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The Effects of Workplace Flexibility - Research Proposal Example

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The author of the following paper under the title 'The Effects of Workplace Flexibility' focuses on some of the pressing issues common to many organizations which are work-life conflict and the recruitment and retention of high-performing and dedicated employees…
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The Effects of Workplace Flexibility
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 Dear Mr. Corso: Thank you for approving my proposal to conduct research on the benefits of going from a five to a four-day work week. This study is based on the need of addressing parking problems and the demand of many employees to have an option for four-week working arrangements. In conducting this study, I had the following objectives: 1) to determine the benefits of a compressed work schedule to employees and the company; 2) to understand potential issues with a new work schedule; and 3) to offer recommendations that can help implement the proposed four-day work week. I reviewed seven empirical resources, which focused on the effects of workplace flexibility on employee welfare and general company performance and image. Attached is the result of my research and recommendations. My secondary research suggests that a compressed work week produces benefits of reduced work-life conflict and stress, better productivity, and improved health for employees, which translates to gains in productivity and morale in the workplace. Higher employee morale is related to employee satisfaction, which will draw future talented employees, while recruiting and retaining highly-engaged ones. Workplace flexibility is also related to corporate social responsibility and corporate image. Thus, reducing work days contributes to better employee welfare and corporate reputation and performance. The research also addresses potential problems, such as resistance to changes because of daycare adjustments and other effects on ordinary community life. It is hoped that these recommendations will improve the quality of life and work of the employees and boost the general efficiency and effectiveness of Coastal Sunbelt. Thank you, your time was highly appreciated. Sincerely, Table of Contents Introduction 3 Problem Statement 3 Benefits for Employees 4 Reduction of Work-Life Conflict 4 Improvement of Productivity 5 Lower Commute Time and Less Stress 5 Better Health 5 Benefits for the Company 5 Decreased Operational Expenses 6 Improvement of Employee Productivity 6 Retention and Recruitment Rates Enhancement 6 Corporate Social Responsibility and Company Image 6 Some Issues 7 Family and Community Life Interruptions 7 Parking and Logistics 7 The company must be prepared of parking and other logistics. Longer work hours for four days can have strains on company resources during that time. Without sufficient resources and other support, the positive effects of a compressed work week might be reduced or lost altogether. If Coastal Sunbelt would make a rotating 4-day work week, this can result to more maximized parking spaces. For example, half of the employees will work normal shift for one week, and then for the second week, they work only for 4 days. The second half of the employees will work 4 days in the week, where the first group worked 5 days. This system would free up parking, and it will save Coastal Sunbelt the cost of building a parking garage. 7 Importance of Schedule Flexibility 7 Performance Management 7 Conclusion 7 Schedule Flexibility 7 Community Schedule and Work Schedule Alignment 8 Performance management 8 References 8 Introduction Some of the pressing issues common to many organizations are work-life conflict and the recruitment and retention of high-performing and dedicated employees. Coastal Sunbelt faces theses issues, among others, which affects its efficiency and effectiveness. To motivate employees, the organization must offer innovative solutions, one of which is shifting from a five-day to a four-day work week. This proposal argues that to motivate and engage Coastal Sunbelt employees, the company must allow them the option to work for ten hours each day, four days a week. The three-day weekend will help them manage their diverse roles and duties, not only as employees, but as heads or members of their households, thereby increasing their motivation and satisfaction, which can enhance their individual performance. According to seven empirical articles, the benefits of a compressed work schedule to employees are reduced work-life conflict, improved productivity, lower commute time and stress, and better health. For the company, the benefits are outcomes of improved employee welfare, which are decreased expenses, enhanced productivity, higher retention and recruitment rates, and better company image. A four-day work week has more positive than negative outcomes. Some of the issues that must be considered are overall harmony of life and work schedules and performance management. Evidently, what is good for the people are good for the company too. The recommendations for Coastal Sunbelt are to implement the four-day work week as an option and part of a rotating schedule, while responding to social and workplace issues. Schedule flexibility must be considered by understanding work-life goals of employees. Moreover, additional parking spaces must be provided for extended work hours during the four days of the week. Furthermore, performance management includes clear goals and standards, coupled with regular monitoring and feedback measures. Evaluating the level of employee satisfaction, work-life anxiety, and productivity before and after the implementation will provide further evidence regarding the effectiveness of a compressed work schedule and to identify areas of improvement. Problem Statement One of the main problems of Coastal Sunbelt is efficiency because of parking problems. In a