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General nursing skills
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
I will be identifying the skills that I have garnered or improved and analyse how these skills will be of value when I am organising and.... ... ... I shall be doing a structured analysis of reflection by making use of Gibbs reflective cycle.... Based from the reflection process that I have done, I will be able to look back at what I did poorly and improve upon it....
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The motion of the Earth around the Sun and the effect of this in respect of temporal orientation
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
“Eppur si muove…” were the last words of Galilei's, the renowned mathematician from the University of Padova.... However, he was not the first to state the Earth is moving around the Sun.... Aristarkhos, an ancient Greek mathematician, represented also a heliocentric view of the Universe.... ....
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The Docterine of Precedent: Case Law and Legislation
10 pages (2715 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The paper focuses on the doctrine of precedents which not only depends on judges following principles from past cases but also depends on the existence of a hierarchy of courts.... For instance, The House of Lords is the highest court in the land and binds all courts below it in the hierarchy.... ....
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Changing Attitudes in To Kill a Mockingbird
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Changing Attitudes in To Kill a Mockingbird" discusses that the mockingbird is used to symbolize something innocent and without a true voice of its own.... In the real world, the mockingbird is quietly helpful as it feeds on the grubs and other harmful insects.... ... ... ... The complex character of Tom and his case are also discovered throughout the storyline....
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What is a Mockingbird What makes Tom Robinson, Mrs. Dubose, and Boo Radley Mockingbirds
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird, originally published in 1960, readers are introduced to Atticus Finch and his family as he works to defend an innocent black man in a southern town.... Within the story,.... ... ... Briefly, the story is that of a small town lawyer (Atticus Finch) who is hired to defend a black man accused of raping a white woman told from the innocent viewpoint of the lawyer's 9-year-old daughter, Scout....
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Ethics in Business: Meta-Ethical Issue and Ethical Behaviours of the Workforce and the Managers
9 pages (2655 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The author states that since repercussions of committing business amoral are far-reaching than at all cost and time ethical standards must be observed by all.... Business ethics should be practiced by the conviction of their usefulness and not a parochial application at the applicant's convenience....
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Feminism and Female consciousness
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The writer of this paper aims to compare and contrast feminism and female consciousness.... In order to describe his arguments, the writer uses various references to particular case studies.... Additionally, the paper reveals some history of women movements.... ... ... ... Analyzing the pages of world history one can find that the world turned for centuries during the indistinguishable domination of Patriarchal society....
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Principles of Corporate Finance
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of this essay "Principles of Corporate Finance" touches upon the financial report of Australia's leading agribusiness company.... As the text has it, this company is a major supplier of almonds, olive oil, citrus, table grapes, mangoes, avocados, and glasshouse tomatoes.... ... ... ... Like any other business, Timbercorp Limited is facing a number of developments in its business and operating environment, which serve as both threats and opportunities for future development....
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Artistic Works
11 pages (3072 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The paper presents that The relevant statutory framework for copyright protection in the UK is the Copyright, Act 1988.... 'Ideas' are not protected per se and the relevant consideration is whether the idea itself is embodied in the specified categories of 'works' as defined by the CDPA.... ... ... ...
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Philosophy : Answer 2 questions
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
An established peace denotes the idea that safety and security will be founded within each nation and fear of losing the assets that.... ... ... In the essence of this peace, it is presumed that a nation will flourish.... However, the nature of peace is that competition and aggression have been abolished and that the greater good is always the desired outcome....
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Digital Preservation: The Migration Method
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The conclusion from this research states that the digital migration approach is not without flaws.... This paper "Digital Preservation: The Migration Method" is being carried out to evaluate and present the process of migration; discuss its various forms – their advantages and disadvantages, and the problems and challenges that this digital preservation strategy must contend with....
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Toyota Echo
11 pages (2887 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The paper "Toyota Echo" presents detailed information that the advertisement which is being analyzed is that of the car, 'Toyota Echo'.... This advertisement is highly effective as it symbolizes the key features of the car through expressive representations.... ... ... ... Being a mass campaign, this advertisement has achieved a successful outlook as an authentic information deliverance platform....
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Formal legal advice to Richard
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
I am requested to give advice to Richard, who wishes to know – whether he is entitled to any equitable remedies from John and whether John has any equitable remedies to get from him.... Richard would also like to get counsel about the terms of the contract.... ... ... ... I am requested to give advice to Richard, who wishes to know – whether he is entitled to any equitable remedies from John and whether John has any equitable remedies to get from him....
