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Vocabulary as an Essential Element in the Story Writing Abilities
8 pages (2263 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research "Vocabulary as an Essential Element in the Story Writing Abilities" is seeking to explore the effect of teaching vocabulary on the ability to write a story.... Teaching vocabulary helps learners in acquiring new words necessary to be used in daily life.... ... ... ... Vocabulary development is mainly focused on helping learners to learn the meaning of new concepts and words in different academic contexts....
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Production Efficiency under the impact of Employee Training
1 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research paper 'Production Efficiency under the impact of Employee Training' is based on determining the impact that three critical variables of human resource management i.... .... employee training, attitude and wages have on production efficiency.... ... ... ... Researches reveal that production efficiency, is significantly influenced by the variation in employee training, attitudes, and wages....
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The Effect of Employee Engagement in the Hiring and Promotion Process of Public Agencies
1 pages (326 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Effect of Employee Engagement in the Hiring and Promotion Process of Public Agencies" presents qualitative research that makes use of the structured interview to collect data on the importance of employee involvement and the need to sustain it from respondents.... ... ...
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Being Native versus Going Native
1 pages (305 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The type of research used in this paper "Being Native versus Going Native" is qualitative research where the author used inquires to gather information and to get an in-depth indulgence of human behavior and the reasons that govern human behavior.... ... ... ... The researcher uses the ethnographic study to collect his data....
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Wealthy Parents and College Education
11 pages (3121 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The writer of the paper 'Wealthy Parents and College Education' states that the most important as well as the basic question asked to parents and students was about the authenticity of this assertion that the students belonging to rich families mostly fail in-class exams.... ... ... ... A community is generally categorized into three classes, first-class (the elite), middle-class, and third class....
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Hardware Replacement: Customer Relationship Management
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Hardware Replacement: Customer Relationship Management' will analyze the way these five variables relate to the scenario of installing a new CRM application that would include hardware replacement.... Considerations will be discussed after the first subject concludes.... ... ... ... The author states that scope in a project defines the extent of the goals or requirements of a given project....
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Domestic Violence in Australia
5 pages (1368 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Domestic Violence in Australia " deals with topics linked to Safe Homes provided for battered women in Australia.... To achieve success in the proposed investigation, an abundant choice of literature available on the topic was identified and studied.... ... ... ... Domestic Violence - A major dilemma faced by women around the globe, has different legal definitions in different countries....
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Wound Dressing Techniques and Applying Them in Practical Sense, Methods of Locating Wounds in the Body and Strategies for Reducing Pain
7 pages (1683 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Wound Dressing Techniques and Applying Them in Practical Sense, Methods of Locating Wounds in the Body and Strategies for Reducing Pain' is a spectacular version of a research proposal on nursing.... ... ... ... The paper 'Wound Dressing Techniques and Applying Them in Practical Sense, Methods of Locating Wounds in the Body and Strategies for Reducing Pain' is a spectacular version of a research proposal on nursing....
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Instructional Leadership Development in Education
6 pages (1571 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This research proposal discusses the study of "Instructional leadership development in education".... It provides background information, defines leadership distribution and instructional leadership considers the development of instructional leaders through programs.... ... ... ... Communication is another tool that is used for effective communication between the children and the instructional practices....
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Active and Passive Smokers
6 pages (1402 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Active and Passive Smokers" analyzes that passive smokers are at risk of being exposed to the same carcinogens which are carcinogenic as those active smokers.... Environmental tobacco smoke is known to contain more than 4000 chemicals and at least 40 carcinogens.... ... ... ... Various methods were used in getting participants....
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Information Technology in Global Banking and Finance
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This research aims to evaluate the affects of Information and Communication technology on the banking industry along with explaining the types of ICTs used in the banking sector and the role it has played in either improving or deteriorating the performance and success of the.... ... ... At the end of the research we would evaluate that whether IT has improvised the banking sector and helped it to prosper or is the cause of major threats that the banking sector is working to reduce. ...
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Impact of Training and Motivation on Performance at Qatar Petroleum
4 pages (1342 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Impact of Training and Motivation on Performance at Qatar Petroleum" pinpoints what motivates the employees, what is the role of the supervisors and what is the impact of motivation and training on the company, and what new should be done by QP to improve the workers' motivation.... ... ...
