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Food Retail Expansion to Support Health
2 pages (776 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
We currently own three main stores that are located in a small community with a population of approximately 5,000 total residents.... As the project manager, I have.... ... ... Due to high demand of fresh fruits and vegetables within the same community, I prefer to create more stores within the same community....
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Grouping Participants of IPV
21 pages (5813 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The key objective of the paper 'Grouping Participants of IPV' is to find the outcome of using socio-psychological interventions like the transtheoretical model of change on the perpetrators of domestic violence who have been into a relationship for a defined period of time.... ... ... ... Domestic violence across the globe has emerged as a major socio-psychological problem with widespread ramifications on the family lives of people....
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Small and Micro Enterprises
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The Tamil Nadu economy the most industrialized in India and the state boasts of having the third largest economy in the country as well.... FDI investment which today forms the backbone of development in the Indian economy is still at a range of 9.... % in Tamil Nadu.... ... ... ... The state is the most urbanized the country....
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The Training Lab
5 pages (1552 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This paper ''The Training Lab'' tells that this is the age of technology where anyone who wishes to stay on a par with everyone else must embrace the technology's complexity and its penetrating influence through all spheres of life.... rom travel to documentation, cuisine to science, this technology is evident....
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How Does the Financial Crisis Affect the Students
6 pages (1930 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This paper 'How Does the Financial Crisis Affect the Students?... focuses on the fact that recently, America has been undergoing tremendous economic upheaval with inflation touching new heights.... There has also been an unprecedented rise in the cost of living which has adversely affected the community....
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Impacts of Electronic Health Record Systems Applied to Healthcare Processes on Physician Performance
8 pages (2469 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research "Impacts of Electronic Health Record Systems Applied to Healthcare Processes on Physician Performance" examines whether physicians in six hospitals view the use of EHR beneficial to their productivity or do they view it as an inferior substitute for paper-based medical records.... ... ...
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Patients Satisfaction with the Care They Receive
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research aims at investigating the level of customer/patient satisfaction among hemodialysis patients in the Cyprus health care system.... Its major importance is that it is the first study of this nature to be conducted in Limassol General Hospital's Hemodialysis Unit.... ... ... ... This research will begin with the statement that in all facets of health care today, it has become a matter of imperative importance to have a systematic collection of consumer/patient feedback through surveys as a means of gathering relevant data, by analysis of which quality assessment and improvement can be achieved to meet the expected Patient satisfaction....
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Cost Estimation Practice in Construction Companies
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This proposal 'Cost Estimation Practice in Construction Companies' aims at scrutinizing the major direct and indirect costs components: material-related cost trends, estimating procedures, unskilled and skilled labor, and construction equipment.... ... ... ... This project will significantly make use of computerized calculations due to the complexity of a number of formulations involved....
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Assessment ANUs Current SELT Evaluation System
7 pages (2081 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Assessment ANU's Current SELT Evaluation System" is a perfect example of an education research proposal.... My proposed study will focus on Assessment of the major reviews at ANU Bachelor of Science Administration, a great deal is unknown in ANU's current SELT evaluation system.... The purpose of this study is to investigate the curriculum....
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The Importance of Nutrition in Wound Healing in Irish Hospitals
19 pages (5112 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''The Importance of Nutrition in Wound Healing in Irish Hospitals'' tells us that various research surveys have been carried out in diverse hospitals all over the world, to develop an understanding of the incidences of clinical cases of malnutrition.... It was reported that like other forms of injuries and infections....
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Can Education Enhance Employee Efficiencies to Achieve Better Performance
10 pages (2917 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Can Education Enhance Employee Efficiencies to Achieve Better Performance" studies test that can help Primark access its human resources, alternatives Primark has to implement a training and development program, and how the results of development initiatives can be measured.... ... ...
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Perceptions of Bahraini Registered Nurses on Continuing Formal Education: A Mixed Methods Study
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper talks that the quality of health care is an ongoing issue for all healthcare providers.... Nurses comprise the largest section of the healthcare workforce in the acute and continuing care settings, suggesting that there is a great deal of benefit to be gained from nurses working to the best o their capacity....
