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Islamic Banking vs. Conventional Banking
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This piece of the research paper "Islamic Banking vs.... Conventional Banking" attempts to address major differences between Islamic banking and conventional banking, mainly in relation to both of its underlying principles, theories, current practices, and organizational systems.... ... ... ... When almost all the industries have severely been hit by the worst economic turmoil of the recent years, it was very interesting to note that Islamic banking and financing industry remained far positive despite the economic recession and it was, as many Islamic banks claimed, experiencing the greater pace of its development....
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Comparative Education
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The needs of students as well as the alterations in knowledge are both a primary focus for those that are working as teachers.... As more is learned about cognitive recognition, processes for.... ... ... A method that is currently being developed for those that are working as educators is comparative education, which combines cross cultural and educational perspectives for the classroom....
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The Cultural Beliefs, Values, and Practices of Patients
11 pages (3153 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "The Cultural Beliefs, Values, and Practices of Patients" will begin with the statement that interviews are carried out to obtain information and the interviewee's views on certain aspects.... It is essential that the interviewer obtains general information on the interviewee.... .... ... ...
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Repairing Americans Failing Education System
11 pages (3129 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
"Repairing Americans Failing Education System" paper discusses the different ways in which the American educational system is failing.... It also covers possible approaches to repairing this system.... A discussion of examples of success in some schools shall also be considered in this paper.... ...
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The Knowledge of the Essentiality of International Businesses Stakeholders
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This proposes that a course of action could be present within international organizations whereby stakeholder interests are acknowledged as primary components in the creation of performance goals.... There has been an interest in stakeholder theory at the global corporate level in international organizations....
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Institutional Adoption of Open Source Software
16 pages (4385 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Institutional Adoption of Open Source Software" describes that the awareness of these issues or selection method plays a vital role in the adoption of such systems.... The above-mentioned scenario shows that the adoption is not significant due to the different involved issues.... ... ... ...
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Model of Reasons for Use and non-Use of the Internet in Iraq
37 pages (9250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Moreover, the country's geopolitical environment affects the growth rate of infrastructure and Science and technology and industry which in turn would influence the rate of development of Internet connectivity.... The survey 'Model of Reasons for Use and non-Use of the Internet in Iraq' proved the lack of awareness to Internet facility as the main factors that resulted in the poor Internet accessibility in Iraq which were supported by the multinomial logit model used in the study....
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Romantic Connection between Couples in Successful Long-Term Marriages
105 pages (26250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In this paper, a qualitative study will be conducted primarily using interviews to examine how couples in long-term marital relationships are able to sustain the romance between them.... This research will seek to identify particular details and romantically disposed behaviors.... ... ... ... Romantic love is one of the key factors determining our quality of life, and marital satisfaction in particular....
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Implementation Of An Environmental Management System In India
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Implementation Of An Environmental Management System In India" tries to find a correlation between the automobile sector and environmental management activities.... It also discusses the factors and the environmental management practices which affect the environment of India.... ... ... ...
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Quantitative Critique Nursing Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 8 , Research Paper
Quantitative Critique: Effects on Sexual Risk Behavior and STD Rate of Brief HIV/STD Prevention Interventions for African American Women in Primary Care Settings Date Abstract The essay aims to address a two-fold objective to wit: (1) to critique the quantitative study entitled “Effects on Sexual Risk Behavior and STD Rate of Brief HIV/STD Prevention Interventions for African American Women in Primary Care Settings;” and (2) to integrate the critique process in the paper....
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Research Process and Terminology Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Research Method in Criminal Justice Name Institution Research Method in Criminal Justice Research involves gathering of data, facts, and information in order to advance an individual's knowledge.... On the other hand, the field dealing with criminal justice deals with sordid and diverse characters....
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Engineering and Construction
13 pages (3582 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
This work called "Engineering and Construction" describes the PPP technique for surveying in terms of the x,y, and z accuracies achieved from online PPP post-processing services.... The author outlines sufficient detail to allow different industries to determine if it is a suitable alternative to current relative positioning techniques....
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Migration Geography Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
MIGRATION GEOG 102, Fall 2011 PRINCIPLES OF CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY Paper 2: Migration Introduction This assignment discusses and reflects upon the history of migration to the United States and considers the effects of migration on the economy, on American families and the lives of American citizens.... ...
