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Massachusetts Puritans English Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The short story Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne illustrates several central doctrines and beliefs that the Puritan society held closely.... These include that the Devil existed everywhere, and would appear in any form to those that were alone and offer temptation in some form to ease the way of the Puritan man or woman in their hard struggles of life....
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Research paper on animal cruelty
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Animal Cruelty Animal cruelty, also known as animal abuse, is the inflicting of pain or harm on an animal outside of self-defense.... Animal cruelty even encompasses killing an animal for certain parts of its body, such as fur or tusks, or if the animal is to be used as food.... ... ... ... Animals that are subjected to animal cruelty are abused and neglected, and they are often treated as something other than a living, breathing being....
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History Research Paper (1861-1992)
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
When we think of mental institutions, we think of white, crisp nurses and doctors' uniforms, as well as, patients' clothes.... We think of order and control.... We think of authority and insanity under one roof.... These are the elements present in the movie “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.... ?? It's interesting to view a movie that has a title of a bird and a bird's nest and then we see a mental institution at the works....
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Research Paper on the Aztecs
6 pages (1559 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The Aztecs were an advanced culture centered on the highlands of Mexico from about the 12th century A.... .... and this was the society that the Spanish conquistadors met when they sailed into what would be known as Central America.... Unfortunately for the Aztecs, the Spanish liked what they saw of the riches and land around them and decided to take it for their own....
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Managing Financial Resources Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Slingshot had a 50 million budget for overheads.... However, the company has spent 80 million.... This is a 60% adverse variance.... The graph below shows a more detailed overview of the overhead budget and its variances. ... ... he highest adverse variance is a 285% adverse variance in expenditures for marketing....
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Research Paper- Analyzing a contract
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Analyzing a contract Name Institution: This contract of a flat or house sharing agreement can be used between the existing tenants and other flat mates living in the same flat.... Due to the fact that agreements between flat mates and tenants are not covered in the Residential Tenancies Act 1986, the tenants and the other flat mates need this contract as they will probably find it useful to get a written agreement....
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Research paper on three plays
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
King Oedipus, Hamlet, and Death of a Salesman are three plays depicting the inability of the main characters to accept the reality of their situation, oftentimes using excuses or delusions to protect themselves from danger.... In Sophocles' King Oedipus, Oedipus finds himself.... ... ... William Shakespeare's Hamlet also includes a character that is ambiguous of the truth, which eventually leads to his own downfall, as well as the death of many around him (Jones 6)....
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Women and Crime Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
How a government or some other institution treats members of one gender differently from its treatment of members of another gender is constitutive.... ... ... Although most people intuitively believe males and females are treated differently depending on the circumstances, the extent and exact nature of this differential treatment remains unknown without scientific inquiry and published results....
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Paper for Reading for Research
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This compelled him to experience totaled scorn from the white children living in their Chicago neighborhood.... The author seeks demonstrating.... ... ... Some of the children born by his mother from a former white marriage entailed a segregated stay with their grandparents, which meant racial discrimination (Terry)....
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Qualitative Research for Business PSychology
14 pages (3689 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to research findings of the paper 'Qualitative research for Business Psychology', a content analysis works well in examining the rationale behind activities of a merger for a newly formed organization.... ualitative research for Business Psychology Mergers are formed with the main aim of realizing economic gains.... Qualitative research methods are used to gather information about importance of leadership research and practice for organizations....
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Program and University Benchmark: Societal trends in Nursing and Patient Education paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In addition, nurses have been faced with barriers such as lack of admission to an education scheme which permits seamless advancement to higher echelons, limited nursing based research, in addition to dealing with an information infrastructure which does not address the often shifting health care professionals' requirements (Robinson 11).... Managed care in its endeavour to maximize use of resources and in unison reduce costly healthcare services, does not emphasize strong professional nursing advocacy....
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Library search paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
It details the pre-modern historic times, post-medieval times and challenges to histo-graphical conventions of several centuries back and histories of countries.... The author suggests alternatives to.... ... ... The article outlines the factors that led to early modernization and its spread.... It talks in details the merchandise that contributed to the transforming trade in details. ...
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The Aztec Empire history research paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
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Research Methodologies and Research Framework Articles
14 pages (3893 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Research Methodologies and research Framework Articles" focuses on the critical analysis of the research methodologies and the research framework.... It discusses and critiques the qualitative and quantitative research methodologies respectively.... First, is a case study used for critiquing qualitative research methodology, it observes the influence the night shifts have on the health, diet, and exercise routines of nurses.... Second, is used for critiquing quantitative research methodology, it probes the link between the belief and actual recommendation of exercise to patients with regards to nurses....
