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American Civil War Book Report/Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
-1This paper will compare and contrast two major historical analysis of Americas civil war.... Perhaps the most notable difference between 'A People's History Of The United States 1492- Present' (Zinn 2003, Chap 10) and 'American Destiny' (Carnes 2005, chap14) is their approach to historical analysis....
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Review of Peter Weirs film Witness
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The main character of Peter Weir's 1984 film Witness, John Book, is a Philadelphia police detective.... His identity is enmeshed within the tightly structured bureaucratic culture of the police force.... ... ... ... ... Book must flee with Lapp and his mother Rachel back into the Amish community where they can find safety because the Amish rejection of modernity makes them anonymous to most of the bureaucratic means of social control the police might ordinarily use to find a fugitive....
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Romeo and Juliet Book Report/Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
The prologue of 'Romeo and Juliet' gives the plot of the play that will unfold.... Similar to "Bards" or singing story tellers of old England, they use the plot or brief summary to start their tale.... It introduces the audience to the setting and history of the play; and, the omen/fatalistic or prophetic tragedy of lovers as predicted by the stars....
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Book Review of Drug War Zone
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Drugs and their abuse has been a major world concern for quite a long period now.... Drug abuse has been abolished in many constitutions of various governments because of their effects to both the consumers and non-consumers.... ... ... ... The key to this effect is that drug abuse influences a lot of things in the country more so the economy to begin with....
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Film review for the movie blow
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Name Surname Instructor Subject Date The Depiction of Criminal Justice in the Movie Blow In Blow, we can clearly see that the movie was meant more as the entertainment than as a specific and fact-based look at the criminal justice process.... There were not enough scenes portraying the process George Jung went through; though the few scenes that did demonstrate the issues that should be analyzed....
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Review of Opinion on the Work Frankenstein
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This paper gives a reading summary of the Work "Frankenstein".... In Frankenstein, the plot wherein the monster stays in the surroundings of the cottagers and comes in contact with the real social animal is excellent as he comes to know how different he is from the real people.... ... ... ... The reason is that people will not accept him in society as he is seen to be dangerous and harmful....
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Review on Scholarly Empirical Journal Article
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The paper "Review on Scholarly Empirical Journal Article" focuses on a scholarly empirical journal article in business carried out on Business Law and Ethics.... The journal article initiates with the title and abstract.... Here, it is possible for the reader to predict a lot about the research report....
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Film Review: Much Ado about Nothing
1 pages (378 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
"Film Review: Much Ado About Nothing" paper analizes the romantic comedy film, which is American and based on Shakespeare's play, going by the same name.... It is the adaptation of Kenneth Branagh, which revolves around two romances, Claudio, played by Robert Sean, and Hero, played by Kate Beckinsale....
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Organizational Behavior Problem: Employee Engagement
12 pages (3413 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Organizational Behavior Problem: Employee Engagement" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "Organizational Behavior Problem: Employee Engagement" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... Organizational behavior Problem: Employee Engagement Contents Organizational behavior Problem: Employee Engagement Contents 2 Introduction 3 literature Review 4 ... However, there is dearth in literature available on employee engagement as the topic has not been considerably explored. ...
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Pre-performance Routines in Sports
9 pages (2361 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The main aim of the literature review "Pre-performance Routines in Sports" is to critically evaluate how and why pre-performance routines are developed for enhancing sports performance.... As Hillman stated –“Just before performing, every individual has an ideal pattern of brain activity and this type of research could identify an (amateur's) ideal pattern and further down the road be used to help them achieve an ideal brain state....
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Book Review of 1776, by David McCullough
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Perhaps the most interesting of all of the points made by David McCullough in his book 1776 has to do with the overall level of morale that existed in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary war.... Students of history are oftentimes pointed to the fact that although the winter in Valley Forge was a particularly low point with regards to the morale of the Continental Army, other periods were marked by a supreme level of patriotic devotion; befitting the fervor of the era....
