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Mortality Rates in Ghana
6 pages (1792 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper "Mortality Rates in Ghana" reports that the probability of dying between 15 and 60 years otherwise known as the adult mortality rate, in Ghana was 273 per 1000 people.... According to WHO, the leading cause of death in the country is malaria followed by HIV/AIDS and diarrhoeal diseases....
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Chuck Close And Photorealism
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
 Science 285, no.... The essay explores "Chuck Close And Photorealism".... The artistic legacy of Chuck Close, a talented American painter, is comprised by the works of photorealism on the large scale and presents a principally new stage of visual art evolution in accordance with demands and opportunities of the epoch....
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Biography of David Ricardo
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
After doing so well, he pursued his interest in literature, Science, mathematics and chemistry.... The researcher of this essay talks about the track of David Ricardo, a fine economist of the 19th century.... His economic theory of labor values, a theory of rent and theory of comparative advantage remain actual....
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Transportation Infrastructure
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
In current era of modern Science, physical structures of transportation and applications of telecommunication are changing radically and have a substantial impact on social, financial, and cultural life.... This research paper examines transportation, that is one of the most crucial and basic ingredients of all the field of life especially of international trade e....
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Nuclear Proliferation in International Relations
8 pages (2404 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Science, Vol.... "Nuclear Proliferation in International Relations" paper analyzes how realism theory versus liberalism theory can be used to compare the spread and minimization of nuclear weapons, particularly in Iran and North Korea with the incorporation of the non-proliferation treaty....
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Black and White Subjects Facial Recognition
7 pages (2010 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
From the paper "Black and White Subjects Facial Recognition" it is clear that as the multicultural population of the US continues to increase, it appears individuals will be forced to rely on other indicators to provide input to racial category judgments that are critical to facial memory.... ... ...
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Amish Mennonites as an Inseparable Part of European and American History
7 pages (2206 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Occupational differentiation and change in an Ohio Amish settlement, Ohio Journal of Science, Vol.... The paper "Amish Mennonites as an Inseparable Part of European and American History" states that religion is an inherent element of social capital and the Amish people are strongly dedicated to preserving their social capital by abstaining from participating in non-community based activities....
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The Environment and Criminal Justice: Expansion of the Role
9 pages (2383 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Burlington: Elsevier Science.... This research paper "The Environment and Criminal Justice: Expansion of the Role" talks about the constant interaction between different parties that constitute the criminal justice system.... The legislators create laws depending on their assessment of the strength and failings....
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Learning Disorder: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
9 pages (2590 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Learning Disorder: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues of learning disorder, especially attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).... At some point in life, nearly everyone encounters inattention periods.... ... ... ... The learners may lack concentration in their studies and adults may find it difficult to pay attention to projects at work or home....
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Zakah in KSA: Impact and Implementation
28 pages (7000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author of this paper "Zakah in KSA: Impact and Implementation" casts light on the current status of Zakah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.... Notably, Zakah is a term extensively used in both religious and economic spheres in the sharia-guided Saudi Arabian society.... .... ... ... The paper supports the idea of Zakah as a basis of just and balanced economic activity in the Muslim society through the objective analysis of Zakah's foundations and the use of empirical evidence....
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HSM Performance Optimization by Using a Key Pool Solution
21 pages (6493 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "HSM Performance Optimization by Using a Key Pool Solution" describes that NetONet HSMs originally performed all the crypto operations that are performed within the HSM and therefore it only allowed the results of these operations to be available outside the HSM.... ... ... ... In cases where one may require both capabilities in the organization, the user may consider using mixed populations of Luna HSM servers to address each requirement....
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Lecturers Perceptions of Teaching English
29 pages (7623 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This research paper "Lecturers' Perceptions of Teaching English" focuses on the initial findings of an investigation into lecturers' perceptions of teaching English at Aalto university, investigating ELF university lecturers' self-perceptions of their language use and ability to communicate in English in the classroom....
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Research Paper: Genetically Modified Food
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Genetic Engineering is one of the cutting-edge tools in contemporary biological Science.... Name Instructor Course Date Genetically Modified Food: Benefits and Drawbacks.... One of its main applications is in the field of biotechnology, where is used to develop products in the fields of agriculture, medicine and food production....
