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From Failure to Promise
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
But, once I reach my desired level of professional success, I have certain plans which will at least help a section of the society.... From Failure to Promise – personal essay From Failure to Promise: An Uncommon Path to Professoriate is an autobiography of Dr.... Cleamon Moorer where he shares his life's journey over a 15 years period which transformed him into “his ideal self”....
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Current real estate market
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
For the purpose of completing this assignment utilizing an approach that is of particular relevance to the generalized real estate appraisal field and in order to ensure adequate content and a wide variety of usable information, a major metropolitan area newspaper was selected:.... ... ... This distinct newspaper is available in both print and via the publisher's worldwide website at www....
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China. Cultural background
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
On the contrary, professional background and the level of education is a very important condition which can put one in different positions available in China.... Cultural background has always been a very important aspect that affects different people in various ways.... As Jay-z's lyrics state “No lie, just know I chose my own fate” (Schemerhorn 364)....
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Using technology in class
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Impact of Instructional Technology professional Development on Teaching Practice and Student Performance.... There is no place or purpose for technology in the collegiate classroom setting because of the negative effects that accompany the use of technology in class.... For example, in a study conducted by Ophir, Wagner and Nass, the use of laptops, phones, tablets and social media in a....
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Article Critique_Shoe Selection in Safe Light-Industrial Jobs
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
New York: professional Safety.... The essay aims to address a two-fold objective to wit: (1) to describe shoe selection in light-industrial jobs; and (2) to analyze the compatibility of the presented article to textbooks and personal opinion. ... ... art of personal protective equipment is the protective garments....
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Job Materials Portfolio
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
he reason for selected this positionI selected this position because it is within the field of my professional training and I would like to put what I have learnt into practice.... This is a job that entails selling, restocking and merchandising some of the Zaras products.... Sales associate will mainly be interacting with customers by assisting them to locate their designs in stores....
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Compare university in canada and university in AMERICA and what is the difference
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
) They offer professional counseling in various fields, among them enrollment counseling.... Institutions of higher learning have greatly increased over the past years, and their vision is to prepare and mould students to be able to fit and survive by providing them with.... ... ...
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Dental Degree Study Program
2 pages (730 words) , Download 2 , Essay
n conclusion, it is my strongest desire to be accepted into dental school as I have pointed out my professional career choice is to become a dentist.... The paper "Dental Degree Study Program " highlights that the author truly believes that dental school is where his next educational phase is guiding him and it is what he personally wants....
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The Path to USA Occupation of the Dominican Republic
3 pages (999 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
till more significant was the complete reorganization of the Dominican military and police, which was officially aimed at the creation of apolitical and professional armed forces (Sagas and Inoa 133), but actually led to the institutionalization of the pro-American military elite....
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Charitable Tax Subsidies
2 pages (826 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is also part of the medical professional code that hospitals are forbidden to turn away patients, although it must be realized that everyone must manage financial risk with unpredictable health care costs.... 'Charitable Tax Subsidies' will explicate the correlation of non-profit facility's responsibilities with the federal law and under tax code viz-a-viz the health care of its employees....
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Socialization as the Most Important Aspect of Human Life
3 pages (836 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One thing that is quite noticeable today is that the gender roles are changing, men are seen spending more time in child care as compared to the past and women are seen more in the corporate and professional fields.... The paper "Socialization as the Most Important Aspect of Human Life" describes that the ideas, roles and expected behaviors that the society attaches to particular sex give rise to its gender construction and hence parents protect their female children more as compared to male children....
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Communication as a Part of the Interview Process
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
When the interviewer asked me the reason for working in her company, I told her that it is my interest in doing the job rather than my professional interest.... The author of the paper "Communication as a Part of the Interview Process" states that communication is regarded as the procedure of transmitting information and meaning between individuals....
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Format of instruction
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The learners are then given tasks that entail discussion of concepts that require research and presentation (Surgenor, 2010).... Format of instruction Name Institution Tutor Date Format of instruction In the thought of Klapper (2001), some approaches are more reliable in certain situations depending on the type of students and the curricular conditions in various cultural backgrounds....
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Understanding Buyers Value
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this short essay, the author presents own understanding of buyer's value around the arguments by Michael Porter (1991) and Ravald and Grnroos (1996).... In the end, the author presented some discussion points on buyer's value.... ... ... ... ... Ravald and Grnroos (1996) presented that buyer's value is increased when an organization improves the benefits of the core product and reduces the sacrifice that the customer needs to undertake to purchase a product - like lower prices, improved convenience of purchase, better delivery services, error free paper work, etc....