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Discriminatory Treatment Undergone by the Blacks under the Criminal Laws of the United States
3 pages (750 words) , Download 13 , Research Proposal
"Discriminatory Treatment Undergone by the Blacks under the Criminal Laws of the United States" paper consults two articles.... The first article is by Stevenson and Friedman, "Deliberate Indifference: Judicial Tolerance of Racial Bias in Criminal Justice", and "No Equal Justice" article by Cole....
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The Role of Creative Art Therapies in Fostering
21 pages (406 words) , Research Proposal
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The research paper "The Role of Creative Art Therapies in Fostering" seeks to examine how art therapy, through language acquisition, promotes emotional expression and sociability in immigrant children with limited language proficiency in English.... ... ... ... Immigrant children face major difficulties in adjusting to their new environment due to problems of language acquisition and limited ability in emotional expression and sociability....
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TV Ads vs Google Ads and their Marketing Strategies
13 pages (3613 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "TV Ads vs Google Ads and their Marketing Strategies" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the difference in the marketing strategies of the companies who prefer TV or Google as the advertising Medium because of the nature of the product.... ... ... ... The empirical results of this research study can be used by different marketing managers for the decision-making of their advertisement media....
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Cultural Diversity Faced by Marks and Spencer in China
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Cultural Diversity Faced by Marks and Spencer in China" states that most of the information the author has collected is from secondary resources.... To know about the company's profile and other researches, he has taken the help of online resources from which he gathered related information....
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How Environmental Design Can Be Used to Prevent and Reduce Crimes in Major Cities
10 pages (2963 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The author of "How Environmental Design Can Be Used to Prevent and Reduce Crimes in Major Cities" paper demonstrates the aspect of crime prevention through environmental design by studying the way crimes are controlled in the cities of Abu Dhabi and Britain.... .... ... ... The data to be used will be collected through a literature review and a survey....
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The Effect of Social Media on the Behavior of Teenagers
6 pages (1777 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Effect of Social Media on the Behavior of Teenagers" discusses the critical role of social media in the development of positive and negative behavior among teenagers.... The study will use a survey, which will include specified directions on the techniques of its completion....
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Mental Disorder & Victimisation
15 pages (4251 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The writer of the paper 'Mental Disorder & Victimisation' states that it is almost certainly that abuse of individuals with psychological problems aggravates warning signs as well as social anxiety, which cancels out and lessens the results of otherwise appropriate cure and treatment.... ... ... ...
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Augmentative and Alternative Communication
4 pages (1234 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The author of this paper states that in recent times, there has been an extensive and wide-ranging concern for issues relating to disability.... The prognosis and the use of technology in the field has made tremendous advancement.... ... ... ... Though the huge efforts made by the countries to facilitate and promote the participation of the people with disabilities has made a significant mark, a lot of research needs to be done in the field of developmental disabilities which have multifaceted and multilateral aspects that are not only complex by nature....
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Chinese Property Market
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The aim of this research is to analyse the impact of globalisation on the Chinese property market.... Specifically, it seeks to analyse the growth trend of the demand & supply for residential and commercial facilities in this market.... To be able to achieve this aim, it would provide answers to the following questions: ...
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Coronary Heart Disease
4 pages (1006 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This work called "Coronary Heart Disease" focuses on how an educational, disease management outpatient program may improve health conditions for CAD patients by understanding demographic, biological, and behavioral risk factors in the delivery of service.... The author outlines the patients' condition, best practices....
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The History of FIFA World Cup
9 pages (2499 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "The History of FIFA World Cup" describes that the first international football team was played first in the year 1872, in Glasgow, Jules Rimet came up with the idea of the FIFA World Cup in 1928: hence marked the first written international football match.... ... ... ... The 1942 and 1946 were canceled; thus, there was no decision made on the host nations because of WWII and eventually, Brazil became the next nation to hold the 1950 World Cup tournament....
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Position of the Government and Governor Schwarzenegger
7 pages (1928 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Position of the Government and Governor Schwarzenegger" provides Governor Schwarzenegger with research and data necessary for him to engage in negotiations regarding the potential for oil extraction in the South Mojave Reserve as inhabited by the Hacama tribe.... ... ... ... In Southern California, it was estimated that the total number of tribal speakers remains higher but the future seems grim as some languages have fewer than a hundred speakers left....
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Catalan Language
9 pages (2451 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work "Catalan Language" describes the history of Catalan Language and its development.... The author takes into account the aspects of this language problem transformation in enhancing the theoretical and questionnaire indications relating to the linguistic mobility of many different individuals in the linguistic markets....