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Simple research paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Running Head: English The Future of the World with Social Entrepreneurship Research Paper Name Name of Professor Introduction Love is at the heart of charity.... But love and doing business are also one and the same.... Social entrepreneurship, unlike charity, is a combination of philanthropy and business or for-profit goals....
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Marketing Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Before the actual purchase, the customer wants to see, feel and touch the product to be assured about the features of the offering.... Personal selling establishes an oral communication channel where the customer is.... ... ... Personal selling initiates with building relationship and rapport with the customer but at the end of the day, the goal of personal selling is to “close the deal”....
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Healthcare system Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Fraud and abuse in the field of medicine became increasingly growing in the United States of America with records showing that the country was losing billions of dollars to fraud raising concern in the federal government. ... ... hese statutes especially the civil monetary penalties.... ... ... The physicians thus learnt that it was not only right to follow the laws but also violating the laws led to heavy penalties. ...
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Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence: trends and integration
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
So the basic objectives in this regard are to improve and adjust the business plans and policies rapidly to help in getting the better feedback from.... ... ... rket competitors, valuable suppliers and customer's organization which are generally helping the business to be operated across the world as well as competing globally....
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Single Parenthood Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name of author: Single Parenthood According to the statistics “released by the U.... .... Census Bureau in November, 2009, there are approximately 13.... million single parents in the United States today, and those parents are responsible for raising 21.... million children” (Wolf).... ... ...
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Activity Based Costing with Reference to Economic Value Addition
25 pages (7014 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper is formulated in order to determine the basic differences that are present between the activity-based costing and conventional methods of costing that is used around the world.... The objective is to uncover whether the ABC system is the best practice in accounting for manufacturing concerns....
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Application of Information Technology Supply Chain Management to Small Medium Enterprises
20 pages (5530 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
"Application of Information Technology Supply Chain Management to Small Medium Enterprises" paper identifies the opportunities for SMEs to build Information technology supply chain applications and how to improve better performance through using Information technology supply chain applications.... ....
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Persuasive Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Professor Name Date Persuasive Research Paper: The Gaza Strip As described by the British news agency BBC, the area known as the Gaza Strip is a relatively small piece on land on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, located between the official borders of Israel and Egypt (BBC).... ... ... ... This area, less than one hundred and fifty square miles in size, houses more than one and a half million Palestinians....
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Differentiated Instruction Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Differentiated Instruction Research Paper Institution A Description of Pupil Services/Administrative/School and Teaching Situation The school district has experienced exponential growth in the number of students.... The district is well equipped with a well developed curriculum that serves different students needs from the talented and gifted, special needs to learners from a variety of ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds....
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Science and Religion
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The relationship between religion and Science is a contentious issue, particularly among scientists and theologians, both of whom have an inherent interest in clarifying the role that their professions play in the world.... The relationship between religion and Science is a contentious issue, particularly among scientists and theologians, both of whom have an inherent interest in clarifying the role that their professions play in the world.... What are, for instance, the fundamental characteristics of Science and how do those characteristics differ from those of religion?...
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What role does smoking prevention play in adolescence before adulthood and addiction to smoking
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
People tend to have optimistic biases regarding the risks of smoking.... One hundred and ninety adolescents examined; the age was 12-17.... Employed recent increased interest in utilizing motivational interviewing (MI) to increase adolescent's readiness to quit smoking, but attempts to influence quit rates have thus far been discouraging....
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Practice in Miami Beach Area towards Female Condoms
13 pages (3510 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Practice in Miami Beach Area towards Female Condoms" studies the way women in Miami Beach – the target audience for the female condom – conceptualize the product, understand its utility as well as the reasons why they may choose to use or not use it.... ... ... ... It was deemed necessary to understand the reasons that affect the use of the female condom in women, and those who reside in the Miami Beach area were considered for the study....
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Assimilation and Multicultural in bilingual education within the sociopolitical context
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
That means that all other Subjects including Math and Science will be taught in English and Arabic.... This paper will attempt to address this sensitive issue by looking into people's attitude towards fundamentally divisive issues in the society.... It will look into the attitude of people towards multiculturalism and assimilation, the attitude of people towards bilingual especially in public school....
