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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Ian Kerr, holds the Canadian research Chair in Technology at the University of Ottawa.... Documentary on MIT research On Creating Human Body Parts: Scientific American Frontiers.... Anticipations: essays on Early Science Fiction and Its Precursors....
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Evidence and Expert Interview Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Leadership Development and Organizational Management for Healthcare Advancement Your Name Chamberlain College of Nursing Course Number: Course Name Term and Year Leadership Development and Organizational Management for Healthcare Advancement Medical practitioners are called by their profession to demonstrate leadership while practicing their medical role to advance their ability on management....
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The Importance of High School Athletics
8 pages (2985 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research has established that students with high self esteem and comfortable with themselves are likely to perform better in academics; because they do not waste a lot of time worried of their looks and how the society conceives them as the unfit students do.... his is a book that is based on purely research work on how sporting activities influences the academic performance of the socially discriminated persons, but who engage actively in sports.... The research was entirely based on the Black race....
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Critical Review about Postgraduate Research Methods
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Critical Review about Postgraduate research Methods in the Article "Glass Ceiling What Glass Ceiling A Qualitative Study of How Women View the Glass Ceiling in Public Relations and Communications Management" by Brenda J.... Wrigley is published in Journal of Public Relations research.... he main purpose of Brenda's research was to identify factors that support and perpetuate the glass ceiling for women in public relations and corporate communications management....
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Increased fitness for children
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The new study, which used magnetic resonance imaging to measure the relative size of specific structures in the brains of 49 child subjects, appears in the journal Brain research (Children's Brain Development Is Linked to Physical Fitness, research Finds, 2010) Doctors and healthcare professionals often stress the importance of nutritious food and exercises during childhood for the proper development of body and mind.... Recent research at the elementary level indicates that obese kindergartners tend to score significantly lower on math and reading tests than do normal-weight children....
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Interpersonal Communication Class - Final Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This study aim at exploring different literatures and studies that have been conducted to explain the role of power distance in determining and influencing the relationship between employees and their managers at their workplaces.... The study will focus on the literature part of.... ... ... e study by comparing different theories that have been founded in attempting to explain manager-employee relationship with respect to power distance that often exist between the two parties....
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Three potentail topics for final research project
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research question is “has the number and the severity of the natural disasters significantly increased with the climate change?... Irrespective to the general idea that the young drivers can maneuver safely to avoid a potential accident several research revealed young drivers involve with more traffic accidents than old ones.... The research question is whether the overconfidence contribute to traffic collations The focused aspects of the topic plan to analyze is level of confidence on their ability of the drivers involved in crashes....
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Freud and Association of Dreams
10 pages (5254 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Again, in today's terms we can see a basis for what is referred to in Vygotskian theory as maternal scaffolding in early infant communications (Bruner, 2000; Kaye, 2000) and, even more remarkable, we can see a basis for emotional scaffolding, something that is just beginning to command research attention (Biringen & Robinson, 2001). ... It also led to the thinking of Spitz (2003) and of Bowlby (1999) who made direct contributions to research in child development....
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Relationship Analysis Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Understanding why certain relationships are pleasant and longer lasting than others that are unstable, dysfunctional, and brief and understanding how they go wrong, what issues existed and why, and lastly, how to end relationships with the least amount of emotional collateral damage have all been areas of research for many theorist's on the subject (Stewart, 2011)....
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Corporate Compliance Plan Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
can be aptly described as a multinational corporation.... This is because its operations span at least three continents.... This is only the manufacturing operations.... If its marketing operations are to be considered, this company can be seen as having a.... ... ... In fact, Riordan is the world's leader in this industry....
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Intervention Paper on Exercise
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A) This Intervention Program is designed to reduce negative perception of a client towards herself, her work, and colleagues.... Client is a 36-yearl old office worker who had been bound to her desk as part of her regular duties in the company.... She had recently been feeling unhealthy as she gained weight of 10 lbs from her previous normal weight of 115 lbs....
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Selfe refelaction paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Running Head: SELF-REFLECTION PAPER Self-Reflection Paper Client's Name xx March 2011 The subject of children is always a sensitive issue that needs to be discussed with full care, compassion, and most importantly knowledge.... ... ... ... In this course, the importance of assuring that the children grow and develop soundly in order to create a good society is comprehensively taught....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Organizational change process encompasses various methodologies such as organizational diagnosis, improving the organizational culture, organizational learning, redesigning the organization, developing employees, designing organizational challenges as well as methods for solving.... ... ... Organizations have to implement changes looking at these variables while ensuring employee motivation as well as the strategic goals of the organization....