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Control Measures and Sanctions for Illegal Drugs in the U.S
7 pages (1991 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Control Measures and Sanctions for Illegal Drugs in the U.... .... paper provides a background of the existing federal drug control measures in place.... It identifies the issues and discusses the possible options that Congress adopted in the development and implementation of the drug control policy....
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Social Media Analysis and Customer Behaviour
12 pages (3945 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Social Media Analysis and Customer Behaviour" examine the influence of social networks on the decision of a buyer.... The first segment will present an introduction to the chosen theme which includes the background and statement of the problem.... ... ... ... Marketing was done mainly through the mass media, advertisements would run on televisions and be announced on the radios....
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Marijuana Smokers are at a Significantly Lower Risk of Carcinogenicity
5 pages (1493 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper "Marijuana Smokers are at a Significantly Lower Risk of Carcinogenicity" discusses whether marijuana should be made legal or not is widespread.... In some regions of the West marijuana is distributed freely because it is thought to be harmless, even more so than tobacco.... ... ... ... Animals have different health constituents, epidemiology, and are susceptible to chemicals in different ways than humans....
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Sustainable Leadership, Governance, and Policy
7 pages (12 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Sustainable Leadership, Governance, and Policy' is an intriguing example management research proposal.... Since the advent of globalization leaders are undergoing a plethora of challenges pertaining to organizational structure.... In fact, the entire corporate world is buzzing with the word 'sustainability....
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Factors leading to Domestic Violence
9 pages (2603 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Factors leading to Domestic Violence" analyzes that some researchers have identified economic dependence, psychological disorders, and sociological factors as well as cultural factors as the main causes of domestic violence.... It can occur to anyone despite age, gender, social status....
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Investigation Into Drug Use in Sport and Muscle Recovery Strategies
8 pages (2206 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Investigation Into Drug Use in Sport and Muscle Recovery Strategies" aims at demonstrating whether inflammatory drug use will result in health disorders to athletes and demonstrating whether muscle recovery strategies are possible through the use of NSAIDs drugs.... .... ... ...
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Language and Social Identity
7 pages (1929 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper "Language and Social Identity" discusses the issue of how to learn another language through reading, writing and understanding the basic set of rules of a language to improve their communication and relationship with the rest of the world.... ... ... ... I learned that identity has become a crucial part of language and without language, it is hard to understand one's identity....
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The Social Aspects of Physical Recreation Vital to Single Women than Single Men
7 pages (2154 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Social Aspects of Physical Recreation Vital to Single Women than Single Men" is a good example of a gender and sexual studies research proposal.... Developing an understanding of the mechanisms underlying regular physical activity participation poses a challenge.... Many studies on motivation and exercise have concentrated on adherence or the problem of keeping participants exercising once they have started....
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Gender and Language in Japan
10 pages (2992 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Gender and Language in Japan" paper explores how gender values of speech are portrayed by Japanese television.... It was to define the gender values depicted in the use of speech in Japanese drama and anime.... The objective is to identify how male speech is portrayed on television.... .... ... ...
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Is There an Association between Hours of TV Viewing and Violent Behaviour in Children
5 pages (1670 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Is There an Association between Hours of TV Viewing and Violent Behaviour in Children" is a perfect example of a psychology research proposal.... Television viewing has the prospect of bringing together communities; making available information that permits constructive ethnic, communal and ecological transformation, and to form a proper global village....
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Sense of Humor and Humor Styles
4 pages (1475 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author of the paper "Sense of Humor and Humor Styles" states that humor serves a variety of purposes.... People use it all the time in social situations.... A significant amount of research indicates that humor is valuable in coping with life's challenges.... ... ... ... Humor is one element that distinguishes humans from the rest of the animal world....
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Motivating High School Students in Singapore
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Motivating High School Students in Singapore' the author emphasizes that teachers need to prepare the young for future innovations in Singapore.... They ought to keep schools up to their standards and have a passion for their work, in order to keep upgrading the students in what they do....
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Agency Costs and Dividend Policy in a Recession
7 pages (2170 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Agency Costs and Dividend Policy in a Recession" paper determines how agency costs are affected during a period of recession, and how this affects dividend policy.... Agency theory suggests that the firm is a nexus of contracts between individuals who have, through debt, invested in the firm.... ....
