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Major Theologian Matthew Fox
16 pages (4280 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
In this paper, the writer will briefly overview biographic facts, main views of Matthew Fox.... The paper will also illustrate the differences between the traditional church and ideas of Matthew Fox and the development of the Fox's in the context of events of the 21st century.... ... ... ... On the threshold of the third millennium, humanity starts summing up all achievements, setting new objectives, and reconsidering universal values....
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Countering Suicide Terrorism
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The beneficial development has been the dramatic enhancement in information and communication technology, which has allowed globalization.... The detrimental.... ... ... The disruptive and awe inspiring force of terrorism is so great that it has most of the world in concern over it and looking at ways in at least contain it, if not eliminate it altogether....
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The Crisis Of Fordism
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Fordism is defined as a mass production of related products using a rigid mode of technology of production line with particular machines and work routines, which leads to increased productivity through intensification of labor, homogenization of the labor force and the economies of scale.... ... ...
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How well is neo-functionalism still able to account for the evolution of the European Union
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When it comes to regulations; the organization is a leading global and regional force in sectors such as environmental, industrial and agricultural standardization policies.... Additionally, EU is a super power when it comes to international trade (Moravcsik 2005, 349).... .... ... ... The European Union has gone through various changes since its formation to a point that its institutions and policies are of global significance that is unmatched by any other international organizational (Moravcsik 2005, 349)....
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The Compromise of Self and Identity within Indonesian Contemporary Art
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay analyzes The Compromise of Self and Identity within Indonesian Contemporary Art.... Since centuries, art has been playing an imperative role in the creation of social and cultural pillars of the human societies.... One can observe the same in the postcolonial Indonesia.... .... ... ... This essay explores the Indonesian Contemporary Art and Compromise of Self and Identity....
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COPD and Asthma: how are they different
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
With the similarity of presenting signs and symptoms, COPD and asthma are subject to be misdiagnosed (Cranston et al.... 2008).... In this paper, two cases will be discussed separately including the full medical history, laboratory and diagnostic procedure, treatment and care plan in each case.... ...
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Graffiti Art, Mural Art and Banksy
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The researcher of this study "Graffiti Art, Mural Art and Banksy" aims to analyze the art of Banksy in the context of Graffiti Art and Mural Art.... Banksy, as a graffiti artist, is one comprehensive, amazing study in perspective.... ... ... ... Graffiti is experiencing a new high because of the coming of age of one infamous, anonymous graffiti artist under the pseudo name Banksy, whose works have been fetching astounding prices, and are being sought by art patrons and celebrities alike....
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Communication between Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay talks about the skill needed to properly fly an aircraft, much less to properly land it.... That people have come to take smooth landings for granted shows just how unlikely rough landings are – which should in turn hint at the amount of skill possessed even by the average airliner pilot....
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International Ethics
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The unequal distribution of wealth and power available will affect the entire nation, bringing every democratic institute into a compromising situation.... The relevance of principles of democracy and self-determination were seen as the things which are to be compromised in the happening tragedies....
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Health Care and Social Status in the Middle Ages
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper discusses the health care and social status in the Middle Ages as well as differing options, that were available for health care, and each was dependent on the status of a person in the hierarchy of feudalism, that is a rigid social structure.... ... ... ... Life in the Middle Ages during the time of feudalism brought a social structure that left a wide division between those who held money, and those that worked that same land for little to no pay....
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Business Management- The British Airways Amidst Crisis
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Today each industry faces growing crisis, which they must combat, in order to survive in the market.... Tireless efforts for some have proved unfruitful while for others they are able to just maintain.... As a result many.... ... ... The crisis is there for everyone; it is for the organizations to tackle them with good analysis planning and implementation. ...
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The MD-11: Its Short-lived Passenger Service
16 pages (4279 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay considers the market forces in the areas of operation from the side of an operator and the market being served.... The paper analyzes the subject from the side of earnings and profits in six areas by describing the impact of money concerns limited to areas of national factors and technology....
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The Strategic Management Plan of Abu Dhabi Police Department
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
By holding the maintenance of security and stability as its main goal, the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters has framed its strategic initiatives for improving its performance.... This paper presents the strategic management plan of Abu Dhabi Police Department.... ... ... ... According to Ross (1999), the goal of TQM is to obtain customer satisfaction....