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Syrian Government Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Syrian Government [University] [Instructor Name] Syrian Government The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader about the structure of Syrian government, compare it with the U.... government and to depict a brief hierarchy of the Syrian leaders.... ... ... ... In the end the paper discusses the possible factors that may contribute to the downfall of the Syrian government and who might be held responsible....
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How Democratic Leadership Effect on the Employees Satisfaction in the Hilton Hotels
18 pages (4564 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper 'How Democratic Leadership Effect on the Employees Satisfaction in the Hilton Hotels' is a convincing variant of a research paper on management.... Hilton Hotels & Resorts (Hilton Hotels) is American multination full-service hotels and resorts founded in 1919 by Conrad Hilton (Hilton Hotel's par....
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Social Security Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Introduction: The social security came into being when Franklin D.... Roosevelt signed the social security Act on 14th Aug, 1935 (Max, 2005).... The aim of the act was to come up with a system of social insurance.... It was based on the idea that workers can collect a proportion of their pay to protect themselves and their relatives against disastrous loss of earnings that result from retirement, disability or decease....
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What Happens in Smart Cars Reflects Shifts That Occur in Global Supply Chains
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
?? Live Science (January).... The paper 'What Happens in Smart Cars Reflects Shifts That Occur in Global Supply Chains' focuses on corporations that take social responsibility building green strategies, thus changing social trends and expectations.... The green strategies aspects tied with the logistical challenges are defined....
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Environmental Analysis is an Appreciation of an Organisations Activities
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This study is initiated to investigate the impact of environmental features on Cheshire Neighbours credit union success when compared to its competitors.... Using Porters Five forces framework, the PESTLE framework, the SWOT matrix and the core competencies Cheshire Neighbours Credit Union was analysed....
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Cancer Treatment Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Cancer is defined to be a group of diseases wherein cells become malignant, multiply abnormally and destroy normal cells in the process.... The disease differs from benign tumours because it is metastatic or can spread to other locations of the body.... Cancer affects people of all ages but tends to more prevalent as people age....
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Cyber Bullying Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Cyber bullying Name Instructor Course June 16, 2012 Introduction Cyber bullying involves the use of electronic media such as mobile phones and the internet for purposes of intimidating, upset or threatening someone.... They include sending unpleasant photographs, rude messages or scary by mobile phone, posting cruel messages via online chat rooms, messages boards, and other social networking sites (Orpinas & Horne, 2008)....
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Gasoline Prices Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Research Paper
It is a basic principle of economics that if the demand increases, the price will rise.... In the gasoline market this is seen during the summer months, when families plan vacations and the demand for fuel rises (Gasoline Prices).... It is again seen in the winter as the demand for home heating fuel creates anther increase in price (Gasoline Prices)....
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Differentiating Operational Line Maintenance and Manufacturer Maintenance
28 pages (7375 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The author of this paper explores the differences between operational line and manufacturer maintenance when no change in quality is intended for the aircraft.... It discusses the concepts by considering the types of maintenance services offered at each check.... ... ... ... Obtaining new aircraft is the second alternative to fleet management in many cases....
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Global Trends in Crime
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
After an investigation was carried out, it was revealed that the virus came from the Philippines and was spread by a computer Science student named Onel de Guzman.... Global Trends in Crime.... ... his paper shall discuss the current global trends in crimes, paying particular attention to the infiltration and increased rates of internet crimes and the remedies which have been set forth by the different governments of the world....
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China's Economic Relationship with the Unites States
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Before dwelling on the history and current trends in the economic ties between the United States and China, it would be worthwhile to make a mention of a relevant aspect.... This aspect speaks about the necessity propelling the developing economies in establishing economic ties.... ... ... Notwithstanding the vast resources that might be available in developing countries, it is of paramount importance for them to be seeking the support of the developed economies....
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General Electric Applied Quality Management
13 pages (3875 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "General Electric Applied Quality Management" explores the influence of quality improvement and performance in organizations, especially General Electric, and investigates the link between quality improvement practices and organizational performance.... .... ... ... The core values of quality improvement encompass customer focus, systems review, data-driven focus, continual improvement, and process optimization....
