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Sociological Concepts From the Media
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Sociological Concepts From the Media" highlights that central phenomenon revolves around the concept of multiculturalism, which is a reality in many modern cities around the world.... However, this creates various issues due to which different groups come into conflict with one another....
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Operational Competencies at Harangue Ltd
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study represents the analysis of operational competencies at Harangue Ltd, Adelaide office; an Australian publicly listed company.... Statistical analysis of data the report describes sampling information in the mean and median record of fewer than 6 months.... ... ... ... The study is a compendium of 'how we are doing', and outlines time series data on quality, customer provision, and retention and fiscal accountability....
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Richemonts Entry in Indian Market
14 pages (4137 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Richemont's Entry in the Indian Market" states that the entry of Richemont in the Indian market could highly benefit the organization.... India can offer prospects to foreign firms for future growth but only under the terms that measures are taken by foreign investors to control relevant risks....
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Contract between Dale Godwin and Eric Sully
7 pages (1959 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Contract between Dale Godwin and Eric Sully " states that Romalpa clauses are incorporated in a contract by a seller who does not wish to transfer ownership of the items to the buyer until the latter has paid the bill for them in full, which is identifiable in the seller's invoices.... ....
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Surviving a Patrol Strike
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper concerns the progression of parking revenues and fines in the City Centre Car-Park.... The given study analyses the influence on the company profit and with the help of such factors as a viable alternative, stuff responsibility, seasonal effects.... ... ... ... The car-parks traffic appears to be continuing to rise, even figuring in the seasonal effects of the Christmas shopping rush....
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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Capital Punishment
5 pages (1387 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Advantages and Disadvantages of Capital Punishment' focuses on capital punishment which has been a controversial issue in the United States.... The stand was taken by the federal government, human rights activists and the state government have made capital punishment.... ... ... ... Many different views have been advanced based on the moral, legal, punishment and economic perspectives....
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What Is the Best Way to Tackle Online Copyright Infringement in the EU
6 pages (1577 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"What Is the Best Way to Tackle Online Copyright Infringement in the EU" paper states that the EU must seek for the most appropriate way of protecting the online copyrighted materials, while at the same time ensuring to maintain a balance between protecting the freedom of expression of the public....
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Leadership Styles
3 pages (750 words) , Download 11 , Case Study
The paper talks about leadership and leadership styles and how it may take different forms depending on the personality and strategies used by managers.... It helps to begin a successful person and leader.... It describes different styles of leadership in organizations.... ... ... ... To illustrate the effects of different leadership approaches as used and its success and effectiveness, this report compares Coach K's A Matter of the Heart and Knight's The Will to Win, two contrasting leadership styles with different results to the followers and institutions involved....
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Law Project - Mohammed, E & Z Company, and L&G Company
11 pages (2986 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Law Project - Mohammed, E & Z Company, and L&G Company" highlights that being a major distributor of L&G electronics in Dubai, E&Z is a renowned supplier and every buyer would always want to buy electronics from them going by the results in the past sales.... ... ... ... Generally speaking, the case involving Mohammed, E & Z Company, and L&G Company is based on warranty of merchantability, express, and implied warranties in sales of goods contracts....
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Analysis Situation of Australian Contract Law
5 pages (1517 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The case "Analysis Situation of Australian Contract Law" presents Morris who sold his photocopying and laminating business for $95,000 to Beth.... As Beth did not have the money to pay cash, Morris agreed to immediate payment of $35,000 with the balance payable out of future profits over the next 3 years....
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How Relevant Is the Concept of Power to Buyer-Supplier Exchanges
5 pages (1468 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'How Relevant Is the Concept of Power to Buyer-Supplier Exchanges?... is a good example of the business case study.... Power is defined as a property of social relationships between individuals or groups with a mutual dependence between the parties.... ... ... ... The paper 'How Relevant Is the Concept of Power to Buyer-Supplier Exchanges?...
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Clarian Health Partners Human Resource Analysis
4 pages (1643 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Clarian Health Partners Human Resource Analysis" focuses on the human resource analysis for Clarian Health Partners Inc.... Because Tyson challenged the decision to terminate her on account of religious discrimination, this case is usually being viewed from a religious perspective.... ...
