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Set Up a Maintenance and Plumbing Services Company to Businesses and Housing Authority
11 pages (3196 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Personal market research revealed that there is high demand for maintenance and plumbing services, but the existing companies are not able to provide services to the customers' expectations or standards.... Personal market research revealed that there is high demand for maintenance and plumbing services, but the existing companies are not able to provide services to the customers' expectations or standards.... This will include activities such as employing the right skills, conducting research on various service provision areas, and monitoring and supervision of employees' work after completion (Narayan, 2004)....
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Identifying parts of a reseach plan
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
To study the coverage characteristics and the procedural particulars of randomized indexed trials in Pub Med in the year 2000 and 2006; also to appraise whether the value of reporting has enhanced after publishing the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT),.... ... ...
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Alternate Dispute Resolution, the Tribunal System, the Functioning of the LLP
6 pages (1525 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ave LLPs been taken up by many professional (unlimited) partnerships?... he answer to this question lies in the affirmative, that yes, LLPs have been taken up by most of the professional partnerships.... The principal reason for this is that all law firms these days are spending a lot of time on a whole range of risk management issues, which have been driven by the professional indemnity insurance market.... The professional players in this model substantiate the growth of the LLP modeal in various diverse sectors and that is why we are seeing resurgence in the professionalization of this model off late....
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Prostate Cancer Awareness among Black Ethnic Minorities
8 pages (2988 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The barriers that have hindered effective delivery of health services to the BME groups include “poor knowledge, underlying health and cultural beliefs, attitudes, language and unhelpful attitudes of health professionals” (NCIN and Cancer research UK, 2009, p14).... In comparison to their white male counterparts, black men are three times more likely to get prostate cancer (NCIN and Cancer research UK, 2009, p1).... According to the Institute of Medicine, the 370,000 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed can be substantially increase if the black communities are more engaged in the awareness programs (Cancer research UK, 2014, p1)....
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Cultural Competence in Indigenous Health Care
12 pages (3631 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In the aspects of addressing the issues as they emanate, it is essential to develop structural platforms and a distinct understanding of the cultures in which a professional operates.... In the aspects of addressing the issues as they emanate, it is essential to develop structural platforms and a distinct understanding of the cultures in which a professional operates.... As professionals in the health care stratification, understanding the dimensions of indigenous health practices of the communities in which the professional serves is essential....
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15 pages (3750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Following guidance from the NMC code of professional conduct and the GSCC Codes of Practice, the names of the patients have been changed to ensure confidentiality.... Social work is a caring and rewarding profession that involves working with vulnerable members of society, enabling them to acquire a better life for themselves (Burke, B, & Dalymple, J, 2003)....
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The Shattering of the Young Man Dreams
8 pages (2180 words) , Download 0 , Essay
(2007), Handbook of socialization: theory and research.... A, (1998), The Death of white sociology: essays on race and culture, Black ... hat made Griffins to be a little bit different was the age factor in comparison to the fast rate of climbing the academic and the professional ladder.... The attaining of the masters degree in criminology was the main turn point to both academic and professional success....
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Stress Prevention among Family
11 pages (3220 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Consequently, this type of research involves a cyclical procedure that started from planning to implementing until evaluation so that experts can identify new ways of improving the preventive program.... This current study is an implication of creating action research in preventing stress among caregivers of the elderly.... n Action research for Stress Prevention among Family Caregivers of the Elderly Introduction Nowadays, mental health professionals and human serviceprofessionals are showing a great of enthusiasm and efficiency in establishing programs that will strengthen their ability and competency of helping individuals who are in need of help....
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Circumcision for Female
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Female genital mutilation continues eliciting ethical, legal and professional concerns in medical practice mainly because of its widespread application for non-therapeutic use cultural use in various parts of the world.... This paper examines how ethical, legal and professional issues underpin female circumcision in clinical practice....