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Modern conservatism and stem cell research
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The ethics of stem cell research remain the subject of fierce debate; more particularly, there is a persistent notion that a technological ability to do something ... This essay will examine how Conservative thought ought to resolve the ethical dilemmas involved in stem cell research; more specifically, this essay will examine the religious dimensions of the debate and whether Conservative thought can be reconciled with stem cell research Modern Conservatism and Stem Cell research Introduction The ethics of stem cell research remain the of fierce debate; more particularly,there is a persistent notion that a technological ability to do something ...
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Applied research methods
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For our research, we have identified the following criteria as aims and objectives in order to determine the effectiveness of how business leaders keep their workforce motivated and inspire them to perform at their best levels.... able of Contents Introduction Aims and Objectives For our research, we have identified the following criteria as aims and objectives in order to determine the effectiveness of how business leaders keep their workforce motivated and inspire them to perform at their best levels....
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World Culture Music Research Paper. Indonesian Music
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is believed that one cannot research, record and listen to all types of Indonesian musical genres.... It is believed that one cannot research, record and listen to all types of Indonesian musical genres.... Indonesian Music Introduction It is believed that one cannot research, record and listen to all types of Indonesian musical genres.... In this influential endeavor, the music of Java, Sumatra, Bali, and Flores has been documented and recorded through research by various Indonesian and other international scholars....
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Professional Credit and Financial Gain
3 pages (906 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I will try to research the image of elaborative rehearsal or find other related parts that will help in remembering the term without much difficulty or trying to remember certain statements.... The paper "professional Credit and Financial Gain" states that when the author relocated schools he realized in his new school, students only put on official clothes even though it is not a school rule, little by little he found himself putting on the same type of clothes to school....
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Professional Development Resource Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As a result, students and youths must possess relevant leadership skills that may be helpful in various professional fields.... Many entrepreneurs and managers view leadership development as a crucial stepping stone to establishing a successful and.... ... ... Consequently, some of these ambitious businessmen and managers have developed numerous detailed and purposeful training on efficient and appropriate leadership development plans....
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Becoming Professional Writer
2 pages (561 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Becoming professional Writer" states that every writer should be able to make compelling beginnings with elaborative details.... To be a professional writer, one has to learn the writing process as a natural procedure.... Making compelling beginnings requires great creativity and imagination....
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Teacher Evaluation to Enhance Professional Practice
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
College: research and practice development is one of key the components in education of modern times; it is critical for the improvement in the quality and standard of education.... research and practice development can therefore, be effectively disseminated to students through evaluation.... Through evaluation you can make judgment on whether research and practice development is working out well with the student through constant examining (Danielson & McGreal 2005)....
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Professional Development and Management
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
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Importance of effective research
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
That is where the importance of thorough, ethical research comes in.... Finding the most Numerous decisions are made everyday in business and academia based on two things: solid research and good written communication.... That is where the importance of thorough, ethical research comes in.... But this research is at the very heart of the decision making process for educational entities (Marsh, 2006) business and governmental bodies....
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Perspective of Qualitative Research
21 pages (6417 words) , Download 9 , Essay
The paper "Perspective of Qualitative research" suggests that critiquing qualitative research needs the implementation of distinct standards as well as criteria.... It is because of the diverse nature of the qualitative research approach that critical appraisal becomes cumbersome for researchers.... The design of qualitative research is further observed to be advised in a flexible form that incessantly develops throughout the course of the investigation....
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Risk Management - research technique
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Applied research involves basic research with essentially scientific analysis of facts and data by application of the research methodology in specific research areas mainly to address practical problems while doing the research.... Thus applied research is designed to contribute not only to problem solving.... Basic scientific research is definitely basic, but it is never enough if the researcher desires to address the needs to mitigate a conceptual model....
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Business Law and the Accounting Profession
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Accounting regulations were established to govern professional accountants into practicing ethical behavior.... When asked about the importance of business laws to his profession, he referred to the policies that were written in the Code of Ethics for professional Accountants established by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) Ethics committee.... Conclusion It would be unjust to conclude that the unethical practice of accounting is the cause of the present financial crisis or the bankruptcy of many companies, it can be considered a violation to the rights of some professional accountants who are doing their job in a rightful manner (Green 603)....
