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Infant and Pre-School - Essay Example

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From the paper "Infant and Pre-School" it is clear that Sarah retires from ben a teacher and is currently holding office with an NGO which provides techniques of parenting. She is also writing a book about the same. Her aim is to give back to society before she dies…
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Infant and Pre-School
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Infant and Pre-School Sarah was born on March 10, 1975 in New York place called Greenfields. She was born after 36 weeks healthy without any abnormality weighing 3.3kg 19 inches long. The baby was brought into this planet in a hospital called Greenfield maternal health care in New York City. According to medical reports, Sarah blood pressure condition at birth was her was 120 Bpm that the normal range for a healthy person. According to Rathunde & Csikszentmihalyi, (2006), a new born baby responds to his or her surroundings in a reflex way. Throughout the first few years of life, the baby learns to participate in the world activities via bodily growth and development. Baby Sarah development milestones took place in a step- wise manner. However, the rate of growth baby Sarah is different because her motor growth rate is different from normal babies. The girl could control head, neck arms and legs within the first three months of her age. This early development Sarah led to her grasp skills of gross motor, fine motor language and social skills. Interestingly, at the age of four months Sarah can roll over and trail activities visually in all directions. Sarah can coo, smile and laugh at the age of five months (Gestwicki, Bertrand, Gestwicki, 2011). At the same age, she can roll in all directions comfortably that was quite different as normal babies start this at the age of six months. Sarah adapts faster to the surrounding due to her active temperament. She attempts to walk at the age of nine month. She walks in combination of standing. She could also cruise along furniture. She attempts to make independent steps. At the age of six months, Sarah can grasp objects, sit independently and transfer objects from place to this age most babies show fear of strangers but Sarah does not. She gets on with what she does even in the presence of a visitor. Due to her active nature, Sarah can take a few steps. She bangs objects in her hand and she can only release them at her will. Sarah is easily set up by the surroundings. She likes playing with dolls. She enjoys much when she is at her house than being away. She is a jovial child. She likes smiling, dancing and trailing after people. Sarah’s sleeping patterns are very much predictable (Wood, & Attfield, 2005). She mostly sleeps three times a day. Whenever she feels asleep, she does not like playing. She likes staying in her parents’ arms until she falls asleep. She likes waking up early and start playing in the bed. She uttered her first words at the age of 10 months. Her first words were “mama” and “dada.” She started nodding her head and talking random word that hers parents could not understand. She also likes talking to herself in the mirror. She likes watching cartoon. She laughs a lot during such times. She could nod her head to mean no at this age. She loves playing with dad. However, she treats both parents equally because they both show her equal affection. She is too affectionate to all her family members. The other thing she loves most is her pappy that she calls "poppy." She likes running after her and touching her. Ever since Sarah was born, she has maintained a healthy life throughout. Her mother being a doctor is well informed about keeping babies healthy. She weighs 13 kg at the age of one year. Early Childhood Due to the brilliant nature of Sarah, her cognitive development took place faster and she could show progressive growth in the perceptions, memory, judgment and conception. She could show advanced reasoning capabilities. She proved to her parents that she had fully adopted her environmental conditions. They hence took her to school. Sarah loves her siblings. She has one sister and brother. She is the second born in a family of five. She always shares all she has with them. Sarah is a disciplined girl. She respects her parents and teachers and everyone loves her. Her parents are disciplined people and cultivate the same to their children. According to Santrock (2014) discipline starts from the moment a child is born since she tends to learn a lot from the environment and what and how people do things. Based on him, the process of discipline ought to start early so that a child can grow upright. She is respectable to her parents and siblings. She likes going to school early and finishing school work on time. She hates it when a teacher quarrels her about homework. She likes consulting her brother and her parents when doing homework. Sarahs father is a chef. He cooks nice food for the family. Sarah does take food to school for lunch. She enjoys African dishes such as "manage." She shares her lunch with her classmates. Sarah loves having dinner with her family (Gordon, & Browne, 2014). She loves reading, drawing, sing and swimming. She is good at mathematics and English. She likes helping her younger sister in her homework and teaching her mathematics when she does not have schoolwork. When she is free she likes going to a nearby swimming pool for swimming. She enjoys a lot traveling and traversing nature and taking photographs about it. She