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Language Development and Early Literacy in a Multilingual Context - Essay Example

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This paper 'Language Development and Early Literacy in a Multilingual Context' tells us that early childhood language development and literacy play a vital role in the academic and career success of an individual. The concepts acquired at an early age are very fundamental to an individual…
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Language Development and Early Literacy in a Multilingual Context
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Language development& early literacy in multilingual context LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT AND EARLY LITERACY IN MULTILINGUAL CONTEXT Introduction Early childhood language development and literacy plays a vital role in the academic and career success of an individual (Philp, Oliver and Mackey 2008). Though learning to read and write is a lifelong process, the concepts acquired at an early age are very fundamental to an individual and determine to a large extend the ease with which an individual learns adulthood literacy. The concepts learned and the skills acquired at such ages form the foundation for subsequent literacy and language development. Such concepts are also very helpful in life and significantly affect the process of adulthood literacy acquisition. In multilingual contexts, the learning experience and process of the first language significantly affects the acquisition of the second and other additional languages (Robertson and Nunn 2006). Basing on this, this essay tries to highlight the role of an early childhood practitioner in the learning process. It highlights the appropriate planning and implementation of the learning process in such contexts. This essay explains the childhood language learning process, together with the factors affecting language development. It also discusses the current approaches in childhood language learning and gives ways that can be used to improve the process. Before writing this essay, a number of ethical issues and confidentiality have been taken into account. The first thing that has been taken into account is to provide information that has no bias. This essay tries to provide practices and theories that can be used all over the world to better the learning process in early childhood learning centers. In addition to this, this essay cites all the sources from which the information used has been obtained. This will help readers to read more about the topic in case they need more information (Wang 2011). Psycholinguistic factors affecting second language acquisition Language development at an early age is an important process and needs keen concern and support. It forms the foundation on which future language learning and literacy acquisition is build. The degree and ease with which children learn a language can also be a great predictor of future academic success and has many long-term implications in the social and economic sectors. This affects the development and interactivity of individuals in a family and in the society. Many things in the society affect language learning at an early age. This is because, during the learning process, a child always interprets information from the environment and forms his or her own perceptions of what language is and of how to relate to specific people and circumstances (Philp, Oliver and Mackey 2008). Since language learning is part of mental, emotional, and physical development, many psycholinguistic factors affect second language acquisition. Such factors as age, motivation, personality, experiences and cognition all affect language acquisition and second language proficiency (Cummins 2007). In consideration to age, teaching of two languages to a child who is just starting to identify sounds and syllables can be very confusing to the child and can delay the language learning process. Giving enough time to a child to develop the syntax and semantics of the first language offers a good platform on which the second language can be build. In this regard, an age of 3 to 4 years can be ideal to start second language acquisition process. This makes it easy for a child to relate the syntax and the semantics of the first language to the second one, which helps in quick understanding. Starting the second language learning process at a good age also helps a child to relate the two different languages and even develop some theories on the first language basing on the second language. This helps him or her to develop his understanding and fluency in the first language (Philp, Oliver and Mackey 2008). Motivation to learn a second language is also a core factor that affects second language acquisition process (Cummins 2007). Motivation gives a child the enthusiasm and psyche to learn the second language and enhances the learning process greatly. Motivation to learn a second language can be artificially stimulated in a child by use of gifts, praise and through role modelling. Such things make a child to recite and revise what he or she has already learned and help the child to internalize a language and understand the meaning in the language. In addition to this, motivation helps a child to be very keen during the teaching process and thus gain a lot in the teaching process. This makes the language learning process efficient (Wang 2011). Another factor that greatly affects second language acquisition in children is personality. Different people are born with different personalities and which changes over time depending on many factors in the environment. Such things like attitudes, interests, behavior, and emotions all affect second language acquisition process. Since language is a direct representation of the culture of a group of people, a child