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Statistical Differences Related to Migration Problems and Drug Use
7 pages (1913 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
he primary purpose for reviewing literature is to gain a broad background and understanding of information that is available to support the study intention (Burns & Grove 1999). ... They look at migrancy as opposed to mobility and the literature review gives a comprehensive account of homelessness and differentiates between aspects of migrancy to that of mobility....
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Ways to Follow Up Without Being Annoying
2 pages (615 words) , Download 10 , Literature review
The author of the current paper "Ways to Follow Up Without Being Annoying" advises to be overly polite and humble and notice that it seems obvious enough, but a lot of people take it personally when they don't hear back from someone right away.... .... ... ... On the website www.... ashable.... om, I found a very interesting topic for the week....
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A report on Saudi Arabia
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The report has been passed for its original content, rationale of the subject and literature review that seems to have filled gap for the defined topic in Saudi Arabia.... The report would summarize Examiner's report and also look into the student's original paper and edited version to find if the suggested modifications were followed....
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Arguments for Commodification
2 pages (585 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper "Arguments for Commodification" states that there has been an increasing discussion about the need for the commodification of body parts.... The human body can be marketed in parts; various professions have been at the forefront to perpetuate the commodification of human body parts.... ...
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Chinese Culture Principle
6 pages (1637 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
According to these cultures, it is considered a taboo to use a broom in punishing or performing other factions apart from sweeping.... The paper "Chinese Culture Principle" proves the balance of positive and negative energy defines how a person operates in culture.... The culture defines a family as a major component in promoting cultural practices....
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The Analyze of The Humanitarian Revolution of Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature
5 pages (1523 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The people were very busy performing their assigned tasks.... The book report 'The Analyze of "The Humanitarian Revolution" of Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature' is devoted to Steven Pinker's humanitarian revolution principles focus the nature of our current societal status....
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Computer Use is the New Media Reader of Contemporary Society
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Similar aspects in computer use solidify McLuhan's view that – the most important impact of a medium is that which the medium not performing, instead evokes from its audience or user. ... The following paper will critique a research project based on a book "The Medium is the Message: An Inventory of Effects"....
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''The Hutterites in North America'' John A. Hostetler
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This sub-cultural group immigrated to the northern regions of Canada and America from Germany in the 1870s and counted to about 450 people.... This community.... ... ... This is because the community still practices past religious and cultural traditions that faded from many societies.... The community maintains very simple dressing codes such covering of heads by The group speaks very distinctive German dialect that is not known to any other communities....
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The Role of the Judiciary
10 pages (2790 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "The Role of the Judiciary" discusses a constitutional issue that has proven divisive especially after the turn of the millennium when there have been some major fatal shootings.... It will explore how the interpretation of the constitution has affected gun control legislation....
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The Business and Practice of Coaching
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The business of coaching is one in which one individual helps another person find perspective on how they are performing in their life.... The paper 'The Business and Practice of Coaching' analyzes the concept of coaching, which is based on the idea that one individual provides consistent and effective feedback on the performance of another....
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Crisis Management and Its Increasing Importance in International Operations
27 pages (7592 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper "Crisis Management and Its Increasing Importance in International Operations" states that in the post-crisis period, managers get to know what aspects of the organization need to be changed in order to minimize the potential for crisis in the future.... ... ... ... Recognition of the crisis is only a preliminary task, the real challenge is to identify the potential risks in a timely fashion and to realize the most effective and cost-effective course of action to address the underlying issues....
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Coercive Intervention in Inpatient Psychiatry
15 pages (4448 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper conducts reviews of literature, and so doing, discusses methods of research, and highlights findings from previous research.... The paper will conduct reviews of literatures, and so doing, discuss methods of research.... Finding the correct view of coercive intervention especially in inpatient psychiatry requires thorough researches that involve review and critical analysis of the literature on this topic.... Doing a literature Search: A Comprehensive Guide for the Social Sciences....
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Inventory Management and Capacity Management - the University of Wolverhampton
20 pages (5483 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Inventory Management and Capacity Management - the University of Wolverhampton " is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "Inventory Management and Capacity Management - the University of Wolverhampton " is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... This university also concentrated on culture, arts and design related aspects for creating a position impression amid the students throughout the globe....
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Intro Theater
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Several movies have been made based on this book.... The theme of the book is classic.... It is about two star-crossed young lovers belonging.... ... ... Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are the two lovers in this play.... This tragic drama is best remembered for the famous balcony scene and this scene is arguably the best theatrical scene in English Theatre....