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Civil Law Rights
7 pages (2009 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"Civil Law Rights" paper analyzes the case entitled 'Consumer Sale law' that centers on the legal and self-regulatory controls on the advertising of consumer goods and services - the law of consumer advertising that is the major provisions of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968.... ... ... A part or complete refund, depending on what is rational in the circumstances....
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Business Law and Common Law
6 pages (1850 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The author of the paper "Business Law and Common Law" argues in a well-organized manner that for a contract to be formed, there must be an agreement consisting of offers and an acceptance, consideration, and contractual intention so as to a contract can be said to be in existence.... ... ... ... Contractual ingredients include; the form, which must be observed for some formalities, the parties should be legally entitled to enter into a contract, the agreement needs to have been entered into freely and not under the influence or duress, and the agreement ought not to be contrary to the policy of the public or illegal....
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Competitive Advantage of Sales
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper 'Competitive Advantage of Sales force.... om' seeks to analyse the strategic position of Salesforce in its operations.... The paper starts by analyzing the situation, followed by problem identification in order to improve the operations of the company.... ... ... ... The paper will also discuss the alternative solutions as well as recommendations that can be implemented....
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The Medical School of the Future
4 pages (1083 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Medical School of the Future" describes the mission of A.... .... Still University is to educate students to become competent healthcare professionals who continuously develop and demonstrate compassion, integrity, and ability while advancing osteopathic principles and philosophy.... ...
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Developing & Managing the Enterprise
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The following paper provides a feasibility study for the launch of a new business by Steve.... The business proposed as being feasible for Steve is that pertaining to an online book retailer which would enable him to use his experience and contacts in the book retailing field to establish the business in the online medium....
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Human Resource Management at SouthWest Airlines and Airport Express Train
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
The case study shows that both Southwest Airlines and Airport Express Train have different business strategies.... South West Airlines is one of the largest low-cost carriers in the world.... Human resource management includes management in the following fields: talent, training, and development, etc....
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Water Shortage - Focus on the GPT Group
7 pages (2224 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Water Shortage - Focus on the GPT Group" is a perfect example of an environmental studies case study.... While people had been largely focused on energy-related issues when talking about global environmental concerns, water shortage is increasingly taking the spotlight.... The world has experienced an increase in the human population since the start of the 20th century....
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Enterprise Risk Assessment, Audit, and Cyberlaw Policy
8 pages (2223 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The purpose of the paper 'Enterprise Risk Assessment, Audit, and Cyberlaw Policy' is the assessment of the various risks that are associated with an interaction network that happens daily between the suppliers, investors, stakeholders, and employees while offering clear guidelines of conducting intentions to mitigate the risks....
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Improving the Efficiency of the Willy Wonka's Company by Organizational Analysis
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper presents the organizational analysis as a key element for Improving the Efficiency of the Willy Wonka's Company based on the film 'Charlie and the chocolate factory'.... Organizational analysis can be characterized as a tool used for improving the overall efficiency of an organization.... ...
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Economic Impact of Fords Investment in the Canadian Economy
7 pages (2180 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Ford in collaboration with federal and Ontario governments made a C $700 million investment at the Oakville Assembly aimed at augmenting manufacturing capability of the plant to meet increased global demand (Nelson, 2009).... The expansion will ensure value delivery to global.... ... ... The paper "Economic Impact of Fords Investment in the Canadian Economy" is a perfect example of a macro & microeconomics case study....
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Information Management Systems - Google Plus
9 pages (2598 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The advancements that have been made in technology over the years have led to a change in the ways that organizations conduct their business activities, with new methods and practices having been introduced in this neo modern era as a result.... Whereas many functions were mostly.... ... ... The paper "Information Management Systems - Google Plus" is an outstanding example of an information technology case study....
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Assessing Learning and Policy
8 pages (2411 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The author of the paper "Assessing Learning and Policy" will begin with the statement that assessment has gain prominence over the recent past with more efforts and attention being addressed to the development and implementation of effective assessment policies, strategies, and techniques.... ... ...
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Public Health and Health Promotion
8 pages (2212 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Public Health and Health Promotion: Shape Up Australia" is a wonderful example of a case study on health sciences and medicine.... Shape Up Australia is an Australian National Preventive Health Agency (ANPHA).... ... ... ... The initiative steered by Public Health England (PHE) seeks to exhibit how smoking 'rots' the inner body....