has also much love for nature. She hates poachers and people who carry out illegal logging. She always takes part in the community tree planting days. She is a member to the New York City Green Youth Club (NYCGYC) where she is secretary. Besides, the girl is social and likes making new friends. Sara loves playing computer games like FIFA. She also loves watching cartoon especially anime and manga from Japan. The ability of a child to develop creative depend on the environment she is nature. Sara’s teachers are using the have embraced a technique according to Taylor & Fratto, (2012) kids creativity Middle Childhood Sarah is a good student in because of her passionate attitude towards school and her hard work. Teachers love her because of her overwhelming performance in classwork. Many students in hem school admire and they always want to relate with her. She is not boastful and mingles with everyone. She assists many students in school work by assisting them what they do have difficulties. She encourages hers peers to embrace not only hard but also smart work. Her parents have been supportive and she has never ashamed them. Some students have attempted to bully her due to her bright nature, but that has never pulled her back. The use her slim body to tease her. Her parents have always encouraged her to get with school work since that bullying is short-lived. Growth an individual entails extensive changes in the behavior, the appearance and the structure of the body according to Whitbourne and Sliwinski, (2012). These changes occur as one graduate from on stage of growth to another. Parental guidance is hence very crucial during this time as many young people tend to explore nature and what they do not know o have had about (Santrock, 2014). Sarah parents have been keen on her growth and have always offered her advice regarding her behavior and character. There was that time that she was involved in the school disciplinary action in which she had thrown a stone broke class window pane. A girl had done, but she decided to accuse Sarah over the same. Both Saras teachers and parents could not believe that she had done that since they are aware that she is very humble. The matter was cross checked and it was finally concluded that she is not the one who had done that. Many girls in her class look down upon her because to her status. They do not like that she always outshines them in classwork. According to research, many parents tend to shy away from talking about real things such as drug substance abuse and matters regarding sex to their kids. As a result, many children tend to engage themselves into such things due to lack of information and how they are supposed to handle themselves to reduce the urge to endeavor themselves in theses vices. According to Tettegah and Hunter (2006) technological change and advancement has been among some of the things that have altered the proper learning of many students around the world in the recent past. Many students are embracing technology their studies. As a result, much immorality as spread across the education divides with many researchers attributing it to the use of phones and other technological devices. Sarah has a phone that she got as a present from her uncle who bought it for her as a present for being good in class. Sarahs parents are always warning her about mixing education with other things such as immoral films and video. They have always encouraged her to the phone in the right way and never to take it to school (Wood, & Attfield, 2005). . Adolescence Sarah has developed breasts buds at her 8. Her chest and bust have widened. She has started to have periods. Her spurt has grown. Her body is normal with no complications in her biological body operations. Although compared to her fears she is young many of her peers have had their periods start earlier than hers. The outward look of a person is what many people tend to use to define to their personality according to Baltes (2003). According the author, individual are changing beings with the changing world. Adolescence is one such stage which comes with great changes he person behavior and the way of handling things. During the stage people tend to have drastic changes both physically and biologically. The effects of this stage among them are one wants to know what exists beyond their knowledge. Baltes asserts that parents ought to be there to guide their children so as to help curb them from the negative things that come with stage. Sarah’s grandparents invited her for dinner at their place of residing. Saras mother had to come in and show her how to dress in such occasion since the people she is going to mingle with deserving respect. Sarah’s neighbor saw her in a smoking lot ns ask at told her parents. Her dad sat down with her and tried to ask her reason she is smoking. She explains that her friends have made her smoke. Thy have been buying her cigarettes and they have been doing i-t for the past one year. Her father explains to her about the dangers that are associated with smoking. She promises that she will never repeat the habit. Her parents forgave her and decided to take her o the local youth rehabilitation center (Baltes, 2007). Sarah is having many changes in the behavior and the manner in which she perceives things. She wants to quit from the local church that her family and her usually go for worship to a new age church. Her parents ask the reason as to why she has decided to take that action. She explains that her peers have been doing that and that she wants to have the same feeling as they do. Her parents