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The Persuasive Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Subject Date Religious Dress Codes Should be Banned in public places The world is flooded with a large number of religions and cultures.... Each of these religions and cultures claims infallibility and superiority over others.... In order to accommodate all these religions and cultures, many governments go secular....
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Short Paper: Analyzing Sources
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
rg/essays/kupperman_essay.... Rogel described how he and his crew rescued the Spanish young boy Alonso, who survived the Indian Massacre at Ajacàn.... The letter also illustrated how the Spaniards took revenge and killed many Indians.... This.... ... ... The context of the document is the colonization of the New World, or the Americas....
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Cause & Effect (Sports)
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This was imperative in that the amount of Cause and Effect; Why sports Is Very Important To People and Their School Performance Dylon Poncho is one of the most renowned s in baseball.... om/sports/big-first-inning/article_1418ae32-b725-11e2-bf6f- 0019bb2963f4.... He has received a lot of acclamation from different areas and people and the major reason is the fact that people appreciate his ability to balance both his academics and his performance in the field....
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Tesco Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In doing this, the research compares the utilization of numerous theories that explain the implementation of such factors in a commercial organization thus enhancing the profitability of the company.... Based in Huston, Texas, the company pries itself in the dispensation of numerous services including designing, manufacturing and servicing technological equipment used in the energy industry....
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Review of the Separation of Powers Section of the Federalist Papers 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Review of the Separation of Powers Section of the Federalist papers 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 The federalist papers constitute essays written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay.... Federalist papers #47 In this essay, the principle of separation of power is addressed.... Federalist papers #48 This essay propounds that the three branches needed not be absolutely separate and independent.... Federalist papers #49 Jefferson highlighted the...
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Critical Essay and Editorial Report
8 pages (2426 words) , Download 0 , Essay
UNCTAD Discussion papers, pp.... In order to make the report, I thus conducted a rigorous research on Gambian music industry.... The activities of this phase comprised research, interface design, graphic creation, choice of musical context, sound recording, deciding on animation and production of digital video.... My work placement has further helped me to develop research skills and analytical ability, which is important for creating the portfolio....
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The Use of Caffeine and Its Effects in Endurance Sports Performance
3 pages (750 words) , Download 7 , Essay
Journal of Consumer research.... Journal of Strength and Conditioning research.... Running Head: CAFFEINE AND sports The use of caffeine and its effects in endurance sports performance The use of caffeine and its effects in endurance sports performance The use of caffeine for increased endurance during sports performance is a controversial issue that has as many detractors as supporters.... One of the primary resources for suggesting that caffeine is a valuable resource for sports performance is through advertising as advertisers use images of athletes to associate their drinks with energy and endurance (Aner & Shiv, 2009)....
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Mesopotamia Creation Stories and Biblical Creation Story
12 pages (3306 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Archeological research shows that there is little evidence that Mesopotamians cultivated an interest in cosmogony (Lambert, 1980).... merican Schools of Oriental research, 200: 48-56 ... In The Shelter of Elyon: essays on ... The author of the paper "Mesopotamia Creation Stories and Biblical Creation Story" will begin with the statement that all human societies have creation stories to describe how the cosmos began, how humankind came to be, and our purpose in this universe....
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Human perception on gambling and investing (online sports betting and day trading)
100 pages (25000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He gave me the courage and inspiration, and also taught me to love the research and writing process.... However, if it were not for a number of people who generously shared their knowledge and time with me, I could not have written this.... ... ... Therefore I would like to thank all of them, to show respect for everything they have done for me and to express my gratitude towards those people who helped my dream come true. ...
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Summery for research paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This will give the customers an opportunity to choose their desire and have it customized by the company.... Other than customization, the shirts will be printed on hydrophobic fabric that comes with additional benefits to.... ... ... The costs of the shirts will range from $10-$50.... Orders will be primarily done online....
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Research paper on diabetes
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Findings from empirical research are being analyzed and disseminated on a regular... Name of Professor Diabetes Mellitus and the Aging Population Diabetes is an illness that has been identified since the distant past.... In the 7th century, Indian and Chinese doctors discovered sugar in the urine of some people dying of a damaging disease (Pompei 39)....
