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Budgetary Process: Ways Superintendents and Boards of Education Inform Patrons
3 pages (989 words) , Download 0 , Essay
One way to provide well research and specific information about key financial problems or issues is through newsletters.... The general population is the ones paying for their children's education, thus it is the responsibility of the professional administrating these funds to provide information on how the educational funds are being utilized and to provide solutions on how to improve the system....
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Mexico's use of punishments for drug offenses/convictions
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research findings show that the government of Mexico set very harsh penalties for people involved in drug dealing.... With the help of a qualified law practitioner, this country's officials are able to fight drug related crimes by use of professional law practitioners who investigate and identify responsible drug dealers....
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Medicare Approved Accreditation Agency
3 pages (909 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
It supports research in osteopathic medicine and affiliates with other organizations to promote osteopathic medicine (Brown, 2006).... Surveyors are nurses, physicians, and skilled administrators possessing sufficient professional knowledge (Brown, 2006).... Accreditation agencies conduct surveys of various healthcare institutions and companies to ensure quality improvement in the provision of health services....
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Importance of Practical Experience in Clinical Nursing
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Trauma according to medical research is one of the most endearing factors in human life.... Out of the hands on experience that I underwent tying to find an appropriate solution to the man's condition, I was able to learn a lot of skills which helped me develop my professional career....
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Skipper Charter Airline
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
research Proposal: Skipper Charter Airline Name of Student: Name of Instructor: Institution: One of the most salient aspects of running a business is marketing.... In a business, the most effective business marketing efforts will be substantially enhanced if the organization has a plan....
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William Blake and Manet
10 pages (2564 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In fact, Manet's High Renaissance artworks have been recognized by several professionals including a professional model, Victoria Meurent, who at one point even featured as the best nude in the Déjeuner Sur L here'.... The paper 'William Blake and Manet' looks at the pieces of evidence that support the ways the High Renaissance influenced their lives and explores various pieces of evidence showing the ways through which their High Renaissance artworks were different based on social-cultural, political, religious, historical and technological perspectives....
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Career Development for Minority Women in the Workplace
6 pages (1600 words) , Download 0 , Essay
research QuestionDuring the work on this paper, we will provide the answers to such questions with regard to the inequality as well as discrimination, which most of the women face in the workplace.... The explanation of this lies in the fact, that “the women's movement and increasing social acceptance of women in professional roles have opened new opportunities for women to enter as well as advance in the workforce” (Wynen, 2015)....
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The challengs facing kindergarten teachers for deal with children whom English is an additional language
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
IntroductionThis chapter is a key section for both research proposals and research reports.... The study used qualitative research methodology in collecting the data.... The study used qualitative research methodology in collecting the data.... In the first chapter, the paper introduced the topic and discussed the overview of the research question in depth.... There was the definition of the research question and the explanation of the significance of the paper....
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Inventory and Fixed Assest
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“Accounting research Bulletin No.... These special rules must be part of the knowledge base of a professional accountant.... There are different accounting rules that affect the treatment of economic transactions.... This paper discusses four special accounting rules for specific events....
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Value nd Utility Differ
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Value and Utility Differ Name of Author Author's Affiliation Author Note Author note with more information about affiliation, research grants, conflict of interest and how to contact Value and Utility Differ Introduction: Both private and public sector sectors focus on creating value for their stakeholders in their business by properly organizing resources and capacities.... The concept of utility of the approach concerns with professional administration in an organizational form, which in any case applies to be a good feature for many public sector organizations....
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A Child's Drawing Expresses Their Psychological Ability and Feelings
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Other than career and professional drawings, drawings have been used to detect the feeling in most children who undergo psychological problems.... Drawing as an art has become part and parcel of human psychology analysis.... hildren express their psychological feelings in form of art since hardly express themselves through speech....
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Drivers for Service and Quality Improvement in Oman Ministry of Health
19 pages (6064 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This research investigates how to apply the new and applicable model in tackling the current challenges in the ministry of health in Oman.... The research explains some of the new changes that should be conducted in the ministry that may act as drivers for sеrviсе and quality imрrоvеmеnt in Oman ministry of hеаlth.... his research investigates how to apply the new and applicable model in tackling the current challenges in the ministry of health in Oman....
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Predicting Maladaptive Behavior in Juvenile Offenders
7 pages (2207 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
he topic of predicting recidivism in juveniles is paramount to society, however, there has not been a lot of reliable research on the subject, and the information that is currently available is somewhat scarce and rapidly outdating (Griffin, 2005).... his study will focus on following research question: ... Focus is placed on pathological and demographic predictors of recidivism in juvenile offenders because most research and information available is based on adults instead of adolescents....