talks to her about the change of stand which after she never agrees to. Sarah decides to move on and join the church secretly. Her parents have always told her to stop relationships until she is 21 years of since she is going to be able to make the mature decisions. Saras parents have put in place a curfew that one has to be out of the homestead before 8. This has to go well with Sarah because her friends have the liberty to do what they want when they feel like it. They can stay out for the whole night and nobody questions them. Sarah decided that she would be sneaking out after dinner to go and have fun with her friends. According to Baltes (2003), the change in the behavior of a child during adolescence is brought about the curiosity that many youth people have about things. They always want to do want other people are doing. He asserts that parents ought to be there for their parents to provide parental guidance which is very crucial during this stage (Gordon, & Browne, 2014). Emerging Adulthood Sarah is getting on with her studies after graduating from high school. She has joined the university where she is studying a degree in teaching and child education. She is 22 and hence allowed to have a boyfriend. She has been dating him for the last 2 years, but she kept it secret because of her parents. After graduating from the university, she was employed as a teacher the local school. At the age of 25she gets married to the man she is been dating, this is Simon. They got their first born Lupita in the year 201. She went again to university to study master in education. Her carrier has since advanced. She is a professor in education in the University of Cambridge. She is currently teaching there although she is also the secretary general in the ministry of education. She considers herself bisexual since she has had her relationship getting on well. According to Schaie (2012), there are certain things in life that make a significant impact in ones way of living. These things do not happen to anyone but do affect ones way of living (Santrock, 2014). Middle Adulthood Sarah happily married to Simon. They a son whom she has been taking care of all through and has grown up to be and an adult. The some have grown to be has good heath and his parent have always managed to balance their presence to her and work. They have provided good parental guidance and thats why he has grown to be a responsible young person. I have always told him that like is about what one makes it. The choices that one makes today are the effect of tomorrow. Health is about what cone takes every day and the kind of lifestyle one leads. Maintaining a good balanced diet and embracing exercise is the key to healthy living. The son is currently working as a manger in the Unilever Industries. Every person reaps what they saw and Sarah’s parents saw on her good characters. They provided her with the necessary parental guidance and so should her son be. The son is going to be of assistance because since he was young he has been responsible (Gordon, & Browne, 2014). Late Life Sarah retires from ben as teacher and is currently holding office with an NGO which provides techniques of parenting. She is also writing a book about the same. Her aim is to give back to the society before she dies. She has also chaired many charity organizations to help raise funds to the poor. She is 75 years old and wakes up at 6 am to carry out home activities before embarking on her daily routing of counseling youth people in the community. Sarah has a vegetable farm where she carries out her farming to generate revenue while at the same time provide for her family. Her husband Simon has since died so she is been alone though some time her son stays with if he is not at work ( Santrock, 2014) Work cited Evans, J. L., Ilfeld, E. M., & Myers, R. G. (2000). Early childhood counts: Programming resources for early childhood care and development. Washington, DC [etc.: World bank, [etc. Greenspan, S. I., & Greenspan, N. T. (1989). First emotions: Milestones in the emotional development of your baby and child. New York, N.Y., U.S.A: Penguin Book. Greenspan, S. I., & Greenspan, N. T. (2000). First emotions: emotional development of your baby and child. New York, N.Y., U.S.A: Penguin Book. Baltes, C. (2007). Child development: An illustrated guide; [birth to 16 years]. Oxford: Heinemann Educational Publishers. Palmer, Cara. (2014). Human Development. Psychology. Lecture conducted from West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. Pfost, M., Artelt, C., & Weinert, S. (2013). The development of reading literacy from early childhood to adolescence: Empirical findings from the Bamberg BiKS longitudinal studies. Bamberg: Univ. of Bamberg Press. Santrock, J. W. (2014). Introduction to Human Development. College Park, MD, U.S.A.: McCgraw Hill. Wood, E., & Attfield, J. (2005). Play, learning and the early childhood curriculum. London: Paul Chapman. Taguma, M., Litjens, I., Makowiecki, K., & Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2012). Quality matters in early childhood education and care. Paris: OECD. Gestwicki, C., Bertrand, J., & Gestwicki, C. (2011). Essentials of early childhood education. Toronto: Nelson Education. Sheridan, M. D., Harding, J., Meldon-Smith, L., & Taylor & Francis. (1997). Play in early childhood: From birth to six years. London: Routledge. Gordon, A. M., & Browne, K. W. (2014). Beginnings and beyond: Foundations in early childhood education. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Read More
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