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Business management
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Mao was more focused on bringing Cultural Revolution rather than economic developments.... The entry of Deng as the successor to Mao has revolutionized the economic history of China.... The economic.... ... ... forms started by Deng, is still going on and in fact even America like superpowers are at present have lot of concerns about China's progress towards becoming the world's superior power. ...
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The European Union Legislation on Gas
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The paper 'The European Union Legislation on Gas' analyzes practices and challenges faced by the regulating agencies under the EU gas directive.... Demands to open new LPG terminals are learned through the internal market work in the light of the exemptions granted under the current EU legislation....
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The Work Systems According to Their Compatibility in Work Environment
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The study here is primarily to consider a specific work set up, assess its environment, needs of the business scope and resources to ensure its execution while evaluating simultaneously, the overall impact of the various external factors and a proposed solution to effectively address those concerns....
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Identity Theft in the Organization
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper 'Identity Theft in the Organization' discusses the issue of identity theft, how major institutions govern the information of clients and recommendations on how to stop identity theft.... Identity theft is defined as a situation in which a person steals the whole identity of a person.... ...
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Applying Organizational behavior when motivating employees
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Employee motivation can be regarded as one of the key practices for an organisation to build long-term sustainability in any respective business industry.... In relation to the recent phenomenon, the performance of employees significantly depends upon a number of factors including.... ... ... mployee motivation, employee satisfaction, performance appraisal, compensation, training and development (T&D) along with adequate security of job role and organisational structure among other factors (Muogbo, 2013)....
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What Is the Religious/Social Catalyst behind the Insurgency in Colombia
17 pages (4409 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This work called "What Is the Religious/Social Catalyst behind the Insurgency in Colombia?... describes the insurgency in Colombia, how it began, and how it affected the people.... The author outlines the religious/social motivation behind the insurgency in Colombia.... .... ... ... Although the nation has the least experience being led by the military in comparison to other Latin American nations, in the 1990s, it was described as the most violent place on earth....
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The Transatlantic Relationship Is Strategic Partners or Drifting Away
15 pages (4424 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper "The Transatlantic Relationship Is Strategic Partners or Drifting Away" will offer an argument to determine whether the EU and the United States are strategic partners or are drifting away.... The EU member states have formed a partnership that has bought about numerous benefits.... ... ...
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Password Cracker
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research discusses the Rainbow table technique.... The paper begins with introducing the Brute-force technique giving the reader an idea about its advantages and limitations.... A Brute-force cracker tool has been discussed in detail shedding light upon how it uses the Brute-force technique....
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Security and Enterprise Systems
17 pages (4383 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
"Security and Enterprise Systems" paper embarks on the issue of Security and Enterprise Systems, outlining the background of the practice as well as the basics of enterprise systems.... It focuses on an in-depth analysis of the various security and enterprise systems available in the modern world....
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Layoffs - Motivations, Effects and the Alternatives
16 pages (4399 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
However, some of the researchers question its viability due to the negative consequences that are associated with the process.... Despite the on-going opposition, organizational restructuring.... ... ... The paper 'Layoffs - Motivations, Effects and the Alternatives' is a great example of human resources term paper....
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The Effectiveness of Sex Offender Registration and Notification
13 pages (4464 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "The Effectiveness of Sex Offender Registration and Notification" focuses on sex crimes that are the most shocking, disturbing, and enraging, all too commonly, occurring criminal act.... We fear rapists and we are ever consciously fearful of potential pedophiles stalking children.... ....
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Women Throughout and After the Second World War
19 pages (5014 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Women Throughout and After the Second World War" looks at the innovative part that women unspecified once the war started, the troubles that they face together within the home and on work, even including women after world war two and the consequences that the war had on them.... ... ... ...
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Discrimination Impacts and Consequences in the Law Enforcement Work Environment
16 pages (4261 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Discrimination Impacts and Consequences in the Law Enforcement Work Environment" discusses that generally, harassment and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation is pervasive within the corrections and law enforcement departments.... .... ... ... The law enforcement institutions constitute the most integral arm of the government with the constitutional mandate of ensuring order and compliance with the criminal justice system of the land....
