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Topic Climate change and Natural disasters Why you're interested in the topic: Climate change is a change in the usual expected weather pattern of particular region. Although this has been happening trough several decades the effects have been more prominent in last few years. In relation to the climate change, higher number of natural disasters was experienced around the world. It may be important and interested to see the association between the different aspects of climate change and natural disasters.
The results will be helpful to predict the number and the severity of the natural disasters. The research question is “has the number and the severity of the natural disasters significantly increased with the climate change? The focused aspects of the topic plan to analyze. The changes in the aspects of the climate change including time and intensity of rain, temperature, wind direction and speed will be compared and correlated with the natural disasters such as floods, tornados to find out the expected association.
The obstacles. This requires past data of several years on rain, wind, snow fall and natural disasters occurred in different identified areas as well as the data on natural disasters such as number of incidents and the nature of the disaster (i.e. water level, deaths, property loss). The consistency of the data is vary important. One obstacle will be finding the required data. The audience will be the people in the vulnerable areas, general public that closely observe the climate changes, organizations works to mitigate natural disasters and researchers. Topic 2. Commercial health advertisements Why you're interested in the topic: Health is very important factor that determines the quality of life.
However due to inactivity, bad food habits , stress and other environmental factors, people are more prone to develop chronic illnesses such as Cardio vascular diseases, diabetes, renal diseases and obesity. Many people who have chronic diseases or vulnerable factors try their best to find permanent cure or prevention. There are lot of commercial health products available aiming these clients. Most of them are not scientifically proven and the risk associate with the long term is not known. Therefore it is important to find out the effectiveness of commercial health products.
The working thesis is determining the Effectiveness of the identified commercial products The focused aspects of the topic plan to analyze. Ten health products available online to treat chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity will be identified. Current users of these products will be invited to participate in an online survey by answer the questionnaire on the effectiveness and side effects of the product. Based on the answers the effectiveness will be determined. The obstacles will be Finding out online volunteers and the true users (not false answers) of the product, however steps can be taken to minimize the errors.
The audience. Young to middle age people concern about the health as well as the commercial health product producers and dealers will be interested. Topic 3. Safety driving Why you're interested in the topic To day we have a good road network and sophisticated vehicles with much safety equipment. However traffic accidents still contribute to significant proportion of all deaths in the country. Most of the accidents are avoidable if the driver and the pedestrians are vigilant since most of the time they have total control.
Although the government and several other organizations carry out several on going road safety campaigns their effectiveness is suspicious as number of accidents has not been changed. Irrespective to the general idea that the young drivers can maneuver safely to avoid a potential accident several research revealed young drivers involve with more traffic accidents than old ones. Majority of drivers involve in severe incidents are well experienced drivers. The reason for negligence of the drivers may cause by overconfidence gained with the experience and overestimated ability.
It should be properly identified before identifying interventions to minimize traffic collisions. The research question is whether the overconfidence contribute to traffic collations The focused aspects of the topic plan to analyze is level of confidence on their ability of the drivers involved in crashes. This measures their confidence of speeding above the safety limits, close proximity manures, drunk and drive etc. The obstacles of the research can be finding drivers involve in crashes and obtain trustworthy information.
The audience is Drivers as well as the people routinely use roads Reference 1. National Research Council America's Climate Choices: Panel on Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change; Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change. (2010).:Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press 2. Transport Research Laboratory “The Good, the Bad and the Talented: Young Drivers' Perspectives on Good Driving and Learning to Drive” Road Safety Research Report (2007) No. 74
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