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The use of capitals and periods are some of the key components of writing that I have mastered with ease. The lessons attended on the above were very interesting and well addressed bringing out complete understanding on my part. Although the lesson on indentation as a component of writing was well presented, I did not fully understand how and when its use is necessary, and therefore, indentation is still a challenge that am working on by wide reading and practice.
Planning and knowing what to bring out in every article is a prerequisite for top writers. This I have fully comprehended and during my practice in writing, I have learned to always allocate time for planning before the exercise itself. As a result, this has improved my writing skills and made me appreciate the lessons I have learned in class.
Critical writing and the ability to engage the reader and make the right conclusions remain a great challenge. A good article wants the reader to read more and more, this can only be done by creating suspense, being unpredictable, and bringing out issues in a smart way. I realize the need to make the right conclusion in every article. I have gone through different articles mastering the best ways of concluding.
A good writer knows what to write at what time. The timing and relevance of the subject matter are vital in addressing the reader’s need. The articles should be strategic and proactive, they should not be motivated by events already written about but rather creativity should be the driving force. Creativity entails bringing out the obvious in a unique way leaving the reader amused by the unfolding sequence of events in the articles. The best writers ever seen have literary written articles that remain interesting to read even after a long period. The writing lessons have enabled me to bring out creativity in the most appealing manner, in a way that makes the articles interesting to write and read.
The learning lessons have enabled me to bring the best out of me in writing; there has been immense growth in all aspects. Although I am still challenged in various aspects and components of writing, especially because English is not my native language, the lessons have done me good and boosted my confidence in writing. I am working on the areas that remain a challenge to me through practice and wide reading. I appreciate all the lessons that have been taught on writing and look forward to continued learning and improvement of skills.
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