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Book review of Dispatches, Vietnam War
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of Michael Herr's Dispatches as an historical resource for understanding the Vietnam War.... Among all genres of books, a book on war always kindles the interest of many people.... Such war books bring out the reality of war.... ... ... ... One such book is Michael Herr's Dispatches which stand out as an historical resource for understanding the Vietnam War....
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Article Review for Saving Social Security
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Social Security Social Security is coming under increasing pressure to lower costs as costs are projected to rise over the next three quarter of the century by another 2.... % of the GDP.... A large number of retirees are availing their sustenance based on the social security system and these changes would put them at increased risk....
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Book Review: Buffalo Girls -- Auther: Larry McMurtry
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Buffalo Girls by Larry McMurtry is a fictional novel on the life of two women, one of which is an outstanding Martha Jane Canary, also known as Calamity, who was a star of the Wild West Shows; and Dora DuFran, a frontier woman.... In fact, it is a dramatic story of how mountain men, buffalo girls, Indians, and cowboys had lived and built the Wild West until it fell in oblivion by 1887....
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Review of the Film Young Frankenstein
8 pages (2204 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
This movie review presents Mel Brooks's film "Young Frankenstein", in which rather than telling about Victor Frankenstein, Brooks chooses to tell about his grandson, Frederick.... His use of theatrical elements mimic the tricks of the trade in horror film production from the 30s-50s while using them in a way that highlights his comic appeals rather than the psychological thrills of the older films....
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Book review on Cathedral by Marge piercy
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Roberts's wife had sadly passed and he was a blind man was coming to visit the narrator and his wife.... The narrator seemed unhappy.... This is because he had a view that blind people.... ... ... His thoughts about depression seem to be brought about by movies.... On the other hand Robert and the narrator's wife had a good response whereby they could communicate via tapes....
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Plant tissue culture article critical review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The authors of this research study designed it to explore the effects of varying gravity on a biological sample, mimicking a spaceflight from takeoff to orbit.... I has long been known that weightlessness has detrimental effects on most biological organism since life on earth has.... ... ... Which way is up is certainly an important orientation for the growth of plants and the constant 1g of the earth's pull has influenced all stages and aspect of development of life on the planet, not to mention its influence Taking gravity away, increasing or decreasing it, may certainly have serious ramifications on an organism's wellbeing....
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Review of an Academic Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
It denotes that research do not provide a guideline on how to evaluate educational validity in relation to validation, implementation and building of.... ... ... These concepts are applied to business gaming simulation. ... ... n order to measure the validity of the business gaming simulation, it is important to analyze the effectiveness of the educational validity of Educational validity is influenced by the representational validity problems, and methods of implementing the simulation (Stainton, Johnson and Borodzicz, 2010, p....
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Review on Why We Love Scary Moview
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The Halloween is fast approaching and consequently, scary things, stories and pictures are being uploaded online as a way of welcoming this practice when witches, ghosts and other weird creatures are resurrected in people's minds.... Social media such as facebook show that many.... ... ... However, such fascination did not develop as recently as social media sites....
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A Review of the Lisbon Treaty
6 pages (1869 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "A Review of the Lisbon Treaty" discusses the Lisbon treaty that worked towards clarifying the responsibilities and the way forward for the EU, and clearly informing the society of its main objective as an institution.... ... ... ... The European Union had made several agreements and treaties, which brought about improvement when they were all consolidated into a single document....
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Grief and Loss
16 pages (4351 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
MichelleUnderwood ResearchReflectionPaper:GriefandLoss Liberty This paper reviews literature in an Internship Program.... This literature review "Grief and Loss" observes human behaviors and reactions to bereavement and loss and applying them to theory.... The review also looks at the literature that reflects how these experiences affect therapists personally and professionally.... he review also looks at literature that reflects how these experiences affect therapists personally and professionally....
