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Portfolio letter
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
The learning experience of writing, revising and research of papers have all created a deeper understanding of what is expected with academic writing.... The papers that were written as well as the way that I was able to approach my personal understanding of writing helped me to develop substantially.... I now have a better association with grammar, organization of papers and the mechanics that are related to English.... There were several sentences that I would have to continue to revise when working on different papers....
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Politicians Justify Spending on the London Olympic Games as Being Good for the Economy
7 pages (2033 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Body In general, the Olympic Games is a major sports event which has a significant scale and can potentially bring about economic developments for the host city or for the host country as a whole.... In effect, the city would now have a higher profile among tourists as well as proper venue for any other potential sports events.... Financing the construction projects which would accommodate the different sports events would be costly, however, in the long-term, the host city would also benefit from these projects....
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Jeremy Lin Biography
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(Berman) sports writer Marc Berman has hinted that Lin was only a hit with the public because of some events that had seemingly happened to favor him.... Jeremy Lin was not drafted in the NBA 2010.... He himself acknowledged that he did not excel in workouts other than five on five....
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Suggesting Violent Computer Games are Morally Wrong
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Explain the different arguments suggesting violent computer games are morally wrong.... Which do you find is the most persuasive?... Why?... Introduction The age of electronic and digital technology has brought forth various advancements in computers and video games.... ... ... ... These advancements have led to various options in gaming, especially in mode, type, and style of playing....
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Corporate Sponsorship and Event Management
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
research on the matter indicates that there are myriad definitions of sponsorship that have appeared over the last 25 years.... research indicates that consumers view sponsorship more favourably compared to other kinds of cause related marketing spending including providing gifts or monetary benefits to charity organisations when products are bought by consumers (Creyer & Ross, 1996).... As per the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) Sponsorship Report (a leading resource on sponsorship research), the amount of spending by North American corporate entities for event marketing has gone up from $850 million in 1985 to some $10....
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No Shots, No Service Policy: Immunization Woes
10 pages (3017 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The claim may be traced back to a research by Wakefield et al.... This research was later retracted from “The Lancet Journal” after “The British Medical Journal” found its work to be fraudulent.... The research had linked immunization to adverse effects that led to behavioral changes after administration of rubella, mumps and measles vaccines.... The association has not been proven as true by any other research and in fact, most research studies have shown that there is no such kind of association (Leask & McIntyre, 2003)....
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Economic Advantages of Free Trade
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay seeks to critically discuss the benefits of free trade to a particular country.... The essay explains the meaning of free trade and then focuses, on how this concept can foster economic development in member states.... Free trade can be viewed as beneficial to economic development of a country....
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Your Own Preliminary Research
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Online learning is marked with increased crossovers between technological supports Preliminary research on education (e-learning) According to Hal Archives from an e-book on the approach of Universities towards e-learning, the use of e-books has been the major thing in the current education systems in the world.... The source is also loaded with a lot of important information concerning the research topic mentioned above.... It is also a key source because a lot of materials can be found in this library to expound on the research topic mentioned above....
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The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
5 pages (1477 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Other functions include international scientific liaison, research workers training, maintenance of measurements standards, distribution of scientific and technical information and publishing scientific papers.... The paper 'The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial research Organization' is about Australia's national governing body for scientific research.... Due to the paper, it is neither a regulatory, administrative nor an informative agency and is one of the world's largest and diverse research agencies....
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Organizational Role Description Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It is an organization made up of clinical care, health programs for the community, education, research,.... It is an organization made up of clinical care, health programs for the community, education, research, insurance and entrepreneurship.... Another role is to ensure protocols of research affecting the population of patients and ensuring that the nursing staff is informed about them....
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Proliferation of Opium and Cocaine in the World
4 pages (1239 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Consequently, it was soon embraced as lifestyle recreation drug by people across the globe in continents such as Europe, America, Asia and Africa.... The paper "Proliferation of Opium and Cocaine in the World" discusses that there are thousands of pounds of drugs such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, and marijuana among other illegal drugs that are in production in the global economy and being sold....
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Civil education research
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It has been observed that students who actively participate in civic education activities and social learning programs do evince a more informed and proactive Civic Education research of the Political Science of the Teacher December 18, Civic Education research Different nations do tend to ascribe to varied modes of extending civic education to their youth.... Comparative Civic Education research: What we know and what We Need to Know....
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Marketing Research assignment 4
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For instance, it would put in place inclusion of calculation errors, wording of the questions for Lecturer: Marketing research: Marginal Error Should “margin of error” still be used in reporting polls, should its meaning or scope be broadened, or should additional qualifications be added to show that poll results are fallible?... Suggest another sampling poll Harris Interactive might conduct that would clarify an important topic or assumption in market research The company can conduct a probability sampling....