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Attracting and Retaining Talent in the Current Environment
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
In the essay 'Attracting and Retaining Talent in the Current Environment' the author examines the greatest challenge that faces organizations in the current business environment – finding appropriately qualified and experienced candidates and retaining them.... ... ... ... This paper would explore ways and means as to how information systems strategy - ISS can be used to aid strategic human resource management - SHRM to attract and retain suitably qualified employees....
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Automated System for Customs Data Acquisition
5 pages (1314 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The focus of this paper "Automated System for Customs Data Acquisition" is on identifying the requirements of changing the existing systems and having a new one that will be more efficient and effective.... It also contains the possible structure of the literature review.... ... ... ... Large supply chains that include borders of different countries involve several agencies that share information among themselves....
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Information Security in Supply Chain Security
4 pages (1314 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
"Information Security Systems Used by Key Players in the Supply Chains" paper contains a research proposal that provides a guideline regarding the research that will be conducted on the information security systems that are used by the agencies like customs in various countries.... .... ... ... Supply chains are known to be especially important in terms of information sharing across several players which can vary from an organization to a nation....
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The Relation Between Extracurricular Activities and Absenteeism Among Students
36 pages (9606 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal 'The Relation Between Extracurricular Activities and Absenteeism Among Students' aims at testing the hypothesis that there is a relationship between time spent in extracurricular activities and absenteeism among students at universities.... ... .... ... ... The trend of participating in extracurricular activities by school-going children has been increasing over the years, and the trend will continue....
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The Negative Impacts of Cybercrime on Business and Society
7 pages (2099 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper ''The Negative Impacts of Cybercrime on Business and Society'' discusses that cybercrime can take on many shapes and forms.... It can begin as something seemingly harmless, and rise to one of the gravest threats to personal and national security that exists today.... .... ... ... Computer crime (commonly referred to as cybercrime) is a reference to any type of criminal activity that involves the use of a computer or an internal/external network....
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Computer Training Labs for the Elderly
4 pages (1551 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
"Computer Training Labs for the Elderly" paper entails an essential outline of the research that will study the set-up of computer training labs for the elderly.... It discusses, for the most part, the intricacies of the study itself and for the other, the issues related to the study.... ... ... ...
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Impact of Global Media on Local Cultures and Identities in the Middle East
25 pages (6804 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Impact of Global Media on Local Cultures and Identities in the Middle East" focuses on the critical analysis of the impact of global media on local cultures and identities in the Middle East with a specific focus on the United Arab Emirates.... ... ... ... A lot of attention is written on the impacts of globalization on the media, yet the very definition of the term globalization is a hotly discussed one in academia....
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Wounded Healer as the Counselor - Therapeutic or Hindrance
14 pages (4198 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Wounded Healer as the Counselor - Therapeutic or Hindrance" accents that the ability of counselors to respond to the needs of their patients is depended on a series of factors; under the influence of these factors, the intervention of a counselor can be either therapeutic or hindrance....
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Economic Stability Effect on International Business
8 pages (2225 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The advantages of economic stability are that it leads to low unemployment, increased productivity and improved efficiencies.... Foreign Direct Investment.... ... ... The paper "Economic Stability Effect on International Business" is a great example of a research proposal on macro and microeconomics....
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Solar Water Pumping Systems
9 pages (2392 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Solar Water Pumping Systems" discusses that the solar photovoltaic pumping mechanisms offer an alternative way of meeting the electricity demand for irrigation and consumption in most developing countries and some remote areas of the developed countries.... .... ... ... The achievement and understanding of the importance of the benefits of using solar-powered water pump systems depend on the level of the corporation of the local communities....
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I need some one speciliezed in linguistics
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Language Globalization: Why Saudi Parents Want their Children to Learn English Their Attitude, Behaviour, Motivation and Practices Research Proposal (University) 1.... Title The proposed title of the Research proposal is “Language Globalization.... ... ... ... Why Saudi Parents want their Children to Learn English: Their Attitude, Behaviour, Motivation and Practices” 2....
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5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The importance of tourism comes in many folds because those who benefit the most are the host citizens, and have a chance achieving the requisite benefits.... ... ... The Hajj is a Muslim event that has been in existence since the establishment of Islam, and the destination has been the same.... It means that the country must be able to plan, organise and manage the expected numbers without getting fatalities....