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Comparing Human Geography in London and Haiti Cholera Outbreaks
2 pages (664 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
The paper "Comparing Human Geography in London and Haiti Cholera Outbreaks" states that London and Haiti are two places that have been significantly hit by a cholera outbreak.... Although separated by centuries, the two outbreaks have so much in common that provide spatial mapping concepts.... ... ...
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Impact of Empowerment and Trust on Effective Organizational Development
8 pages (2417 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This paper "Impact of Empowerment and Trust on Effective Organizational Development" focuses on the fact that today the long-term survival of many manufacturing and service organizations is considered to be inextricably linked to the ability of these organizations to produce goods.... .... ... ... Thomas and Velthouse (1990) define empowerment "as intrinsic task motivation that manifests itself in four cognitions reflecting an individual's orientation to his or her work roles....
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Impact of Employee Training and Development on Company Productivity
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author of the proposal "Impact of Employee Training and Development on Company Productivity" comments on the operation of human resource which is often one of the major contributors in an organization's costs.... Hence, it is imperative that these costs result in the creation of value to the firm....
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Teaching Level and Specialization Variables in King Saud University
6 pages (1776 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Teaching Level and Specialization Variables in King Saud University" focuses on the critical analysis of the scientific reasoning level of students in the faculty of science in King Saud University according to teaching level and specialization variables.... ... ... ... Science is a body of knowledge that entails developing or inventing new ideas and validating the ideas using the scientific methodology or scientific reasoning....
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Role of EDI Implementation in the Increase of Performance of a Small Medium Company in China
9 pages (2445 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Role of EDI Implementation in the Increase of Performance of a Small Medium Company in China" paper highlights key issues regarding the modes of use of EDI by Chinese firms; the strengths and weaknesses of EDI and solutions to be suggested for the improvement of EDI's performance.... ... .... ... ...
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Socio-Cultural Factors in Organizations and Results of Management Dilemma
4 pages (1111 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Socio-Cultural Factors in Organizations and Results of Management Dilemma' is an impressive example of human resources research proposal.... As was discussed, absolute objectivity in the decision-making process of organizations is very difficult to achieve.... This is because of the presence of the subjective factors that, when excluded in the calculation, could potentially harm productivity....
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Educate parent attending accidebt emergency how to manage childs fever at home
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Title Name University Course Instructor Date Introduction Fever mainly accompanies various childhood illnesses, some of which are managed at home before the child is taken to the hospital or clinic.... An assessment of the mother's skills and the capability to realize fever in their children and the control practices at home are crucial in managing the child's fever....
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Increased Self-esteem and Decreased Focus on Problems amongst the Elderly Nursing Home Residents
10 pages (3046 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
.... ... ... The paper "Increased Self-esteem and Decreased Focus on Problems amongst the Elderly Nursing Home Residents " is a worthy example of a research proposal on social science.... The process of preventing and alleviating social isolation and loneliness among older people is an important area that should be taken seriously by all community members and health organizations....
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Psychological Explanation for Eating Disorders
11 pages (2998 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper examines the type of relationship that exists between psychological factors, weight teasing, and an eating disorder.... The investigation focuses on identifying the manner through which the factors, either psychological or weight teasing contribute to weight gain by influencing the eating behaviors....
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Data Quality and Management in Health Care
11 pages (3071 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the medical and healthcare field by extension, the aptness and sanctity of information and data that is collected should be treated with utmost care and interest.... This is so because the data that the patients, insurance firms, medical doctors, pharmaceutical practitioners and.... ... ... The paper 'Data Quality and Management in Health Care' is a meaningful example of a health sciences & medicine research proposal....
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Volkswagon Diesel Vehicle Pollution
6 pages (1968 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Volkswagon Diesel Vehicle Pollution' is an exciting version of a research proposal on environmental studies.... The recent research done by the U.... Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the Volkswagen (VW) company with a researched notice of the company manufacturing auto-motives that are of violation of the Clean Air Act....
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Marketing: Horse Meat Scandal in Burger King
8 pages (2136 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Marketing: Horse Meat Scandal in Burger King" explored the effects of the horsemeat scandal on the marketing strategy of Burger King, a food production company that was linked, together with others like Tesco in this scandal.... ... ... ... It involved the collection of data from fifteen respondents randomly selected to present their views on the issue and in relation to Burger King and their attitudes towards the company and its products and services before and after the scandal....
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