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Comparison between Emerging and Developed Economies
14 pages (4232 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
An essay reviewing the literature relating to Investment opportunities and risks in stock markets: A comparison between emerging and developed economies Introduction Trend of investment in the developing countries has increased in magnitude over the past few years.... This essay focuses on reviewing the existing literature on the risks and benefits accruing from investment activities in the developing economies and comparing it with the risks and benefits associated with investing in the advanced stock markets of the world....
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The Ladies Roles in Byrons The Corsair
8 pages (2160 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Romantic literature was primarily a reaction against the loss of the ‘venerable woman' of a nostalgically idealized Golden Age of being, yet some authors, such as Byron, were willing to allow that perhaps this Golden Age wasn't as pure as it was painted and that women, like men, were often products of an enforced exterior concept rather than a natural being.... A Guide to the Study of literature: A Companion Text for Core Studies 6, Landmarks of literature....
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Ozicks The Shawl: Faith, Voice, and Free Will
7 pages (2078 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
literature and Psychology 1 & 2 (1994): 1-9.... literature Resource Center.... Encyclopedia of Jewish-American literature.... This book report "Ozick's 'The Shawl': Faith, Voice, and Free Will" describes the plot of these stories, main characters, main theme and the use of stylistic devices, the role of author and uniqueness of these papers....
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Gender and Popular Fiction
8 pages (2311 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Genre has mainly typological functions and its principal task is to divide the world of literature into classes, naming each of the types the same way as a botanist divides the realm of plants into variations in order to classify them.... This is seen in literature whose broadest division is between poetry, prose, and drama, within which further divisions are recognized, such as comedy and tragedy within the realm of drama.... Robert Stam (2000) has his own way of categorizing films, pointing out that other genres are borrowed from literature such as comedy and melodrama or from another medium such as the musical....
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Analysis of Steven Spielberg's Popularity
9 pages (2442 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Analysis of Steven Spielberg's Popularity" discusses Steven Allan Spielberg who was born on December 18, 1946.... tevens's films combine literature; performance and music to produce masterpiece films (Leitch 2002).... n summary, Steven films combine different elements into one film to create art, literature and knowledge.... ndrews, D, & Andrews, C 2012 Film Studies and the Biocultural Turn Philosophy and literature, 361, 58-78. ...
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Learning Environments for Children
9 pages (3344 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
(link to the learning outcomes in the Early Years Learning Framework, and/or theory and literature) ... (Link to the learning outcomes in the Early Years Learning Framework, and/or theory and literature) ... (reflect on planning, scaffolding, health and safety, relationships, meaningful curriculum, continuity of learning etc) - link to the pedagogies and practices and the educator's role in the Early Years Learning Framework, and/or theory and literature) ...
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Nuit of the Living Dead
5 pages (1402 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
literature and the Writing Process.... By the Book: Writers on literature and the Literary Life from the New York Times Book Review.... Description in literature and Other Media.... The paper "Nuit of the Living Dead" presents a comic story with a bright insight of the literary elements of the story such as the plot, irony, sarcasm, rhymes, and imagery lead to understanding the motif, themes, and symbolism of the protagonist's personal experience....
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Breast Cancer in African-American Women
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
he research was conducted by an extensive literature review.... In addition, the existing research indicated that the factors for breast cancer in black women were contrary to the literature on white women.... The effect of exercise on reducing risk has previously been studied and the literature generally supports the hypothesis that regular exercise reduces the risk of breast cancer....
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Data Preparation and Collection
6 pages (1995 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The benchmark questions used in the Best Value User Satisfaction Survey are relatively basic meaning that more viable information should be sourced from the literature review of past surveys, as well as the analysis of other similar areas around the world (Cope 2009, 174).... Population Census Data (Green Space Analysis) literature searches show that passive and informal activities are the predominant reasons why people visit green spaces in urban areas.... Information from the literature search shows that people's chief reasons for visiting urban green spaces can be categorised into several distinct categories i....
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Polar Bears - Ursus maritimus
8 pages (2298 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review will in the main be concerned with the viability of this species, Ursus maritimus.... his idea will be investigated using a literature search, using search terms such as ‘polar bear; North pole ; ice cap; endangered species; polar bear ecology etc....
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The Development and Designing of Legged Robots
7 pages (2075 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Moreover, the current literature has also focused on techniques which control the locomotion of the robots as well as integrating sensory information in the robots to make them more humanoid.... The objects of analysis for the purpose of this paper "The Development and Designing of Legged Robots" are a type of robot, which is designed to move from one place to another....
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Workforce in the EU and Changing of the Working Environment
7 pages (2212 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Workforce in the EU and Changing of the Working Environment" attempts to examine the attitudes of post-Soviet Union countries towards implementing economic, political, and social changes.... n sum, the literature review shοws that resistance tο change is οne οf the main prοblems in post Soviet Union countries thus different researchers have different views and understanding οf this prοblem.... ddiction literature....
