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Rules, Principles, Methods, Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning
7 pages (2157 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Making use of online learning tools such a technology and research facilities such as public libraries allows students to access skills that are essential in modern business environment (Zembylas & Vrasidas, 2005, p 67).... Online education is a great way to pursue education for beginners, returning students, and professional students who wish to obtain more training in their field.... Although online education presents new opportunities for beginners, continuing students and professional to gain knowledge, the education policy makers must address the ethical challenges faced by this mode of study....
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Socio-Political Campaign
9 pages (2489 words) , Download 0 , Essay
research on campaigns on same-sex marriage: ... research on same-sex marriage has revealed that the first campaigns aiming at supporting same-sex marriage were started in year 1980s.... The paper "Socio-Political Campaign" states that generally, the socio-political campaigns have been in action since the year 1980 when the Human Right Campaigns were formed....
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Projecting the Image of a Nurse
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“Although the public's view of nursing has changed over time, most people do not appreciate the complexity and range of today's professional nursing role,” (Chitty & Black, 2011).... Projecting the Image of a Nurse Name School Institution Projecting the Image of a Nurse The image of a nurse has changed significantly over time....
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The Ladder of My Life
5 pages (1268 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I believe that it is the best path that persist me to move up the ladder of my life and fulfill my professional ambitions.... My long-term goal is to start my own business where I can use my professional accounting skills and knowledge to achieve success.... I am of the viewpoint that economic status and educational opportunity go side by side in ensuring quick personal and professional progress and achievement.... This is the reason for me to get a degree in the field of professional accounting....
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Ethical and Moral Issues regarding Intellectual Property
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This piece of the research paper 'Ethical and Moral Issues regarding Intellectual Property' addresses the ethical and moral issues regarding the intellectual ownership and copyright.... Most high-tech industries are distinguished by their intellectual properties and these are highly important for them in relation to their brand, research, innovation and discovery of new processes and products.... This piece of research paper addresses the ethical and moral issues regarding the intellectual ownership and copyright. ...
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Class Management Education
9 pages (2779 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The main complain in the system weakness has been pointed on an inappropriate curricula as adopted for the management programs which fail to appreciate the critical necessity for real life experience in learning management as against ‘class and research' based scientific competences as concerns management studies (Nicholson, 1997, p.... Approaching the subject on the basis of whether managers can only be ‘made' through class, this paper would acknowledge the class experience in equipping the student with the more needed theoretical and research skills while the practice part of it would be derived from the past experience and continued practices within the corporate scene....
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Psychological Changes in Adolescent Years
5 pages (1558 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
In her book Development Through the Lifespan (2009), Berk widely examines human development starting from infancy to adulthood; she adopts a cross-cultural focus and bases on theory and research in explaining the sequence of human development and relates the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive domains as they relate to human development.... Apart from Berk, there are other scholars that have paid keen interest to human development and conducted research on different aspects of human development....
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Analysis of Eye-witness Testimony
6 pages (1688 words) , Download 3 , Essay
"Analysis of Eye-witness Testimony" paper argues that eyewitness identification not only can get the murderer but is also it has unreliable.... Many studies show the weakness of the human memory, which is why it is important for the criminal justice system to make sure of the investigative process....
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NHS and Total Quality Management
8 pages (2321 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "NHS and Total Quality Management" is a great example of a research proposal on management.... The paper "NHS and Total Quality Management" is a great example of a research proposal on management.... TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Contents Introduction 3 research Methodology 4 Total Quality Management 5 TQM and Changing World Market 7 ... he research method for this paper is the “Archival research.... ?? Archival research involves collecting, gathering, sorting, and synchronizing the information from older documents....
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Brand names as loan words
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
his can only be done through research of the loan words and cultural implications which provide a mirror of the values and practices of a culture.... Perspective", Journal Of Consumer research, Vol.... 2001), "Moderators Of Language Effects In Advertising To Bilinguals: A Psycholinguistic Approach", Journal Of Consumer research, Vol.... 2006 ,Beyond National Culture: Implications Of Cultural Dynamics For Consumer research,Volume: 23 Issue: 3 Page: 322 - 342 ...