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The Perception of Offensive Advertising
10 pages (3323 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The perception of offensive advertising: A British study literature Review The history of advertising is one of ever-constant change and development (Pincas & Loieau, 2008).... This literature review will present current research and theories on offensive advertisements in a critical and objective manner, highlighting strengths and limitations of evidence in this area. ... Thus, in this literature review, offensive products and services are those that do not conform to social or ethical norms, such as, cigarettes or condoms for example....
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Public Perceptions about Youth Crime and Young Offenders
9 pages (2821 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
"Public Perceptions about Youth Crime and Young Offenders" paper analyzes existing literature on public perceptions about youth crime and young offenders with a view to establishing how this perception can be improved.... Running header: literature review ... review of literature ... This literature review is aimed at analyzing existing literature on public perceptions about youth crime and young offenders with a view to establishing how this perception can be improved....
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Use of Earnings Management
6 pages (1607 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Use of Earnings Management" sheds light on Public Accountants' Perceptions of The Acceptability of Earnings Management Practices through the Employment of GAAP in the Post-Sox Period.... This debate is literally killing the basic and fundamental purpose of accounting.... ... ... ... Now people are so used to the concept of accounting irregularities that they do not care about them and therefore the stock prices just got immune to the historical effects of accounting and financial reporting blunders....
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How Has the 2008 Crisis Affected the Countrys Economic Outlook
13 pages (3445 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "How Has the 2008 Crisis Affected the Country's Economic Outlook" is a wonderful example of a literature review on macro and microeconomics.... hile Elliot (2014) argues that UK is performing badly compared to other developed countries, John Bingham, a writer with the Telegraph, thinks otherwise.... It seems that the economy is under performing compared to the pre-crisis period and the ordinary people are still facing the cost-of-living crisis....
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Strategic Management of Small Firms in the UK
15 pages (4276 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Strategic Management of Small Firms in the UK" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "Strategic Management of Small Firms in the UK" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The various literature studies states that the strategic management process that is observed in small firms in UK is a unique mechanism that cannot be related to any kind of reduced activity in comparison to the professional management that is witnessed in larger firms....
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Harlem Renaissance Book Report
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Harlem Renaissance: review of When Harlem Was in Vogue by David Levering Lewis When Harlem was in Vogue, written by David Lewis, is a book that gives a commendable account of the Harlem Renaissance.... The book was published in 1981 and its setting is mainly the streets of Harlem.... ... ... ... Lewis ends the story by shifting the setting to Harlem while bringing out the 1935 riot....
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Postpartum Haemorrhage And Atonic Uterus
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Fortunately, there is usually a rareness of experience and information accessible to doctors concerning this theme: obstetric preparation is hardly ever found in current surgical custody curriculum and is not there almost totally from universal and sensitive surgery literature and ongoing medicinal education (Andolina, 2009).... This paper presents a literature review on postpartum haemorrhage and atonic uterus....
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The Merchant of Venice Movie Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
William Shakespeare was born in April, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire (England).... At the age of thirty he was already recognized as a talented poet, a gifted playwright, a play reviser, and an actor who became part of the professional theater world in London (Dunton-Downer & Riding, 2004; Rozakis, 1999)....
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Film Review of The Last Picture Show
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The Last Picture Show Introduction The movie “The last picture show” stands out as one of the major films portraying what the seventies offers in the American cinema renaissance.... In it, the historical perspective of the country in those times is brought out as well as intriguing details of the ways of life in the period; all of which sum up to a commendable level of entertainment and Texan history Peter Bogdanovich directs this acclaimed masterpiece adapted from a book bearing the same title written by Larry McMurty....
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The Ability of the Construction Industry to Adapt to Change
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
With the objective to obtain justifications and reliable answers to these questions, a literature review will be conducted in the discussion henceforth.... herefore, it can be inferred from the literature review conducted that the concept of project management had been introduced in the construction industry during the year 1950s.... Safety Culture: A Review of the literature....