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Critical Response Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Critical Response Paper La Ley del Deseo tells the tale of three main characters: a homosexual film director who sets out on a new project; an introverted and obsessive stalker and the director's sister who was formerly his brother (La Ley del Deseo).... ... ... ... At its core, La Ley del Deseo tells of a gay love triangle but veers off from conventional representations of gay people in the film....
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Critical Response Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Critical Response Paper Maddison (265) includes an exceptional moment in which feminism is openly articulated in a movie by Pedro Almodovar: the central character, Maria Cardenal, who declines to personify femaleness, attached to the maternal and visualized as hopeless and marked off as a trouble for feminists....
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The Corporate Process Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Corporate Process (Your Name) (Institution Affiliation) The Corporate Process Introduction This paper will cover the duties conducted by important entities of a corporation; the paper even discusses the differences between publicly held corporations and closed corporations.... ... ... ... The three most important entities of a corporation are the shareholders, directors and officers....
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Ethics Paper (Intrapreneurship)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Ethics Paper (Entrepreneurship) Name of the Student Business Name of the Concerned Professor July 19, 2003 Ethics Paper (Entrepreneurship) Introduction Ethics in a business environment affiliate to the practical application of ethics and values to the day to day moral and ethical problems and challenges that arise in a business or organization (Fonseca, 2002, p....
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Market Equilibration Process Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the power industry which falls under the private sector there was a crisis where the supply of power to the consumers declined causing the prices of the commodity to rise and also there were shortages this was caused by poor technology that was being used in the manufacturing.... ... ... Through the study of theory of consumer behavior, the consumers of a commodity tend to buy or consume more at a lower price....
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Annie John by Jamaica Kincaid Position Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Annie John was written by Jamaica Kincaid, around 1983, and first published in Great Britain in 1985.... It is a story about a girl named Annie John, growing up from the age of ten to seventeen.... It is told in the first person narrative.... This essay will explore why Annie's maturity was the cause of the termination of her close relationship with her mother....
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Ill Effects of Global Media-Driven Youth Subculture
14 pages (3867 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Ill Effects of the Global Media-Driven Youth Subculture This paper seeks to address the query, "what considerations should be foremost in our analyses of youth in the twenty-first century How do these differ from past research" In doing so, a brief overview of the presumptions on which this paper is based would be presented, followed by a recounting of relevant sociological theories of the past regarding youth culture.... University of Hampshire: Crimes Against Children research Center....
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Working Landscapes: Mining, Forestry, Farming
7 pages (1981 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
part from the production of wood which is important in making furniture, building houses, production of papers, forests are equally important since they provide habitat for wild animals.... The Federal and State Management have been set in the country so that there is conservation of forests for wood products, wildlife source of water and recreation....
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A case Study of Football Association of Wales Strategic Plan
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
ome of these stakeholders include but are not limited to: the Football Association of Wales, the Welsh Premier League, the Football Association of Wales Trust, Welsh Schools Football Association, the sports Council for Wales, the Welsh Assembly Government and the Federation of Disability Sport Wales....
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Methodologies for Achievement of Research Objective
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Methodologies for Achievement of research Objective" focuses on achieving the objective of the study, the researcher will have to utilize both primary and secondary data sources.... Methodologies for the achievement of research objective Facilitator: Methodologies for the achievement of research objective According to Rix (2012), in order to achieve the objective of the study, the researcher will have to utilize both primary and secondary data sources....
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Individual Experience Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
My name is Pritesh Patel and I live in Toronto, Canada where I attend school.... During the last semester break I got a volunteering opportunity at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) where I assisted ESL students with their academics and in aspects related to their social life outside the school system....
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The Effectiveness Of UK Anti-Corruption Policy A Research Proposal
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The research study seeks to assess the effectiveness of UK anti-corruption policy, especially during this period.... The research paper discusses that the corruption levels of a country are determined by the country's human capital and GDP, as well as the degree of political and market competition present in that state.... The Effectiveness of UK Anti-Corruption Policy: A research Proposal THE EFFECTIVENESS OF UK ANTI-CORRUPTION POLICY: A research PROPOSAL ...