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Critical analysis of a qualitative study
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Purpose and research Questions The purpose of the study is to explore the experiences of healthcare team member in caring for facial transplantation patients, using an ethical framework (Evans, 2013).... Notably, the research purpose and research questions had a correlation with the research problem.... This is evident where the research purpose and research questions address the research problem by leading to a research that explores the personal, professional, and ethical experiences and perceptions of the healthcare team members who have participated in facial transplant procedures, whose attitudes and experiences may consequently influence patient care...
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Critical Review Paper Expansion
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Name Instructor Class 9 December 2011 Hobbes, Locke, Kant, and Rousseau on the Evolution of “Civil Society” Hobbes, Kant, Rousseau, and Locke are some of the most influential thinkers of modern times.... Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and his book Leviathan greatly influenced political thought in the seventeenth century, by arguing for the importance of the “social contract” in achieving peace and civil unity....
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Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Trout however, is a very poor man who works in the aluminum industry and writes novels and essays in his spare time.... Kurt Vonneguts Breakfast of Champions addresses numerous issues including free will, racism, consumerism, finding the meaning of life, and the chemical and biological make up of the human mind....
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Defense Mechanisms and Behavior Modification (CASE) module 4
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
After an attack, a health professional is likely to call for help after suffering possible injuries.... The result of this offense is to increase punishment for the offender and possible resignation by the health care professional.... Assessing this situation from an offender's perspective, the education passed from the health care professional motivates good behavior to the criminal hoping to benefit within a certain timeframe (Bennett, 2012)....
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White collar and corporate crimes
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Furthermore, by reviewing the literature and the empirical research published in this field, it would be easier to identify all aspects of white – collar and corporate crimes, as they appear at various levels of business or professional life.... The findings of the empirical research developed in regard to this subject verify the critical role of white collar and corporate crimes in social and economic life.... The extensive research developed in that period by Sutherland attracted the interest of criminologists and sociologists who decided to explore the specific issue (Nie, 2009, p....
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Competition in Health Care for Individuals, Organizations, and the System as a Whole
8 pages (2661 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For instance, recent research done in the United Kingdom indicates probable improvements in clinical outcomes that were not clear in earlier UK research.... However, research from other nations such as the United States showed that competition could minimize clinical access and outcomes.... research evidence from the United States indicates that competition can minimize costs for patients, providers, and payers (The Evidence Centre 2011, p24; Smith and Walshe 2011, p526)....
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Career as a Registered Practical Nurse (Canada)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
professional Chaplaincy: What Is Happening to It During Health Care Reform?... A career in nursing earns many benefits for registered nurses.... They get skilled in prescribing proper medications to patients by diagnosing and treating their medical problems.... They also work under close....
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Nursing Theories
2 pages (556 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing Theories" is a great example of a paper on care.... Nursing is one of the most important professions in healthcare provision, and there are many theories that have been associated with the profession.... ... ... ... Nursing theories are organized bodies of knowledge to define what nursing is, what nurses do, and why they do it....
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Ethics Related to Training and Development
2 pages (585 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Clients and employers should expect the highest possible standards of personal integrity, professional competence, sound judgment, and discretion.... For example, a marketing professional will get better ideas about marketing from the team members when he works as part of a team....
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Career Exploration Project
8 pages (2343 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This research is a primary one that will be further used for my own personal development in the professional environment.... In a similar research it was found that it is imperative for members in the hospitality industry to have skills pertaining to leadership qualities, in order to handle customers in an effective manner (Sigala and Christou 6-15).... It has been emphasized that the development of professional skills is a dynamic rather than stagnant process (Guskey 67)....
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What are your motivations for applying to the graduate program
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
To perform responsibilities entrusted up on me according to strict code of ethics, to participate in the development of nursing through active participation in Nursing organization, to plan and implement patient focused nursing care according to nursing process.... ... ... ... t quality of care to an active and co-operative members of the health team, to utilize my skills, knowledge and attitude in caring the people who feel helpless essentially in emergency department , critical care units irrespective of state, language, culture or race....