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Cognitive and Emotional Factors That Influence Reading Choices
21 pages (6038 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
his literature review is going to be used as an important data collection process that will focus largely on an attempt to answer the research questions that are set for the study.... Because the research questions were set with the research aim in mind, it is hoped that by adequately answering the research questions with the literature review, a first attempt towards achieving the aim of the study will be attained.... The literature review will serve the purpose of secondary data collection, which means that much of the emphasis of the researcher shall be on the need to review existing works of literature that are related and relevant to the research topic....
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The Effect of Corporate Governance on Chief Executive Officer
18 pages (5110 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "The Effect of Corporate Governance on Chief Executive Officer" is a good example of a literature review on management.... The paper "The Effect of Corporate Governance on Chief Executive Officer" is a good example of a literature review on management.... This literature review looks the various studies that have explored the associated of corporate governance and managerial behaviour in firms.... From this perspective managers can prefer taking risks and on the view the extant agency theory founded on governance literature that distribution of power between chief executive officers and boards of directors' dictates whose interests are most likely to be favoured....
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Five Factors of Motivational and Cognitive Processes
5 pages (1778 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Five Factors of Motivational and Cognitive Processes' is a persuasive variant of a literature review on psychology.... The paper 'Five Factors of Motivational and Cognitive Processes' is a persuasive variant of a literature review on psychology.... From the literature, it is evident motivation is an important factor in school achievement and learning process.... Fredricks, Blumenfeld & Paris (2004) analyses the facets of engagement as reflected in research literature and defines engagement in three ways....
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Candidate Cancer Meiosis Genes
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Some X-chromosome and non-X-chromosome CTAs expressed in normal cells apart from testis and in cancerous cells literature Review 1.... As the present research is based on these genes, this literature review will focus on these genes which are CM genes.... The paper 'Candidate Cancer Meiosis Genes' seeks to evaluate carcinogenesis as a complex and multistage process....
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Critical book review of You Don't Always Get What You Paid For
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Critical Book Review of "You Don't Always Get What You Paid For" Table of Contents Introduction 3 Main Aim of the Author 3 Main Idea of the Book 4 Evidences 5 Premises of the Author 6 Ambiguities/Doubtful Assertions 7 Conclusion 8 Reference 9 Introduction The assignment sets out to make critical review of a book titled "You Don't Always Get What You Paid For" written by Elliott D....
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Writing and Sexual Difference
14 pages (3902 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Feminist literary criticism should attempt to avoid if it wants to have a serious place within the theoretical field of literature.... On the other hand Sharon Spencer asserts, feminist criticism "attempts to set standards for a literature that is as free as possible from biased portraits of individuals because of their class, race or sex"(1982, 158). ... he Handmaid's Tale also picks the tradition of a prohibition on literature and modifies it, according to the trend of the 1980s, for feminine and feminist justification....
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Internationalization of Luxury Fashion Textile Industry
12 pages (3567 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
International Fashion Textiles Marketing Table of Contents literature Review 3 Internationalization Process 3 Resource-Based Theory 5 Psychic distance and Internationalization Process 7 Shanghai Tang: UK and China Market Perspective 8 Market Entry 8 Flagship Store 9 Target Market 10 Marketing Mix: 4Ps Framework 10 Conclusion 13 Recommendations 14 References 15 literature Review Shanghai Tang is one of the leading luxury global brands in China.... The cultural influence of the global operation management has been effectively established in the academic and literature....
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How Do the Negative Effects Outweigh the Positive in the Effects that Violent Video Games Have on Children
7 pages (2092 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Nevertheless, there are valid objections and concerns about these conclusion that shall be addressed in turn; none of these counterarguments or critiques of the research literature hold much weight.... A brief review of the literature does not yield any reliable statistics on that point; however, studies on the effects of violent video games are overwhelming. ... Because of the extensiveness of the research literature, it makes sense only to look at meta-analyses of these studies, one of which found that in 54 neutral studies of video game violence and aggression, with a total of 4,262 research subjects, there is a statistically significant link between playing violent video games and “aggressive behaviors, aggressive cognitions, aggressive emotions, increased physiological arousal, and decreased pro-social behaviors” (Anderson and Bushman 354). ...