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Risks Posed by Money Laundering
18 pages (4543 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Risks Posed by Money Laundering" it is quite clear that generally speaking, money laundering is the practice of manipulating the finances or funds which were obtained illegally and efforts would be made to convert the same to legal money.... .... ... ... Money laundering is the practice of manipulating the finances or funds which were possessed illegally or through unfair means but after the manipulation, an impression would be generated that the obtained funds are quite legal....
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Vehicle of Travel Guides
20 pages (5171 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Vehicle of Travel Guides " discusses Lonely Planet, the leader in Travel related books, which launched its own website in 1994.... Apart from providing valuable tourism-related information, it offers services like package tours, hotel room booking, booking airline and train tickets, etc....
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Should the New Republic Called Azawadi Be Recognised as an Independent State
18 pages (5036 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Should the New Republic Called Azawadi Be Recognised as an Independent State" discusses that the issue of Azawadi is rather complicated in international law.... According to UN principles, it is possible to give Azawadi statehood though it has erred by using armed force.... ... ... ... It is essential to state that the Azawadi declaration of independence has gained the attention of the legal fraternity worldwide because of its complicated legal nature according to international law and the general ambiguity exhibited by international law in matters of self-determination and statehood....
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Implementation of Business Governing Laws in the US
16 pages (4315 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The paper "Implementation of Business Governing Laws in the US" highlights that the sectional law forms a part of the 'Civil Rights Act Of 1964' that aims towards prohibiting the occurrence of any sort of racial or cultural discrimination within the workplace.... ... ... ... Generally, the implementation of business governing laws has always formed a credential part of the US legal structure....
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A Critical Theoretical Analysis of Paul Da Princes Marketing Campaign
16 pages (4225 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper 'A Critical Theoretical Analysis of Paul Da Prince's Marketing Campaign' is an original example of a marketing term paper.... Social media is an important tool in the marketing business.... It engages the clientele with their audience through a shared creative process.... .... ... ... The paper 'A Critical Theoretical Analysis of Paul Da Prince's Marketing Campaign' is an original example of a marketing term paper....
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Fair and Equitable Treatment
16 pages (4616 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Fair and Equitable Treatment" focuses on the global economy that has spurred the growth of foreign direct investments in host countries.... Investors who export their capital to other countries in this manner do expose their assets to risks of abusive and unfair treatment.... ... ... ...
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Regans Economic Strategy and Policy
16 pages (4349 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Regan's Economic Strategy and Policy" discusses that as for the Pakistani drive to get a nuclear bomb, the Reagan-Bush administration turned to word games to avoid triggering anti-proliferation penalties that otherwise would be imposed on Pakistan.... ... ... ... Claire Sterling in her book, 'The Terror Network', convincingly made the case that the Soviet Union was supporting international terrorism as a way to destabilize the west in general and the United States in particular....
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Child Labour as an Extreme Form of Exploitation
15 pages (4221 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Child Labour as an Extreme Form of Exploitation" discusses that in different parts of the globe, children are engaged in child labor which affects their growth while enriching unscrupulous traders in the agricultural, mining, manufacturing, and domestic sector (Doepke & Zilibotti, 2010)....
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The Acquis Communautaire or Body of EU Law
16 pages (4645 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"The Acquis Communautaire or Body of EU Law" paper focuses on the body of common rights and obligations which bind all the Member States within the European Union.... It is founded principally on the treaties, plus the wide range of secondary legislation enacted under them.... ... ... ... This means that while EC law creates many substantive rules of law, the means by which these are enforced is the responsibility of national law....
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Police excessive force and the qualified immunity defense
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The qualified immunity defense had been enacted to ensure that people in the position of authority would be able to ensure that they would not be held liable for use of excessive force within the boundaries of performing their job.... It is also important to understand that this is not a "blanket" immunity clause that will supersede a person's Constitutional Rights and Civil Liberties that have protected the average citizen throughout history....
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Diffusion MRI Stimulation theory
16 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Admission/Application Essay
The paper 'Diffusion MRI Stimulation theory' will analyze the scenario in which the walk of molecules abides by the principles of the Brownian particle's elements.... The fundamental example essentially describes the phenomenon by depicting the occurrence of the process.... ... ... ... The author states that the measurement of isotropic diffusion is also known as 'free' such that the ADC fundamentally represents the coefficient of a molecular diffusion that is intrinsic....