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The Cognitive and Behavioral Effects of Maternal Employment on Young Children
11 pages (3210 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper "The Cognitive and Behavioral Effects of Maternal Employment on Young Children" tells that women who work outside the home, especially when employed full-time, maintain much less time available to ensure the quality of relationship development with their children.... ... ... ... From the paper, psychological theory indicates that when mothers spend more time engaging in quality activities with children, ranging from nurturing to facilitating a sense of love in the child, they are likely to be better developed emotionally as they enter adulthood and also achieve superior academic success....
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Example of a Multicultural Society
7 pages (2321 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Example of a Multicultural Society" discusses that in a global setting where people from different countries inevitably get together for different purposes, inter-cultural practices and communication styles must be considered if harmony, growth and development are aimed for.... ... ... ...
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The Effects of Colour on Human Psychological Functioning
5 pages (1541 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper 'The Effects of Colour on Human Psychological Functioning' focuses on the relationship between the colour green and the perceived performance attainment.... It has been hypothesised that the colour green does enhance human performance on designated achievement tasks.... ... ... ... In the course of this study, an experiment will be designed to demonstrate that a brief perception of the colour green before an important test such as an IQ test does enhance the perceiver's performance....
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Diabetes Knowledge Assessment among Nursing Staff in Saudi Arabia
20 pages (5765 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "Diabetes Knowledge Assessment among Nursing Staff in Saudi Arabia" highlights that the researcher shall seek to apply for project funding from the school.... This is based on the reason that the school advocates for research studies by the students.... .... ... ... Diabetes has certainly become one of the world's most prevalent diseases....
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How to Avoid Brisbane River Flood
10 pages (2635 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "How to Avoid Brisbane River Flood" highlights that the government and other stakeholders can be in a better position to react to flood occurrences.... A sustainable solution to frequent floods can also be found through intensive research on modern methods of stopping floods.... ... ... ...
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Effective Leadership and Management Styles for Improving Organizational Performance
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
The paper "Effective Leadership and Management Styles for Improving Organizational Performance" seeks to offer an analysis on the way organizations can create change through employing effective leadership and management styles; thus achieving effective business performance.... ... ... ... The ethical issues should be addressed and a pilot study conducted before caring out the research study....
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The future of Islamic Finance
5 pages (1665 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Future of Islamic Finance" identifies the efficiency of the Islamic banking system in relation to the conventional banking system.... It describes the research methodology applied in collecting data for analysis, the problem statement, research objectives, hypothesis, research significance, and operational definitions....
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Prevention of Sexual Assault for Young People in Casual Relationships
8 pages (2385 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work called "Prevention of Sexual Assault for Young People in Casual Relationships" describes an evaluation of how people behave in dating relationships and show trust and respect for each other.... The author outlines the role of sex education, identifying prevalence rates of violation of sexual ethics....
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Assessment of the Overall Impact of Colonialism in the Philippines
2 pages (500 words) , Download 8 , Research Proposal
The author also incorporates current information or status of the Philippines in line with its leadership in governance, Politics, economy, and culture.... It is therefore important to asses at this point the level of impact colonialism brought to the Philippines particularly in the country's leadership in governance, Politics, economy and culture.... Thesis statement:Colonialism brings forward social change in the Philippines particularly on its leadership in governance, Politics, economy and culture....
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Strategies for Improving Advanced Level ICT Uptake for Girls
16 pages (4591 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Strategies for Improving Advanced Level ICT Uptake for Girls" seeks to investigate the extent of gender parity in the uptake of the advanced level of ICT in the secondary schools within England and to establish a comprehensive picture of the impact of ICT in the UK secondary schools....
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The Development of the New Media Economics under influence of global economics crises
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
It has influenced the production and consumption patterns for different markets and different economies.... It raises a question on how it would have impacted the media industry. ... ... edia sector.... ... ... Broadly it can be divided into entertainment and news segments.... Based on the target viewers the advertisers and clients will be different for different news channels....
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Customer Satisfaction at Sambal Express
8 pages (2705 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research paper "Customer Satisfaction at Sambal Express" is to establish the level of customer satisfaction provided by Sambal Express in London.... In order to achieve the main aim of the research, a survey is conducted among the customers of Sambal Express and their views.... ... ... ... The research obtains its result from a survey, which is carried out with the help of a questionnaire....