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The Use of Biotechnology to Address the Food Program of Developing Countries
6 pages (1670 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Care needs to be taken so as to make sure that the biotechnology being used does not have adverse effects through research.... Industrial or White Biotechnology research for Europe, Retrieved 27th Jan ... rg/industrial-or-white-biotechnology-research-europe ... Organic Process research & ... International Agricultural research....
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Laces Can Be a Source of Inclusion and Exclusion for Specific Communities
6 pages (1790 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The poor people were noted to be living in the city of Manhattan and were unique in relation to the sort of group where all knew one another, in the same way as friends or a sports group (Taylor,178). ... The paper "Laces Can Be a Source of Inclusion and Exclusion for Specific Communities" discusses that the establishment of common social order in Southern Europe did not rotate around the aggregate values that were so essential in Putnam's investigation....
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Battle of Britain during WWII
7 pages (1942 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Battle of Britain during WWII" it is clear that in an operational capacity on the part of the Germans, shortcomings in weapons technology and quick British reactions during World War II made it more difficult to acquire any significant strategic effect.... ... ... ... The battle of Britain during WWII started when the British intelligence intercepted coded transmissions from a German radio, which clarified that an invasion of Britain was eminent....
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The Sun
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research will begin with the statement that the sun is the nearest star for us and hence we can study about sun more compared to other stars.... ?? (Sunspots-modern research p.... Sunspots-modern research , Retrieved on May 24, 2009 from ... Sun is one of the mysteries for the scientific world because of its aggressive nature which prevents any deep exploration possible....
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Crime Reports for Washington State
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Since no real research has been conducted in Washington State in regard to racism... In all tables of arrests for every county in Washington state, whites outnumbered all minority groups for every crime, including juveniles.... For adults, the average number of minority arrests was about 15% or less for minorities than whites in 2004....
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Policing functions paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Policing Functions Name University Policing Functions Introduction The defense force and the criminal justice system conduct various functions within and outside the jurisdiction of United States of America.... The law enforcement agencies of United States are divided into three different levels which include: the state, local as well as the federal level....
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Installation Architecture Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name Professor Course Date Installation Architecture Introduction The installation arts operate under a common principle of the human senses, their stimulation and perception.... The common elements that make interactive arts especially installation are essential and require exploration.... ... ... ...
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Managerial report on design of Honda Element
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Element is not a sports car but there is sufficient power available for many driving situations.... The concept of Honda Element was taken when the executives of Honda realized that there is a market for such type of vehicle.... This was a totally hip and funky version of a car....
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Private Law Cases Analysis
5 pages (2033 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author takes an example of parents who help their students with papers, homework, writing college essays to doing the work by themselves.... The fourth section explains the effect of life events on foods choices of vegetarians with the last paragraph explaining the research finding of vegetarian participant in an online forum (Henderson, 188). ...
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Memory Research and Reliable Witness Testimony
9 pages (2396 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Memory research and Reliable Witness Testimony" centers on the reliability of eyewitness accounts.... The research delves on gathering data pertaining to outside influences that corrupt eyewitness accounts.... research showed that witnesses have better memories of a crime compared to the memories of the victims.... The research centers on the reliability of the eyewitness accounts.... The research also delves on gathering data to prove the reliability of eyewitness accounts....
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A Journey from Paper to Paperless Office
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Forward-thinking firms know that the adoption of a paperless office is a critical component of their ability to operate as an intelligent business, that is, a firm that optimizes professional staff and technology resources to gain a competitive advantage. ... ... ... ... ... aperless workplace researchers have found that purely on-line workflow is a useful but insufficient pedagogic tool for business and the complex interpersonal, conceptual, and analytical skills that form the core of a paperless workplace (e....
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Doing Research in Business and Management
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
During the course, the author of the paper "Doing research in Business and Management" has applied various skills and knowledge from other modules.... In completing the business project, we also used marketing research, especially in the business planning phase.... Market research is essential for any project team in order to know the types of services or products that could be profitably introduced into the market (Saunders & Lewis, 2012: p19)....
