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Customer Satisfaction at Sambal Express - Research Proposal Example

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This research paper "Customer Satisfaction at Sambal Express" is to establish the level of customer satisfaction provided by Sambal Express in London. In order to achieve the main aim of the research, a survey is conducted among the customers of Sambal Express and their views…
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Customer Satisfaction at Sambal Express
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Research Proposal on a Study on Satisfaction at Sambal Express Table of Contents Chapter One: Introduction  4 1 Research Aim and Rationale5 1.2 Research Questions 5 1.3 Research Objectives 6 1.4 Significance of the Research 6 Chapter Two: Literature Review 6 2.1 Introduction of Literature Review 6 2.2 Main body of literature review 7 2.2.1 Customer satisfaction- definition and explanation 7 2.2.2. Factors influencing customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry 7 2.2.3 Theories and practices pertaining to customer satisfaction 8 2.2.4 Relationship between customer loyalty and customer’s satisfaction 9 2.3 Conclusion of Literature Review  9 Chapter Three: Methodology 9 3.1 Research Philosophy 9 3.2 Research Approach 10 3.3 Research Design 10 3.3.1 Research Strategy/Methods 10 3.3.2 Research Instrument/Tools 10 3.4 Sampling 11 3.4.1 Identifying Population and Research Site 11 3.4.2 Sampling Strategy 11 3.5 Ethical Implications 11 3.6 Research Scope and Limitations 11 Chapter Four: Timescale  11 Chapter Five: Conclusion  12 Self Evaluation 13 Reference List 14 Chapter One: Introduction  Customer satisfaction is defined as the personal feelings of an individual which is achieved after the product perceived performance is compared with that of the expected results. It is generally psychological reaction of the customers who experience the benefits of the products after purchasing them (Kotler and Armstrong, 2011). Restaurants play an important role in every household worldwide, where the couples are working. They do not get much time to cook their dinner after returning back from work. Hence, the demand for good restaurants has increased over the years, which have resulted into rise of many small to large size restaurants or eatery. London is a place, where the population is very heath conscious and food loving at the same time (Fletcher, 2007). They usually seek for healthy dishes in big restaurants, where they can consume healthy dishes at a reasonable price. Like any other big restaurant in London, Sambal Express has taken a significant position in restaurant industry in the UK. Sambal Express is a Sri Lankan restaurant, which have gained prominence in London because of its delicious and healthy food and also for its preference by the customers over other restaurants in the same area (Sambal Express, 2015). The research proposal aims at outlining the series of actions that are needed for identifying the customer satisfaction level in Sambal Express. The research obtains its result from a survey, which is carried out with the help of questionnaire. The questionnaire includes all the relevant questions that are required to be answered by the target respondents to obtain successful survey results. A brief and relevant literature regarding customer’s satisfaction is given so as to provide a wider view of the topic. The research also helps in exploring the main characteristics feature of Sambal Express, which are preferred by the customers in London because of its home cooked foods. The results are analysed with the help of sampling techniques that are mentioned in the methodology section. The survey is conducted giving emphasis on ethical considerations. 1.1 Research Aim and Rationale The main aim of the research is to establish the level of customer satisfaction provided by Sambal Express in London. In order to achieve the main aim of the research, a survey is conducted among the customers of Sambal Express and their views are taken into consideration for evaluating food and service quality of restaurant. The rationale of the research is to examine whether the customers of the Sambal Express are satisfied with the food quality and services. Restaurants have made significant improvement in their mode of operation and modifications in the number of dishes due to the changing food trend among the population worldwide. Hence, the research will help the readers to identify whether Sambal Express is successful enough to adopt the changes in food habits of the population in London. 1.2 Research Questions In order to achieve the research aim, the following research questions are developed: 1) To explore the existing theories pertaining to customer satisfaction within restaurant industry. 2) To identify factor affecting customers satisfaction in restaurant industry. 3) To establish relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. 4) To identify whether the restaurant industry in London is successful in satisfying the customers. 1.3 Research Objectives The main objective of the research is to identify customer satisfaction at Sambal Express, a Sri Lankan family diner restaurant in South Harrow, London. It is carried out with the help of a questionnaire survey; the questionnaire is dully filled by the customers of the restaurant. They have to comment on the food quality, which are displayed in black and yellow Multi-portion dishes in the restaurants. 1.4 Significance of the Research The main significance of the research lies in the fact that study pertaining to restaurant industry is limited and this particular research will assist and support researchers worldwide to concentrate on topic. Chapter Two: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction of Literature Review The literature review has significant effect on the research activities that are executed in order to prepare the research report. The review also gives emphasis on practices and theories are related to topic of discussion. The key elements of the literature review are discussed henceforth. 1) General explanation and definition of customer satisfaction. 