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The Nature of Academic Research
2 pages (764 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
Ultimately, the collection of these concerns and research practices should combine to significantly aid my doctoral research in the health and medical care field.... This research paper "The Nature of Academic research" focuses on the nature of academic research and encompasses a broad array of investigative criteria.... Within this spectrum of understanding, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research form the backbone of a system....
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Parts of an APA Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Attention to detail and construction would be of the utmost imperative, as the overall research compiled would be assessed to determine, whether or not, the information gathered would sufficiently warrant publication in the first place.... The primary purpose of this section would be to state the issue(s) to be addressed and the manner at which any research was performed, in order to come to a subsequent conclusion(s).... A section that would be divided into parts and would discuss such things as those who took part in the research, whatever things were used during the research and whatever methods that were taken in pursuit of conducting the research....
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Issues of Medical Professionals Lying to Patients
1 pages (545 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Issues of Medical Professionals Lying to Patients" discusses the ethical aspects of physicians intentionally giving the patient false information, and whether or not it is morally acceptable to withhold specific facts from the patient on his her condition.... ... ... ... Bok's paper is written based on the conclusion that lying is acceptable under certain conditions (Bok, n....
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Strategic Business System: Critique of a Research Paper
6 pages (1572 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper ''Strategic Business System: Critique of a research Paper'' borrowed the variables from various researchers which makes it reliable.... The researchers used variables applied by other varied research studies and thus, the following factors were measured to determine customer satisfaction: price saved, internet familiarity etc.... As such, this paper seeks to analyse a research conducted by Lee and Joshi (2007) that sought to investigate customer satisfaction with technological services with bias towards online shopping....
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Propsal for term paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Relationships which are either in professional and even personal situations are increasingly important in today's integrated economies because they could translate to our success or failure and has economic values.... This is important because relationships and our ability to get along well with others are necessary not only in school but in our professional lives someday where we have to work in a team....
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Working in the Profession of Nursing
2 pages (546 words) , Download 4 , Essay
All my colleagues, friends, relatives, and other professional pharmacists that I have discussed my interest in this school, have encouraged and supported me with great remarks about this institute.... The author of the paper "Working in the Profession of Nursing" will begin with the statement that as s\he gained the determination of choosing Pharmacy as the future career, one of the foremost establishments s\he wished to be enrolled in was Loma Linda University School of Pharmacy....
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Assessing Stress among Health Science University Students and Professionals
7 pages (1714 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
It supports findings by (Hancock, & Szalma, 2008) which conclude that science-related professional have stress compared to non-science professional.... he researcher recommends that the decision makers within health professionals and university should provide nursing and health science students with psychological, social, professional and academic counseling in order to reduce the level of stress within health practitioners and students in generals....
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Professional Youth Worker Intervention in the UK
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research shows that young people with difficulties at primary school have difficulty with the transition to high school; this reflects their difficulties with internalizing social norms, and broadening their social relationships and interpersonal communication skills (Berridge eta l.... There is a plethora of research pointing to technology and website creation as an alternative for youth angst (Berridge eta l.... "professional Youth Worker Intervention in the UK" paper contains an evaluation of a youth club: S....
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Federalist Papers Number 10 and 51
5 pages (1330 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Federalist papers Number 10 and 51 " discusses that Federalist papers are considered as the most important source of the constitutional history of the United States of America and outlined the basic principles based on which the foundations of the US were built.... James Madison, Alexander Hamilton as well as John Jay are considered the authors of these papers though, at the time of their publication, the original authorship of these articles was kept secret....
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Qualitative Research Methodology
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Also, how many employees will do the job of immediate searching of the files, documents or papers that are of massive importance?... Piling papers according to the current system restricts the operation of getting information and delivering it to the administrative and field units.... research problem Many departments, including the police, are suffering the performance routine of saving files which leads to accumulated files and it results in loosing important documents due to that accumulation as cases after cases have proven....
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Research paper to publish in Nursing Journal
1 pages (223 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The title of the document is "Touch and Compassion: Making a Difference in Treating Cancer Patients" and details the research of a study conducted with patients at HOSPITAL NAME HERE. ... I am writing to submit the following composition for your review for potential publication in JOURNAL NAME IN ITALICS....
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The Professional Workplace Dilemma
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While I was working as a lower level manager at a major financial service center, a recently hired upper manager dictated a new formula for calculating workers' productivity.... The new method was inherently flawed and actually rewarded the least productive employees, while the best employees were penalized....