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Apocalypse of 2012 - Converging Points and Perspectives
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It would take volumes of research to understand how the Mayan calendar was formed, but it is interesting to know the reason behind this cultures obsession with numbers and mathematical accuracy – it was the basis of “legitimacy for political power” (Rice 11).... The ushering of 2012 has greatly stirred controversy from different scientific and religious groups....
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My Learning Experience
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Summarizing the article about my learning experience, it is necessary to mention that the most important things in the analysis of the article are the correct structural division and practical examples for the reflection of authenticity of research.... The writer of this essay discusses his learning skills, experience....
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Supranational Governance System of the European Union
2 pages (1003 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Supranational Governance System of the European Union" states that the council is responsible for setting up foreign and defence policies as well as justice matters.... Policies and rules of the Council of Ministers are presented to the member states and they often become sources of law....
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Japanese Cinema: Eros Plus Massacre
3 pages (801 words) , Download 3 , Essay
His life concentrated around three women he loved and finally, he was assassinated in the year 1923 by the Japanese military The film, Eros Plus Massacre does not only deals with the life of the Japanese anarchist but also focuses on the political and social theories of free love which he envisaged through the research work of two students on the life of Osugi depicted through the film....
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The Crime of Genocide
14 pages (3909 words) , Download 3 , Essay
However the historical records that are available about the genocide in earlier times are not dependable for the purpose of research.... research Methodology: research Philosophy: A combination of positivism and interpretivism has been chosen as the philosophy to be followed in this research.... The technique of interpretivism reveals the individual understanding of different people as can be deduced from their measures and attitudes and as a result ascertains an understanding on the current topic of research (Collins, 2010)....
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Computing Packages for Qualitative Data Management
9 pages (2399 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Having to decide whether to use surveys, focus groups, telephone interviews, or any of the information gathering options can be challenging but so too are the analysis of information gathered and the writing of the final report; with computers an ubiquity in many advanced countries, it is perhaps the rare researcher who does research without the use of a computer at any stage of the process.... In this brave new world of computers it is not only with word processing that computers can give the impression of saving time; computers are being employed in greater numbers in the analysis of research material....
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Social Justice in Practice
16 pages (4754 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Insecurity overwhelms the Rushton town is greatly unbearable as crime rates hit the headlines of papers; this evident with the recent murder of 15year old lad.... According a research brought forth by Cowen (1999) on Community care, ideology and social policy it is depicted that social justice is multi-faceted and contested concept seeking to redress to these inequalities in the society through poverty reduction and overall improvements in the standards of living....
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G-8 Says World Economic Prospects Still Weak
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the primary objectives of this research would be to analyze the moves that will be made for building a proper banking practice towards a strong banking union.... Table of Contents ... .... Introduction 3 ... ummary of the Article 3 ... actors to be Discussed 3 ... .... Discussion on the Economic Problem Issue 4 ...
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Effective Leadership in Administering Quality to Nursing Institutions or Health Cares
5 pages (1487 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ursing practice requires accurate evidence that is only obtained through extensive research.... Therefore the behaviors of most health care providers have been wanting as they have not been able to accurately determine the kinds of involvement needed to positively influence the research-based care.... Effective leadership qualities from managers and administrators is important as they are the ones who give the evidence based practice support by advising health care providers working under them on the essence of the research based care....
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Implementing the New Innovation Strategy
18 pages (5089 words) , Download 2 , Essay
On rare occasions, the organization utilizes universities and research centers; and local, national and international trade fairs. ... The company relies majorly on its research and development department; specialized technical publications; and information collaboration and exchange with content producers such as research institutions.... Internal research and development department is reliable.... However, establishing and running internal research and development department involve high expenditures....
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Valuation models literature review
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
) Purpose of the previous papers: A number of studies have focused on the usage of financial valuation models in the U.... ) Major Methodologies used in past papers: The majority of previous studies have used either comparisons between models with the help of secondary data or used primary data such as surveys and semi-structured interviews.... Moreover, this research covers the question why financial forecasters rely on dividend yield and price-earning ratios, and why the disadvantages of these two models may be different....
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Discourse community analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The discourse communities in question for discussion include engineering association affiliates (forming the professional entity), IT and socializing agency in a higher learning institution (constituting the personal discourse community) and financial capacity building agency in a banking institute (constituting the academic discourse community).... The first one is the professional community where we have bankers, and the other is an academic community....
