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Action Research during My Clinical Placement
9 pages (2547 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In the end, both nursing and research activities may be difficult to carry out in the practical sense (Brown, 2002).... The author of the "Action research during My Clinical Placement" paper argues that the need to accept responsibility and maintain confidentiality at all times in order to protect the respondents and their opinions as well as specific contributions to the action research.... Ethical issues encountered in this research involve close and open interaction with the individuals involved in the research process....
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Facilitating Collaboration in Professional Practice
11 pages (2925 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Utley, RA 2011, Theory and research for Academic Nurse Educators: Application to Practice, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, US.... The paper "Facilitating Collaboration in professional Practice" states that develop a better understanding of the interrelationship among healthcare professionals concerning health care.... eflection on Collaboration in professional Practice Introduction The module Facilitating Collaboration in professional Practice aims to develop better understanding of the interrelationship among healthcare professionals in relation to health care....
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American Literature Term Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
During its early stages , America was series of colonies which had seperated from British colonies and thus the genre that was American literature that proliferated had its literay traditions linked in a large way to the English literature.... And the study of English includes the study of literature which has been written in UK, US, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Philippines, India or even the Middle East sometimes....
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Research paper : pros and cons of assisted suicide
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In particular, there would be no need to do research to discover techniques to bring better comfort to the dying or train health care professionals to provide... PROS AND CONS OF ASSISTED SUICIDE Prepared for Lenore Brown Prepared by Jennifer Navas September 2, 2011 Pros and Cons of Assisted Suicide Introduction Assisted suicide has long been a topic of moral debate....
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Quantitative Analysis in Research
8 pages (2134 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The paper "Quantitative Analysis in research" focuses on the critique of two pieces of research using quantitative data collection and analysis effectively: the famous "Studies in Social Psychology in World War II: The American Soldier" by S.... Quantitative analysis in research – A Review Table of Contents 2.... Analysis of research Overview Usage of quantitative analysis ... Analysis of research 2 ... The first research reviewed is the famous "Studies in Social Psychology in World War II: The American Soldier" done by Samuel A....
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The Impact of Professional Judgment on the Effectiveness of International Financial Reporting
5 pages (1611 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Impact of Professional Judgment on the Effectiveness of International Financial Reporting" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research proposal.... The paper "The Impact of Professional Judgment on the Effectiveness of International Financial Reporting" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research proposal.... he research question ... he research question is what is impact of professional judgment on the effectiveness of international financial reporting standards?...
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The Role of Reflective Practice in the Professional Development of a Sports Coach
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Moreover, the evaluation of Irwin, Hanton and Kerwin's (2004) research holds important implications for further research and studies on reflective practice because the sample size is restricted towards the exploration of elite coaches and the process which they adopted to acquire their extensive knowledge base.... For example in their research which discusses the creation of professional identities amongst medical residents, Pratt, Rockmann and Kaufmann (2006) suggest that the establishment of a professional identity is an evolutionary process whereby, an individual is not expected to let go off the transitory mechanisms of work or task completion which he/she has assembled in the quest for achieving a professional identity....
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Relationship Marketing and Brand Involvement of Professionals
1 pages (622 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the case study of Coloplast's web-supported community of health care practitioners, it has been found that 'web communities in the professional market build on preexisting communities, enabling community members to intensify the activities of the community to expand its reach' (Andersen, 2005, p....
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Research Process and Terminology
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Having the sound knowledge of the proper terminology and knowledge to the professionals of the field can prove to be very beneficial in incorporation of scientific knowledge and research methods in collecting and analyzing the data and ultimately the results that are extracted from these researches can greatly influence the professionalism and career building ethics (Hagan, 2010).... Running Head: research Process and Terminology research Process and Terminology Name research that has been done in the field of Criminal Justice has undoubtedly flourished greatly into one of the largest amalgamated efforts as far as its role is concerned at a particular subject....
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Research paper on false memory for psychology
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In a research, Roediger III and McDermott proved that, words which are related in a certain order are easier to false-recall than those that not related.... In this research study, it will be assumed that, the recall capability of all the participants is the same across all ages....
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Career Guide to the Safety Profession
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In order to develop my professional expertise in both awareness and methods for managing OSHA compliance in an organization, I would first be sure to read up on the industry-specific compliance resources that are located on OSHA's website.... Describe how you would go about developing your professional expertise in awareness and methods for managing OSHA compliance in an organization.... In order to develop my professional expertise in both awareness and methods for managing OSHA compliance in an organization, I would first be sure to read up on the industry specific compliance resources that are located on OSHA's website....
