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Economic & Marketing (Research Project)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name: Professor: Institution: Course: Economic and Marketing Finance can be described as a branch of economics apprehensive with resource management as resource allocation, investment and acquisition.... The key deal of finance is matters related to the market and money being the key factor.... ... ...
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Research on Utamilla Religion
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The indigenous tale started thousands of years back.... The predecessors' native land of almost 6.... million acres included the Columbia River highland within these days' ‘South-Eastern Washington' and ‘North-Eastern Oregon'.... ... ... ... The indigenous tale started thousands of years back....
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Research Confucius and Socrates
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
(Assignment) Confucius and Socrates Confucius, the highly determined Chinese scholar was born in 551 BCE in the state of LU.... He proved himself multitalented possessing all qualities of a great thinker whose deeds greatly influenced the spiritual history of China.... ... ... ... Confucius desired to restore the lost justice and harmony of Chinese society through his remarkable teachings throughout his lifetime....
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Research about drawing artist
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Da Vinci worked in Florence as an apprentice for Andre del Verrochio.... The 15-year-old was already a gifted artist and was asked by del Verrocchio to.... ... ... It is said that da Vinci's work on the kneeling angel in this painting surpassed his master's.... At the age of 20, he was accepted into the painter's guild of Florence....
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Research, Writing, and Rhetoric
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the word of psychology, determining which between situation and personality that most affects human behavior always raises a controversial topic.... There.... ... ... those who believe situation affects an individual's behavior more than anything else while there are those who believe an individual's character traits influence his or her behavior more than any other factor....
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IT Database Research
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Physical security involves measures taken to ensure security of workforce, system devices and equipment, resources, documents and sensitive information stored on physical media (like hardware programs and networks) from damaging proceedings like unauthorized access, fire,.... ... ... 2.... One may want to separate server roles if there is a lot of asynchronous activity going on such as “imports, workflows or ns” (Microsoft Dynamics), and one wants these activities not to create long backlogs which may hinder with the operation of new asynchronous activities....
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The Role of Ethics From Different Perspectives
6 pages (1752 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
They deal with the profound shared and ethical consequences of transitions and improvements such as in technology or Science, obliging intellectuals to seek out fresh resolutions to ethical challenges.... he Role of Ethics from the Perspective of Science and Technology ... There has to be a twofold approach to the ethical reflection within the changes in Science and technology: (1) Ethical reflection should be geared towards particular situations in problem-solving, and (2) “Distanciation” or openness to other cultural practices in ethical reflection is necessary....
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Goal-line Technology Design Process Technical Research
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper "Goal-line Technology Design Process Technical Research" discusses the history of goal-line technology, the societal needs it serves, operation, and the notable design processes that have aided its development, though it is a pretty difficult concept to understand.... ... ... ... Goal-line technology is a new invention, which many have failed to understandable how it works....
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Promoting access to medical technologies - from Chile's perspective mun position paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
With the advancement in communication and research resources, it became easier for the medical field to come up with technologies that are able to treat critical diseases.... The.... ... ... Developed countries are able to invest in the infrastructure and thus able to make use of these technologies....
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Pediatric Issues Paper (Health Brief) #1
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Rates of adolescents obtaining bariatric surgeries tripled from 2000-2003.... There is a growing concern over potential long term health consequences for those.... ... ... A local weight loss treatment center, which occasionally makes referrals for bariatric surgery contacted you asking you to prepare a brief review of the literature and provide recommendations regarding the risks, Bariatric Surgery among Adolescents Recent media reports indicate that an increasing number of teens are seeking surgicalsolutions to morbid obesity....
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Research paper:The imapact of appraisal system on the productivity and morale on saudi Aramco employees
55 pages (13750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Performance Appraisals have been the most common methods employed by employers and organzations to incentivize and measure the performance of their employees.... .... ... ... Performance Appraisals have been the most common methods employed by employers and organzations to incentivize and measure the performance of their employees....
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Research about a STD called Chancroid
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Understanding Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Focus on Chancroid Your Name Due Date Introduction The last thing that most people want to talk about is their present, past, or, potential, future experiences with sexually transmitted diseases.... ... ... ... People perceive stigmas about people identified wit these conditions and the last thing they want is to be lumped into such a group....