survey, many employees complained of the limited parking spaces. At times, they cannot find parking at all and they have to park two miles away and end up walking to work. By the time they arrive at the office, they are already tired and frustrated. Sometimes, they become tardy because of parking problems. A four-day work week can allow employees to find parking, since they do not have to arrive at the same time as other working people. Another critical concern is work-life balance. Some employees complained that they could not attend to their other family and social concerns because all week days are dedicated to work. Parents lamented that they cannot attend their children’s school events and other activities because they have to go to work. They do not want to use up their paid leaves too because they want to utilize that for family vacations and important emergencies. Several employees also protested that they could not attend to their other social needs. Whether it is going to the bank or making payments, a five-day work week meant they can hardly do them without further stress. Thus, these employees felt that a five-day work week could be extremely constraining to their other plans in life. Benefits for Employees The benefits of working for four days, instead of five, have been proven through selected empirical studies. These studies are based on company cases, surveys, and interviews. This section discusses the varied advantages of a shorter work week for employees. Reduction of Work-Life Conflict Work-life conflict includes challenges in balancing work and family life, as well as work and other family interests. Today’s employees, especially younger generation workers, increasingly find it important to balance work and family time. As mentioned, several employees openly expressed the desire for fewer workdays because they want to spend more time being parents, children, or community members. Furthermore, some people desire to have more time off for their own personal entertainment and recreation needs. Several Coastal Sunbelt employees agreed that an extra day off from work can give more time for their artistic or sports pursuits. As they emphasize the demand for both a successful career and successful family life, numerous organizations are innovating workforce formats to respond to these needs (Facer & Wadsworth, 2010, p.1031). Facer and Wadsworth (2010) studied the effects of Utah’s implementation of a four-day work week for state employees on their work/family issues, perceptions of productivity, and satisfaction. Findings showed that the extra day off helped employees decrease conflict between work and family concerns (Facer & Wadsworth, 2010, p.1045). Since working for ten hours also avoided traffic during rush hours, the new schedule increased time for families and their personal endeavors (Facer & Wadsworth, 2010, p.1045). Less work days are translated to more time for families and reduced anxiety from work-life conflict. Other studies emphasized that workplace flexibility can be related to fewer problems in balancing work and family goals. Hill et al. (2010) examined the role of workplace flexibility and work-at-home in reducing work-life conflict for a global sample of workers from four countries. They obtained data from the 2007 International Business Machines Global Work and Life Issues Survey that was administered in 75 countries. Total sampling included 24,436 people. Findings described the correlation between workplace flexibility through shorter work days and reduced work-life conflict (Hill et al., 2010, p.355). In a secondary research, Silbaugh (2010) learned that as long as the change in work hours coincide with work hours of other offices, a four-day work week can decrease perceptions of work-life conflict. These studies provide overwhelming evidence that shorter work days can diminish anxiety from work-life conflicts. Indeed, Coastal Sunbelt employees have voiced the need for workplace flexibility, so that they could increase their time for their families. As one of them stressed: “I am an employee, but more than that, I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend too. I want to balance my time and a four-day work week can help me do that.” A short work week can decrease conflict between work and life roles. Improvement of Productivity A four-day work week can improve satisfaction, which can be related to better performance. Ivancevich (1974) conducted a control-group comparison study to examine the effect of a compressed work schedule on job satisfaction, anxiety, and performance for thirteen months. The experimental group consisted of 104 participants and had a 4/10 work schedule, while the control group had 106 participants and worked for five days. Findings showed that the experimental group reported greater satisfaction and performance gains than the control group. Working for four days can boost productivity when employees work hard during those four days. Hill et al. (2010) learned that people are motivated to work more when in 10/4 schedules. Silbaugh (2010) showed from her study that a four-day work week improved productivity by reducing tardiness and absenteeism (p.1276). Productivity is increased too when absenteeism and tardiness are reduced. Employees did not have to be absent for at least one work day to take care of health and child-related activities that tend to occur during weekdays (Silbaugh, 2010, p.1276). Employees in Coastal Sunbelt asserted that they can work more if they have to go to work less. Productivity can also be related to less parking problems. One of them noted: “Parking will be easier. I don’t have to spend time stuck in the road finding parking, since my work day starts earlier than others.” Thus, though work days are reduced, actual employee productivity can be improved through the mediating factors of engagement, motivation, and satisfaction. Lower Commute Time and Less Stress With only four days of work week, employees commute less, and with less time spent on the road, they