will develop attitudes, interests, and will relate certain behavior to the language, which will affect the learning process (Robertson and Nunn 2006). A child’s experiences also form a core factor in determining the success in second language learning (Hansen 2012). Such experiences as the process of acquiring the first language, interacting with speakers of the second language and other personal experiences related to the second language affect language acquisition process. These are specific to every individual as each individual processes experiences differently. From the experiences, a child can access if the second language is good or bad and if there is need to know the second language. All these affect the second language learning process. The cognition capability of a child also affects second language acquisition. Students with high cognition capabilities are usually quick learners of language (Philp, Oliver and Mackey 2008). Such students are able to relate different situations and experiences to the class activities and formulate their own meaning from them. They also have high retention capabilities, which help them to internalize and easily understand new concepts. In addition to these factors, other affective factors affect also affect second language learning. Such things as self-esteem, anxiety, risk taking, inhibition, and empathy affect the learning process. Self-esteem, which is the internal self-worth, greatly determines an individual’s desire to learn a new language. Low self-esteem causes poor learning outcomes. Inhibition, which can occur in case a person wants to preserve their worth, largely affects learning. This prevents them from trying new things and experimentation, which affects second language learning process (Mayo 2013). Sociolinguistic factors affecting second language acquisition Second language acquisition process can also be affected by sociolinguistic factors. Such factors include native language proficiency, prior knowledge of the second language, home support, peers, and the learning process (Mayo 2013). Proficiency in the native language can help an individual to relate the aspects in the native language to the new aspects learned in the new language. This is very helpful in the learning process and helps a child to internalize and understand most of what he or she is taught in the second language. The native language gives a child a starting step in learning which helps a child to understand easily. Prior knowledge of the second language can either help a child to develop positive or negative theories regarding the language. Having a positive perspective towards the second language can help a child to easily internalize and learn the second language. The home environment is also an important factor in the development of the second language. It is the environment where the first language was developed and support to the learning of the second language greatly influences learning outcomes. Use of the second language for communication in the home set up greatly influences the learning process. It helps a child to develop more enthusiasm and determination to know the second language, which improves the learning process (Cummins 2007). Learning through peers is the most successful method of learning in many contexts (Wang 2011). In the context of second language acquisition and multilingualism, peers have a great influence in the mindset and attitudes of a child towards a language. In instances where most peers know the second language, the learning process of the second language becomes easy and short. This is because the peers will engage the child in constant use of the second language in communication, which improves the child’s understanding of the language. The strategies and materials used in teaching the second language also affect a child’s learning process. Second language acquisition needs more personal and continuous teaching. The teacher needs to have a personal relationship with every student and encourage each student on the weak areas. This helps a child to correct mistakes and understand the language better. Importance of language in developing early literacy Language form the basic form of communication through which human beings communicate. In a learning set up, it is important that both the teacher and the students have a common language to enhance understanding and coherence of facts and activities (Philp, Oliver and Mackey 2008). Lack of language causes confusion and disorganization, which forms a poor environment for learning. Language gives good background information to a child, which helps him or her to develop reading and writing skills. Such things like syllables, letter sounds and intonation in a language helps a child a lot in understanding reading and writing. All the knowledge acquired during the language acquisition process helps a child to develop good reading and writing. Such things like rules of semantics and syntax help a child a lot to develop good writing and writing skills. These rules of grammar form the core constructs of any language and good knowledge of them makes reading and writing easier. Such rules also apply to most languages and good mastery of them in one language can help a child to refer to them when reading or writing in another language. Fluency in speaking a language also affects early literacy skills. Students who are fluent in speaking a language will definitely read and write proficiently. This makes it necessary to support language development at early ages so that the knowledge gained can be used in acquiring literacy skills at an advanced age. Understanding of language also makes it easy for the teacher to communicate instructions and give more knowledge regarding reading and writing. Poor understanding of language will cause misunderstanding between the teacher and the child, which