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The Possible Consequences of the Aerobics Culture and the Bodybuilding Culture
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
ym: a space for Science and technology (equipment) artefacts to transform the body ... The paper describes the fitness gym that colonizes the modern urban environments and essentially serves as a commercial institution that provides the consumers with opportunities to do different kinds of exercises that include but are not limited to traditional aerobics, dance, bodybuilding....
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Work Stress among Nurses
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 8 , Research Paper
This paper 'Work Stress among Nurses' dares to ask 'who cares for the nurses?... how are they coming up?... Nurses are with the patients 24/7.... As such, they- the nurses- are in the frontline of healthcare.... Nurses have to transact, deal with the patients, the patient's family.... ... ... ... In this paper, the researcher intends to understand the background of work-related stress among nurses, to identify the risks and implications involved in the issue of work-related stress in nursing, to know its implications in terms of workforce, health and economy and to be able to discuss the effective solutions proposed in addressing this issue....
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Emirates Telecommunication Corporation
15 pages (4098 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Academy of Marketing Science Review, Vol.... This paper ''Emirates Telecommunication Corporation'' tells us that Emirates Telecommunication Corporation (Etisalat) is the leading telecommunications corporation in the Middle East, with its headquarters in Abu Dhabi, UAE, and also the 'largest operator in the Middle East and Africa regions'....
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The Role of Risk Assessment in Environmental Security
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
New York: Nova Science Publishers. ... This essay analyzes living with urban environmental health risks.... Exposure to air pollution may cause serious adverse health effects where symptoms from this exposure may range from respiratory illnesses that are noncritical to cancer or even premature death....
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Crime Scenes Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Biological evidence encompasses DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Science, which faces the twin challenge of finding it, and then figuring out exactly what it is.... Crime Scenes 1.... .... Primary and Secondary Crime Scenes and Security thereof According to Fabiola Castillo, a crime scene is a location where evidence of a crime may be found in but it is not necessarily where the crime has been committed....
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Marketing Directed at Children and Its Impact on Young Minds
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Moreover, social Science research of this genre can never provide final incontrovertible proof as it deals with immeasurable variables like emotions, feelings and tendencies.... The research paper "Marketing Directed at Children and Its Impact on Young Minds" states that in recent years, the food and beverage industry has viewed children and adolescents as a major market force....
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Vitamin D
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The author of the following paper "Vitamin D" casts light on the properties of vitamin D.... Admittedly, for many years, the nutritionists have specified the necessity of calcium in the human body for the prevention of osteoporosis.... ... ... ... The need for vitamin D in the human body was discovered during the early twentieth century, when Sir Edward Mellanby, linked the fact that the amount of vitamin D found within a human body can be correlated to certain medical conditions like osteomalacia (soft/weak bones in human adults) and rickets....
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The impact of Multi-Tasking on Performance
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
 Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2004).... This paper takes up the task of finding out how multitasking can affect negatively the overall performance of a project and the learning experience quality at the end of the project.... The research question is whether there is a relationship that exists between the overall performance of a project manager and the number of technical projects undertaken....
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Control of Tuberculosis in the United States
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
2007, Tuberculosis: From basic Science to patient care.... This paper "Control of Tuberculosis in the United States" shall discuss tuberculosis: the disease process, transmission, detection, risk factors, prevention, and control measures in the United States.... The writer emphasizes the weakness and improvements that can be made in its prevention....
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The Concept of Cultural Relativism and Declaration on Human Rights
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
astles, S 2005, 'Hierarchical citizenship in a world of unequal nation-states', PS: Political Science and Politics, vol.... The paper describes cultural relativism that has become a popular theoretical lens to view the world community in the face of expanding globalism.... It is a convenient way to tolerate the transgressions of our neighbours, as long as they do not violate our sovereign borders....
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Challenges of Translating a Text from Arabic to English
20 pages (5552 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
ue to the continued and increased rate of development of technology, culture and Science, the need for translation has increased in the current times.... One of the great theories is that of Newmark (1998) who asserts that translation is an art and at the same times a skill and a Science....