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Locke's Emphasis of the Importance of Human Freedom
8 pages (2270 words) , Download 9 , Research Paper
The author of the paper "Locke's Emphasis of the Importance of Human Freedom" will begin with some background information on John Locke.... It points to the most important beliefs that John Locke is known to have believed.... It ends with the introduction of the thesis statement.... ... ... ... The paper analyzes the two most notable literary works of John Locke....
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The Causes of Fire Break Out and How to Capacity Build the Various Personnel
10 pages (2803 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
This is the process of relating and analyzing the experiences with the broad context of issues for instance the issues related to curriculum activities, theories of learning, research methodologies, use of technology, and also the social justice.... his is the process of relating and analyzing the experiences with the broad context of issues for instance the issues related with curriculum activities, theories of learning, research methodologies, use of technology and also the social justice....
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Knowledge Management in Organizations
6 pages (1878 words) , Download 2 , Essay
European Retail research.... Effective knowledge management enhance personal result as well as the professional result.... Effective knowledge about the software and skills on this application helps the employees to meet personal and professional goals and objectives....
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Risk Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Risk Management Table of Contents Disaster description 2 Introduction 2 Step one: Risk identification 2 Step two: Risk Measurement 3 Step three: Risk Analysis 4 Step Four: Decisions 6 Step Five: Implementation 7 Step six: Risk Monitoring 8 Step Seven: Policies 9 References: 12 Disaster description The floods that hit the Indonesian Island of Bali maimed the operations of the Hilton Hotel in the region....
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The Importance of Kops and Kids Program
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
du/cspv/publications/papers/CSPV-012.... The paper "The Importance of Kops and Kids Program" states that Kops n kids program is designed for character and personality building of young population.... They are provided with mentors that are eligible to be a role model for the young people involved in the program....
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Inclusive Education at the Kindergarten Level
27 pages (8269 words) , Research Paper
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This research paper "Inclusive Education at the Kindergarten Level" focuses on the UAE government that acknowledges the urgent need to provide support for children with special needs in our institutions.... Statement of the research Problem Despite the existence of the Education Ministry's Regulatory Framework, the inclusion process has been affected by a myriad of challenges in UAE schools....
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Sexual Diversity in Schooling
7 pages (2122 words) , Download 2 , Essay
urrent research statistics prove that such conservative thoughts are wrong and that there is an urgent need to address sexual diversity in schools.... The research conducted by the Australian research Center in Sex and Society, in collaboration with La Trobe University produced a wide range of shocking revelations with regard to sexual diversity in schools.... Data from the research conducted by the Australian research Center in Sex and Society shows that about 10% of students are in minority sexual groups....
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Medical Regulatory Agency
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
t has been difficult for people working in health care centers to realise the influences that the government's regulations have on their daily professional duties.... This paper, Medical Regulatory Agency, discusses that most of the health care services are usually regulated by the federal and state laws as well as the environmental protection agencies, the Food and Drug Administration and the other regulatory body is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration....
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Short-Term and Long-Term Career Goals
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Describe your most significant professional accomplishment.... In the report 'Short-Term and Long-Term Career Goals' the author describes his passion to conquer life's unknown territories of adventure, which provoked a hard felt desire in him to take on as the Director of Marketing & Sales in a domestic mid-sized manufacturing enterprise....
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Psychological resilience after disaster
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
While there has been a lot of research that has rendered recommendations on how to combat depression resulting from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), more research needs to be conducted to identify ways and strategies using which the sufferers can develop trust and ability to have faith in others.... However, recall bias in research on the effect of early or prior trauma on PTSD is significant due to the fact that virtually all empirical evidence on the effects of childhood trauma is based on adults' retrospective accounts....