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Reserch Paper on Abortion
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This report will look at this and other arguments around the general issue of abortion, providing answers to these questions and also posing new questions through the process of intensive research.... These arguments have been going on for many years in the US, and policy has reflected on them to a great extent....
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How Do People With Schizophrenia Develop Professionally And Socially
8 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
They identified 91 relevant papers and findings showed that participants had impaired abilities in naming, word- picture matching, verbal fluency, associations, priming, and categorization; semantic knowledge is not damaged in schizophrenia; a dependable profile of impairment has been suggested to elucidate a decline of stored knowledge in neurodegenerative conditions; and that Formal Thought Disorder is connected to semantic memory impairment (Doughty & Done, 2009, pp.... Through secondary source research, they learned that the stress vulnerability model (SVM) presented a partial model of patient experience and did not provide adequate aetiological data....
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Th Reasons to Become a Professional Architect
11 pages (3225 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
As the paper "Th Reasons to Become a professional Architect" tells, famous buildings like the former world trade center, the white house, and other buildings are constructed under the architectural world.... Why I Want to become a professional Architect Why I want to become a professional Architect Introduction Architecture is the art and science applied in designing and putting up of buildings and other physical structures.... This paper will explore extensive reasons why I want to become a professional architect....
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Successful Business Communication Essay Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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Through market research and analysis, it has been discovered that the proposed advertising media for the new fall lines need to be reprioritized and changed.... Findings from focus groups and surveys have made it apparent that we need to update our advertising efforts to align them....
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Merger and Acquisitions Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Merger and Acquisitions The purpose of the paper is to understand what the governing criteria are to decide about the merger and acquisition aspects for organizations.... The fundamental reasoning that goes behind the merger and acquisition is that it adds value to the stockholders.... ... ... ... Two companies together are more than their sum and that is fundamental reason for any acquisition or merger....
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Building a Catupult Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Improvements 1.... The angle of the throwing arm was initially stopping at an angle of 90°, so as soon as the ball was launched gravity pulled it and it fell down, this angle of the throwing arm was adjusted accordingly for proper launch so that the ball went straight.... ... ... ... 2.... Mount the throwing arm on a piece lying on the bottom of the arm....
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Internet Security IT Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name of author: Internet Security Internet security is a major technical problem facing by the current world.... it is impossible to avoid internet usage now, since it is influencing the entire segments of human life at present.... Virus threat, malware, spyware threats, hacking, forgery, identity theft etc are some of the major internet related security issues....
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How to Write a Professional Resume
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As the paper "How to Write a professional Resume" outlines, writing a professional resume is a process that requires careful consideration rather than being treated as an event.... A professional resume is a very important document that is used in different organizations for selection as well as recruitment purposes of the employees.... A professional resume is carefully designed and the layout is catchy such that it helps the reader to grasp all the necessary information about a person without any hassle....
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Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling
1 pages (379 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
It is evidently clear from the discussion "Ethical, Legal, and professional Issues in Counseling" that it is a norm that health care providers ensure that appropriate and the required ethical standards are employed in order for their programs to succeed in a reasonable manner.... ...
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Professional Development in the Early Reading First
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In a commissioned study in 2005-06, one of the research questions which the U.... Some of the key findings of the commissioned research are as follows.... However, according to the authors, research has advanced man's understanding and the key features of effective professional development are being identified (p.... 414) highlighted the role of research in improving reading instructions.... The key message really of Doubek and Cooper (2007) is to close the educational gaps and this point has implications on research for improving instructions. ...
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Emotional Intelligence research/opinion paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Name Professor Module Date Emotional Intelligence In the modern world, companies are seeking for ways to develop a competitive advantage over their rivals by enhancing their human resource management (Rahim 5).... In order to do so, businesses have opted for a future oriented human resources approach....
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Research Proposal: Clinical Leadership for Paramedics
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Research Proposal
They must have strong communication skills and be able to work will with, as Clinical Leadership for Paramedics - A research Proposal Clinical Leadership for Paramedics - A research Proposal Paramedics are first responders.... This research proposal is designed as a case study and literature review in order to arrive as certain innate qualifications and core competencies that are required for clinical leadership in the field of paramedic service....