breaks the learning process (Mayo 2013). Importance of first language in developing second language In multilingual contexts, acquisition of the first language greatly affects the acquisition of the second and other additional languages. The knowledge and experience gained by a child in acquiring the first language act as the building blocks with which the second language is built. The phonology and syntax used in the first language form part of the key factors that will affect second language acquisition. Awareness of such things is mostly learned at a very early age and is taught by the caregivers and parents. Adequate development of these attributes in the first language helps a lot in acquisition of the second language. They help a child to note such things like rhyme, rhythm, sounds of alphabets, different syllables, start sounds of different letters, and ending sounds of different letters. Understanding of these attributes helps a child to relate their use from the first language to the second language. This greatly enhances the learning process and helps a child to internalize most of what is taught in class (Mayo 2013). Good knowledge of the first language also offers a point of reference where key issues can be compared and analyzed (Wang 2011). Such analysis and comparison can influence the attitude and liking of a student to the second language. This analysis and comparison also makes the second language look familiar or something that can easily be understood thus helping in the learning process. Comparison and understanding of the relationship between the fist and the second language shows that a learner understands the second language. This can only be achieved if the child has good mastery of the first language. Comparison of the first and the second language constructs initiates thoughts and research on the second language, which further promotes the learning of the second language. Such comparisons might easily arouse questions and discussions with the teacher and the peers, which largely enhance learning (Philp, Oliver and Mackey 2008). Ways of improving second language acquisition process Early childhood practitioners play a major role in enhancing language acquisition and literacy development. They help to form the foundation on which future knowledge can be build. In order to have a strong foundation for every child, there is need for every practitioner in this sector to follow routines and strategies that have been proved to deliver effective mentorship to children. The first most effective way to ensure effective learning in children is to ensure that the abilities, culture, and interests of every student and their family are valued, understood, and respected (Mayo 2013). Children tend to relate the known to the unknown in order to learn new things in their environment. The connection between a child and the family and culture should thus be valued and used as the main channel through which teaching is done. Since the culture and family of a child cannot be changed, understanding and respecting them helps the child to feel more comfortable during the learning process, which promotes learning and understanding. Such things as giving examples related to their parent and their culture in a class set up can give great motivation in learning. A good understanding of a child’s interests and abilities makes a child to relate with a teacher more freely which promotes learning (Mayo 2013). Another skill that can be employed to ensure success in the learning process of a child is for the practitioner to form a one on one connection with each child and get to know more about the child. This skill tries to acknowledge that human beings are all different mentally and physically and need different approaches for the same issue. The practitioner is supposed to form a connection to every child, which will help him to identify the areas of concern for every child and try to address the issues at a personal level. This helps a child to form a better relationship with the practitioner, which improves the learning process. This skill also helps a practitioner to address the issues affecting a child thus leading to better understanding and learning (Robertson and Nunn 2006). The practitioner is also supposed to recognize bilingualism and multilingualism as an asset for any individual. They are supposed to support development of the first language in all contexts and encourage the children to relate it to the second language. This helps a child to take the second language positively and develop more interest in knowing and mastering both languages. Relating the first language to the second language helps a child to understand the constructs of the second language more easily (Cummins 2007). Another way that should be used to enhance learning is to promote cultural awareness to all children. Culture is one of the frameworks on which language is build. A broad understanding of culture helps a lot in understanding a language and the necessary related issues. The practitioner is supposed help the children to understand the Aboriginal and related the changes and transitions that have taken place over the years. This prepares a child psychologically to learn the new language and offers a good foundation on which a language constructs can be build. In addition to this, the practitioner is supposed to offer equal opportunities to all children. This helps a child to form a sense of equality with all the other children and relate equally with them. With different backgrounds and experiences, the children will all strive to success and compete favorably in understanding the language (Cummins 2007). Another important thing that the practitioner is supposed to put into account is to recognize the evolving capabilities of the children in learning. He is then supposed to put in place all measures