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Leading Evidence-Based Change
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Management research Review, 32(4), 303–320.... Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Nursing and Health Care: Assimilating research, Experience and Expertise.... professional organization standards that would be relevant in examining the needed change include ethical standards....
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Ethical and Legal Issues of Doctors Relationship with Drug Companies
8 pages (2219 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Such relationships should always offer information for the betterment of patient interests, support research and offer advice through consultations without strings attached.... Patient care is the ultimate responsibility of the physician, as led by physicians' professional code of conduct, which was apparently being compromised by the conflict of interest that the drug industry was presenting against the integrity physicians.... he laws that regulate the interactions between the pharmaceutical companies and physicians can be analyzed as government and professional regulations4....
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The Impact of Baseball during the Second World War
7 pages (2187 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Sex Roles: A Journal of research.... Basketball Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis posed the question to then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on January 14, 1942, as to whether or not it was still appropriate for professional baseball to continue given the state of crisis.... This is apart from fund raising events held by the professional leagues. ... Philip Wrigley, owner of the Chicago Cubs, organized the professional All-American Girls' Baseball League, and this was the only time that women played in professional baseball. ...
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Discuss the impact of raising minimum wages on minimum wage earners and economy as a whole
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
[Name of Student] [Name of Lecturer] Essay, Macro & Micro economics [Date] The Impact of Raising Minimum Wages on Minimum Wage-Earners and the Economy Introduction Minimum wage is one of the most controversial issues not only in labor markets but also in the economic and legal arenas, where employees and their unions on one side, often face-off with employers to fight for minimum wage increments....
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Status and Prospects of the Golf Equipment Industry
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Companies working in the golf equipment market segment sought to outperform their competitors through the development of more advanced and more professional equipment solutions.... With time, the pace of technological advancement in the industry reached the point, where technology no longer worked for the benefit of the professional game but, on the contrary, created an atmosphere in which equipment had to replace any players' skills and, most probably, the player him(her) self....
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Corporate Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 7 , Essay
"At Cambridge, we must be explicit and clear about our societal obligations, and honour them even as we use our freedom to provide the quality of education and research that keeps us among the foremost universities in the world.... e/portal/page/portal/ifoContent/N/neucesifo/CONFERENCES/SC_CONF_1999-2006/PRI03/papers/PRI03-HALL.... "research has shown that certain terms of value - integrity, trust, fairness - recur in the mission statements or prefaces to company codes....
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Stress and health in novice and experienced nursing students
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A research was conducted on novice and experienced nursing students to find out the learning outcomes when they were healthy and stressed.... The researcher posed research.... 1b What are the research questions that are the basis for this study?... What is the research hypothesis, if it is present?... If there are not research questions and/or a hypothesis, indicate that is the case and provide your interpretation of what the research question and hypotheses are....
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Effect of Culture on Expatriates Work Performance
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Hotel records will also be used to find specific information related to the research.... he primary research will be conducted in the city of xxx, restaurants and hotels with expatriate staff forming the sample.... onsidering that the hospitality industry is global, it is very difficult to undertake this kind of research on a global scale.... In the course of undertaking a research, it is very important to organize how time will be spent....
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Innovation of Air Technologies
7 pages (2392 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Hence, the development and research in this area is also quite rewarding in these countries, unlike the less developed countries.... nvention of airplane involved lot of research and insight.... Many air craft manufacturers are investing a huge sum in research and development in this domain.... In a series of closely knitted essays, they suggest a variety of new perspectives, metamorphosis in policies, and requirement for reforms that needs to be addressed in various industries....
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Criminal Justice Trends
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Criminal Justice Trends Name: Institution: Criminal Justice Trends Introduction The criminal justice system has been undergoing major and significant changes over the years.... An evaluation of the trends of the criminal justice system shows that it has undergone a lot of modifications to be what it is today....