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California as the Nations Greatest State
8 pages (2039 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In California more sports teams are recognized as compared to Texas.... Through social influence and mentorship to sports has contributed to having healthier population as compared to Texas whose sports teams are considered less superior to California's.... Finally, reduced pollution, health education, and high rate of involvement in sports influences the states' mortality rate which is lower than Texas'....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
18 people took the survey.... Of the people I interviewed, 3 were employees in the store while 15 were customers.... Out of those,16 were female, 2 were male.... The ratio of the customers was 11:7 students to non students respectively.... This therefore.... ... ... During the survey, a total of 15 customers were interviewed, 10 of whom had been asked whether they need any help of finding the goods by the employees....
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High Inflation in South Africa: Causes of Inflation
9 pages (3087 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper focuses on the causes of high inflation in South Africa.... The current price drivers are rising oil and international food prices, simply because demand outstrips supply in the international market for these products.... Increased interest rates will have a direct effect on tax collections....
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Cultural Turnaround at Club Med
5 pages (1560 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Cultural Turnaround at Club Med" states that the strategy of restructuring infrastructure facilities and increasing the price of the services had led the organisation to recover its financial breakdowns and maintain its dominant position in the global all-inclusive resort business industry....
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The Character of the Tourism Business
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The author of the present research paper "The Character of the Tourism Business" points out the character of the tourism business is service based and therefore the chief goods provided by this industry are recreational and hospitality oriented.... ... ... ... 'There are numerous good examples of where Travel & Tourism is acting as a catalyst for Conservation and improvement of the environment and maintenance of local diversity and culture'....
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Introduction and Presenting Of the Research Problem
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This research study 'Introduction and Presenting Of the research Problem' aims to establish how blogging as a collaborative learning tool can increase effective communication and increase student academic achievement in mathematics.... research has illustrated that blogs enhance more active participation and questioning by students, and deeper understanding of topics as a result of sharing facts and dialogues.... Introduction and Presenting Of the research Problem ...
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The Economic Role of Research and Development
5 pages (1411 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "The Economic Role of research and Development" discusses funding in education and in being able to innovate has become among the foremost tools in such a competitive environment.... The country seems to have been a very quite neighbour, dwarfed by the gigantic research and development machinery of the United States.... Sancton1 abhors the seemingly backwardness and lack of initiative on the Canadian government to invest in research and development comparing the cities' innovations that are left wanting as well as the seemingly lack of political will to support such investments that will lead to economic development....
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Domtar Business Analysis
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Domtar, which is a paper manufacturing and marketing in addition to other fiber-based products such as communication papers, sells most of its products within North America.... omtar Business Analysis Introduction Domtar, which is a paper manufacturing and marketing in addition to other fiber-based products such as communication papers, sells most of its products within North America.... The products include digital printing papers, specialty papers, EarthChoice papers, publishing papers, commercial printing papers, Business papers, as well as office papers....
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The Vision of Outpatient Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Services
4 pages (1072 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
OTPRS offers both physical therapy (neck and back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee and ankle), and specialty programs (occupational and hand therapy, vestibular/ balance program, sports medicine, work related injuries, medical gym, chronic pain management, massage therapy, women's health)....
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Business Research Individual Work 1 Week 6
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research has provided evidence.... Sales promotions are also used in the case of Conducting a research to Establish the Cause and Effect Relationship of Price Promotions and Sales Conducting a research to Establish the Cause and Effect Relationship of Price Promotions and SalesMany businesses have opted to carry out sales promotions in a bid to influence the buying behavior of customers.... research has provided evidence that, sales promotions can have a direct effect on the percentage of sales registered by a company....
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The Creation of Life: the Fundamental Worldviews of the Originating Cultures
1 pages (470 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This essay analyzes the theme of the creation of the world.... They shared similarities in terms of presenting the beginning as devoid of the sun.... Moreover, they all mentioned the presence of gods who made it possible for people's life to emerge on earth.... ... ... ... The themes that consistently arise include the power of the gods, separation among men and animals and life is made possible through the dividing of the earth into land, skies and the seas....
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Nursing Research Priority Area - Type 2 Diabetes
10 pages (2582 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper "Nursing research Priority Area - Type 2 Diabetes" states that with time, Insulin becomes ineffective and the pancreas is unable to convert glucose into energy.... Nursing research Priority Area- Diabetes ... ursing research Priority Area – Type 2 Diabetes. ...
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Understanding microeconomics
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Analysis of economy is of extreme importance for the proper growth and development of a country.... Economy represents the financial system, wealth, education standards, and social and industrial structure of a country.... There are four major divisions of economy, which include primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary divisions....
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