that will support and maximize on the developed capabilities. Use of these capabilities helps a student to realize mistakes and correct them. It also helps a student to have better attitude and self-esteem towards the learning process (Cummins 2007). The practitioner is also supposed to help children to form a sense of identity, place, and a connection to the community and land (Robertson and Nunn 2006). This helps the student to understand themselves better in terms of learning and the purpose of learning a new language. It also helps them to realize that the purpose of learning a new language is not to change their beliefs, culture, and identity. This fosters good attitudes and improves the learning process. Over the years, the practices in this field have changed and need to change further for better output from the learning process. In past years, practitioners used to address and teach students as a group. Students were taught as a group and their issues were addressed as a group. This caused poor understanding among the students and poor attitudes to the languages being taught and the teacher. In recent times, teaching is more personal and centered at helping each student develop their understanding of the language and related constructs. In the past years, cultural differences dominated many areas and this caused poor teaching of the second language. These cultural differences caused poor understanding between the students and teachers and between the students themselves. Some cultures were seen as superior while some cultures were considered inferior. Today, different cultures are respected and seen to be equal. This promotes second language acquisition and the learning process (Reyes 2008). Practical application of second language acquisition skills An early childhood practitioner is supposed to have enough knowledge about the different ways of increasing understanding and learning of the second language in multilingual contexts (Robertson and Nunn 2006). He is then supposed to employ such methods and skills in practice and in teaching. An early childhood practitioner can actively engage children in the learning process by allowing them to read essays aloud in class. This will develop the reading ability of each student and will boost his or her self-esteem and interest in learning. Another mechanism that can be employed by the teachers in such contexts is to use examples of the children’s parents and siblings in the class context. This helps the child to link his or her family to the learning process and thus build positive attitude and interest in the learning process. A practitioner is also supposed to offer equal opportunities to all the children. He is supposed to ensure that all children participate in the learning process and they are given equal responsibilities to carry out. Equality in a class set up helps them children to realize that they are all equal and thus compete favorably in learning process. Equality in class set up helps students to forget their different backgrounds and focus on a common goal to understand the second language. A practitioner can also read essays to the children aloud. This helps the children to capture the pronunciation of the different syllables, the intonation for the different words and syllables, and understand the importance of different punctuation marks in reading and writing. It also forms part of entertainment when listening to a story. This entertains children and makes them develop a liking to the learning process. Good understanding of all the constructs to a story or idea and a clear relation of the same to the children will also form a good mental picture of their teacher, which will improve the learning process (Reyes 2008). Conclusion In conclusion, the first language forms the foundation on which the second language is build. It is important that children have a good mastery of the first language for easy and effective learning of the second language. Many factors affect second language acquisition; age, home environment, cultural understanding, fluency in the first language, motivation, personality, experiences, cognition, self-esteem, anxiety, risk taking, inhibition, and empathy (Robertson and Nunn 2006). All these affect an individual’s learning process and need to be taken into consideration when teaching. In addition to these factors, the early childhood practitioner plays a big role in second language learning and understanding. They are the role models to children and need to implement strategies that will foster good relationships and understanding between them and the children. Such connection and understanding will improve second language learning process (Wang 2011). References Reyes, I., 2008. Exploring connections between emergent biliteracy and bilingualism. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 6(267), pp. 264-292. Cummins, J., 2007. Promoting literacy in Multilingual contexts. What works? Research into practice, Volume 5, pp. 1-4. Hansen, L., 2012. Second language acquisition abroad: the LDS missionary experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub. Co.. Leaver, B. L., Ehrman, M. E. & Shekhtman, B., 2005. Achieving success in second language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Mayo, M. d. P. G., 2013. Contemporary approaches to second language acquisition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Philp, J., Oliver, R. & Mackey, A., 2008. Second language acquisition and the younger learner: childs play?. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub. Co.. Robertson, P. & Nunn, R., 2006. English second language acquisition in the Asian context. Seoul: Asian EFL Journal Press. Wang, X.-L., 2011. Learning to read and write in the multilingual family. Buffalo: Multilingual Matters. Read More
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