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Team-build Compensation Policy
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author develops a complete Compensation Policy on Salary Structure, Benefits, and Recognition in order to create a rewarding, wholesome and motivating environment for all employees.... The author also establishes and reviews Compensation guidelines and procedures .... ... ... Only permanent employees who are active on the Company's payroll at the time of payout shall be eligible....
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Interface Scenario: User Interface for a Portable Hand-Held Information Kiosk for Tourists at Hotels
13 pages (3830 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
"Interface Scenario: User Interface for a Portable Hand-Held Information Kiosk for Tourists at Hotels" paper evaluates a Conceptual Model of a portable hand-held information kiosk for tourists at hotels.... The aim is to demonstrate how this conceptual model is reflected in the designed interface....
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Drunk Driving
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research "Drunk Driving" will begin with the statement that the term itself may not sound lethal, but statistics would say otherwise because studies in the US show that drunk driving 'continues to kill 48 people every day.... ... ... and more than 17,000 deaths annually'.... ...
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Australian Workplace Law
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This discussion talks that a lawfully obligatory union between two or more people is recognized as a contract.... One party presenting an offer to another party does the inception of the contractual process.... The parties making the agreement constitute of the 'employer' and the 'employee'.... ... ...
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Planning and the Law
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The researcher of the current paper tells that development of planning law in England has a long history dating back to around 1180.... The buildings in the city were densely packed creating so many problems in the city and could only be solved communally.... .... ... ... This paper illustrates that houses and industries drastically sprung up and were built side by side without proper zoning....
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Operations Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Gillian's farm is open to public every year from April to October.... Demand was very low apart from this period: the circumstances were mostly inappropriate for normal tractor trips and the majority of the animals had to be kept indoor.... .... ... ... Running Head: Operations Management Operations Management [Writer's Name] [Institute's Name] Operations Management Question # 1 Gillian's farm is open to public every year from April to October....
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The Neurology of Neurosyphilis
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author focuses on the infection from the spirochete Treponema Pallidum which causes the development of syphilis in the human body.... The problem with the disease is that the primary infection disappears even without treatment, though the pathogen remains in the human body.... ... ... The secondary stage of the disease then appears and again can go away without treatment....
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Traditional Femininity vs Modern Femininity in Indian Cinema
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The author of this paper "Traditional Femininity vs Modern Femininity in Indian Cinema" casts light on the concept of feminism depicted in Indian film.... Admittedly, concept of femininity inevitably changes with time all over the world, and India is not an exception.... .... ... ... Globalization, marketing industry development, popular cinema boost have resulted in the appearance of anew image of a woman in Indian cinema....
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Transnational Police Cooperation in Europe
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In the paper 'Transnational Police Cooperation in Europe' the author focuses on transnational crimes, which rapidly becoming a transnational phenomenon.... This makes it difficult for national security forces to prosper in dealing with this rising threat by solely relying on their own resources.... ...
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Why Is Britain Considered to Be an Awkward Partner in Europe
11 pages (2695 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The paper "Why Is Britain Considered to Be an Awkward Partner in Europe" highlights that there are nations that do not wish for Britain to leave the union because if it does so, its considerable financial contributions will be discontinued.... Britain is also viewed as being a counterweight to France....
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Adam Smith and the Working of Competitive Markets
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The study examines Adam Smith's explanation of the competitive market.... The study also delineates the way in which Adam Smith has viewed the present competitive markets and their work.... The study defines how the rule of exchange works in a competitive market for determining the prices.... .... ...
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How Has the Zapatista Army of National Liberation Contributed to Democracy in Mexico
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "How Has the Zapatista Army of National Liberation Contributed to Democracy in Mexico" discusses that EZLN was never a perfect liberation 'army' or 'society'.... Whichever term we choose to refer to the Zapatista is of no moment in evaluating its legacy in Mexican democracy.... ... ... ...
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Gendering the Mythic World
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
In the essay 'Gendering the Mythic World' the author provides the characterization of myths.... The gender roles each myth portrayed in the poem, Theogony, described how each other moved and reacted in the whole episode.... This analysis would give the reader an insight into culture and civilization....