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Retail Internationalisation Strategies
17 pages (4754 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of the paper titled "Retail Internationalisation Strategies" focuses on the global competition for retail customers in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector in the People's Republic of China.... It does not cover Hong Kong SAR or Macao SAR.... ... ... ... While the volume of academic research on retail internationalization has increased dramatically, understanding of the process of retail internationalization is still far from complete or comprehensive....
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Should the Family and Medical Leave Act Be Changed
8 pages (2214 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper "Should the Family and Medical Leave Act Be Changed" sheds some light on the implications, projected scenarios and the support for the modification of the Family and Medical Leave Act.... The Family and Medical Leave Act offers partial protection of employees' welfare.... ... ... ... Protection in this case results forms the reinstatement of an employee back to the position he or she was in preceding the leave or otherwise in a better position....
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Ethics and Law in Paramedical Practice - Principles of Capacity and Consent, Confidentiality and Data Protection
8 pages (2285 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Ethics and Law in Paramedical Practice - Principles of Capacity and Consent, Confidentiality and Data Protection' is an informative variant of a case study on nursing.... Paramedics are personnel in the field of health that serves in a capacity that is auxiliary to a physician.... ... ...
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Failure of Solids: Markham Colliery Disaster
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This essay explores the investigation of the cause of the Markham colliery accident.... The proper system design should be emphasized while making such a system in the mine as this would have saved lives and such other fatalities as resulted from the crash.... ... ... ... Eighteen men fell culprits and died in the 1973 Markham colliery disaster in which other eleven persons sustained serious injuries after a cage descending into the mine failed to stop while reaching the base of the mineshaft....
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The Pay Gap Between Men and Women
6 pages (1761 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The basic motive of this project: In general, men and women display marked diversity in the way in which they communicate at work.... Men emphasize power, while women stress rapport; men are more likely than women to claim credit for accomplishments; men tend to downplay their uncertainty rather than admit it....
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Direct Advisors Role towards International Students
6 pages (1556 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Direct Advisors' Role towards International Students" discusses the study abroad that is seen as an exciting and challenging experience.... For many students, this is the first time when they have to live in an environment different from their own homes.... ... ... ... This can be made possible by the direct advisors whose responsibility is to ensure that the students enjoy a smooth transition from their native cultures to the American culture....
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A Victim of Sexual Harassment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The research paper 'A Victim of Sexual Harassment' seeks to evaluate the case of Jami who is clearly a victim of hard sexual harassment.... In this given problem, the sexual advances made by Jami's boss constitute sexual conduct in the work environment.... ... ... ... The author explains that Jami, who is a victim of sexual harassment should file a complaint against Mr....
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Importance of Organizational Culture
6 pages (1776 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Importance of Organizational Culture" discusses an employee of Dynamic Display who went through a quick route promotion from an account executive position, in the Travel and Hospitality division to Senior Market specialist within just seven months of his appointment.... ... ... ... Another good strategy would have been the provision of On-The-Job training for Green....
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Solving an Ethical Dilemma Using Ethical Theories - Volkswagen
6 pages (1725 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Solving an Ethical Dilemma Using Ethical Theories - Volkswagen " is a great example of a management case study.... Ethical dilemmas occur almost in all aspects of human life, including the workplace, homes, and schools.... Decision-makers are often left with tough choices to serve the interests of the parties involved and at the same time preserve the law (Hurley, 2012)....
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Tax Consequences and Administration in the United Kingdom
6 pages (1524 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Tax Consequences and Administration in the United Kingdom" is a great example of a law case study.... In regards to Mother Board VX, the current facts that are known are that t is a tax resident in the Kazan- Russia, but has gone further to recruit a marketing manager in the United Kingdom for a period of three months for the purpose of undertaking market reconnaissance....
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McDonald Rebirth Moderation
7 pages (1830 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'McDonald Rebirth Moderation ' is an engrossing example of a marketing case study.... The issue of Mcdonald's concerning rebirth via moderation revolves around the adoption of the 'becoming tough' approach in the area of the corporate administration toward franchisees irrespective of whether it angers some, versus making sure that they take a more active role in the company's future directions....