tend to feel less stress. Silbaugh (2010) and Hill et al. (2010) showed from their studies that working for four days reduced commute time. Commute time is also decreased because of no longer coming to and from work during rush hours. Long commute time has been connected to work stress, and so perceptions of stress decreased because of working four days only (Hill et al., 2010, p.355). Employees generally want less stress in their lives, particularly from work, so it will benefit them a great deal to work only for four days, instead of five days. Coastal Sunbelt workers described that less time on the road meant less stress for them too. Better Health Long commute time is often related to workplace stress, which affects employee productivity and health. Several studies then attest that four day work weeks have reduced stress and helped improved health conditions (Facer & Wadsworth, 2010, p.1045; Hill et al., 2010, p.355). Ivancevich (1974) showed that a change to four day work week decreased anxiety from working five days a week. Lower work-family conflict can also be related to better health conditions. High-blood, high cholesterol, and other lifestyle diseases are connected to stress, so employees can definitely have better health when they are less stressed from work anxieties. These empirical studies provided evidence that a shorter work week can reduce the antecedents of stress and improve general health outcomes. Coastal Sunbelt workers asserted that work stress can be reduced if they have other work week options. Like one employee said: “More options mean less worries and less worries mean good mood and health.” Benefits for the Company The advantages of a four-day week schedule on the company level are related to the benefits that employees get. Apparently, as shown by other companies such as Google and Southwest Airlines, the more that organizations take care of their employees, the more that the latter have improved performance and morale. This section explores the diverse benefits of a four work week to Coastal Sunbelt. Decreased Operational Expenses Increasing energy costs and depreciation of workplace equipment are some of the problems that a four-day work week can address. In Utah, lower electricity costs would have been attained if every employee had similar work schedules (Facer & Wadsworth, 2010, p.1045). Nevertheless, the decrease of time spent at the workstations is considered beneficial in reducing energy and equipment costs (Facer & Wadsworth, 2010, p.1045). Furthermore, lower expenses on overtime are also noted because of the addition of hours per day (Facer & Wadsworth, 2010, p.1045). Coastal Sunbelt can improve the efficiency of operations if employees no longer come during one weekday. Its electricity bill and operations costs will be reduced, especially since overtime is lessened too when employees already work two hours more per day. Improvement of Employee Productivity Fewer work days is not related to less work, and instead it can boost productivity too. Hill et al. (2010) reported from their survey that more employees stressed that they were able to work more in a 10/4 work schedule. Decreased leave usage and less stress are also connected to better individual performance (Facer & Wadsworth, 2010, p.1045). This means that employees no longer have to apply extra leave days, since they have an extra weekday to conduct their varied tasks and responsibilities. Moreover, less stress from a compressed work schedule meant fewer risks to health problems. This outcome can reduce healthcare expenses of the company, as well as contribute to company productivity, since absences and tardiness that are related to illnesses are also diminished. Coastal Sunbelt can experience higher employee productivity due to improvements in work hours and fewer instances of leave and absences. Retention and Recruitment Rates Enhancement When employees feel less stress at work and become more autonomous over their jobs, the organization can increasingly retain them. Retention is an important issue because of the costs in training and developing employees, particularly high-performing ones. Wickramasinghe and Jayabandu (2007) learned from their study that workplace flexibility enhanced work autonomy, which affected work relations and work satisfaction. Higher work satisfaction, in turn, influenced retention of vital knowledge employees (Wickramasinghe & Jayabandu, 2007, p.554). Coastal Sunbelt can use its four-day work week to retain employees, especially those with children and want to spend more time with them. Furthermore, it can use this schedule to attract future applicants, especially young workers who want greater autonomy over their work schedule and lives. Coastal Sunbelt can attract new Gen Y, Gen X, and soon, Gen Z generation workers who want greater work and life balance. Corporate Social Responsibility and Company Image Companies that are concerned of their ecological footprint tend to have a better company image than those without proactive environmental efforts. Dowling and Moran (2012) discussed studies that showed that built-in corporate social responsibility boosts company image. Company image, in turn, contributes to company performance, if consumers reward the “green” image with increased patronage and loyalty. Coastal Sunbelt can market its four-day work week to improve its image as a green company. This new schedule decreases pollution and energy effects of working for the company. By reducing its ecological footprint, through decreased energy costs and pollution effects, Coastal Sunbelt can improve company reputation and engage more customers and employees in the process. Some Issues A new work week schedule is not the sole answer to the company’s efficiency and effectiveness concerns. It will only help improve it to some levels, as long as some conditions are also met, such as additional support and preparation toward its implementation. In addition, the company must be prepared of identifying and responding to the