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Ethnography. People are Attending Religious Services on Sunday
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The main purpose behind conducting a comprehensive research on this topic includes the exploring the general views and opinions of the church attendants about their religious belief and its impact on their social, professional and domestic life.... The main purpose behind conducting a comprehensive research on this topic includes the exploring the general views and opinions of the church attendants about their religious belief and its impact on their social, professional and domestic life....
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Marble Cinery Urn
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Funeral processions (pompa) were made public with professional mourners being part of it.... The body was carried by ten members of the family followed by professional paid musicians who had specialized in music that was used in these funerals.... This piece of art was created in the first half of the first century A....
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The Rising Cost of Obstetrics and Pre-natal Care in the U.S
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
17) Payments for both vaginal and cesarean methods go to professional services, surgical fees, therapeutic fees, and so on.... These payments go to facility fees, professional fees, laboratory charges, and payments for drugs, among others.... While costs for hospitalization and drugs have continuously gone up, costs of having a baby are even more expensive....
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Abortion the topic of debate in the media
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
She says, “Pregnancy and child care have long been ways that men have controlled and dominated women as well as restricted their education and professional lives (Mascle, 2).... She finds, “…the decision to raise a child has tremendous personal, professional, and financial repercussions....
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The Relationship Between Cultural Identity and Interpersonal Relationship
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This factor becomes of much relevance when it counts to both professional and personal relationship among people.... hristopher E & Diana R 1996, International excellence: Seven Breakthrough Strategies for personal and professional success, Kodansha International, New York p....
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Balanced scorecard in restaurant
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
French Laundry an exclusively American restaurant but inspired by French countryside, is located at Yountville in California (The French Laundry, n.... .... .... It has derived its unique name from the building which was actually used for the purpose of laundry in the 1920's.... According.... ... ...
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Issues in International trade
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
International trade has given rise to a world economy in which prices or supply and demand affect and are affected by global events.... International trade gives consumers the.... ... ... Almost every type of product is found in the international market.... These products include food, clothes, spare parts, machinery, oil, jewelry and currencies among other things....
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Why the Usage of Steroids by Athletes and for General Use Is Illegal
4 pages (1579 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
However, research indicates that andro used in large quantities daily can significantly upturn amounts of testosterone that can lead to several health problems.... The paper "Why the Usage of Steroids by Athletes and for General Use Is Illegal" highlights that Anabolic-androgenic steroids were employed in experiments piloted by the Nazis on camp convicts, and afterward by the associates trying to remedy the malnourished fatalities at Nazi camps....
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The Concept of Successful Ageing
8 pages (2417 words) , Download 4 , Essay
There are many disease-free people who do not age successfully, and research shows that the absence of disease is just of a myriad of aspects that need the utmost attention to enable successful ageing.... However, research shows that anything that causes stress to the body or the mind is a cause for concern to individuals wanting to age successfully.... However, research shows that anything that causes stress to the body or the mind is a cause for concern to individuals wanting to age successfully....
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Organic Architecture Style Issues
4 pages (1204 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The essay "Organic Architecture Style Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the use of organic architecture style.... Organic architecture was invented by Frank Lloyd Wright to define architectural designs.... Wright was inspired by one of the people he looked up to.... ...
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Qualities and skills necessary for success in a specific career-Business
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
But some of the most important skills are: Thorough research: Telling the same phrases and incidents again and again makes only a good speaker.... Charismatic character is essential for achieving success in one's personal as well as professional life.... Public speaking opportunities stem right from the play school of a child and the quality mounts high as we mount the ladder of professional success....
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Career and Technical Education Challenges in the 21st Century
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
research is another important characteristic that needs proper attention that comes under alliance to the teachers and educators, teaching techniques, processes, and course materials is crucial and critical due to the reason that these features and components are the foundation stones on which the students would get education for their future reference.... Undertaking educational challenges in the 21st century: research from the field.... the significant, imperative, and integral aspects in an individual's life in order to achieve success in both personal and professional lives, and facilitates in the accomplishment of one's goals and objectives....
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Intervention of Doctors
2 pages (676 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Scientist though agrees that more research needs to be done on natural recovery from drug addiction.... However, scientist concludes that more studies need to be conducted to research the various ethnic tribes and how their self-change may vary and the differences of patients who recover on their own depending on their characteristics (Klingemann & Linda, 2007).... atural recovery is the process whereby, alcohol addicts are able to escape their addiction without professional help and treatment (Klingemann and Linda, 2007)....