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Moral Judgements About Political Actions
12 pages (3158 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper "Moral Judgements About Political Actions" describes that un a democratic regime, the question would not be what citizens should do to the leader but rather what citizens and the state should do to compensate the leaders for decisions that are legitimately made in private.... ... ... ... The vast of the wealth is concentrated at the hands of a relatively small minority thus leading to large and increasing wealth and income inequalities between the elites and the rest of the population....
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Development of Humanity
14 pages (3638 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''Development of Humanity'' tells us that the essence of any process is the development of dialectical systems that form this process.... The process of human development is primarily the development of the dialectical system, the development of which is reflected in the progress of scientific equipment of human society....
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Silence Louder than Words
10 pages (2708 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''Silence Louder than Words'' tells that Abraham Lincoln once said, 'It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.... With all the hype over the first amendment's freedom of speech, it appears Abraham was onto something to consider remaining silent a freedom....
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Latin America: Concise Interpretive History
9 pages (2973 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Latin America: Concise Interpretive History" highlights that the Spanish sector, with regular buildups from the racial and ethnical combinations as well as to new European migration, was turning to be an even bigger proportion of the entirety.... .... ... ... The unfolding of events in the Western Hemisphere over the several periods subsequent to the contact, if considered as a whole, shows that the Iberian or European aspect in ancient Latin America was primarily uniform and that it assumed particular shapes or evolved at a specific rate in any given region depending mainly on that region's previously present pleasant appearance or potential....
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Virtue Ethics, Utilitarianism, and Kants Deontological System
11 pages (2838 words) , Download 7 , Essay
The paper "Virtue Ethics, Utilitarianism, and Kants Deontological System" states that if Aristotle were alive today the last thing he would be is an Aristotelian if what it means to bean Aristotelian is to protect what will call a balanced hypothesis of internal relations.... ... ... ... Both the teleological - moral systems are illustrated mainly by a focus on the consequences that any action may have - and deontological - moral systems are characterized by a focus upon the observance of independent moral rules or duties - ethical theories are described as deontic or action-based hypotheses of ethics since they focus wholly upon the events which an individual carries out....
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Jack Welch - A Simple Leader of Genius
10 pages (2696 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Jack Welch - A Simple Leader of Genius" states that generally, Jack Welch became the person under which all the business and managerial relations changed.... Under his leadership, the company was predictably and steadily growing, quarter by quarter.... ... ... ... The task of this work is to analyze the leadership traits of Jack Welch, the ex-CEO of the General Electric Corporation, who made it the most valuable and expensive global company in the world....
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Prostitution in Dutch-Flemish Art
14 pages (3786 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Prostitution in Dutch-Flemish Art" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the features of prostitution in Dutch-Flemish art.... The most significant yet vague era that occurred during the initial construction of different forms of art was the 'Dutch Golden age'.... ... ...
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Warranties and Product Liability
10 pages (2885 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Warranties and Product Liability" discusses that in the assumption of risk, the defendant can claim that they made a product recall but that vendee refused to heed and thus should be deemed to have assumed the risk generated by the defect.... ... ... ... Concomitant to any contract of sale are the words 'warranty' and 'product liability'....
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The Business Strategies of an Industry Named Handy Hydraulics Limited
14 pages (3679 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "The Business Strategies of an Industry Named Handy Hydraulics Limited" states that the disguised declining trend in sales/order value was identified through statistical techniques.... The increase in the number of orders was not synchronized proportionally with the average order size.... ...
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Should Parents Get Involved Who We Marry and Who We Date
11 pages (2868 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Should Parents Get Involved Who We Marry and Who We Date" discusses that our parents are the ones whom we adore so much that we could not allow them to injure them or not concur with what they want.... They are the ones who seize care of us and do not permit any mar or pain to cause us....
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Organizational Structure Problem
11 pages (2799 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Organizational Structure Problem" focuses on the criteria analysis of the major issues in the problem of an organizational structure.... In large manufacturing organizations, many dynamics must be considered in the management of departmental staff.... ... ... ... In this case, the manufacturing organization has hired a new manager who lacks the in-depth knowledge and skills required in the operations department, therefore she must win the trust and support of her new staff to manage and lead the department....
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Power, Desire, Difference
13 pages (3571 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Power, Desire, Difference" highlights that science is male, meaning that male language, the epistemology of the sciences, and knowledge that leads to control mastery, and domination, are all subtended by the male imaginary, whatever the actual sex of the knower.... .... ... ... There are four dormant issues between feminism and psychoanalysis, and how to move beyond them....