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Contemporary British Drama
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Contemporary British drama can be characterized with strong and lengthy theatrical tradition which tries to reinforce and reflect the recent developments in modern British culture and society.... ... ... ... British drama during the 20th century attempts to employ innovative strategies and themes which not only will interests the audience, but also will create a certain emotion in the viewers and eventually, motivate them to seek moral justifications of the theatrical performance....
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Impact of the world bank and UNCTAD on developing countries
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper will be highlighting on the studies of the UNCTAD and the word bank with respect to the developing nations and will focus particularly on two case studies which will be highlighting the tasks of the contribution of UNCTAD and the World Bank towards these developing countries.... ... ... ...
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Economic Demographic: A overview of fertility, mortality, migration, and dependency in Vietnam
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Economic Demographic: an overview of fertility, mortality, migration, and dependency in Vietnam Outline A.... Introduction B.... Doi Moi reform C.... An Overview a.... Crude Birth Rate Definition Trend in Vietnam Reasons: Family planning programs by the government, wide spread of pregnancy terminating method Impact: Lowered birth rate b....
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Policing and Communities
16 pages (4208 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "Policing and Communities" presents the legal system and governance, promoting and maintaining order in communities that have always been an integral part of the socio-political context.... Policing has become crucial for keeping society functioning in the most balanced and orderly way....
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The Invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq
13 pages (4542 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq" tells that the U.... .... government has defended these actions.... The validity of these contentions by the U.... .... must stand the scrutiny of the United Nation's Charter and international laws concerning aggressive actions by one nation on another....
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The Morality of Shared Responsibility
17 pages (4664 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "The Morality of Shared Responsibility" focuses on all citizens of the world who assure that everyone on the planet has the bare necessities required to meet the standards of basic human rights.... It is the responsibility of the citizenry to coerce the government into action.... .... ...
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An Analysis of The Compromises in the Cisg With Regard to Contract Formation
17 pages (4670 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "An Analysis of The Compromises in the Cisg With Regard to Contract Formation" discusses law that is far from perfect and it is not difficult to conjure several scenarios where problems and loopholes would present themselves.... ... ... ... However, it is no small feat that this Agreement was reached given the competing legal systems and states deadset on protecting their own interests....
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Wind Energy Generation
13 pages (4734 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Wind Energy Generation" discusses the use of wind as a source of energy.... It explores its advantages and disadvantages and assesses the use of wind energy today.... In addition, it identifies the challenges that would affect the future growth of wind energy resources.... ... ... ... According to the report, the rise in technological innovations has led to the development of various forms of energy....
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Survival of African Culture through Slavery
18 pages (4645 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
This paper ''Survival of African Culture through Slavery'' tells that thousands of Africans traveled involuntarily to various parts of the world to work in plantations, workshops, and mines.... Most of the Africans emanated from present-day Gambia and Senegal, a region that the Whites referred to as Senegambia....
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Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Brazils Rural Poor
15 pages (4145 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Brazil's Rural Poor" discusses a Latin American nation that has been a Portuguese colony before it gained its independence in 1822 after Pedro Álvares Cabal landed there in 1500.... ... ... ... The Brazilian economy has recently begun to boom, so much so that Brazil is now rated as the 9th largest economy in the world....
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Knowledge and Information Security Plan
15 pages (4465 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The "Knowledge and Information Security Plan" paper proposes a strategic security plan for an organization recent security audit highlights private silence of deficiencies in incident response, disaster recovery and business continuity, and social engineering exploitation of personnel.... ... ... ...
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Analysis of Psalm 22
17 pages (4350 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Analysis of Psalm 22 " it is clear that generally, Psalm 22 talks of the suffering king, but in Isaiah the suffering servant.... Jesus admitted he was king but his kingdom is not of this world.... He also identified himself as the suffering servant.... ... ... ... From the six translations, the word 'forsaken' is used in four translations in the first sentence, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?...
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Anthropology of Violence and Reconstruction: Hotel Rwanda
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Many years later, the government had had to put al lot of effort to ensure that cohesion is cultivated.... However, this cannot be easy without having to understand the.... ... ... The nationalist of the country try come with the terms as to why anybody would ever want to eliminate another using such an intense force....
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