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A Hypothetical Therapy Case
4 pages (1130 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Professional Psychology: research and Practice, 33(1), 13–18.... Professional Psychology: research and Practice, 42(4), 294–300.... Some professional may be unethical and thus discourage me from reporting this case.... At the same time, the ethical behavior of the elderly woman may conflict with my professional; ethics thus generating ethical considerations in reporting the case.... Ethical issues in elder abuse reporting: A professional psychologist's guide....
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Year-Round Schools
4 pages (1317 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
BCTF research and Technology Division, (1995).... (BCTF research Report section XII, 95-EI-03).... om/experimental-education/educational-research/41266.... The schedules prepared by professional or administration may not be suitable for the staff or students.... The schedules may be questioned or called for change which would produce an additional burden of work, require more time for amendments and more finances if the professional or employee refuses to make changes....
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Research Project Proposal (How is text messaging affecting teen literacy)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 15 , Research Paper
Parents, educators and the general public have expressed the concern Effects of Text Messaging To The Teenagers Affiliation The effect of text messaging on teen literacy research Questions Hypothesis What are the impacts of text messaging to the literacy level of teenagers?... research done to teenagers and young adults has shown that some negative relationships have been proved to exist text behavior and the use of language skills.... Writing Systems research, 2, 53-71....
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Inclusion in Education - Principle and Practice
12 pages (3408 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Effective inclusion demands the assimilation of an important vision, a research base, and feasible strategies.... Without research support, inclusion stays defenceless to arguments that are determined merely by sponsorship and not by distinction (Ballard 1999).... The declared purpose is to build up faultless, included prerequisite for children and their respective families which develop the paramount aspects of present condition and is designed to address children's demands and requirements rather than to go well with specific professional frameworks....
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Managing Changes during Clinical Staff Shortages
7 pages (2024 words) , Download 3 , Essay
With the increase in professional opportunities in other fields for women, there have been less people studying in nursing schools.... Increase in professional opportunities for women in other fields is considered to be the primary reason.... Another reason for why hospitals are facing staffing problems is that most of the professional nurses are hesitant to accept a job in positions where they will not be having reasonably trained staff to assist in their work....
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Legal and ethical issues in health occupations
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Any breach of the contractual agreement by a healthcare professional is a big problem that is severely punishable owing to its attachment with life which is invaluable.... In this scenario, the patient trusts the ability and care of the professional with his/health conditions (Reviews 58).... In the event that an individual suffers from a wrong prescription by medical personnel, the aggrieved is allowed to seek legal redress and obtain compensation in the form of treatment costs or undertake another prescription from the healthcare professional....
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Is Disability in Society Socially Constructed or a Biological Process
7 pages (2128 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The debate on disability has rich and memorable writings and research and can not be concluded without re-visiting theoretical contributions of Vygotsky's paradigm.... Feminist issues have drawn more research overshadowing positive debate on disability.... In short there is perceived threat to non-disabled researchers engaged in disability research (Oliver and Barnes 1993). ... However, precedence should be given to disability through sociological research methodologies as well as creation of independence within the context of medical sociology....
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The Field of Cognitive Psychology
7 pages (2003 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Ulric had developed dissatisfaction with theories of information-processing, studies on reaction-time, and research on the simplistic laboratory.... He was in the forefront in promoting the employment of approaches that were ecological by nature in the research towards research into cognitive psychology.... hrough the publication of his book “Cognitive Psychology” in the year 1967, Neisser assembled collectively varied research relating to recognition of pattern, perception, solving problems, notice, and recollection....
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Geographical Characteristics of Cyprus
6 pages (1730 words) , Download 3 , Essay
?? Christel DeHaan Tourism and Travel research Institute.... Spectrum of Modern Geography: essays in Memory of Prof.... This paper ''Geographical Characteristics of Cyprus'' tells us that Cyprus is a beautiful island country in the Mediterranean Sea that shares borders with mighty neighbors like Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, and Egypt....