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The Process of Essay Writing
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
See one thesis statement; ‘today the balance between work and play/recreation is not found in a justifiable ratio in the lives of professionals'.... For instance, I can dedicate the third paragraph for explaining the significance of play/recreation in one's professional life so that my argument would sound more logical.... To sum up, most of the difficulties people confront with are caused by the paucity of play/recreation in their chosen career....
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Movement Analysis/Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Introduction Created on 15 June 2001, The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an organization that seeks to reinforce security and prosperity in Central Asia and other countries across Asia.... ... ... ... China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan created the movement....
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Critically Analyse the Issues and Controversies Surrounding Inclusive Sport in the UK Society
13 pages (3963 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
he Government has identified that to improve participation they need to provide more opportunities to as wide a range of sports facilities possible and at every level, from the "playground to the podium" (www.... elated to improving health and opportunities the DCMS realises that "Everyone deserves to have access to the very best sports opportunities” (www.... 04) propose that "participation is not of personal choice", but upon the "financial resources available", and Eitzen (1996) summed this up commenting that sports involvement requires money and leisure time and the upper classes have more of both which Bordieu (1984) describes as "cultural capital" which is gained from upbringing and education. ...
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Implementation of the UK Last Government PE, School Sport and Club Links Strategy
4 pages (1309 words) , Download 2 , Essay
he PE sport survey only concentrated their research in pupils between 1-11 years while, in Ofsted study, the pupils of primary years (1-6 years) , those of between 11-15 years and those of 3-6 years are also considered (Barbieri 2011, pg.... o ensure effective and efficient implementation of the eight programmes of physical education, the government of UK through its executive and the department of sports and Culture called upon the citizens and the local authorities to be united so as to realize and maximize the benefits of the programmes to young people....
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Vision in conflict Vol II (opening chapter)
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Journal of Peace research, 38.... This volume contains several articles and essays written by various authors from around the world on these powerful vehicles of conflict resolution, namely, religion, education and training, psychotherapy and sport.... Valarie Kamatsiko, in this volume, in her essay titled “Peace and Reconciliation; Through recreation, Play and Leisure,” identifies sport as a vital tool for peace-building and reconciliation....
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The Role of Events in the Seaside Destination: A Case Study of Sport Events in Eastbourne
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This chapter will focus on primary data that have been collected though the research process as mentioned in Chapter 3 to meet Objectives Two and Three.... hapter 4: Findings and Discussion 4 Introduction This chapter will focus on primary data that have been collected though the research process as mentioned in Chapter 3 to meet Objectives Two and Three.... In addition, this chapter will show critical analysis in so far as it relates the discussion and the of the research main findings from the questionnaires and interviews back to the literature review provided in chapter 2....
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Hang on for a smooth flight; Paragliding in the UK, an Organisational and Consumer perspective
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
dventure sports such as paragliding is gaining tremendous popularity.... he results of this study proves that there is indeed an increase in the number of people who are into adventure sports such as paragliding despite the risks that come with these sports.... It is because of this that they give so much importance to the reputation and marketing strategies of certain manufacturers so as to ensure their safety as they engage in sports which are accompanies by high risks....
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Qatar Olympic Committee Strategies
28 pages (7349 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "Qatar Olympic Committee Strategies " is a perfect example of a management research paper.... The paper "Qatar Olympic Committee Strategies " is a perfect example of a management research paper.... The paper "Qatar Olympic Committee Strategies " is a perfect example of a management research paper.... econdary data provides the past activities of the organization while the use of primary research makes it possible to establish the prevailing problems/issues facing the organization....
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Do Sport Build Character
1 pages (250 words) , Download 8 , Essay
In addition, research shows that sports participation negatively correlates with negative behavior.... research has also demonstrated that most players did show their moral reasoning character.... sports have both positive and negative influence on developing the character of individuals.... sports experience can build character only if the environment is structured and the stated goal is to.... The setting of sports and physical activity provides opportunities for people to learn disciplines, respect, commitment, and strategies....