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Science Project Idea Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Moreover, Kowalski (1987) points out that another research found that several days of fasting produced irritability, muscular weakness and depression or apathy.... The sparse research on effects of food deprivation has created a void for further studies.... Up to date no research has investigated perseverance despite its significance in cognitive functioning.... Therefore, this research will help us understand how food deprivation for a short term affects perseverance and concentration with a difficult task....
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The Joining of Saudi Arabia in the WTO
22 pages (5429 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "The Joining of Saudi Arabia in the WTO" discusses that most Saudi Arabian businesses were not exposed to reduced import tariffs imposed by the WTO.... Saudi Arabian businesses had already been operating under tariff regimes that were much lower than the proposed WTO ceiling tariffs.... ...
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Improvement of My Language and Grammar Skills
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
I lacked a variety of words that I could use in the essays and had to repeat most of the words.... In the paper 'Improvement of My Language and Grammar Skills,' the author describes how he has written several essays, which has helped him improve his writing.... He wrote three essays that were very challenging but helped him improve his language and grammar skills.... In some of the essays, punctuation within a sentence was a huge problem....
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How Can Leadership Influence Employee Motivation
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Some of the main examples of intrinsic motivation include running daily to relieve stress, writing articles in order to satisfy the internal need of gathering more knowledge and playing physical games to develop sports-related skills and to remain physically fit (Thompson, 2010)....
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Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
ton (1998) from Northwestern University, in his discussion of comorbidity and how it applies to the taxonomy applied in the DSM-IV, does not even take substance abuse into account, even though self-medication with drugs and alcohol is common among clients who suffer from mental Dartmouth Psychiatric research Center In the vignettes provided by Dartmouth (2009), both have dual diagnosis of substance abuse and mental illness.... Dartmouth Psychiatric research Center-SAMHSA....
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Coke Heist Commercial as an Effective Ad
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I found out from my research that there are three factors that could be used as criteria for judging the commercial as effective.... I end my paper with questions that need to be answered in another research.... Advances in Consumer research Vol.... 3:  Teamwork: Teamwork is a value best described in office places and sports events as long as there is a group that interacts with each other....
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Importance of Maintaining Academic Integrity
4 pages (1183 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper ''Importance of Maintaining Academic Integrity'' tells thatAcademic integrity in schools and universities is all about being able to preserve the students' honesty when it comes to the submission of their assignments, term papers, thesis, and dissertation papers (Lancaster and Waryold, 2008, p.... Academic Integrity Total Number of Words 014 Importance of Maintaining Academic Integrity Academic integrity in schools and universities is all about being able to preserve the students' honesty when it comes to the submission of their assignments, term papers, thesis, and dissertation papers (Lancaster and Waryold, 2008, p....
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The Main Aim of the Primary Research Methods
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Before going into the field, a set of objectives and research questions are outlined.... This essay explores the market research.... This means that thorough market research is vital.... Entrepreneurs conduct market research so that they can reduce the risks associated with their business, identify more opportunities and predict current and potential future problems.... The research enables individuals to establish benchmarks....
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Code of Ethics (Plagiarism)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The truth is that all good essays should show evidence of deep and original research.... In the future, I will be careful to always cite my sources, keep notes of my research, and avoid using wikipedia.... College & research Libraries News,, V.... PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is a terrible problem affecting many peoples' educative possibilities....
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The Most Appropriate Form of Market Research - Heineken Beer
9 pages (2492 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Most Appropriate Form of Market research - Heineken Beer" states that the effectiveness of the market research activities can be observed through the rise in a considerable return on the investment made on the marketing, promotion and distribution activities....
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Tesla Motors Inc - Strategic Marketing Analysis and Marketing Strategy
16 pages (4339 words) , Download 9 , Essay
As by now, Tesla Motors has three strategic alliances: Original Equipment Manufacturer and research and Development alliances.... Despite their success, there is a need for further research in strategic management and marketing.... lliances of research and Development ... The corporation partners with the research and Development department of Panasonic Corporation.... rovision of funds to assist in production, research, and projects ...
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Ways to Increases Productivity: Internationalization and Globalization
17 pages (4831 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to a recent survey conducted by the research firm the Economic Intelligence Unit Japan has been declared as the most innovative country, ahead of the US, Switzerland and Sweden.... The direct drivers of innovation apart from patent are R&D as a percentage of the GDP, the quality of local research infrastructure, education level of the workforce, technical skills of the workforce, quality of IT can communications infrastructure, and broadband penetration....