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China Economic Growth Since 1949
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The 3rd challenge relates to the truth that, although Chinese organizations are usually champs at challenging through cost efficiency, they've still to understand the Science and art of competing by way of differentiation.... Impressive economic achievements of the PRC are second largest in the world....
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Psychology of the Mess-Maker
4 pages (1136 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Science Digest 33 (1986): 30-37.... The paper "Psychology of the Mess-Maker" states that as hypothesized, the majority of McDonald's customers dining at a time starting from 2 pm on 28 April 2009 onwards and who did not pick up their trays or empty them in the provided bin(s) did not admit that laziness was the reason....
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See Below
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
“The Science of public administration: Three problems.... From the article, the creation of Science of public administration led to the conception of universal laws.... The four paradigms constitute the politics/administration dichotomy 1900-1926; the principles of administration, 1927-1937; public administration as political Science, 1950-1970 and public administration administrative Science....
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Causal paper: Why do some people fear darkness
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Although it may be tempting to understand nyctophobia and many other phobias in terms of an unnatural or psychotic tendency that exists within the individual sufferer, the fact of the matter is that medical Science has begun to understand nyctophobia in terms of evolutionary psychology (Sharma et al 39)....
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Japan's Battered Men Suffer abuse in Silence
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Japan's Battered Men Suffer abuse in Silence Name: Institution: Introduction The world generally defines domestic violence as an issue affecting women only, but the study shows that men are victims too.... In many instances, it is only the women who report having been punched, kicked or shoved by their partners....
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3 Reseach articles
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Most of the studies to determine the neurocognitive and neuropsychological effect of concussions have been retrospectively designed with posttest-only designs and provide insufficient data about the effects of multiple concussions.... In the present study, 24 collegiate football.... ... ... Players sustaining 1 concussion (n=12) were well matched for age, education, years in competitive football, and prior concussion history (none) to All players were examined physically and underwent neuropsychological testing to establish baseline values....
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Impacts of Inquiry-Based Learning
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
nquiry-based learning involves an active teaching and learning approach where the students are actively involved through questioning, problem solving and decision making, communication skills and critical thinking (Goodrum, Druhan & Australian Academy of Science, 2011).... This research defines inquiry-based learning as an inductive pedagogy that helps in improving communication skills, problem solving, critical thinking and creativity....
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Interview with a Manager/Leader Course Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
He has also attained a Masters of Science degree from the University of Aston, at Birmingham in the United Kingdom.... Interview with the Vice Chairman of Tata Motors Name: Institution: Chapter one: Introduction The vice chairman of Tata Motors, Mr.... Ravi Kant has served as the Managing director of the company, which is the largest automobile manufacturer in India....
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Study of Validity and Reliability in Research
42 pages (10743 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Study of Validity and Reliability in Research" explains that in determining which measurement tools to use, a researcher has two things to consider: the tool valid and reliable.... Validity and reliability are two terms commonly used when discussing measurements in the research.... ... ...
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Social Challenges Facing Communities Country and the Region
6 pages (1698 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
However, all principles including political Science, sociology, and psychology have to be included in the study in order to come up with detailed results in all social aspects.... Social Science concepts: A users guide.... The paper "Social Challenges Facing Communities Country and the Region" states that both positivist and negativist social scientists have employed various research methods in order to understand different societies....
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Competitive Strategies and Managerial Decision Making Research
7 pages (2026 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Competitive Strategies and Managerial Decision Making Research" says Keurig Green Mountain is considered as a publicly-traded organization located at Waterbury in the US state of Vermont.... It is considered to be a wholly owned subsidiary of the organization Green Mountain Coffee Roasters....
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Communication and Personality in Negotiation Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
I decided to buy a used car to replace my auto which was giving a lot of mechanical problems.... I my target budget was buying an auto in the $5000-7000 price range.... I decided that going to.... ... ... I knew this was a big decision and took advantage of all the communication channels available....
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Life of galileo lalilei
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
He is considered as one of the most influential personality to have reshaped the way Europe's future emerged as a result of his inventions and contribution towards increasing the role of Science within European society.... He is also considered as a rebel because of his ideas and the way he propagated the cause of the Science during the times when Church was more dominating within European society.... However, despite the opposition of the mighty, the ideas of Galileo prevailed and the world was able to develop a modern system of astronomy and physics which has evolved and culminated into the current model of Science....