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Cultual Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
History demonstrates that other students may be fearful of students who adopt the Goth lifestyle and research has shown that the students who adopt the lifestyle are often troubled, frequently dealing with feelings of isolation, depression, and even the desire to self-harm (Vince, 2006).... esearch methodologyThe research methodology for this paper will focus on the analysis of both...
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The design of an automated external defibrillator
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research indicates that over one million people over the age of 35 in the United Kingdom have suffered a heart attack, and a third of these victim die before The scale of the burden is felt in the economy with escalating costs of health care as indicated by the billions spent annually by the UK government on cardiovascular diseases (British Heart Foundation 2012)....
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Roles of the Rural Paramedic Practitioner in Australia
11 pages (3305 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Ethics approval was acquired from the HRECN (Human research Ethics Committee Network) of the University of Tasmania.... Conclusions and future research Although the site of an ambulance attending to emergency cases may be familiar, there is a wider coverage in the role of the paramedic.... In Australia, ambulance agencies and educational centers are merging the knowledge gained from the emerging models of service delivery, with local research centers, leading to more advanced postgraduate paramedic education....
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Scepticism around the two articals of Drs Woo Hwang and Shin Moon about stem cell
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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n two papers, entitled “Evidence of a Pluripotent Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line Derived from a Cloned Blastocyst” published in the journal Science on 12 March, 2004 and “Patient-Specific Embryonic Stem Cells Derived from Human SCNT Blastocysts” published in Science on 17 June, 2005, Woo Hwang and Shin Moon as primary researchers claimed that they managed to create human embryonic stem cells from a cloned embryo.... research into stem cells, specifically, human embryonic stem cells, has been the subject of controversy ever since the first successful in vitro fertilization and birth of a child in England in 1978....
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Should Doctors Performing Plastic Surgery Be More Regulated
11 pages (3028 words) , Download 3 , Essay
research indicates that in many situations, trained doctors delegate their work to their untrained subordinate while they train other people.... This will also prevent professional doctors from delegating their surgical operations to unqualified staff.... The paper "Should Doctors Performing Plastic Surgery Be More Regulated" states that it is important for doctors to be responsible for the lives of their patients....
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Team/Group Dynamics
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 8 , Essay
There is always a tendency to resist change.... Various sociologists, psychologists and organizational behaviorists have attempted to develop theories of group dynamics which.... ... ... Every individual is a part of the social group and hence the outcome and productivity of an individual depends upon the group dynamics....
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Research Methodologies Applied To Evaluate The Impact Of Modern Technology On Eyesight
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This report talks that in this era of e –technologies vision problems have become very prominent and significant.... The main reasons for the vision problems were related to the un- ergonomical work station station design, non usage of proper antiglare screens in the visual display units of the computer....
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We live in a layered world
66 pages (16500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
It is true that we live in a layered world, our earth's surface remain terra incognita to-day,for ease of movement and other technological developments have made possible an almost comprehensive knowledge of the terrain,much of which is now mapped.... ... ... ... It is true that we live in a layered world, our earth's surface remain terra incognita to-day, for ease of movement and other technological developments have made possible an almost comprehensive knowledge of the terrain, much of which is now accurately mapped....
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Workforce Diversity in Healthcare
10 pages (2985 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Properly diverse health care personnel help in expanding health care access for most of the underserved; and also adequately foster research in main neglected areas that are linked to the societal needs.... This concept deals with promoting or augmenting increased access to first-class health services and also amplification the medical research sector.... That is, from local, every state, and eventually at every national governments level (National research Council, 2010)....
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Racial Discrimination in Soccer
10 pages (2751 words) , Download 3 , Essay
ther information was collected from the internet particularly the national and state websites for football as well as other documentation evidences like yearly reports, speeches, codes of conduct, and protection policies for members, development plans, policies on harassment, and policies of racial vilification, articles from news papers, reports from preferences, strategic plans, processes of complaints and submissions made by governments (Carrington & McDonald 2001).... This research will study the extent of racial discrimination in football especially at international and professional levels, and the strategies to alleviate this problem....
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E-Learning in the Workplace
13 pages (3944 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Similar to a student, an employee requires to upgrade the competence level by reflecting on the experiences gained during the professional life.... As Continuous professional Development (CPD) is the pre-requisite of today's workforce, the companies have to make sure that they make available all relevant tools and methods required by the learners (Oiry, 2009).... Lessons learned from a case study in deploying Blended Learning Continuing professional Development....
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The Children Medical Centre Dallas
1 pages (280 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Children's Medical Centre values research and therefore it might face an unbalanced allocation of resources between current treatment issues and research.... The medical center is also a major research center for alternative therapies and pediatric infections.... The institution is also likely to receive pressure for research from other government and non-governmental agencies and this will contribute to the challenge of allocation of resources....