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International HRM
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Such workshops, which focus on topics related to globalization, are vital as they help HR professional to better understand international cultures (Tyler, 2011).... It is a great idea to offer HRM consulting services to private-sector employers located in England and France.... It will diversify the operations of the organization and will open up new opportunities for growth and development....
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Psychology Boundaries and Self-Care
4 pages (1234 words) , Download 7 , Term Paper
Vicarious traumatization and secondary traumatic stress: A research synthesis.... Professional Psychology: research and Practice, 40(5), 434-435.... Professional Psychology: research and Practice, 40(6), 564-571.... Explain the importance of self-care for professional psychologists and professional psychology students.... professional psychologist just like professional psychology students need to pay proper attention to their personal lives....
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Impact of Studies and Researches in Supporting Decision Making in Police Field
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
?? Police Practice and research.... ?? Qualitative research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal.... “Making Decision –Making research Matter: Some Issues and Remedies.... ?? Management research Review.... The Impact of research on Decision-Making by Practitioners and Managers....
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Staying Safe and Out of Trouble: A survey of young peoples perceptions and experiences
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The researchers employed the action research strategy approach in which the aim was to point out and establish.... A questionnaire type survey was used in the research in order to know the children's thoughts on feeling safe and connected in school and to learn about the problems they encounter.... This approach was used because the aim of the research is to point out the problematic behaviour in year 10 children and be able to convey to professionals working with these children on the problems and be able to produce strategies accordingly....
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Case study - knowledge management strategy
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The strategies proposed would help the company and its employees to have a participatory policy in ensuring the proper generation, processing mining, storage and.... ... ... The strategy has been carefully formulated in proper alignment with the objectives and the vision of the company.... The key role of the proposed plan is to utilize and integrate the raw information from different spheres of the organization to aid organizational The key emphasis is on the sustainable environmental management intention of MOTO....
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Stalking Behavior
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Contrary to normal assumptions stalking behavior in Stalking can cause mental and psychological distress to the victims, paralyze professional and social life, with repercussion on health and even raise the incidences of accident and injury.... Stalking behavior can vary widely.... The underlining characteristics of stalking behavior the personality traits, motivation for stalking, duration of stalking vary widely....
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International Construction Contracts and Issues
19 pages (5436 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
This in turn could make it possible to evaluate the overall contribution of the dissertation and research in enhancing knowledge and understanding of the central title of research.... The focus of the research paper is considered along with the main problem and the contexts are also described in terms of whether the topic is researchable and if so what the different modes of research are and how the research agenda could be handled....
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The Usage of Materials of the Construction of Light Concrete Tiles
40 pages (11786 words) , Research Paper
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The goal of the research "The Usage of Materials of the Construction of Light Concrete Tiles" is to explore the usage of waste materials that accrue from the construction of concrete tiles by promoting the recycling of this materials and how best to demolish this waste.... Besides, the information obtained from this research work will be employed in providing insight into how the best recycling of the highest quality can be increased.... The primary data collection techniques that were used in this research work are questionnaires, site observations, and interviews....
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Workplace Counselling and Therapy
8 pages (2159 words) , Download 4 , Essay
AP Alcohol and drug follow-up continues for a minimum of six months, but research indicates that it is most effective at preventing relapse if it last for at least a year (Foote A.... Reynolds GS; Lehman WEK, Levels of substance use and willingness to use the Employee Assistance program, Journal of Behavioural Health Services & research, 2003. ... This program assists Rocklandcountry business large and small, by providing a cost effective program that offers professional confidential services to help employees at all levels get back on track while functioning as an organizational resource for management. ...
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Human Resource Practices in Outsourcing Industry in India
5 pages (1568 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Quantitative data related to a few variables to detect patterns that can hopefully answer the research questions will be gathered.... This paper is written as a research proposal to investigate various issues like Human Resource Practices, Employee Voice and Quit Rate in Outsourcing Industry in India.... The research is conducted to find out the parameters which are required to be considered while formulating HRM strategies for outsourcing businesses in India....