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Epidemiology of Disability in Australia
46 pages (13272 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This essay "Epidemiology of Disability in Australia" presents the World Health Organization's international classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) that is taken as a multi-professional for individuals of all ages has limitations in terms of correlations and measures of functioning....
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Packaging Design Issues
11 pages (3082 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This papers studies packaging materials for lighting applications, their effects to the environments and also studies which of the materials are recyclable and environmentally friendly as well as the current techniques used to improve packaging to prevent dumping and accumulation of these materials in landfills.... Data for waste papers, glassware's and plastics is outlined.... Some of the waste papers were however recovered.... ecycling papers ...
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American History - 7
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Instructor Date American history Part One: Terms Determine the most significant terms from the chapters and list them below: 1.... The Zimmerman Telegram 2.... The United States in World War 1 3.... War Message to Congress 4.... Anti-war Speech 5.... Wartime Propaganda 6.... ... ... ... The War Industries Board 7....
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Reasons why Immigrants Fail to Learn English
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Name Institution Lecturer Date Reasons as to why immigrants fail to learn English while others learn and learn it rapidly Chapter 1 Teaching a group of immigrant students from different countries is always an active, vibrant and enjoyable experience.... For the teacher, it is not just about imparting linguistic skills to the students, but also getting an insight in their mannerisms, mentalities, temperament, culture and their basic approach to life....
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Topical Analysis of Hamlet and Henry IV part 1
6 pages (1648 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Acts which could not be shown openly in that century were covered by major themes of the essays.... "Topical Analysis of Hamlet and Henry IV part 1" paper describes how Shakespeare used the topics of betrayal, greed, robbery, threats, war, sex, humor and tragedy in these times with his skills so that these topics became acceptable not only on the page but also on the stage....
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David Thoreaus Walden
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The book contains eighteen essays, or chapters, that are loosely structured according to seasons beginning and ending in the spring.... The writer of this paper analyzes David Thoreau's Walden, which is a novel published in 1854.... It is considered one of the great books of American literature and a masterpiece in the realm of reflective philosophy....
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The effect of the Spanish American war on Cuban immigration to the U.S. in the early 20th century
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Spanish American War of 1898 was a turning point for United States foreign policy because it established the country as a world power through becoming an imperialist nation.... Although the United States had been debating about Imperialism for a period of time and had many.... ... ... nales for it including Darwinism and strategic reasons and economical reasons, the country kept an isolationist policy, except in trading and international affairs....
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The Best Form of Governance
6 pages (1593 words) , Download 1 , Essay
amus, Albert (1955) The Myth of Sisyphus and other essays.... This work "The Best Form of Governance" describes why it is best for human beings to be governed rationally and explore the consequences of such a claim by looking into the works of three philosophers: Plato, Rene Descartes, and Albert Camus....
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Martin Luther King Jr Life
6 pages (1640 words) , Download 2 , Essay
art Two: essays ... The paper "Martin Luther King Jr Life" highlights that Martin Luther King Jr.... was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia to Michael King and Alberta Williams King.... His father was a Baptist minister, whose opposition to racism deeply influenced him....
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Being Promoted into a Leadership Position within Organization
6 pages (1757 words) , Download 3 , Essay
(2005) Implicit leadership theories: essays and explorations, Greenwich, Conn.... The author's colleague has just been promoted into a leadership position within the company.... This essay "Being Promoted into a Leadership Position within Organization" entails advises him on leadership and how to effectively manage the organization....
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Whether Keyness Theory and Policy Is Still Relevant to Today's Post-Crisis Situation
5 pages (1614 words) , Download 0 , Essay
ateman, BW, & Davis, J 2011, Keynes and Philosophy: essays on the Origins of Keyness Thought. ... His employment theory is based on criticism of Say's classical theory.... There are various points that Keynes emphasized in classical theory criticism.... His main argument was.... ...
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Economic Impacts of Oil Spills in Terms of Economic, Marine Life and on the Waters
12 pages (3442 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper 'Economic Impacts of Oil Spills in Terms of Economic, Marine Life and on the Waters' is a thrilling example of the research paper on environmental studies.... The chapter is intentioned to review the research approach and methods, which are considered most suitable for determining the short-term and long term economic impacts of oil spills.... The paper 'Economic Impacts of Oil Spills in Terms of Economic, Marine Life and on the Waters' is a thrilling example of the research paper on environmental studies....