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Analysis and Review of the Philosophy of Language
15 pages (3982 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Analysis and Review of the Philosophy of Language" attempts to formulate a sufficient theory of meaning with regards to the use of '+.... In doing so, I will argue that an intensional framework must be taken into account as opposed to a purely extensional framework.... ... ... ... A theory of intension concerns itself with meaning in relation to one's pursuit of truth....
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Henry David Thoreau's Practical Writers
1 pages (296 words) , Download 3 , Essay
t is believed that his literary works totaled over 20 volumes and mainly consisted of poems, journals, and essays.... One of his most widely read essays is called "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience.... "Henry David Thoreau's Practical Writers" paper focuses on one of the most courageous and practical writers who ever lived....
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American and Saudi Arabians Nations Relations, Aggressive Games and Children
1 pages (314 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essays begin with one reflection on my American experience contrary to expectations created by speculative stereotypes about the nation by Saudi Arabians.... The paper "American and Saudi Arabians Nations Relations, Aggressive Games and Children" discusses that the good relations between the two states were heightened back when King Abdul Aziz Al-Saud and President Roosevelt signed an agreement in the 1945 year....
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What Is an Act of Kindness
2 pages (562 words) , Download 203 , Essay
As the paper "What Is an Act of Kindness?... tells, kindness means to share someone's grief or pain or it also means to say a few kind words which could redress people's grievances.... Whoever performs an act of kindness, is a message delivered from one heart to another generated from the inner self....
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Acquiring Effective Writing Skills
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Despite the fact that my first essays seemed bright and saturated with ideas, the form itself was messy, and it was impossible to capture the logic of the narration.... Creating texts is the process which is impossible to predict.... From the discussion, in the essay "Acquiring effective writing skills" it may be concluded that only in the process of analysis of arguments, structuring, and correcting your own thoughts it is possible to get any inspiration....
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Nursing Practice Gap
6 pages (1735 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Theory is derived from research which tests nursing practices and their application.... research is wealthy in giving alternative strategies for giving care.... research is a tool used to improve the quality of care using practical ways.... Nurses can develop a practice where they can apply research findings from evidence based research.... Evidence based research ensures that theory is developed from the observations and findings obtained from nursing practice....
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Analysis of Life story by David Shields
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay stands out as one of the best essays both in the choice of diction and style of writing.... This essay "Analysis of "Life story' by David Shields" provides us with insights into the correct way to live.... Don't mind other's perspective, everyone in this world is different....
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The Biohacking Market and Product Marketing
9 pages (2156 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The research proposal "The Biohacking Market and Product Marketing" describes the idea of Launch Of Bio-Stress Sensor In the Wealthy Female Population in the age group of 20-30 years.... This paper outlines their difficulties related to segmentation implementation, general approach principles of marketing....
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Health Care Reform
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Site selection and research Participants………………………….... Research objectives and research questions are developed in order to set the focus of the study.... Site selection and research Participants The aim of research project is to evaluate impact of ACA in the federal republic of USA and therefore achieving objective results will require selection of site (s) that is (are) widely representative.... Research instruments should be premised on the research questions and research goals and objectives....
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Culture as a Social Determinant of Health
13 pages (3890 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Translating research evidence into practice to reduce health disparities: a social determinants approach.... This automatically leads to the poor relationship between the professional\s and the members of the society.... Equipping the healthcare professionals with the knowledge of cultural issues will enable them to handle the patients in a more professional way.... It will also correct the unethical behaviors that some of the professional healthcare workers engage in due to the cultural issues....
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Comparative Employee System in Human Resource
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This may require specialised skills but the much research that has been done in this area has resulted in the generation of easier ways of handling the employee program.... research will offer ideal ways in which one gets to learn more about the community and also gets to ask for clarification should anything be unclear (Source People 2008).... European Journal of Operational research, 179(2), 554-566.... professional Human Resource Management is a critical component when looking at the different strategies in which service delivery to the public should be accorded in regard to the understanding of the present human resources and what makes them productive....