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Globalisation Conceptions, Variants, and Different Perspectives
31 pages (9164 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
Regarding the emergence of the globalisation phenomenon, the literature suggested three predominant perspectives, as have provided these points of view on globalisation for its historical emergence.... The paper "Globalisation Conceptions, Variants, and Different Perspectives" discusses that the concept of Globalisation has many notions and variants that are significant to study....
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My Dinner with Andre movie review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Philosophy Essay: My Dinner with Andre My Dinner with Andre is a highly-philosophical movie that revolves around two personalities, both of which engage in theater, discussing life, death, social conventions, and basically, theater experiences.... It features Wally, a theater actor whose life revolves around New York City while figuring out how to continually augment his needs with his meager income in an unstable career of being a playwright and actor, and Andre Gregory, Wally's friend, who is also a man of the theater, who busied himself to travel along many parts of the world such as India, Scotland, Poland and the Arabia....
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Surfacing and Frankenstein Book Report/Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Surfacing by Margaret Atwood is packed with images of Americans attacking and adulterating Canada.... The Americans are shown to kill for sport, leave trash everywhere, pepper the village with tourist cabins, and install missile silos.... One of the characters, David, even theorized as far as the invasion of Canada by Americans for Canadian fresh water....
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Second Language Acquisition Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Book Report/Review
A lot of research has been done on how teaching of a new language to students should be done.... The following paper focuses on views presented by Aida Walqui and Jim Cummins on this topic.... While Walqui focuses mainly on students immigrating to English-speaking countries, Cummins focuses more on English-language being learnt in non-English speaking countries....
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Review of Beyond Charity by Perkins
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This essay will discuss the book “Beyond Charity”, where the author Perkins describes personal experience working with church of different communities and races.... The paper describes the main points of the book in a light of society and argues them.... ... ... ... In the book “Beyond Charity” Perkins describes personal experience working with church of different communities and races....
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From Munich To Pearl Harbor Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The United States in the Early 40s: The Making of a Reluctant Superpower Introduction David Reynolds' key argument in his famous book ‘ From Munich to Pearl Harbor', is that the crucial period between 1938 and 1941 marked a paradigm shift in the history of the United States as a nation state and its engagement with the rest of the world....
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Review about Orientalism by Edward Said
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
In this book, which was discussed in a movie by the same name, he brings up several points which shape the way we think about people from the East.... ... ... ... After providing these several points, what stood out most to me as a viewer were the ideas that a lot of what we think we know of these people is actually incorrectly shaped by the media In the video, Said makes several points about the way our opinions as Westerners about the East are incorrect....
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Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg Review
6 pages (1624 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg Review" highlights that Lean In is a readable and compelling book that aims to empower women.... The book is less preachy and more substantive.... It conveys a powerful message that is also packed with personal vulnerability, as well as first-hand anecdotes.... ...
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Theories of Political Changes - Book Review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
France Piven, a Canadian-born political scientist is once at it again in this hard hitting book titled “challenging authority.... ?? In this particular book which has been described by peers as masterful and succinct, Piven engages the reader in a superb analysis of the.... ... ... Piven argues that equating electoral participation with democracy which is what majority of people have been doing is not right....
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Donald Arthur Don Norman's View on Human-Computer Interaction
19 pages (5222 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Other literature describe mapping as that, which should organize the user interface purposefully, in useful, as well as meaningful ways depending on clarity of consistent models, which are recognizable and apparent to users, putting together related things in addition to separating things that are not related, differentiating things that are not similar together with resembling similar things.... However, other literature argues out that the design should make all the required materials, as well as options for a particular task visible without distracting the user with redundant and extraneous information....
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Anger Management
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Many works of music, art, and literature are expressions of strong emotions.... When Anger Hurts, Quieting the Storm Within , is written by two psychologists, Dr.... Matthew McKay who is co-author of five popular self-help books and Dr.... Peter Rogers who is co-author of two widely read self-help books, and a nurse practitioner Judith McKay....
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