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Why Was Augustus So Respected by Later Emperors
8 pages (3405 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Why Was Augustus So Respected by Later Emperors" highlights that the formalities and procedures that were to be followed were highly respected before the various people would be allowed to come into interact with the emperors or Augustus as they were termed.... ... ... ... It is essential to state that this paper delves into the discussion of the various reasons that made Augustus so much respected by the afterward emperors....
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Law and Health Care System Administration (Paper Subject: Healthcare)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The industry in itself seems to lie in wait without regard from most until a moment, big or small, emerges where one is absolutely dependant on healthcare whether to cure their small ailment or to.... ... ... In the midst of the reality and sometimes finality that comes with discussing the healthcare industry, the foundation of the principles which guide the forces of healthcare are based around the physician-patient and hospital-patient relationships....
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Research/Source analysis task on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Agriculture
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
1.... What is meant by the term genetic engineering?... The process involves the recombination of DNA for scientific purposes and is termed as Genetic Engineering.... This mainly includes the alteration of gene information inside cells to achieve desired results.... Genes are present within a living cell in the form of DNA....
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Capital Market and Investment Banking Process Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Most are the times that people have associated this with Wall Street, but there are also others who consider this as referring more particularly to.... ... ... In this line, an investment banker therefore is fundamentally any intermediary in the process of investment banking. ... ... nvestment bankers come in the situation where, for example; one has an idea of and is seeking to set up a business but lacks You cannot as well borrow from friends or family members and to make matters even worse back loans are inaccessible....
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Effects of Paper Mills Effluents Released into the River on the Natives and Their Environment
8 pages (2168 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Effects of Paper Mills Effluents Released into the River on the Natives and Their Environment" focuses release of factory effluents into rivers that affected Both flora and fauna.... The research highlight the improvements made to reduce the adverse effects of waste on the environment....
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Two artists research Clay Ketter and Jen Worden
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
He was born in Brunswick; Maine in 1961.... He graduated from Purchase College, State university of New York with a bachelor degree in fine arts.... Clay currently works and resides in Uppakra, Sweden.... Ketter started his work in.... ... ... Ketter combined architecture, sculpture and painting to produce innovative assemblages....
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Sentinel Event Alert Paper: Preventing Pediatric Medication Errors
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Sentinel Event Alert Paper: Preventing Pediatric Medication Errors Introduction The Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 39, 2008, pertains to pediatric medication errors and the risk mitigation strategies.... This paper summarizes the content of the sentinel alert and its relation to the actual practical experience in the care of patients....
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Business Research Issues and Analysis: Advantages and Disadvantages of E-marketing
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The research looks into the advantages and limitations of eMarketing.... Much was said about these aspects of marketing but a few so far looked into the benefits and limitations derived from it.... The findings showed that e-Marketing refers to the application of marketing techniques via electronic media....
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Research proposal-Cultures of corporate security: corporate management of terrorist risk
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
PROPOSAL PREPARATION Cultures of corporate security: corporate management of terrorist risk Research Topic Corporate Management of Terrorist Risk Description of Research Topic Terrorism is a global canker that is gradually growing to become a problem of not just one nation but all nations of the world....
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A Review of the Health of the Nation White Paper of 1992
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper presents a review of the Health of the Nation White Paper of 1992.... The titles of the publications provide evidence that inequality is being addressed in health policy.... However, the point remains whether the concern is being addressed adequately and correctly.... ... ... ... The public saw the HOTN as a strategy that attempts to increase prevention in its key health concerns and "alliance work" with concerned groups....
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Critical Response Papers
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Critical Response Papers Law of Desire: Movie Review The film Law of Desire by Pedro Almodovar revolves around the problematic aspect of gender and sexuality, which affects the lives of the main characters.... The film features the relationship between Pablo Quintero and Antonio particularly with regard to the kind of the homosexual attachment that informs their relationship....
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Research Vignettes and Theories of Treatment
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper describes research vignettes and theories of treatment.... This paper analyses seven individual cases and their difficulties that are important to notice.... it outlines theories that are starting place for new counselors or social workers because they can help them to identify some of the challenges that people face in our society....
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Research Eosin Y with and without Phloxine B Reagents
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There are three isomeric xylenes with each having molecular formula of C8H10.... C6H4 (CH3)2 is a semi structural formula which is.... ... ... Xylenes are petrochemicals and are produced by coal carbonisation and also catalytic reforming.... It encompasses three dimethylbenzene's isomers.... The designations meta-(m-), ortho- (o-) and para- (p-) are used to distinguish the isomers....