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Global perpective of macroecomonics
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the most influential macroeconomic factors capable of changing the entire financial structure of an economy is the nation's trade balance values.... Trade balance, which forms an integral part of the current account balances in the Balance of Payments report of an economy,.... ... ... Since trade balance is a fundamental part of the current account balance of any economy, any deficit in the former is expected have a significant The following diagram shows how the current account balance in the US economy had depended upon the trade balances of the nation over the years....
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My Impression about Singapore
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I found this very complex and decided to do some in-depth research into that.... low: The flow of the essays was very strong.... ll in all, the essays were really good.... I was baffled that caste system also plays it way into sports.... t is believed that hostile groups can be brought together in the arena of sports....
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Masculinity in Commercials
8 pages (2163 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
According to research done in the United Kingdom, the results revealed that there is a stronger relationship between physical attractiveness and male gender attributes.... Many factors shaped the traits men have while conducting business, in movies and sports.... This paper discusses how sports, wealth, and movies make male traits admired.... Movies and sports constantly display the physical attractiveness men display.... The factors have shaped the traits men have while conducting business, movies and at times in sports....
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Noteworthy Features of United Arab Emirates
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is pertinent to note the presence of Shaikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, (“Religion head Hails”) Minister of Higher Education and Scientific research, and M.... The study explores that folklore; education and sports play a vital role in society.... The study also explores that folklore; education and sports play a vital role in society.... Among different features of UAE society, Peaceful coexistence, Religion and culture, Education and sports, Dress code and etiquette, Folklore, Architecture, and Bedouin culture are of foremost importance. ...
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Retamars Caliban
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Caliban and Other essays.... Latin America's identity has been the main subject of many important figures from politicians to writers to revolutionary figures.... Roberto Fernandez Retamar, -a Cuban poet, essayist and the spokesman for the Castro revolution1-, asks himself the question: "Does a Latin American culture exist" ...
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Occupational Health and Safety College Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper critically considers the duties and liabilities of ‘officers' as provided for in the Australian Model Work Health and Safety Bill of 2009.... The paper firstly establishes a context for this discussion by highlighting the main goals and objectives of the Model Bill.... .... ... ... The paper critically discusses the duties and obligations of officers as set down in the bill....
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Written Play Reports
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Write a paragraph talking about the acting/directing in the play you saw: style, believability, quality, specific performances.... The musical had exquisite actors enlivening the roles of the central characters, including Audrey Hepburn who though excellent as a cockney flower girl really came into her own element during the latter half of the film....
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The Rise of China: Effect on Reshaping the Business Environment and Multinational Enterprises
8 pages (2055 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
"The Rise of China: Effect on Reshaping the Business Environment and Multinational Enterprises" paper argues that the economic rise of China has significant implications for multinational enterprises at its present state, and even more so if the nation continues along the same path.... .... ... ... The economic boom in China is resulting in the dramatic and sustained growth of the Chinese economy....
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Research Exercise 5
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It will describe the challenges posed to legislators and government investigation agencies because of legal complexities of information as.... ... ... Please provide answers to the following three (3) questions.... The results of your investigations may be, summarised in a table like the one below....
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Human Resources Management Research Proposal
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
In today's world f expanding markets and disappearing boundaries, developing a comprehensive set f International Human Resource Management (IHRM) policies aligned with the strategy f the company has become an important concern for the large multi-national companies.... ... ... ... Formally, International Human Resources Management is the systematic planning and coordination f the fundamental organizational processes f job and work design, staffing, training and development, appraising, rewarding, and protecting and representing the human resources in the foreign operations f an organization. ...
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Report on Religious Field Research
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper is a field research of Hindu religion through its festival, Diwali.... Religion plays an important part in the life of people.... It influences all aspects of human interaction and its broad spectrum of rituals and traditions can be contributed to the diversity of people spread across the geographical boundaries....
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Organizational Structure Impact on Performance and Profitability
12 pages (3230 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In all probability this situational effect is inflated in the research over what would be found in any one actual managerial situation, because the case problems covered an atypically large range of situations.... Good Sport is a sports organization aiming to reduce alcohol and drug consumption and promote a healthy lifestyle for a wide target audience....
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Reform of the Prohibition of Research into Jury Deliberations
9 pages (2754 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Reform of the Prohibition of research into Jury Deliberations" states that since the court of law was to uphold the rights of people and protect the lives and properties of the public in general, it must be open to permissible evidence against impropriety among jurors during deliberation.... Discussion on the Reform of the Prohibition of research into Jury Deliberations.... ikewise, popular or celebrated cases have also been made public debates and this now leads to the present discussion: Reform of the prohibition of research into jury deliberations is long overdue. ...