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Polish Migrant within the UK Hospitality Industry
8 pages (2241 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Polish Migrant within the UK Hospitality Industry" presents a comprehensive analysis of the literature about different issues workers migrants such as low wages, discrimination at the work as well as other work-related issues which potentially can hamper their prospects.... Cultural diversity is another important issue which has been highlighted in the existing literature in terms of the employment of the Polish workers in the hospitality sector of UK....
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When did Globalization Begin
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Inn coming up with their facts and conclusions, the authors have primarily relied on literature review.... The present book report "When did Globalization Begin" comments on how the authors in their findings argue that globalization must have begun in the period after the beginning of the 19th Century....
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Anti-Americanism and Pro-Americanism
7 pages (1962 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Anti-Americanism and Pro-Americanism" discusses the current anti-American protests in South Korea that can be deduced to be a result of a power struggle that is largely driven by strong antagonistic forces within South Korea's societal subsystems.... ... ... ...
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Secrets of Mastering of Sustained Silent Reading
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper 'Secrets of Mastering of Sustained Silent Reading' presents possible items, and factors useful for the effective fulfillment of SSR programmes: access, appeal, conducive environment, encouragement, staff training, non-accountability, follow-up activities, distributed time to read.... ... ...
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Merlan's Ethnography Caging the Rainbow vs Malinowski's Argonauts of the Western Pacific
4 pages (1306 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The overwhelming literature on Malinowski's encounter with the Trobriand Islanders indicates that he took his time and resources to record and observed nearly every element of cultural practices of the community.... The paper "Merlan's Ethnography Caging the Rainbow vs Malinowski's Argonauts of the Western Pacific" explains the first anthropological concept about the social, political, religious, and economic lifestyle of Australian Aborigines....
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Services Marketing: Company X
13 pages (5134 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Critical Analysis of the Issue and literature Review 2.... Review of Related literature and Studies Hill (2006) maintained that the association between customer satisfaction and company success, which previously had only been a matter of faith, has already been established from research.... Existing literature shows that market orientation plays a significant part in getting positive results for companies.... Drawing on existing literature related to interactions and relationships between market research, market orientation, and customer relationship management issues....
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State Security and Peoples Liberty: The US Policy
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The author concludes that reorganization of existing agencies and structures must be implemented to eliminate the complexity in intelligence structures that have not lead to effective intelligence gathering.... Increased collaboration and communication among these agencies should also be strengthened....
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Mande's Cultural Views of Women and Family
5 pages (1310 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
This book review "Mande's Cultural Views of Women and Family" focuses on a story about power, lust and kingdoms.... The story takes place in the 12th century concerning the king of Mali known as Nare Fa Maghan.... Sunidata is an epic concerning the people of Mali in the world today.... ... ... ... The story revolves around the journey of Sunidata to the highest position in Mali facing hurdles in this journey....
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Primary Assessment for Learning - Collaborative Learning
10 pages (3329 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
he method is a well-known form of a collaborative learning where different groups are given a particular aspect of the subject under consideration for instance the different elements of a work of literature or those relating to the various methods for solving a particular problem or challenge where individual member of the group is expected teach other or become an ‘expert' on a given aspect....
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Coding Schemes in Optical Fibre, Dicode Pulse Position Modulation, Reed Solomon Code, and FPGA
33 pages (8830 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This study "Coding Schemes in Optical Fibre, Dicode Pulse Position Modulation, Reed Solomon Code, and FPGA" is concerned with a literature review considering the main aim of the research which involves the development and investigation of the connection of the Dicode Pulse Position Modulation.... The literature review is important as several researchers have been interested in this topic of study and hence conducted several studies on topics associated with dicode pulse position demodulation....
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The Movie the Last King of Scotland
8 pages (2157 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
William Whittington is a phD holder and the assistant chair of Critical Studies at the School of Cinematic arts from the University of Southern California.... This movie review "The Movie the Last King of Scotland" focuses on the film that is primarily based on an acclaimed novel by Giles Foden....
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Post-modernism theory of visual artists
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The researcher of this essay aims to discuss the distinctive view of language in a postmodernist approach and how it frames the conception of visual arts such as photography and film making.... Postmodernists have led to the birth of new linguistic styles, which have changed the nature of visual arts completely.... Post-Modernism Theory of Visual arts After WWII, there have been controversies about the certainty of knowledge with academicians thinking more about the nature of reality....