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Regulation Of Auditing Profession In UK
12 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(1993), “Changing Perceptions Of The Role Of Company Auditor, 1840-1940”, Accounting and Business research, Autumn ... According to the essay, the profession in question being accused of professional malpractice was itself effectuated to curtail professional misconduct by the corporate sector.... In particular, the cases such as Enron and WorldCom and the proved auditors' involvement in the professional misconduct shook off the international concern for investor protection....
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Literary criticism RESEARCH PAPER
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Beast in The Jungle The novel “Beast in the Jungle” by Henry James has setting majorly in London but some parts are in Asia.... The opening of the novel is in Weatherend, which is an English country house.... The scenes of romantic interest take place in Asia.... ... ... ... The hero of the novel is John Marcher and he considers himself different from other people....
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The Persuasive Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Subject Date Religious Dress Codes Should be Banned in public places The world is flooded with a large number of religions and cultures.... Each of these religions and cultures claims infallibility and superiority over others.... In order to accommodate all these religions and cultures, many governments go secular....
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Research Paper Preliminary Stage
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Unusual Benchmark of the Historical Development of Ragtime Music Introduction The historical development of ragtime music did not crop up as a result of a major, wide-ranging cultural movement.... Its advent and progress are essentially interlocked with the economic and political evolution of the United States....
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Night Photography Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As it has been for centuries, the night has been a favorite subject for arts as well as other fields relating to it.... Early painters have accounted for the night as highlights of their paintings.... Others included it to emphasize the emotions in the paintings.... ... ... ... Going after this trend, the night has also become a natural subject for photographers. ...
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Art history research paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The women of Algiers in their Apartment Title Due date Many countries participated in colonization in the day and time when it was the trend.... The countries of the West believed that a lot of power lay in acquiring a colony and exploiting all its resources exhaustively.... ... ... ... This was true as the countries of the East, also called Orient, had massive resources just waiting to be explored....
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Microeconomics College Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The 400 bottles can be allocated to beachgoers as a public good, sunscreens can also be subsidized in such a way that the equilibrium price and quantity is 400, subsidies are fair while public goods will lead to inefficiency, this is where there will be the free rider effect. ... ... ... ... ... rom the chart if we assume that the market equilibrium price is at 300, then lowest value uses refers to those areas whose average price is 200, these lowest value uses utilize 30 gallons a year while the highest value uses average price is 400 utilizing only 10 gallons a year ...
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Statistical Analysis Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
necessary that occurrence of first event must always leads to the occurrence of second event.... For example, to become the president of America, it is necessary to be Christian.... This means that the first event is that person needs to be a Christian, and his becoming the president, the second event, is dependent on his being a Christian....
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American Revolution Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The American Revolution has been widely considered as the most important and unique event in the word during the 18th century.... From the critical perspective, political leaders, soldiers and civilians of that period could not have apprehended the magnitude and long-term consequences the American Revolution had on the world history (Ray, 8)....
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Computing Research Paper
4 pages (400 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
1,2,2,2,2,2,3,4(False),7,8(False),11,12,13,14,15 (True),16,17(True),18,19,22,23(True),24(True),25(True),26(True),27,28,35,36(True),37(True),38,39,40,41,36(True),37(True),38,39,40,41,36(True),37(True),38,39,40,41,42(True),43,46,47,48,49 ... ... ,2,2,2,2,2,3,4(False),7,8(False),11,12,13,14,15 (True),16,17(False),19,22,23(True),24(True),25(true),26(False),29,30(True),31,34,35,36(True),37(True),38,39,40,41,36(True),37(True),38,39,40,41, 36(True),37(True),38,39,40,41,42(True),43,46,47,48,49 ...
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Taxation Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Because Chinese Jade is a chattel, the calculation for chargeable gain is done only for the disposal proceeds that exceed 6000, which in the above scenario is 500.... Afterwards, the exceeding amount is multiplied by 5/3, as has been done above, to obtain the maximum chargeable amount before taper relief....
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Informative research paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Bill of Rights, or the first ten Amendments to the United States Constitution, guarantees statutory freedoms to all citizens.... Among these freedoms are particular rights of protection from certain aggressions, either from others or from the state.... For instance, the Bill of Rights protects citizens from cruel and unusual punishment in the Eight Amendment, which also affords protections against excessively high bail, which would otherwise severely affect the lives of individuals accused of crimes....
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Women Rights Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Throughout the history, women have had less career opportunities and legal rights than their male counterparts have.... The profession of the stereotype woman was motherhood and woman, two of the major roles that women have been delegated with since time immemorial.... ... ... ... Women Rights.... Throughout the history, women have had less career opportunities and legal rights than their male counterparts have....