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Critically Evaluate How ICT Is Applied to Hospitality Industries
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper describes how ICT is applied to Hospitality Industries.... he best way to commence your research is to access Secondary sources (already published material such as reports, books, news and magazine articles, academic journals etc) to get an insight about past knowledge and contributions from other authors.... However, some primary research through an Online Interview has also been conducted from an IT expert employed at my chosen Tourism business who provided some useful information regarding the use of Information and Communication Technology in that hospitality business....
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Why are you considering The Ohio State University
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Ohio State University research equipment and knowledge provision will lay a strong professional foundation that is necessary for my career path.... These interactions will help to broaden my professional background and to gain necessary life skills that will shape who I Reasons for Joining the Ohio Here Affiliation The Ohio The Ohio providesa dynamic opportunity in Biomedical Engineering which is in line with my career objectives and passion.... These interactions will help to broaden my professional background and to gain necessary life skills that will shape who I become....
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Why does Shilling describe the body as unfinished
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper discusses two papers in which Shilling discusses the body in relation to society, and theorizes that the body is in a fundamental way unfinished.... 549) Shilling also calls for more research on emotions other than embarrassment in order to understand the full range of experiences that humans have, and the different intensities that occur.... Embarrassment and Social Organization, in Interaction Ritual: essays on Face-to Face Behavior....
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The Sales Plan of Mens Accessories in a Women Only Accessories Stores
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Buying and Merchandising Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Aims and Objectives 3 Range Plans 4 Price Architecture 5 Range width and depth 6 Profit range 6 Reference 7 Executive Summary This is a business report which has been professionally developed by the market research.... Range Plans From the efficient market research it has been found that the accessories market in the United Kingdom has a steady growth and this growing trend of this market was due the earlier female fashion trend....
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Role of Education in Career Success
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Researches show that education instills and hones certain set of skills, which come in handy in professional lives, and gives an edge to those who take the long road than those who prefer short cuts and drop out.... The paper attempted to portray the rightful significance of education in establishing a successful career and maintaining it....
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Research Paper on the Key Components of a Successful Blog & the €œPromotion€� of a blog once it is developed
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Blogs create virtual communities where individuals with similar or varying interests can read and interact through comments and feedback.... The popularity is attributed to its simplicity,.... ... ... However, there is no unanimous opinion regarding the key components of a successful blog.... Despite the varying opinions, there are some essential ingredients that are required for developing and marinating an outstanding blog. ...
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Legal feminist theory
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
New York: International Library of essays on Rights, 2009.... The underlying belief on which feminist legal theories are founded is that the law itself has played historical and critical roles in promoting women's subordination.... In the century prior to the 1960s, significant efforts had been made to overhaul the law respecting the rights....
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The Impact of Ancient Civilizations on the Modern World
2 pages (500 words) , Download 18 , Essay
The paper "The Impact of Ancient Civilizations on the Modern World" will begin with the statement that Mesopotamians were highly industrious in the fields.... Their largest economic produce was grain and barter trade facilitated trade until they developed a system of currency using small silver disks....
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Has Ayer Shown That the Causal Determinism Is Compatible with Free Will
2 pages (584 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Ayer, in his philosophical essays, tries to reestablish the argument of free will and determinism compatibility (Ayer 255).... The paper "Has Ayer Shown That the Causal Determinism Is Compatible with Free Will" states that generally, people employ free will when they are in absolute control of their actions....
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Should Countries Control the Internet
2 pages (571 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In my previous English sessions, the entire class focused more on writing bland, thoughtless essays and proper grammar.... The paper "Should Countries Control the Internet" describes that discussions regarding the Internet are usually my favorite.... In English 1302, writing skills such as free writing were commonly used....
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Prenatal and Cosmetic Genetic Modification
7 pages (1834 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Prenatal and Cosmetic Genetic Modification" states that the evidence presented in this essay strongly supports the idea that the process of promoting prenatal genetic modification is unethical.... People should think twice before engaging in this particular medical intervention program....
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11 pages (3072 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This essay "Self-Reflection" provides an in-depth analysis of personal and professional development through a holistic approach and a personal reflection on the topic.... elf-Reflection Introduction This paper provides an in-depth analysis about personal and professional development through a holistic approach and a personal reflection on the topic.... The analysis of such factors will aid in the identification of personal strengths and weaknesses and also would present an opportunity to ascertain the need for any changes in order to achieve a higher degree of personal and professional development....
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