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Change Project Proposal: Nursing Shortage In ICU And How It Causes Lack Of Patient Safety
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
"The Nature of Safety Culture: A Review of Theory and research.... However, the research shows that despite public outcry, there are notable failures within the health care services.... However, the research shows that despite public outcry, there are notable failures within the health care services that are likely to pose a threat to patient safety.... However, the research shows that despite public outcry, there are notable failures within the health care services that are likely to pose a threat to patient safety....
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Teaching Strategy in Nursing Education
5 pages (1423 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Nursing education is an integrated process amalgamating other relevant disciplines in medicine and clinical research (Bastable, 2008).... Clinical nursing is an advanced field in nursing education that teaches students diagnosis and treatment of illness, advanced nursing care, collaboration in clinical research practices, expert clinical guidance and ethical decision making in healthcare.... ntegration of theory, research and practice to introduce new clinical skills and improve decision-making skills of students ...
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Online Portal Where Costume Providers Can Showcase Their Products
6 pages (1605 words) , Download 2 , Essay
his dissertation has been arranged with the assistance of information gathered from various research articles and the data mined from the individual websites.... research Methodology ... he idea of this paper is to look into the business perspective of the portal and analyse its various aspects, like SWOT, research methodologies and the analysis part which will provide the readers a proper overview of the viability of this project.... research Methodology ...
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The Strategic Position of Volkswagen
9 pages (2536 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Appraisal of strategic decisions is also conducted to provide direction for further considerations and research.... In assessing the strategies of the company, the paper "The Strategic Position of Volkswagen" categorizes the analysis of the subject in terms of discussing the strategic direction and evaluating the company strategy in terms of its suitability, acceptability, feasibility, and sustainability....
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Suicide Rates of African-American Youth
7 pages (2068 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
he research statement of this research paper is determining the suicide rates of African American youth and the main causes behind this.... orld Health Organization, several domestic multinational NGOs and health care research firms are involved in continuous studies on this critical area of suicide among the youth throughout the world.... The research indicated that only half of the population attempted suicide due to mental disorder....
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The Evolution of Non-destructive Testing (NDT) in Commercial Aviation
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
This is a research paper that investigated the evolution of Nondestructive Testing or Nondestructive Inspection techniques in the commercial aviation industry.... The investigation found that NDT is a very important element in the safety and profitability in the commercial aviation industry....
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Quantifying Systemic Risk in the European Banking Sector
27 pages (8388 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The financial banking domain supports the present research, a choice motivated by the imperative of identifying potential risk-carrying factors to deeply analyze their impact and raise mechanisms for efficient calibration of financial exposure levels.... "Quantifying Systemic Risk in the European Banking Sector" paper argues that the new global realities and the features of the regulatory and supervisory activities underline the need for a more powerful, solid crisis management and European solutions for managing systemic risk....
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Legal and Ethical Issues in Marketing and Product Safety
9 pages (2471 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The essay also gives research on the Food and Drug association and its duties in regulation.... According to Friedman (2006), research shows for every $1 spent in advertising, there was a $4.... ith an ever diversifying population, researchers have focused their research in vulnerable populations.... Joseph et al (2005) have based their research on the impact of DTC advertising on different income levels.... The research estimates that income earners of $80,000 consult a physician less that those who earn lower....
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Deming's 14 Points of Management
15 pages (4113 words) , Download 2 , Essay
papers of the Research Society of Commerce and Economics, 42(1), 49-102. ... This has been further proven through the use of statistical methods and scientific research centres for sports, where athletes can have their performance assessed and have a training programme that is specific to them.... ontinuing education opportunities for coaches may include networking with other coaches, clinics, workshops, professional organizations, college courses, and regular review of websites, periodicals, and related literature....
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Australian Agriculture and Chinese Agriculture
25 pages (7326 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In this regard, the research aims to proffer relevant features of Australian agriculture, to delve into its role in the growth and development of the economy, to determine its current status together with its advantages and disadvantages, recent improvements, and future trends.... After determining current problems, the research would recommend courses of action to address the dilemmas affecting agriculture in Australia....
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The Concept of the Minimum Wage
6 pages (1635 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The research director of the employment polices, Craig Garthwaite, has been noted as saying the following.... Since the employment level is very important for an economy, a lot of research needs to be done to find the ‘true' relation between the minimum wages and the employment by the firms....
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The Recent Legalization Issue Regarding Marijuana in America
6 pages (1647 words) , Download 0 , Essay
here might be a strong disagreement against the legalization of marijuana from companies such as DuPont and other paper producers, but that should not affect the process at any cost as this step today shall definitely prove to be positive for the society in the coming years of existence (Scribd, “Cannabis Abuse - research Study”). ... Cannabis Abuse - research Study, 2012....
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