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Public Policy and the Judicial Approach to Consent as a Defence in Criminal Law
7 pages (2048 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
From the paper "Public Policy and the Judicial Approach to Consent as a Defence in Criminal Law" it is clear that in R v Dica the Court of Appeal held that a person could have a defence of consent if the complainant had known of the risk of HIV and consented to the risk of transmission.... .... ...
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Object Orientation in PHP
6 pages (1822 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
From the paper "Object Orientation in PHP" it is clear that generally, the lifeline of an object extends from the object's rectangle using the dotted lines.... It indicates the change of time.... The order of the progression of actions is from the top to the bottom.... ... ... ... The Withdrawal sends a message to the CashDispenser to check if there is sufficient cash....
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The Fonts of Morality
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper ''The Fonts of Morality'' tells that an act is either good or evil as is dictated by the fonts of morality.... This includes intention, object, and circumstances.... Whereas intention refers to the internal instinct connected to an action moral object is the result of an action that is either 'good' or 'evil'....
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External Trade in Cyprus during Late Bronze Age
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper 'External Trade in Cyprus during the Late Bronze Age' discusses foreign trade of Cyprus, resulting in relations with the trading partners, and its economic, social, and cultural impacts on Cyprus.... During the Late Bronze Age, Cyprus had been one of the most significant locations.... ... ...
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Legal Scenarios
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Legal Scenarios By Course Instructor Institution 6, June 2013 Glenn's course of action depends on whether he is an independent contractor or an employee.... Whether one is an employee or an independent contractor is a question of fact and not of law.... The courts have established several tests over time to distinguish an employee from an independent contractor....
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Common Law of the Contract of Employment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The case under discussion has all the hallmarks of a contract law dispute.... The paper "Common Law of the Contract of Employment" demonstrates the reasons why the defendant's motion on the case should be overruled.... It shows why the plaintiff should be compensated for wrongful termination of services....
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Recruiting Candidates at Atwood and Allen Consulting
8 pages (575 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Recruiting Candidates at Atwood and Allen Consulting' is an affecting example of human resources case study.... To gain a notable competitive advantage over their rivals, organizations are trying to increase the effectiveness of their management, marketing, as well as HR tools.... The HR department significantly increases retention of the employees, increases their effectiveness....
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CSR Initiatives of Wal-Mart
5 pages (1571 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"CSR Initiatives of Wal-Mart" paper identifies the harms Walmart inflict on its stakeholders while they make a profit and the CSR initiatives it has adopted as well as its motives.... The paper evaluates the results of such CSR initiatives and makes recommendations to improve the CSR initiatives....
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Macro and Task Environmental Analysis of Macdonald's
14 pages (3766 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper presents Macro Environmental Analysis and Task Environmental Analysis of McDonald's, one of the largest fast-food restaurant chains.... The author states that despite the recent economic downturn, the past three years have seen high levels of performance from the financial perspective.... ....
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Organization behavior
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
It is clear that the main issue facing Don is the fact that his job is monotonous and this leads to boredom.... Monotonous work could lead individual to boredom meaning that the person will not be effective.... ... ... A better job design can make work less monotonous and more interesting by using techniques such as job rotations....
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Utilitarianism, Kantian Deontology, Justice, Rights, and Normative Ethical Theories in Business
9 pages (2575 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Utilitarianism, Kantian Deontology, Justice, Rights, and Normative Ethical Theories in Business' is a well-turned variant of the case study on ethics.... Business ethics are honorable doctrines applied in directing the behavior of a business.... This process entails being able to differentiate what is wrong from right and then choosing the right....
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Heritage Tourism in the Context of Globalization
8 pages (2361 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Heritage Tourism in the Context of Globalization" highlights that tourism is the result of the longing to experience the difference.... It is an enriching experience.... Different heritage sites developed due to the cultural diversity the world has always experienced.... .... ... ... Globalization has given a global idiom to cultural tourism....
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Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law
6 pages (1868 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law" suggests Enron should safeguard its operations by maintaining a highly integral workforce.... Lack of policies to elaborate on the employee behavior and the punishment of wrongdoing resulted in the development of an incorrect working environment....
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BP Groupss Financial Strategy
8 pages (2268 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "BP Groups's Financial Strategy" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting case study.... The capital structure of the business determines its ability to deal with the financial needs and the manner the business looks to carry out its activities in the future.... This paper looks at analyzing the manner in which financial strategy is adopted by BP....
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