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Tools Used to Obtain Quantitative Data
1 pages (345 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Tools Used to Obtain Quantitative Data" discusses categories under which research tools are categorized: ... ase Studies: originates in psychology and business research ... Qualitative business research addresses business objectives through methods that allow the researcher to interpret the phenomena without numerical measurement.... There are 4 main orientations to Qualitative research under which various research tools are categorized....
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Technology in Interior Design
22 pages (6152 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This research paper "Technology in Interior Design" illustrates the new technology techniques applied in the interior design project.... With the research, we are going to understand the possible solution to the software and hardware changes in the information and technology sector.... With the research, we are going to understand the possible solution to the software and hardware changes in the information and technology sector.... professional interior designers consider the best option to bring out the beauty in a home by finding a balance through the right amount of lighting and getting the right size and color of a sofa....
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Fashion in the Contemporary World
6 pages (1696 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The Accidental Adult: essays and Advice for the Reluctantly Responsible and Marginally Mature.... In the contemporary society, fashion magazines are printed in bright and conspicuous colors on flossy papers.... professional men are adopting more fitting dress skirts as well as black dress shoes and the dress pants (Dines: 102).... Generally, most men and women professional s are slowly shifting from casual Fridays to formal Fridays....
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Strengths and weaknesses of direct legislation
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The purpose of the research paper 'Strengths and weaknesses of direct legislation ' is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of direct legislation, and how they compare with the strengths and weaknesses of a professional legislature.... Strengths and weaknesses of direct legislation Essay 1: What are the strengths and weaknesses of direct legislation, and how do they compare with the strengths and weaknesses of a professional legislature?... Make sure to thorough explain what is meant by a professional legislature....
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Effect of Antidepressant Medication on Patients
6 pages (1570 words) , Download 0 , Essay
research, shows that all types of antidepressants are likely to affect sleep patterns in one way or the other.... Although there are no exact figures on the percentage of women affected by antidepressants, research shows that a good fraction of these is affected.... research has shown that all antidepressants have an effect on the sleep architecture and sleep-wakefulness (Winokur & Demartinis, 2012).... research has shown that sexual side effects of antidepressants may persist in individuals for as long as they continue to use them....
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Industry in the UK
5 pages (1520 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Assessment 3: research Paper This paper talks about the construction industry in the UK.... n the end some recommendations such as, the government trying to stabilise the economy will help the industry prosper in the upcoming future, the industry focusing on not only building structures but diversification and more research and development.... A council has been developed to represent the professional bodies, research organisations and specialist business associations within this industry....
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NLA and Work Based Learning
12 pages (3578 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author states that a career plan acts as a fundamental determinant of successful professional growth and a prosper life.... The professional goals determined can be achieved by choosing a good career path and correspondingly, by developing a vital strategy within one's life.... areer plan acts as a fundamental determinant of successful professional growth and a prosper life.... The professional goals determined can be achieved by choosing a good career path and correspondingly, by developing a vital strategy within one's life....
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The Difficulties of Providing Excellent Customer Service
6 pages (1708 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It must know how to model adequate and desired customer expectations of services as well as the dynamism of this profession, including professional limits.... Therefore, companies must develop Service Customer Relationship Management policies to endure professional management (Gummerson, 1987).... Customer Intelligence professional....
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Abortion and Nurse's Conscientious Objection
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, as a health care professional, nurses have a right as well as responsibility to judge their attitudes towards abortion, both personal and professional integrity relies on them that they provide, on the basis of their knowledge and integrity, participate in care of patient only in therapeutic ways.... According to ANMC code of ethics “Nurses make informed decisions in relation to their practice within the constraints of their professional role and in accordance with ethical and legal requirements....
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The American Dream
5 pages (1381 words) , Download 1 , Essay
ll the three essays are discussing the American dream.... The essay 'The American Dream' addresses the question of exciting American society for many years: is the American dream alive or dead?... To find the answer to this question, the text analyzes the works devoted to this topic....
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