challenges of applying it. Family and Community Life Interruptions Limited public transportation and daycare options may result to employees not supporting the four-day work week schedule. The company does not have to force employees to join the new work week schedule. It will be an option for them if they want to. In this case employees who have kids and cannot find extended hours for childcare services have a choice: they can work 5 days with normal 8 hours shift, or 4 days 10 hours. Parking and Logistics The company must be prepared of parking and other logistics. Longer work hours for four days can have strains on company resources during that time. Without sufficient resources and other support, the positive effects of a compressed work week might be reduced or lost altogether. If Coastal Sunbelt would make a rotating 4-day work week, this can result to more maximized parking spaces. For example, half of the employees will work normal shift for one week, and then for the second week, they work only for 4 days. The second half of the employees will work 4 days in the week, where the first group worked 5 days. This system would free up parking, and it will save Coastal Sunbelt the cost of building a parking garage. Importance of Schedule Flexibility Workplace flexibility should meet real employee needs regarding balancing work and life. Hill et al. (2010) asserted that schedule flexibility is critical in gaining a stronger link between the four week work schedule and employee productivity. Without considering the actual needs of employees, they might find a compressed workweek as more stressful than traditional workweeks. Performance Management Another concern is managing performance. How do supervisors know that their people are finishing their roles effectively when they are one day away from work? Motivation is also an issue, and it is possible that without workplace supervision, some employees might forget their workplace goals and deadlines. Thus, finding ways to manage and influence people when they are not physically present at work can be a challenging issue. Conclusion According to empirical analysis, a four-day work week produces performance, health, and satisfaction benefits for employees, which contributes to company productivity and image. Four days of work can result to more work or productivity, as long as the following recommendations are also considered and applied. Coastal Sunbelt can reap numerous financial and nonfinancial benefits from compressing work schedules, which can enhance its retention and performance, as well as efficiency. Schedule Flexibility In order to address the concerns of employees regarding reduced work hours, they should have schedule flexibility, where four-day work weeks and other flexible schedules are present. The main proposal is for the four-day work week to be implemented as an option, while potential telecommuting schedules can also be integrated. The key is finding what works for the company and employees, so that the latter can be satisfied with their work. Supervisors should survey sentiments regarding workplace flexibility and ask for honest recommendations to improve the link between workplace flexibility and employee productivity and satisfaction. Community Schedule and Work Schedule Alignment Community schedule and work schedule must be aligned. Silbaugh (2010) mentioned the significance of ensuring that the shorter work week is aligned with community dynamics, or else, the same work-family conflict will remain. Furthermore, based on Silbaugh’s 2010 research, the best schedule would be starting work one hour early and ending it one hour later than usual. This way, the dynamics of family life will not be so much interrupted, while rush hours, where high-level traffic occurs, can be avoided (Silbaugh, 2010, p.1279). Performance management In order to address performance management issues, the traditional thinking of performance must be changed. Managers and supervisors should no longer equate physical attendance with productivity. Instead, they should help employees set clear work goals and standards, which when reached, will result to high performance ratings. Motivation outside of work can be strongly individual in basis. Supervisors can motivate employees to enhance their dedication to their work through clear guidelines, goals, and expectations, so that employees will not abuse their new work schedule to avoid working altogether. Performance feedback should be done regularly to also note any sudden workplace behavioral changes and to make necessary corrections. Finally, HR should evaluate satisfaction, productivity, and work-life conflict before and after the implementation of this proposal, so that the company can monitor and measure changes. The results of the study will enrich the practice of workplace flexibility and can serve as a future industry benchmark. References Böckerman, P., & Ilmakunnas, P. (2012). The job satisfaction-productivity nexus: A study using matched survey and register data. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 65(2), 244-262. Dowling, G., & Moran, P. (2012). Corporate reputations: Built in or bolted on? California Management Review, 54(2), 25-42. Facer II, R.L., & Wadsworth, L.L. (2010). Four-day work weeks: Current research and practice. Connecticut Law Review, 42(4), 1031-1046. Hill, E.J., Erickson, J.J., Holmes, E.K., & Ferris, M. (2010). Workplace flexibility, work hours, and work-life conflict: Finding an extra day or two. Journal of Family Psychology, 24(3), 349-358. Ivancevich, J.M. (1974). Effects of the shorter workweek on selected satisfaction and performance measures. Journal of Applied Psychology, 59(6), 717-721. Silbaugh, K.B. (2010). Sprawl, family rhythms, and the four-day work week. Connecticut Law Review, 42(4), 1267-1283. Wickramasinghe, V., & Jayabandu, S. (2007). Towards workplace flexibility: Flexitime arrangements in Sri Lanka. Employee Relations, 29 (6), 554-575. Read More
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