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Subcommittee Chairman Ros-Lehtinen Opening Statement
13 pages (3478 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"Subcommittee Chairman Ros-Lehtinen Opening Statement" paper argues that the foreign affairs committee held a hearing yesterday on Iran and one of the major takeaways was that the in-term deal or any subsequent deal reply heavily on monitoring and verification.... .... ... ... I hope that we can get an explanation on this today as well as hear how U....
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The CEO of the Eurotravel Company Lacks Leadership Skills
13 pages (3576 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The CEO of the Eurotravel Company Lacks Leadership Skills" discusses that the overall structure needs to be modified from the CEO to the Sales desk.... The application of above mentions directions and strategies should be taken into consideration for the success of EuroTravels.... ... ...
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Borderline Personality Disorder
10 pages (2739 words) , Download 7 , Research Paper
"Borderline Personality Disorder" paper examines a mood disorder that causes the patient to be emotionally unbalanced, experiencing intense outbursts of anger and loathing towards themselves and others.... Common symptoms of borderline personality disorder are negative changes in how a person views....
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What Clothing Reveals in Childrens Literature
12 pages (3058 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "What Clothing Reveals in Childrens Literature" it is clear that attempts to retain high-class attitudes of superiority were met with disfavor, while attempts to work with others, moving toward the middle, were rewarded, as is seen in Mary Lennox.... ... ... ... The Victorian age is at once identified generally as a time of nostalgic perfection and rigid oppression....
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Marketing Plan for Recovery from Foodborne Illness Disaster
15 pages (3985 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This work called "Marketing Plan for Recovery from Foodborne Illness Disaster" describes the hospitality industry that has to remain well-informed about the foodborne illness disasters which can impact its sales and ultimately revenues.... The author outlines a plan for recovering from the disaster so that the image is restored....
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Open Reduction with Internal Fixation of the Tibia and Fibula
15 pages (3900 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The author of "Open Reduction with Internal Fixation of the Tibia and Fibula" paper examines relative indications for surgical treatment with ORIF plating which include multiple injury patients, and patients with compromised soft tissue around the fracture site.... .... ... ... The surgeon decides on the placement of interfragmentary screws and the specific points to drill holes through the opening of the plate and into the bone....
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Study of Bacterial Meningitis
10 pages (3009 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The essay "Study of Bacterial Meningitis" focuses on the critical analysis of the study of bacterial meningitis.... Tatum is a two-year-old girl who was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis.... Meningitis is a disease that is characterized by inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membranes.... ...
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Why Singlet Oxygen Is Important in the Degradation of Organic Molecules in the Environment
15 pages (4009 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"Why Singlet Oxygen Is Important in the Degradation of Organic Molecules in the Environment" paper gives an account of the preparation, biological effects, and environmental degradation of PCBs, and gives an account of the factors that affect the interaction of exogenous organic compounds with soil....
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Gender in Spensers Poem The Faerie Queene
14 pages (4123 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Gender in Spensers Poem The Faerie Queene" discusses that any study of Elizabethan history tells us of many different aspects of Elizabeth as a ruler and woman.... On occasions these can be both paradoxical and in conflict with each other, hence the ambivalence of Spenser's imagery.... ...
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Civil Justice and Its Significance
12 pages (3010 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of the paper titled "Civil Justice and Its Significance" identifies what case is to be made for moving away from the adversarial system of civil justice and should alternative forms of dispute resolution be promoted to support any such changes.... ... ... ... Currently in common law, the biggest costs are brought about by the amount of money paid to each party's legal advisers....
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Analysis of the Watteau v Fenwick
10 pages (2789 words) , Download 4 , Essay
From the paper "Analysis of the Watteau v Fenwick" it is clear that from a critical point of view, Watteau vs Fenwick case is peculiar and complex in its handling.... The law presented a dilemma to Wills that was hard to resolve due to the brevity of the agency law.... ... ... ... The Watteau v Fenwick case is among the historical cases that have generated a lot of attention among a broad range of scholars....
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The Management of Salivary Gland Infection
10 pages (2638 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Management of Salivary Gland Infection" states that there are various kinds of salivary gland infections.... There are treatments and preventive measures available for the management of this kind of infection.... In certain rare cases, it leads to complications.... ... ... ... Salivary glands are the three pairs of glands namely parotid, submandibular and sublingual that secretes saliva....
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