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Characteristics of Good Research
5 pages (1316 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This essay "Characteristics of Good research" emphasis the subjects of validity, accuracy, and consistency of the research.... In terms of the workplace environment, it's shown that applied research is utilized, along with established research methods to improve workplace efficiency and profit.... Good research is one of the foundational elements in the acquisition of knowledge.... research can be understood in its broadest implications, as the investigation of elements that reveal a furthered understanding of something....
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Argumentative research paper on a play of choice
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Illusion and reality: Midsummer night's dream In a midsummer's night's dream, Shakespeare plays with appearances and actuality using illusions to show us the very thin divide that lies between the two.... ... ... ... Shakespeare cleverly uses the concepts of dreams, magic and the fanciful addition of a play within a play to illustrate his point....
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Leininger's nursing theory research article summaries
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The purpose and goal the theory is then expounded by the author, including the use of research findings to develop an understanding of the care given to patients across cross-cultural dimensions.... ConclusionAn analysis of the research article indicates that the development of the transcultural nursing theory is important in the provision of quality health care to patients.... Therefore, the application of the transcultural nursing theory should start right from the education of nurses to the practice of professional specialists....
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Dubai Research
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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e know, that success and development require good planning, adequate investment and professional implementation.... Oil has established the economy of UAE and this liquid gold will continue to play a significant role so long as it exists, maybe for another hundred year of extraction....
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Is the Study of Past Military Leaders Valid for a Modern Military Professional
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research Subject: Napoleon Himself.... Is the Study of Past Military Leaders Valid for a Modern Military professional?... But these factors do not limit the significance of the study of past military leaders as it does have validity for a modern military professional as he has a lot to learn from his predecessors- from their influences, strategies, and leadership abilities, and from the number of victories they have won.... clear understanding of how Frederick the Great rose into eminence as the undisputed ruler over the Prussian empire and what strategies and diplomacies he employed for this purpose is significant for any modern military professional....
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Films of moral struggle research paper
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This advancement in science and technology has brought to the human race the world of clones and cloning.... Cloning is the making of two organisms exactly the same by using DNA which make them one.... ... ... The extent of cloning has been brought about in the movie ‘moon'.... This paper is going to discuss the movie ‘moon' in relation to the issue of cloning....
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Paper on Educational Preparation
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
They are more competent in questioning and critiquing published research and findings of various studies.... ider approach to nurse education through baccalaureate degree improves professional growth of graduate nurses thus prepared them for a wider scope of practice....
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Professional writing
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Shawshank Redemption: A Life Changer Name Institution The Shawshank Redemption: A Life Changer The human evolution is caused by dedication of time and energy towards problem solving (Gilbert 1991).... The modern psychology is of the view that humans can solve any problem, difficulty and break out of any cage, if they devote time towards achieving their goals and objectives (Mayer 1992)....
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Communication in the Nursing Profession
8 pages (2429 words) , Download 8 , Essay
research has shown that "strong collaborative relationships" between nurses and physicians "optimize patient care decision making" and ultimately lead to more positive patient outcomes (Laschinger, Shamian, and Thomson 210).... Handover reports are also a means of measuring a nurse's competence by gauging their "ability to use appropriate biomedical language and abbreviations", which are considered to be an important element of professional medical communication (Payne, Hardey, and Coleman 278)....
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Evaluating Different Research Texts
8 pages (2684 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "Evaluating Different research Texts" focuses on the research approaches addressed in the topic attempted by the author involves all the possible paradigms of research and classically typifies them while making use of them in the best possible manner.... This essay is intended on demonstrating my understanding on a range of different research approaches towards social topics especially in the field of education where I work in....
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Validity of qualitative research
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This offers sufficient time for interaction between a researcher and research participants and reduces chances of misconceptions towards data that do not represent perception of research participants or reality on observed phenomenon.... According to Lodico, Spailding and Voegtle, validity exist in qualitative research and involves researchers' success in providing evidence in a study and the.... The scope of validity in qualitative research is, however, limited and the concept of credibility, that parallels validity, is more applicable in qualitative studies....
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Networking Assignment Reflection Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Right after college, she landed a job as a research associate for the Institute Development of Econometric Analysis, Inc where she wrote numerous industry analyses.... ry concerned about taking care of her children, she opted to work home based for Euromonitor International, Inc as a field based market research analyst. ... Right after college, she landed a job as a research associate for the Institute Development of Econometric Analysis, Inc where she wrote numerous industry analyses....
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