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Prospects of Internationalisation of Frontex
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In this project, the author represents top management in a manufacturing company employing over 5000 employees that have been operating in the domestic arena for some time and this company now decided to go international and establish a manufacturing plant in France.... ... ... ... This paper will begin with the statement that the development of business activities worldwide has increased competitiveness among firms in all industrial sectors....
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Urban Entertainment: Trends in Mass Media
16 pages (4653 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
This research paper "Urban Entertainment: Trends in Mass Media" discusses significant changes that have been witnessed in the various forms of urban entertainment.... The trends in the industry have been accelerated by the advancement of technology and communication.... ... ... ... One of the most common forms of urban entertainment is a popular culture that has significantly influenced societies across the world....
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Psychology Degree Research Paper
2 pages (729 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Scientifically, the design of the study is contrary to experimental norms.... This is because, all participants were not tested ion the same conditions, and there was an inherent bias in the study conditions. ... ... he airmen should not have been differentiated with the intake of the beer cans before and after work, in that all members at the end of their shift should not have been given 4 cans only....
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Ethical Dilemmas in the Field of Forensic Psychology
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper ''Ethical Dilemmas in the Field of Forensic Psychology" discusses the ethical dilemmas in forensic psychology with respect to various areas like that of confidentiality, child abuse, relationship conflict and that of the personality disorder.... .... ... ... Ethics is about the character of an individual....
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Steroids and Their Side Effect on Teenagers
22 pages (6076 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Steroids and Their Side Effect on Teenagers" discusses that Yavari starts by reiterating the condition of AAS abuse as outlined by the IOC (International Olympic Committee).... In this sense, he notes that over fifty percent of doping tests that turn out positive involve abuse of AAS.... ...
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Development in Mathematics in Different Countries
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The basic idea that revolves around teaching mathematics is that the subject is a method or a tool to solve the problems concerning Science and other problems.... The author of the following research paper "Development in Mathematics in Different Countries" underlines that mathematics, as a subject, has managed to hold the interest of human civilization since time immemorial....
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Preparing for Terrorism and Disasters in the New Age of Health Care
10 pages (2709 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Preparing for Terrorism and Disasters in the New Age of Health Care" states that health is also adversely affected in terms of preventing epidemics, protecting and providing care to vulnerable populations, and continuation of medication to those who were already undergoing treatment.... ...
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Research paper summary Carrying capacity
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research was conducted to verify the carrying capacity of the ant nest to support the species of the predator.... The study presupposes that starvation might.... ... ... This is due to review of available literature that point towards other causes of death of the ants in their nests.... The paper combines both laboratory and field experiments to Insert Insert Grade Insert Research paper summary “Carrying capa Caterpillars of Maculinea butterfly are usually the major predators of the Myrmica ant species in their brooding stage....
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Gay, Lesbians, and Mental Illness
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The findings of the study were reported in the December issue of Psychological Science (Vol.... This paper "Gay, Lesbians, and Mental Illness" focuses on the fact that it would seem homosexuality has come of age; it has its own plethora of mental illnesses like any other deviant group in existence....
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The Media and the Role They Play in Suicide
31 pages (7750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This essay will seek to discuss the media and the role they play in suicide and will put into consideration three case studies of different researchers in order to provide a clear and concise part played by media in suicidal issues.... .... ... ... It will further tie in the media and its influence on society, which has an effect on an individual's life who resorts to suicide....
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Cystic Fibrosis Lung Transplantation
15 pages (4442 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The paper "Cystic Fibrosis Lung Transplantation" utilizes evidence and factual data that many lives have been saved from the transplantation and the earlier prevention or earlier diagnosis of the disease as this will help the patient keen on drugs and body maintenance.... ... ... ... Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease with no cure at this time....
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The primary assumption of behaviourism is that one should view psychology as a Science strictly and research it in a scientific way (Moore, 2011).... The current paper states that Dr.... Aaron T.... Beck spearheaded CBT during the 1960s as a psychiatrist at the University of Pennsylvania (Heslop, 2008)....
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Type 2 Diabetes
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Hormones are important chemical substances that maintain and regulate the activities of the human body.... Alterations in the normal functioning of hormones.... ... ... Insulin is an important hormone of the human body that performs many vital functions.... Insulin is secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas....
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