2) Theories and practices related to customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry. 3) Factors affecting customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry. 4) Identify association between customer’s satisfaction and loyalty. 2.2 Main body of literature review 2.2.1 Customer satisfaction- definition and explanation According to Chadda and Kapoor (2009), customer satisfaction is defined as the overall affective response that is achieved from the use of certain products and services. It judges the level of pleasure that is rendered by the products or services. Furthermore, customer satisfaction is classified into two, such as overall satisfaction and transaction-specific satisfaction (Awara and Anyadighibe, 2014). Overall satisfaction is based on experience of the customers after purchasing and using the services and products. However, the transaction-specific satisfactions refer to assessment that is made regarding a product or service after each transaction. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that the customer satisfactions originate from the marketing activities and when the needs and wants of the individuals are satisfied (Helgesen, 2007). 2.2.2. Factors influencing customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry Customer satisfaction has become a crucial issue in the present competitive business environment as the customers are well conscious and aware of the products and services that are provided by different companies around the world. Customer satisfaction is also dependent on the type of business, economic and demographic characteristics (Liaw and Liang, 2013). A restaurant business has to provide excellent service and food quality to the customers so as to satisfy them and retain in the long run. Liao (2012) had mentioned that customer satisfaction has taken a significant position in the modern day organisation. There are several aspects which can be related to customer satisfaction such as quality, price, dependability, physical appearance, hygiene and texture of the food. These aspects have significant influence on the customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry. 2.2.3 Theories and practices pertaining to customer satisfaction There are two important theoretical frameworks that aim at highlighting the understanding regarding customer satisfaction: contrast theory and assimilation theory Assimilation theory This theory is prepared based on the study of dissonance theory written by Festinger (1957). The post-usage examination of the product performance is introduced in the customer satisfaction theory as assimilation theory. Anderson (1973) has identified that the consumers have the tendency to avoid dissonance by concentrating on perceptions regarding a product or service with regard to its expectations. Contract theory The theory was introduced by Hovland, Harvey and Sherif (1987), which was defined as the tendency for magnifying discrepancy between own attitude and attitudes represented by the opponents. It presents an alternative view for the post usage evaluation, which was provided in the assimilation theory. The theory identifies that there is surprise effect that occurs leading to discrepancy, which can be exaggerated and magnified (Dawes, Singer and Lemons, 1972). 2.2.4 Relationship between customer loyalty and customer’s satisfaction Sondoh (2007) had suggested that if satisfaction level of a customer reaches certain degree then customer loyalty also increases subsequently. Moreover, if satisfaction level declines to a great extent, then loyalty is also affected over a certain period of time. Hence, degree of customer satisfaction is gauged through the customer loyalty. Liao (2012) had suggested that higher customer satisfaction results in higher loyalty and the customers are less prone to competition. As a result, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction is significant for maintaining a particular base of customers (Baker and Crompton, 2000). When the supplier aims at meeting the desires, needs and requests of the customers there is an increase in their satisfaction level and thus long term relation can be predicted from these customers that increase profitability of businesses (Helgesen, 2007; Bansal, Irving and Taylor, 2004). 2.3 Conclusion of Literature Review  According to Henry (2008), consumer satisfaction is a significant issue in every organisation as it vary customer-wise. There are many customers, who have different views regarding a choice; hence they are never satisfied with a product or service quality. However, Kotler and Armstrong, (2011) has regarded customer satisfaction as the key driver for the success of an organisation. Chapter Three: Methodology 3.1 Research Philosophy There are four types of philosophies such as realism, positivism, pragmatism and interpretivism (Saunders, 2009). In this research, interpretivism approach is selected for the analysis part. As characteristics of human behaviour are analysed in the research hence, interpretive approach is useful. 3.2 Research Approach There are three research approaches such as deduction, abduction and induction. Deductive and inductive research approaches are generally used by the researchers for academic projects (Saunders, 2009). In this research, researcher has employed deductive approach (Saunders, 2009). In order to examine the validity of the research questions, adequate information is collected from a number of sources such as primary and secondary. 3.3 Research Design There are three kinds of research design such as investigative, exploratory and descriptive. In this case, descriptive approach is chosen for elaborating the topic. 3.3.1 Research Strategy/Methods Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are employed in this case. Qualitative research details are obtained from the articles and books whereas the quantitative data are collected from the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire is duly filled by 50 customers of Sambal express and this is analysed with the help of charts and graphs in MS Excel. 3.3.2 Research Instrument/Tools The tools employed for research are graphs and charts that are prepared in the MS Excel. 