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The Relationship between Self Esteem and Smoking in Adolescents in the UK
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Relationship between Self Esteem and Smoking in Adolescents in the UK" discusses that similar to adults who have low levels of self – esteem and motivation tend to take comfort in abusing themselves by use of drugs, alcohol, children tend to shown similar symptoms behavioural aspects....
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The Legal Right to Die
11 pages (2962 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
From the paper "The Legal Right to Die" it is clear that thinking perspectives should be changed, and priorities shifted in the new discussion.... The argument and debate should be based on should legal principles, tested legal points of view, and liberalism as opposed to morality and ethics.... ...
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The Effect of Classroom Management on High School Academic Achievment
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal will attempt to further elaborate on this situation as well as formulate research that could provide insight on whether or not the management of a classroom does or does not impact high school achievement.... .... ... ... The purpose of this paper is to identify a situation in an academic situation and identify factors that play into a student's learning in order to develop a research proposal....
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The Influence of Oil Price Fluctuations for Russias Economy
6 pages (1905 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Influence of Oil Price Fluctuations for Russia's Economy" paper focuses on the reasons responsible for the instabilities in the crude oil prices in Russia, on the fact that how the price fluctuation is affecting Russia's economy and investigates the way to manage the risk of oil price volatility....
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Effects of Divorce on Children's Achievements in School
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author attempts to study the consequences of divorce on the child's education and academic achievement as compared to their previous academic records.... The present study is a descriptive study because it involves a comparison of previous existing academic records about the students.... .... ...
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The Role of Russia in Global Conflicts
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
54) examines the military Politics and defense doctrine of Russia, which have influenced her role in international conflicts.... The author looks at the origins of the doctrine, the Politics that fueled it, and the contents thereof.... Russian Military Politics and Russias 2010 Defense Doctrine....
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The Effects of Workplace Flexibility
12 pages (3624 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The author of the following paper under the title 'The Effects of Workplace Flexibility' focuses on some of the pressing issues common to many organizations which are work-life conflict and the recruitment and retention of high-performing and dedicated employees.... ... ... ... To motivate employees, the organization must offer innovative solutions, one of which is shifting from a five-day to a four-day workweek....
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Corn and Ethanol: Effects on land and water in the Midwest United States
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Energy Politics.... Discusses the clash between ecopolitics and energy Politics.... Energy Politics.... Discusses the clash between ecopolitics and energy Politics.... Corn and Ethanol: Effects on land and water in the Midwest United States Synopsis The increased demand for corn and ethanol in United States has brought about many environmental changes including, increased area of corn cultivation, decrease in cultivation of other food crops....
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Engineering Project Management
6 pages (1686 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The purpose of the research proposal 'Engineering Project Management' is to design and implements a new climate/ weather recording station in a remote location with the ability to record and transmit continuous geological, weather, and seismological data to a central monitoring site via satellite....
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The Nurses Role in Prevention of Central Venous Line Infection
4 pages (1443 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The proposal "The Nurses Role in Prevention of Central Venous Line Infection" investigates the frequency of nurse contribution to CVLI and calculates the impact of training on the issues.... The findings will be used to provide ways that medical staff can avoid contributing to the problem.... ... ...
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Islamic banking concepts
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This study aims to identify the effectiveness of Muslim financial instruments in dealing with the financial challenges of globalization and to study how role of interest is replaced by the profit-risk sharing concept and if it is efficient to meet the challenges of the present scenario.... ... ... ...
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Change Management and Motivating People to Change
7 pages (2381 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Change Management and Motivating People to Change" aims at analysing the effectiveness of the change process managed in different ways by the organisations highlighting the problems faced by the managers during their implementation of change management through motivating people....
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Mentorship Program in Undergraduate Medical School
14 pages (3998 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Mentorship Program in Undergraduate Medical School" focuses on many cases of drug abuse, and university dropouts have been on increase among Saudi Arabia undergraduate students.... This is becoming part of an ever-growing number of academic misguided students.... .... ... ...
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Term Limits in Michigan State
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Also, term limits came into effect to ensure that turnover will freshen and make Politics lively by giving citizens an opportunity to serve in public offices and give new concepts and ideologies opportunities to participate in policy often.... Institutional Change in American Politics: ...
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