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Self Assesment Proposal Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The last paper, which I will be assessed in this semester, is the Self-Assessment essay; besides these three papers, I will also be submitting one page essay every week, whereby in every essay I will be selecting a specific topic and write about it.... I have encountered difficulties when writing these papers; for example, starting with the argumentative paper, I had trouble in coming up with a clear thesis statement that easily attracts my audiences and expresses the objective of the essay....
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Key Areas of Leadership in Sports
1 pages (398 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Key Areas of Leadership in sports" states that performance management is very important since the success of a team is based on its performance (Manning and Curtis, pp.... 302).... It is, therefore, necessary to evaluate how a team is performing.... .... ... ... It is evident that good performance should always be upheld....
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The Concept of Research Paper
6 pages (1895 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Oftentimes, concept papers can be used to apply for private or state funding.... In some cases, concept papers can be used to inform the audience about the importance of completing the proposed research study (Statistics Solutions).... Often times, concept papers can be used to apply for private or state funding.... In some cases, concept papers can be used to inform the audiences about the importance of completing the proposed research study (Statistics Solutions). ...
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The use, abuse and misuse of performance enhancing drugs including painkillers in sports
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Professional sports have become very competitive in recent times, and many athletes in the world must strive to keep up with their competition.... he Use, Abuse and Misuse of Performance Enhancing Drugs Including Painkillers in sports Professional sports have become very competitive in recent times, and many athletes in the world must strive to keep up with their competition.... Traditional training methods involved by any sports athletes includes keeping on a strict diet of healthy foods and drinks that trainers prescribes, daily and routing work outs on their skills and training sessions to help keep their bodies fit....
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Social and Physical Benefits of Parks and Recreation Annotated Bibliography
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The information contained herein are therefore useful to the current research in terms of specifically identifying factors that could contribute to increased use of these facilities and therefore are instrumental in improving the health condition of users.... "Contributions of Leisure Studies and Recreation and Park Management research to the Active Living Agenda.... The information contained in the study would therefore provide valuable insights to the current research....
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Punishment Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Punishment research Paper Name: Institution: Punishment is a term used to define acts carried out to on people for committing actions that are deemed wrong, immoral or unethical.... This paper's objective is to research the effects of four types of punishment in today's American society....
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Physics research paper outline
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
For my research paper, I have chosen the topic: New Solar Technologies: What ideas are out there for bringing down the cost of solar energy, both in photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies?... Thin-Film Solar No: Physics research Paper Outline Topic For my research paper, I have chosen the topic: New SolarTechnologies: What ideas are out there for bringing down the cost of solar energy, both in photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies?...
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Sports Club Entity Model
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This report 'sports Club Entity Model' contains a complete description of the sports Club entity model.... sports Club Entity Model ... ntity Relationship Diagram: sports Club ... ?This report contains a complete description of the sports Club entity model....
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The Future of Women's Professional Sport
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of this research paper mostly focuses on the discussion of the topic of the future of professional women's sports.... Problems in the professional women's sport are the main issue discussed in the current research paper.... The Future of Professional Women's sports Until recently, women's professional sports were considered by many to be a novelty at best.... Yet to assume men's sports have been widely accepted throughout a long period of time would be incorrect....
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Importance Of Mental Health Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
esearch your topic - Be sure to research and understand your topic before writing about it.... ake sure to include a conclusion - Many mental health essays can feel incomplete without a strong conclusion that summarises the main points and encourages readers to take action....
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Picturing the Perfect Essay by Tim Bascom
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
If such visual models are generally used by the essay writers then it is expected that essays would not just deliver a body of words but incorporate communication in a two-way mode between the essay writer and reader.... This paper 'Picturing the Perfect Essay by Tim Bascom' aims to represent the author's response regarding a creatively written piece by Tim Bascom....