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The Presidency Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Presidency Name Institution From scholars' perspective, the word presidency has been used in describing any county's administration.... Further, it is the representation of the entire executive within the president's office.... The administrative rules and policies differ from one nation to another and from one state to the other....
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Critical Analysis Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
‘Desiree's Baby': Critical Analysis The story ‘Desiree's Baby' by Kate Chopin is one that succeeds in showing the problems associated with racism.... Evidently, the writer manages to convey the sufferings and pain associated with being a black or a mulatto in the society.... ... ... ... However, in the effort to portray the issue, the story goes defective in many places in technical subtitles....
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Endangered Species Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Name Instructor Course name Date Endangered species Introduction The world is experiencing the most devastating species extinction crisis than ever before.... A good number of different plants and animals have disappeared from the face of the earth, causing an alarming decline in biodiversity.... ...
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Security History Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Security History Name: Course: College: Tutor: Date: Security History Society has gone through significant development over the years.... Humanity has changed from the time there was no private ownership to the capitalist society today.... This has led to a need of private security, and this industry continues getting more and more sophisticated....
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Negligent Tort Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Negligent Tort [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Institution] Negligent Tort Introduction Negligent tort takes place if a tort occurs and the intention of harming is not present.... A tort is even said to be unintentional if the defendant could have minimized the risk factor as it was avoidable, but he/she failed to recognize the risk due to negligence....
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Government Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Government Jones' previous convictions from1993 and 1994 qualify him as a repeated offender and therefore should be tried in the federal courts.... Federal law generally is tougher because of its mandatory minimum sentences.... The jurisdiction of the federal courts is wide and therefore can allow for evidence previously used in Jones' other convictions to be used to support the February 6, 2005 charges....
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Discrimination Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Robert Linton Prof.... Kimberly Macellaro Composition & Rhetoric II February 20, 2012 Discrimination— will it ever end in man-woman relationships?... Time acts as the torchbearer in the story by Kate Chopin, “Desiree's Baby”, written in 1892, and it holds the mirror on the social and economic conditions prevailing during the 1900s when class-based and racial prejudice was the part of the attitudes of the antebellum South....
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Cell Phones Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Cell Phones Cell Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Cell Phones The world has made tremendous steps in telecommunication since Alexander Graham Bell designed that first telephone.... So long indeed, that the original telephones have become almost obsolete and are today more likely to be purchased as collectors' items not communicating devices (Siegel, 2008)....
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Dysrhythmia Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name Professor: Course: Date: Dysrhythmia Physiology of cardiac functioning The circulatory system consists of the heart and the blood vessel.... The function is to transport oxygen and nutrients to body cells and carry away metabolic byproducts.... The cardiac functioning refers to the circulatory system operation....
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English Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Here the author retells the first part of the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf.... The novel is all about finding meaning in this world, the power literature and myth hold over us and about the nature of good.... ... ... It reflects on the philosophical experience of the principal character Grendel....
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Research Strategy Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
I wish that this would mean that I am early, but no!... Sadly it implies that I am always late, whether it is in submitting an assignment or simply making it to office on time.... Most of the time you are able to.... ... ... I mean the bus tyre, the dog, the terrorist, the disease that you ever so often get from your dog, the death of your relative mostly grandma, I mean how many grandmothers can you really kill in a year?...
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Shakespeare Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
“Shakespeares Cordelia disappears from the middle of the play after she is banished, and Shakespeare shows only the results of her actions, as, for example, when Kent reads her letter about arriving at Dover” (Skura, 2008).... After railing, Lear, in.... ... ... In this way, Lear sakes a conscious decision to leave reality behind, as he is unable to accept the increasingly daunting responsibilities caused by his increasingly He grows more and more insane as the play progresses....
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Research Paper Part One
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The painting on the wall depicts prehistoric painting by early man.... The painting on the wall shows a bull, a horse and a stag.... The stag has been painted on the right side of the using what appears to be a.... ... ... The early men who painted the animals made good use of color variation to bring out different effects on the painting....
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The Importance of Personal and Professional Development
6 pages (1820 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
research Objectives ... The aim of this research proposal is to meet the following research objectives ... research questions ... Most of the studies have focused on other areas thus creating a major research gap on the topic.... As mentioned in the introduction of the ‘Literature review', there is a major research gap on this topic since very little research has been done in relation to personal and professional development in the design and production industry....
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