3.4 Sampling The respondents of the survey are selected from a large population randomly; hence, the researcher will use random sampling techniques. 3.4.1 Identifying Population and Research Site The respondents are chosen from customers of Sambal Express, who will be requested to fill up the questionnaire. 3.4.2 Sampling Strategy Random sampling will be used for completing the research as the respondents of the research are chosen randomly. 3.5 Ethical Implications The research will be completed after considering the ethical implications and will not aim at harming the sentiments of any individual. 3.6 Research Scope and Limitations The number of respondents taken for the research is limited as increase in such number can lead to inconvenience of calculating results. Chapter Four: Timescale  In the first two weeks, the research proposal is prepared by considering the chosen topic and its significance. In the third week, data and information are collected for preparing the research background. In the fourth week, the introduction part is prepared followed by the research questions. In the next month, the literature review is developed with the help of a number of articles followed by the methodology in the seventh week. However, in the ninth week the data collected from the survey are analysed with the help of MS Excel. Chapter Five: Conclusion  Customer satisfaction has become one of the most important factors for every organisation. Competition has encouraged the companies to concentrate on this factor. If the customers are not satisfied with the products or services of a company, they are bound to switch brands and this costs a big amount to the companies. In the restaurant industry, switching is very common as the customers seek for the best quality and healthy foods. If a restaurant fails to provide healthy and tasty food to the customers, then it is bound to lose the customers in the short run. Hence, the restaurants aim at retaining the customers and attracting new customers so as to sustain in the long run. Hence, customer’s satisfactions play an important role in this case. In order to satisfy them the restaurants have innovated new dishes; therefore, customer satisfaction does not only depend on the behaviour and taste of the customers rather it is also dependent on the innovation and creativity of the restaurants. For topic chosen for this project is quite interesting as survey pertaining to restaurants industry are limited in this competitive business environment. Hence, the survey related to customer satisfaction on the service and food quality of the Sambal Express is depicted in the proposal. The research will not only help the researchers to concentrate on further studies based on the topic but also assist food lovers in London to assess the performance of the restaurant so that they can visit it with their family and friends. Self Evaluation The main aims of a research proposal are to highlight the problems that are to be investigated in the research. The method used in the research proposal should be feasible and suitable in order to prove the original contribution of the topic. In preparing the research proposal, the topic is examined and researched thoroughly; for doing the same a level of sophistication is maintained. The research proposal also lays emphasis on the methodology that will be used in the project in order to depict the manner in which the results of the survey will be evaluated. Hence, the research proposal does not only provide a brief description of the topic but also lays emphasis on the time scale within which the research will be completed. Reference List Anderson, R.E., 1973. Consumer dissatisfaction: The effect of disconfirmed expectancy on Perceived Product Performance. Journal of Marketing Research, pp. 38-44. Awara, N. F. and Anyadighibe, J. A., 2014. The Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty: A Study Of Selected Eateries In Calabar, Cross. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 5(9), pp.110-125. Baker, D. A. and Crompton, J. L., 2000. Quality, satisfaction and behavioural variables. Annals of Tourism Research, 27 (3), pp. 785-804. Bansal, H. S., Irving, P. G. and Taylor, S. F., 2004. A three-component model of customer commitment to service providers. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(3), pp.234-250. Dawes, R., Singer, D. and Lemons, P., 1972. An experimental Analysis of the Contrast Effect and its Implications for Intergroup Communication and Indirect Assessment of Attitude. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 21(3), pp. 281-295. Festinger, L., 1957. A theory of cognitive dissonance. CA: Stanford University Press. Fletcher, A., 2007. Are UK Consumers Becoming More Health Conscious? [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 16 February 2015]. Helgesen, Ø., 2007. Drivers of customer satisfaction in business-to-business relationships: A case study of Norwegian fish exporting companies operating globally. British Food Journal, 109(10), pp. 819-837. Henry, A., 2008.Understanding strategic management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hovland, C., Harvey, O. and Sherif, M., 1957. Assimilation and contrast effects in reaction to communication and attitude change. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55(7), pp. 244-252. Kotler, R. and Armstrong, G., 2011. Principles of Marketing, 14th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Liao, K.H., 2012. Service Quality, and Customer Satisfaction: Direct and Indirect Effects in a B2B Customer Loyalty Framework. Journal of Global Business Management, 8(1), pp. 86-93. Liaw, G.F. and Liang, S.H., 2013. The Effect of Trust, Satisfaction, and Switching Cost on Consumers Loyalty - A Model of On-line Auction. Journal of International Management Studies, 8(1), pp.59-67. Saunders, M., 2009. Research methods for business students. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Sondoh, S. L., 2007. The effect of brand image on overall satisfaction and loyalty intention in the context of color cosmetic. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 12(1), pp. 83–107. Sambal Express, 2015. Sambal Express. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 16 February 2015]. Read More
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