan for this particular focus area would be to ensure that I use the academic resources judiciously and when working on my term papers and other hand in materials, I take care to cite all the sources appropriately and with due diligence done according to the source that I am citing.... I would avoid plagiarism by relying on my research into the various topics of the term papers and ensuring that my hand in materials is checked for others work.... This is like sports where each of the skill at work needs to be developed in conjunction with the rest....
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Why Are Young People Drawn towards Crime
10 pages (2898 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is because both quantitative and non quantitative methods of conducting the research vary.... The research focuses on individual young people and also groups of young people referred to as gangs which are more prevalent in the UK.... This led to tougher sentences and more imprisonment as opposed to rehabilitation and treatment of criminals, research in the 21st century has however continued to look at psychological stress as a driving force behind various crimes (Cohen, 139). ...
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The Question of Using Animals in Medical Experiments
6 pages (1776 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The paper "The Question of Using Animals in Medical Experiments" considers that animals are used for research at many medical research foundations as a focus for tests.... We compare and contrast the approaches used by Skinner and Harlow for behavioral research using non-human animals.... There were many similarities and differences seen while studying how both of them have used nonhuman animals in their research regarding behaviorism....
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Pros and Cons of a Sporting Brand Image
7 pages (1844 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This research is based on finding the impact of brand image and advertisement on consumer, the cost of advertisement which in recent times has escalated too much that the credibility of such input on marketing becoming questionable. ... research has shown that more that 30% of the viewers are interested in the commercials between the airplay of the sport than the sport itself....
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The opportunities and challenges that a Chinese firm faces while entering into Saudi Arabian market
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The main objective of the paper is to identify the opportunities and challenges that a Chinese firm which is into retail sector may face while entering into Saudi Arabian market.... It has been observed that retail industry in Saudi Arabia is one of the leading industries.... ... ... ... The project will try to identify the general business contexts both national (China) as well as international (Saudi-Arabia)....
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What Factors Contributed to the Growth of International Trade in Britain in 18th and 19th Century
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The research that backs this essay has been in majority done during the visit to the National Maritime Museum and the Cutty Sark Museum in Greenwich, London.... This essay "What Factors Contributed to the Growth of International Trade in Britain in 18th and 19th Century" discusses London which was the major shipbuilding center in the world where the best and latest navigational instruments were manufactured and sold....
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The Activity Of Different Media
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Thus the news value is comparatively lower than the news papers.... fm programs mostly aired are regional news, international news, entertainment programs like music- songs, plays, and live sports broadcasting etc.... Besides news the CNNTV also telecast chat shows, sports reviews and many other entertainment programs....
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Skills Development for Business Progress Statement and Development Plan
10 pages (2620 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Personal learning activities such as spending more time in the library to research on some important aspects of my professional field have been considered.... y academic performance is the most important aspect of studies thus more time will be dedicated to it besides including other activities such as sports.... llowing the sports patron and my team captain to asses my performance ...
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Successful Inclusive Physical Education
10 pages (2694 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It promotes creativity and innovation in the students that help them in developing excellent research skills.... In addition to the traditional sports system, if the students are introduced to changes with the basic game extend its boundaries then it can make the game a bit more challenging for them and hence they develop their interest in the physical training. ... This addition in the curriculum will make it a balanced and coherent curriculum that can be challenging to all, and the students can show more commitment to physical education and school sports....
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Economic Impact of Obesity: Literature Review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many of these costs attribute to the research and the treatment of these problems, which poses a financial burden on medical resources.... Economic Impact of Obesity Introduction Obesity has become a common social problem in not only the United States, but also all around the world....
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Epistemological and Ontological Assumptions
13 pages (3806 words) , Download 4 , Essay
"Epistemological and Ontological Assumptions" paper focuses on the importance of both these philosophies and how they influence research in both a positive and a negative way.... hen it comes to research methodologies, there are two assumptions research can be categorized into.... For this paper, this writer would like to investigate both epistemological and ontological assumptions that bring about research regarding a variety of issues, particularly when it comes to understanding organizations....
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Balance Between Work and Family
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The aim of this essay is how are the roles of men and women adapting to changes in work and family life in Australia?... And are we moving towards more gender equality in the balance between work and family, or something else?... The major changes examined here are attitudes to work and family.... ...
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Economics Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Thus, in case the government wants an expansionary monetary policy, the Central bank would ask the commercial banks to print fancy stamped papers with net amounts written (known as BONDS) and sell them to Central Bank.... Economics Assignment Answer 1: Economies are very complex and have to be monitored and controlled by the government....
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Online Courses and Traditional Courses
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
du/successes/research-and-white-papers/pros-and-cons-of-online-education Sorrentino, E (2011).... As the paper outlines, with the increased sprouting of internet classes, there has been a raging debate about the learning process and their effectiveness.... One can choose to enroll in a traditional program where they will attend classes and access educational resources on campus libraries....
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