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What Role Does the Hospitality Industry Play in Supporting the Economic Stability of Manchester
7 pages (2245 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Through the skills that reading and critical thinking equips me, I am at ease to describe the evidences that back the basis of my assignments and research.... Through the lessons, I have developed the ability to master the topic tips required in referencing, as this helps in the authentication of the originality of my research.... Amongst the research, resource centres that I apply include libraries, online websites, and the citation platforms....
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3 Reseach articles
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Most of the studies to determine the neurocognitive and neuropsychological effect of concussions have been retrospectively designed with posttest-only designs and provide insufficient data about the effects of multiple concussions.... In the present study, 24 collegiate football.... ... ... Players sustaining 1 concussion (n=12) were well matched for age, education, years in competitive football, and prior concussion history (none) to All players were examined physically and underwent neuropsychological testing to establish baseline values....
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Research Paper Proposal
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The main purpose of the research study is to enable readers to have a better and.... By increasing forensic scientists understanding with regards to the advantages and disadvantages as well as the purpose and limitations of With regards to the proposed research study, the researcher aims to provide a clear introduction....
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Urban Areas
9 pages (2658 words) , Download 3 , Essay
One of the very special things about the city of Coventry is its enriched sports culture.... There are clubs of various sports like Rugby, Football, Golf, Tennis, etc.... People living in Coventry have a passion for different types of sports.... Various types of regional sports events are organized here.... For Coventry, sports tourism could be an ideal option for re-imaging the city.... Since the people living in Coventry show huge interest in sports, symbolic image enhancement through sport tourism will be the ideal one....
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Therapeutic Recreation Leadership and Programming
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Therapeutic recreation Leadership and Programming" responds to the recreational needs of the elderly within the community.... Moreover, the physical changes may hamper effective communication with my clients making it hard for me to avail quality recreation to all the seniors (Kunstler & Daly 2010, p.... 0 Group Discussions Conclusion In conclusion, this project possesses a lot of potential and is designed with the ultimate purpose and aim of providing needs of recreation to the older population....
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Popularity of Collegiate Women in Rugby in America
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research done Griffin has showed the existence of sex role stereotypes.... According to the research conducted on four children (two boys and two girls of different ages), there were variation in physical, sociological and psychological characteristics between the sexes.... The research showed that the traits that are usually associated with male behavior are desired by both males and females.... Griffins insisted in his research that just as there are behavioral traits associated with males and females, there are also activities classified as meant for females or male....
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Consists of ten short-answer questions
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Prewriting strategies are writing techniques used by individuals as they prepare to write a research paper, essay, or project.... In other words, it is more concerned with individual sentiments towards a certain occurrence.... On the other hand, a personal description is considered to focus more on....
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Qualitative research paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
(1996) A Analysis of Thinking and research about Qualitative Methods, New Jersey: Lawrence Erbaum Associates, MahwaWalsh, D.... The qualitative research paper analyzed in this paper is “Risk, FDI and Economic Growth: A Dynamic Panel Analysis of the Determinants and Growth Impact of FDI in Africa” by Kevin N.... he topic of the study is very Qualitative research paper The qualitative research paper analyzed in this paper is “Risk, FDI and Economic Growth: A Dynamic Panel Analysis of the Determinants and Growth Impact of FDI in Africa” by Kevin N....
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Research Paper Outline
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These theories provide a distinguishing feature between medical research and socially based research in various medical fields, for example, public health (Cockerham.... Sociological theories are widely applied in solving practical problems regarding social behavior in medical research....
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Self Evaluation: on Writing a Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Name of of Self Evaluation: On writing a research Paper Just like Rome was not built in a day, an impressive academic research paper is not written in a day or two.... This can only be achieved if plenty research is done before-hand, and rules and regulations of academic writing are followed.... A proper academic paper leaves an ever-lasting impact on the reader if it contains a bold and original thesis statement, includes relevant facts based on a comprehensive research, and follows the specified guidelines regarding format, and referencing....