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Paulie: A Taking Parrot with a Big Heart
2 pages (586 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
In the paper 'Paulie: A Taking Parrot with a Big Heart' the author analyzes a funny, touchy, and inspiring movie about a parrot that can talk.... But unlike an ordinary parrot who plainly mimics what it hears, Paulie can actually give a decent conversation with people.... ... ... ... The author states that because of his unique talent, he went through a lot of adventures from the pet shop, a taco stand, and finally an animal laboratory, as to quote on what he said in the movie 'talking can only get you to trouble'....
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Fashion Marketing of Luxury Branding
6 pages (1827 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Marketing Table of Contents Chapter 2: literature Review 3 Reference List 10 Chapter 2: literature Review 2 Fashion Industry Fashion is regarded tobe most creative, dynamic and exciting global business.... The author of the following paper "Fashion Marketing of Luxury Branding" will begin with the statement that fashion is regarded to be the most creative, dynamic, and exciting global business....
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Achievement of Desire by Richard Rodriguez
4 pages (1042 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
the narrative made allusions to popular kinds of literature such as those written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, and others.... From the paper "Achievement of Desire by Richard Rodriguez" it is clear that Rodriguez did not become the superficial renowned academician that he deeply desires but an educated Mexican born in a working-class immigrant family with uneducated parents....
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Reinforcing Roles in 'House of Mirth'
12 pages (3150 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The essay "Reinforcing Roles in 'House of Mirth'" discusses roles assigned to females by their gender and social status based on the piece of the literature.... Thus was the feminine vision defined, a definition that strikes suspiciously close to the representations of woman as she has appeared throughout Western literature. ... She “easily charms Gryce with her considerable feminine wiles” (Worth, 1994: 46) after she had learned all she can about Americana literature, Gryce's only hobby....
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Medical Book
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Based on a series of case studies of patients suffering from neurological disorders, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat is written by Dr.... Oliver Sacks, the British neurologist and writer.... The title of the book is inspired from the case study of a man with visual agnosia.... ... ... ... This report is going to contain the primary ideas and information on this international best-seller, followed by my own assessment. ...
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Black Man as Object of Fear and Symbol of Violence
6 pages (1869 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
nn Lane Petry is an African-American writer of adult novels and children's literature "who chronicled the urban Black female experience" (Hine, 1993).... Black literature Criticism Supplement: Excerpts from Criticism of the Most Significant Works of Black Authors over the Past 200 Years (Black literature Criticism....
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Dante: Divine Comedy
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Dante Alighieri's (1265-1321) Divine Comedy has been considered as the single most fundamental epic poem of Italian literature and the prominence of this illustrious piece has crossed the boundaries of the land, people, and literature to be known as one of the essential pieces of world literature.... ante Alighieri's (1265-1321) Divine Comedy has been considered as the single most fundamental epic poem of Italian literature and the prominence of this illustrious piece has crossed the boundaries of the land, people, and literature to be known as one of the most essential pieces of world literature....
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Passion of Christ as a Religious Controversial Film
7 pages (1836 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
The similarity proves that Jesus did exist, in the film and the literature where people devoted to him with the conviction that he was a central figure that lives to provide salvation. ... The scenes of violence move people emotionally contrarily to the literature in New Testament.... Catholics, Protestant, and Jewish theologians, clergy, and believers study the film at the onset and find it to be historically inaccurate, unfaithful to Biblical literature, and biased against the Jews....
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Apologizing to China: Elastic Apologies
3 pages (862 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
o deal with the objectives at hand, the author builds up a strong background through literature review and by criticizing pragmatic models of apologizing.... The paper " Apologizing to China: Elastic Apologies " discusses that the article "Apologizing to China" critically evaluates the importance of negotiations and expansive discourse in framing apologies, especially in a political and diplomatic context....
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Fire and Sand by Laila Halaby
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In the paper 'Fire and Sand by Laila Halaby,' the author discusses literary work which is truly significant and influential, as it exposes the impact of Arab culture and as well focuses on the process of identity formation among Arab-American second generation.... ... ... ... The author states that there are many important issues that are brought to attention within this literary work, and this work is actually considered to be one of the most overt and influential in the world in regards to Arab culture....
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Curriculum Development Process
9 pages (2484 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Phase 2 is Languages, Geography and the arts, and phase 3 is Health and Physical Education, ICT, Design & Technology, Economics, Business and Civics and Citizenship.... The author of the paper "Curriculum Development Process" will begin with the statement that the idea of a curriculum has been associated with further education and the organization of a curriculum....
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The Gangster We Are All Looking Foris this a book worth reading why
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Book Review: The Gangster We Are All Looking For Here the attempt is to evaluate and analyze the book “The gangster we are all looking for” by Vietnamese American writer le Thi Diem Thuy.... The book was published first in the Best American Essay of 1997 in concise and later went on to be a published novel....
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