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Senior Management of Bobcat County Hospital
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With the motive of improving healthcare practices and to improve individual research, funds are required and it should be raised through available sources.... Opportunity: Opportunities in the development of the discipline provided by translational research.... In order to make the doctors familiar with the working condition and the equipments and also for professional development, certain graduate programs are carried which require funds for better execution....
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Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information
14 pages (3767 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The notion of knowledge creation and its connection to information management imply that knowledge creation has to be facilitated in both information management research and the organizational context.... Zheng, W, Yang, B, & McLean, G, N 2010, Linking organizational culture, structure, strategy, and organizational effectiveness: Mediating role of knowledge management, Journal of Business research, vol.... Additionally, communicating with various stakeholders assist in nurturing trust, social responsibility, market transparency and professional ethics, all of which supports the objectives of the organization....
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Medical Illustrator: A New Position for Mayo Clinic
4 pages (1064 words) , Download 3 , Essay
They can also work for a research team in mayo clinic which would help in understanding and better cure procedure for various injuries and illness.... A medical illustrator is an artist who is professional in making internal organ designs of a human being and is an expert in medicine, science, and art.... Roles and Responsibilities A medical illustrator is an artist who is professional in making internal organs designs of a human being and is an expert in medicine, science and art....
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Heart Disease - Causes and Preventative Measures
4 pages (1208 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The results of the research done on this illness is quite enlightening and informative.... Heart Disease is an easily controllable illness once the patient takes the time to actually help his medical professional treat the illness.... Prevent CHD complications Coupled with notable lifestyle changes and a medicine regimen from a healthcare professional, people afflicted with heart disease can still go on to live normal lives....
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The Role of a Nurse as a Health Educator
4 pages (1230 words) , Download 1 , Essay
?? However, research done by Cantrell (1997) has shown that most nurses perceive health promotion and education as a part of their job description. ... There is no fine line presents that determines exactly where the professional role of a nurse crosses over to the personal lives of the patients.... However, in 1981, a white paper by the name of “Growing Order” determined that community care should be voluntary and should be done in a professional and an informal setting....
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Financial Reporting - International Accounting Standards
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
research and Development Expenses: All research and development expenses are recognized as an expense but full International Financial Reporting Standard treats research costs and development costs separately.... professional Knowledge: The international standards are one which accommodates all the accounting needs which is acceptable throughout all countries....
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To What Extent Is Chronic Pain Managed in the Community
15 pages (4338 words) , Download 4 , Essay
ccording to McCaughan (1999) future nurses need to be able to research information so they can safely and effectively apply knowledge to clinical practice.... research into physiological measures has been scarce, due to their limited validity and practical limitations.... Information on research of evidence based care is important because it provides knowledge in quality, data, bench marking, and clinical expertise to identify further areas to promote nursing practice....
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Are Family Owned Businesses in India Disintegrating
36 pages (9000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The prime area of this research is to identify the attitude and circumstances with family firms after the reported major family feuds.... This is the prime area of the current research to identify the attitude and circumstances with family firms after the reported major family feuds.... With this knowledge, the research found out that Indian firms are acknowledging the need for succession planning and are developing preparedness for succession management....
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Sociology of Emotions
8 pages (2386 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In his work, he maintains that while research suggests that feelings are an object within the individual, this is not essentially true.... He states that emotions are social and habitual, in that, feelings such as anger and fear are a response to certain situation or to the events of the world as opposed to findings emanating from research....
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Human Anatomy Used in Walking
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the research study 'Human Anatomy Used in Walking' the author discusses how human beings move, which is important in terms of allowing the animators to have a better understanding on how they can improve the quality of their animated drawings.... The purpose of the research study, problem statement, significance of the problem, the definition of terms, and hypothesis or research question will first be identified.... Before discussing the proposed research methodology, a literature review will be conducted to determine which part of the human anatomy is most used in terms of supporting human walks....
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