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Effect of Ozone Layer of Greenhouse Effect
10 pages (2445 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
nd the principle of unintended consequences-an ongoing Science and policy success story”.... Science, 272, 1318–1322, 1996.... The paper "Effect of Ozone Layer of Greenhouse Effect" highlights that over the centuries animals have adapted themselves to the climatic conditions of their habitats, altered climatic conditions may not be suitable for their survival as a result they may perish....
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Locke, Berkeley, Plato or desecrates can be the topic of the paper.(choose one)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Bertrand Russell writes, “Philosophy, if it cannot answer so many questions as we could wish, has at least the power of asking questions which increase the interest of the world, and show the strangeness and wonder lying just below the surface even in the commonest things of.... ... ... ily life....
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Organizational Profile Using Secondary Research Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Organizational Profile Using Secondary Research Assignment Table of Contents 1.... .... escription 3 2.... .... Industry Analysis 3 3.... .... rganizational Analysis 4 4.... .... rominent characteristics of Nokia 4 4.... .... trengths 4 4.... .... eaknesses 4 4.... .... pportunities 5 4.... .... hreats 5 References 6 1....
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Time Value of Money Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The concept of time value of money is based on the fact that if you have money and you hold it, it would be worth more than some payment you expect to receive.... This is due to interest earned on the money that has been held.... If you have to receive $1000 a year from now, then the.... ... ... Time value of money is one of the most important factors in financial management analysis (Kieso et al....
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Researched Proposal
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
"Problem Behavior of Homeless Youth: A Social Capital Pespective .... June 2, 2009.... Web.... 2008.... www.... ubmedcentral.... ih.... ov/articlerender.... cgi?... rtid=2533425 ... ... f the article comes.... ... ... If you found this article by using the World Wide Web, you must complete the following portion of the form as well....
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Why Other Countries out Rank the US Academically
4 pages (1326 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Due to the different educational requirements in different countries and curriculum variation, Math and Science avail the only common basis for comparison between American students and students from other nations.... The Third International mathematics and Science Study that includes results collected from over half a million students in more than 41 nations gets used as a benchmark to assess and compare the effectiveness of the various educational systems.... In other nations, there is a shift in curricula from elementary Science and basic algebra to physics, Chemistry, Geometry and Algebra....
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Organizational Tax Research and Planning - Tax Reform
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper example "Organizational Tax Research and Planning - Tax Reform" intends to examine the current state of the taxing system and formulate a plan of policy reform recommendation which will aim at the improving of tax organization system.... ... ... ... In order to restore the economy of America, different tax provisions to bring about development, job creation and growth of the economy have been made....
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Role and Impact of Forensic Anthropology on Death Investigations
9 pages (2450 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper 'Role and Impact of Forensic Anthropology on Death Investigations' seeks to provide an assessment of the role and impact of forensic anthropology in death investigations.... An overview of recent developments in this field and new theories garnered from academic journals is given.... ...
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Reconstruction and Race Relations Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Slavery, the Reconstruction and beyond Name Professor University Date Slavery of the Afro-Americans ended with the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln in January 1, 1863 and when the 13th amendment was ratified by the states.... It did not however meant that injustice against the Negro stopped but instead another form of legalized oppression came with the passage of the Segregation Law which was also popularly known as Jim Crow....
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Property and Computer Crimes Paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The phrase ‘without legal authority' is deliberately used to mean that some incarcerations may be unwarranted but if they hold legal authority, they.... ... ... For instance, a police officer may arrest someone in his course to investigate a crime.... If that suspect is later acquainted, that does not qualify as false arrest....
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Thinking and decision making paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
higher abstraction, lower abstraction and everyday thinking (Clouser cited in Basden, 2001).... Higher abstraction is a type of thinking in which an individual separates one aspect from various others and totally focuses upon that.... ... ... Higher abstraction leads to obsession.... The individual tends to forget the context and places complete emphasis upon the task at hand....
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Term Paper on Psychological Evaluation
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The patient, Linda, was interviewed.... She was then administered three different psychological evaluations in an effort to better discern her underlining condition and to develop a comprehensive treatment approach.... This report functions as a psychological evaluation of a patient that was reported to the clinic seeking medical attention....
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