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Literature Support Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Literature Support Audrey Pamphile Instructor: Task: Date: Literature Support In order to gather accurate, relevant, and sufficient results on the behaviors, which influence the adherence or non-adherence to medical regimens, the study utilized various methodologies.... ... ... ... The study utilized various scientific research methods to collect and analyze relevant data essential in explaining the subject of interest....
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Literature Support Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Literature Support Name Name of Institution Literature Support Search Method Various search methodologies will be employed in order to gather accurate, relevant and sufficient results on the behaviors which influence the adherence or non-adherence to medical regimens.... ... ... ... The gathered data will also be analyzed and presented through the application of scientific research methods as described below....
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Culture and Marriage Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name Institution Date Culture and Marriage This paper explores how the Asian and American cultures, races and traditions affect their marriages, divorce and birth rates, their bringing up of children and the relationships existing within their families.... The paper will in turn determine how the cultures being practiced in the two cultures affect their lifestyles and living conditions....
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Research paper
5 pages (209 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Segragation on the lines of race still exist in the schools of many suburbs.... It is in this context that economic based solutions to.... ... ... The magnet schools have been one good attempt in this regard.... But the scope of such schools needs to be expanded to cover the entire low income and immigrant races and communities....
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11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A growing body of research works with issues of language and gender and/or sexuality in the field of education.... .... ... ... These, and other research findings from Western cultural contexts, suggest that queer teachers and students i.... .... teachers and students with a non-normative sexuality, often experience high levels of stigmatization, which has negative repercussions in their professional and scholarly lives....
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Ethics in Criminal Justice
13 pages (3587 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
To the ethical formalist, it is the art and Science of passing moral judgments- the manner in which the “end justifies the means” as long as the due process is complied with.... "Ethics in Criminal Justice" paper aims at underscoring the applicability of ethical and moral considerations plus their foundations in the criminal Justice system from a sociological point of view....
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History and Trends of Counseling
10 pages (2791 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
It basically was the time when researchers and scientist were trying to explore new branches of human Science specifically in the area of Mental Psychology when “Wilhelm Wundi” widely worked on this topic.... The paper "History and Trends of Counseling" discusses that some of the central psychological issues that need to be addressed within the context of career counseling have been reviewed....
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Melation and Aging Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
MELATONIN AND AGING Name: University: Tutor: Date: Acknowledgements My sincere gratitude goes to Dr.... Walid Al-Ghoul for giving me a chance to be one of his independent research students and for taking his time to teach me what research entails.... I would like to extend my gratitude to my friends for giving me moral support throughout this particular research process and coming up with valid but still open for criticism research materials....
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An Evaluation of Wireless Intrusion Prevention and Protecting Insecure Channels
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In the past few years, wireless networks have caught the attention of the majority of business organizations as well as individuals.... At the present, the trend of wireless networks has become very common.... ... ... ... In the past few years, wireless networks have caught the attention of the majority of business organizations as well as individuals....
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Transpersonal Psychology: Cleansing and Purification
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Transpersonal psychology, the term very simply explained, is self-explanatory with the meaning being inherent in the words themselves.... It is about the psychology of the mind that is beyond the material world.... It is an approach of the psyche of the human being from his or her spiritual side....
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Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The paper 'Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences' looks at a set of techniques of the scientific methods, which acquire new knowledge or make an incremental addition to previous knowledge.... The process of coming to a conclusion using the scientific method makes use of a consistent series of steps....
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Chinese Gender Imbalance
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Just one child: Science and policy in Deng's ... The implementation of one-child policy in China reduced the population into 1.... billion after nearly 30 years.... Government officials consider strict family planning policies as essential for economic growth of the country.... ...
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Gilbreths Contributions to Management History
11 pages (2981 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Gilbreths' vision was that if they could use Science to come up with the ‘one right way' of performing tasks, all such tasks should then be standardized.... The paper "Gilbreth's Contributions to Management History" states that Lillian Gilberth made major contributions to management psychology....
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The Buyer's Behavior in the Breakfast Cereal Market in Australia
10 pages (2936 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
With the advancement of medical Science, the number of old population is increasing every year, which as a result has also increased the overall consumption of breakfast cereals (Australian Government, 2014). ... The paper "The Buyer's Behavior in the Breakfast Cereal Market in Australia" states that Kellogg's is the market leader of the breakfast cereal industry with the highest market share of 36%....