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The Sports Restaurant
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The business, The sports Restaurant, would offer healthy, organic food, and calories-based menu that does not compromise taste; yet observes adherence to.... September 12, The sports Restaurant What is the business, the specific benefits/features that you will offer through specific channels to specific customers?... The business, The sports Restaurant, would offer healthy, organic food, and calories-based menu that does not compromise taste; yet observes adherence to the balanced diet, as proposed in the food pyramid....
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Drug Racing Sport and Christmas Tree System
4 pages (1259 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Therefore, it should involve the effort of the government to encourage it, to increase the participants in the sports.... Therefore, sport racing is one of the rising sports in the recent past that the organization should embrace. ... From the paper "Drug Racing Sport and Christmas Tree System" it is clear that drug racing is a sport that involves the competition between cars, which aim to cross a set finish line to win the race....
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Federalist Paper by Alexander Hamilton
3 pages (874 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The most important interpretation of the United States Constitution is the compilation of 85 Federalist papers who's one of the three founding authors and acted as the major and primary contributor is Alexander Hamilton, a statesman and a leader in working the United States Constitutional Convention which is written and published in the year 1787 and 1788 respectively.... Moreover, his two colleagues write the supporting essays in the Federalist papers which gives Hamilton the motivation to continue writing....
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Personal Assessment on Writing and Research Skills
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I will practise this by writing and researching at my free time, then assessing the essays and short research papers using the knowledge I have gained.... Personal Assessment on Writing and research Skills Name Course Tutor's Name 16th, February 2013 Introduction Writing is core to learning.... Personal Assessment on Writing and research Skills 16th, February Introduction Writing is core to learning.... In most cases, the best academic performers have mastered the art of writing and research....
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The Criminal Law Has No Role to Play in the Regulation of Sports Field Violence
8 pages (2116 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The author of the "The Criminal Law Has No Role to Play in the Regulation of sports Field Violence" paper states that the issue is one of finding the right balance, and is governed more so by public policy than anything else as seen in the decision of the courts.... sports may be allowed to govern themselves but in cases of serious bodily harm where the defendant may be liable under s.... The criminal law has no role to play in the regulation of sports field violence”....
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A Short Essay on Life Analysis
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "A Short Essay on Life Analysis" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in a short essay on life.... Life is unpredictable.... Putting everything in perspective in a short essay on life essay would not be conclusive, but would offer a rough idea.... ... ... ... We come through numerous challenges that either build or destroy our personalities....
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All Ancient Chinese Thought Tended to Be This-Worldly, Human-Centred, and Overwhelmingly Optimistic
7 pages (21813 words) , Download 0 , Essay
ompared with the extensive research on managerial careers in the West, little has emerged from China and South-East Asia.... ompared with the extensive research on managerial careers in the West, little has emerged from China and South-East Asia.... areer research using Career Anchors (as indeed careers research generally) has principally been an activity carried out by western researchers on western subjects (Igbaria et al.... Indeed, the author can find no extant research in which ethnically Chinese managers have been studied using the Career Anchor concept....
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Athletes and The Use of Drugs and Performance Enhancing Supplements
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The focus of this research is on illegal performance-enhancement substances. ... For instance, research indicates that in Canada more than one billion dollars goes to sports supplements every year (Goldberg, 2010).... In their 2005 policy statement on the use of performance-enhancing substances, the American Academy for Pediatrics' Committee on sports Medicine and Fitness defined performance-enhancing substances.... In their 2005 policy statement on the use of performance-enhancing substances, the American Academy for Pediatrics' Committee on sports Medicine and Fitness defined performance enhancing substances as any substance that an individual can take in non-pharmacological doses particularly with an intention of boosting their performance in sports....
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Material Culture Produces Social Identities
7 pages (2022 words) , Download 0 , Essay
eertz Clifford 1973 ' The impact of the concept of culture on the concept of man: The interpretation of culture: selected essays.... This could include technology, artifacts, ideology, sports, food, and religion.... This could include technology, artifacts, folklores, ideology, sports, food, clothing, arts, and religion, among others.... Despite the fact that sports form a vital part of the Australian popular culture, it is one area where exclusion and inequality are apparent....
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