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Alcohol and Drugs in College
4 pages (1268 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
From a research done in the year 1993 and another done in 2005, levels of abuse have not changed greatly.... Web, 26 November 2012, “Drug research Foundation.... Athletics and sports can help alleviate drug usage among the youths (Tricker & Cook 167-180) Conclusion Drugs and alcohol intake in colleges is on the rise....
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Development in Saudi Arabia
6 pages (1625 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Development in Saudi Arabia" reports Saudi Arabia is the largest country in western Asia.... It's the 2nd largest in the Arab world.... The country's Gross Domestic Product per capita stood at 9425 US dollars in December 2010 as per the World Bank.... Saudi Arabia's economy is dependent on oil....
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Research Methods in Education System
9 pages (2426 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "research Methods in Education System" affirms that а conceptuаl аnаlysis provides limited levels of interpretаtion аnd generаlisаbility.... It is possible to see trends that imply much lаrger ideаs.... Observing the frequency of concept occurrences, it could be determined where the emphаsis lаy....
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The Context of Events As Well As the Context of Sporting
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
For purposes of this analysis, the author will seek to focus a higher degree of discussion on the history of the event, the way that it has come to dominate the viewing habits of such a large number of individuals, and the associated issues of sustainability, both environmental and economic.... ... ...
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The Housing Starts Projections
2 pages (779 words) , Download 2 , Essay
% in 2007 as compared to 2006 (Home Improvement research Institute, 2007).... In the paper 'The Housing Starts Projections' the author focuses on the housing starts projections for 2007 show that has been prevailing in the industry.... They will continue as the estimated housing starts in 2007, as per four independent sources will be 1....
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The Pictorial Reproduction of Art Made through the Camera
8 pages (2244 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With the advent of camera it destroyed the uniqueness of the painting by recreating it and the recreation was not the only copy that existed.... The paper "The Pictorial Reproduction of Art Made through the Camera" explores the law against reproduction and usage of the painted art....
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Monster Energy Drink in Russia
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Sports and energy drinks market research.... Retrieved March 22, 2015, from Market research: http://www.... The company supports numerous extreme sports events, including skateboarding, motocross, BMX, and snowboarding.... Seasonality issues are not important for this target customer as the sports associated with the drink are played across the year, while the customers are always in need of energy.... he marketing audience is mainly limited to fans of aggressive music and extreme sports. ...
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Introduction to Issues and Crisis Communication
10 pages (2777 words) , Download 2 , Essay
allahan, Kirk, (1999) Seven Models of Framing: Implications for Public Relations' Journal of Public Relations research 11 (3), pp.... isco, Hilary Fussell, (2012), Nonprofit in Crisis: An Examination of the Applicability of Situational Crisis Communication Theory, Journal of the Public Relations research, 24 (1), pp.... (2006), Best Practices in Crisis Communication: an Expert Panel Process', Journal of Applied Communication research 34(3), pp....
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The Argument against Stem Cell Research
6 pages (1668 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Argument against Stem Cell research " discusses that scientifically before the development of capacity for brain activity for sentience and consciousness, the unborn is not yet alive, thus use of embryos for stem cell research is legitimate.... tem Cells research Introduction Stem cells are cells in an organism that have the ability to develop into different types of cells.... Stem cell research seeks to develop stem cells to regenerate cells for nonfunctional organs and tissues....
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McDonalds and Coke: Globalization and the Creation of Culture
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In this paper, the author examines the significance of forces such as consumerism and the accompanying symbolism in the encroachment of a global culture.... The author offers a modest critique of what is referred to by sociologists such as George Ritzer, as the 'McDonaldization' of society.... ... ...
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The Creation, Development and Use of Mirrors in Northern Renaissance Art
9 pages (2563 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The aim of this paper "The Creation, Development and Use of Mirrors in Northern Renaissance Art" therefore, is to explore in each painting how this manipulation takes place as well as the purposes of the artist in undertaking such kind of manipulation.... ... ... ... The mirror has fascinated artists since Classical times....
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About Film and Media in the Digital Age
9 pages (3241 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The essays examines whether such ways of film production and technology have stood the test of time.... essays written by theorists such as Bazin tend to show the potential that exists in the use of technology by film makers in recreation of reality.... The paper "About Film and Media in the Digital Age" tells us about the advancement of a film in the digital age....
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