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Limit Resources to Hinder the Levels of Perpetration in the Musaffah
63 pages (31639 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "Limit Resources to Hinder the Levels of Perpetration in the Musaffah" presents that from about 40 years ago, the UAE has experienced a radical change to include all fields.... This was a result of the great wealth generated from oil in addition to the great efforts of the government.... ...
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The Changing Nature of Work and its Implications on Human Resource Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper focuses on identifying some predominant factors that have contributed to the changing nature of work and the implications on the personnel management and development which underline the need of organizations to adapt and adjust to the change dynamics.... ... ... ... The globalization effect, the technological developments and the changing dimensions of the labor supply have been highly credited for the changing nature of the work and have implications on the Human Resource Management policies, strategies, and practices....
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Social and Physical Benefits of Parks and Recreation Space
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper "Social and Physical Benefits of Parks and Recreation Spaces" is focused on the significance of parks and recreation spaces.... According to Lackey and Kaczynski, 'parks are key environmental resources for encouraging population-level physical activity'.... ... ... ... Conservation of natural resources at the international level is concerned mainly with large ecosystems with considerable biodiversity or with endangered animal or plant species threatened with extinction....
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Vehicle Routing and Container Loading Problem
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Business men, supply chain operators salesmen and other distributors transfer goods from one point to another.... For the goods to satisfy the client's utility needs, they need to reach him/her at the destined time and in the right quality and quantity.... The supplier is faced by the problem of organizing and scheduling his vehicles so that they deliver goods to the clients using the most affordable method....
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Safety and Workplace Stress
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
?Environmental Science Policy, 3(1), 39-45.... This research paper "Safety and Workplace Stress" highlights that employees at the topmost position may face stress due to management styles and the decision making they have to make, employees at the lower level may face stress due to working conditions and other environmental factors....
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Provide a Strategic Analysis Linfox
17 pages (5083 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Organization Science: 7(5).... Management Science: 35(12).... This research paper "Provide a Strategic Analysis Linfox" shows that Linfox Logistics is a private company and also part of the Fox Group which includes Linfox Airports, Linfox Armaguard, and Linfox Property....
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Wal-Mart Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
With the possible exception of Paris Hilton, very few American have no conception at all of what a Wal-Mart store is like.... Even if they've never been inside one personally, they've doubtlessly seen commercials for the discount behemoth.... Although Wal-Mart and its founder Sam Walton were held up as examples of American entrepreneurialship at its best in the 1980s, something happened starting in the 1990s....
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Police Officer Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Police Officer Research Paper.... The job of police officer is not an easy one, and anyone who wants to enter the profession has to be prepared for some serious hard work.... The official job description of a police officer requires a number of skills and these can be summed up in a statement intended to inform potential applicants: To become a law enforcement officer, excellent communication skills, good judgment and decision-making skills, and keen listening skills are necessary....
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The HIPAA Privacy Standarts
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "The HIPAA Privacy Standarts" discusses that Protected Health Information (PHI) is medical facts attained by crisis staffs during patient consideration and treatment or similar facts provided to HIPAA by another organization for the same reason.... ... ... ... Covered Direct Treatment Providers must offer the notification to the person, not after the date of first service deliverance (Standards the 14th April 2003 fulfillment date of the Privacy Rule) and excluding in an urgent situation, make a good faith attempt to acquire the person's written recognition of receipt of the notification....
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Fandom: Play Station 3 on Malaysian Young Adults between the Age 15 -35 Years
10 pages (2787 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
"Fandom: Play Station 3 on Malaysian Young Adults between the Age 15 -35 Years" paper states that PS3is both beneficial and injurious to the young Malaysian adults with respect to their development in totality.... Video games are detrimental to our health.... ... ... ... PS3 is highly addictive and time-consuming hence the involved parties will be rendered less productive as they spend a large percentage of the time in the game arena (Anderson 2003)....
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Diversity Management with Regard to Women in the Workplace
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The Ann Oakley reader: gender, women and social Science.... This research is being carried out to evaluate the relation of women in the workplace and strategic human resource management, discuss legislation affecting women in the workplace and present examples of diversity management in public and non-profit organizations....
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