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Knowledge Workers, Competencies, Virtuality and Management by Farkas, Mria Fekete and L. Gbor Torok
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper "Knowledge Workers, Competencies, Virtuality, and Management by Farkas, Mria Fekete, and L.... Gabor Torok" tells that nowadays, the ways organizations are working has changed drastically and the employees of the companies have become the most valuable asset of the company.... ... ... ...
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Plant Gene Expression
1 pages (285 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper ''Plant Gene Expression'' tells us that these clocks control physiology through a succession of processes that are synchronized with the day and night cycles.... While central pacemakers in animals are found to be located in the brains, the presence of such a pacemaker in plants is doubtful....
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Compliance to Social Norms
1 pages (298 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Compliance to Social Norms" tells us about beliefs, attitudes, and/or behaviors shared by a group of people.... They are often based on what people believe to be normal, typical, or appropriate.... ... ... ... If the same desire is understood as perceived legitimacy, social norm compliance is explained by B's motivation not to disappoint A's normative expectations, that is, those expectations that B perceives as legitimate irrespective of A's payoff expectations....
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Emotion Recognition in Anorexia Nervosa
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Emotion Recognition in Anorexia Nervosa" focuses on emotion recognition, regulation, and expression among subjects with anorexia nervosa (AN).... This topic explores the emotional intelligence dimension of the eating disorder anorexia nervosa.... ... ... ... The possible flaws of the study are that the sampling is too small to represent people with AN and that it is probable that it has not considered that some people with AN may score low in emotion recognition, but still high in emotional regulation....
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Analysis of The Flight from Conversation by Sherry Turkle
4 pages (1188 words) , Download 8 , Article
"Analysis of The Flight from Conversation by Sherry Turkle" paper analyzes the article that focuses on the need and use of technology in modern times.... Turkle argues that people today put a lot of time and emphasis on technological devices like cellphones instead of focusing on individual growth....
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Science and Policy for Sustainable Development
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper 'Science and Policy for Sustainable Development' seeks to evaluate the article "What is Sustainable development?... Goals, Indicators, Values, and Practice" by Robert W.... Kates, Thomas M.... Parris, and Anthony A.... Leiserowitz who focuses on this aspect.... ... ... ... This paper by reflecting on the concept of sustainable development, featured in the article, will discuss how the environment is being destructed by human activities and how sustainable development approaches could avert or even minimize the destructions, and thereby protect humans themselves....
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Sources of English Law and the Extent of the External Influence
6 pages (1668 words) , Download 0 , Article
"Sources of English Law and the Extent of the External Influence" paper states that English Law has included most of the European Convection regarding human rights.... Lastly, the European Union sets some regulations which should be followed.... European law has primacy over National laws.... .... ...
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Income Tax Consequences
6 pages (1726 words) , Download 0 , Article
From the paper "Income Tax Consequences" it is clear that generally speaking, the income tax assessment act 1936 requires that all income derived by a taxpayer, except for exempt income should be included in tax payer's assessable income (Brant, 2013).... .... ... ... Generally, Allan being popular with the elderly patients in the town is regularly given homemade cakes and scones along with his fee....
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What Is the Right Supply Chain for Your Product
4 pages (1112 words) , Download 5 , Article
"Analysis of What Is the Right Supply Chain for Your Product Article by Fisher" paper focuses on the article in which Fisher inquires about the right supply chain for one's product.... This question not only forms the basis of Fisher's article but serves as the title of the paper.... .... ... ... Like in determining the ideal supply chain for certain products (such as innovative products) demand often exceeds falls short of what is anticipated in inventory planning and management....
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The perils of falling inflation
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
PERILS OF FALLING INFLATION By Code+ University name Date Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Gross National Product (GNP) (I) 4 Unemployment (II) 6 Conclusion 7 References 8 Introduction The perils of falling inflation is an article talking about the global economy written by economist trying to elaborate the situation of economic status in both America and Europe, and the roles of central bankers to try and prevent inflation in their rich economies in the 1980s....
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Operations Strategy by Donald Waters
4 pages (1136 words) , Download 3 , Article
In the paper 'Operations Strategy by Donald Waters," the author focuses on the operation strategy of a service company, which describes the policy of that company's services that how these services are being provided.... The basic aim of any company is to increase the reputation of the company.... ...
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Maternal Stress During Pregnancy Predicts Cognitive Ability and Fearfulness in Infancy
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article, 'Maternal stress during pregnancy predicts cognitive ability and fearfulness in infancy', describes a study that aims to determine whether prenatal maternal stress has an effect on the infant's cognition and behavioral fearfulness.... ... ... ... Research involving animal experimentation finds that permanent neurodevelopmental changes in offspring can be caused by maternal prenatal stress....
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Millionaire's Taxes: [Maybe Not] A Way to Boost Economic Growth and Tax Revenues
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Name Instructor Class 7 October 2011 Millionaire's Taxes: [Maybe Not] A Way to Boost Economic Growth and Tax Revenues?... There has been recent political dispute on the 5-percent tax-increase for millionaire earners, proposed by President Barack Obama.... Republicans and Democrats squabble on how much the wealthy should pay, in terms of taxes, to help others cope with the reeling economy....
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Openly Gay Employment Discrimination
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This work is a critique article of an article by A.... ilcsik on Employment Discrimination against Openly Gay Men in the US, which found that gay job applicants faced discrimination in some of the states, a finding that shows there is the varied regional perception on men who appear to be gay.... ...
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Aggression Among Adults in the Social Context of the Bar
5 pages (1289 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Aggression Among Adults in the Social Context of the Bar" tells that aggressive behaviour proves to be spread among visitors of pubs and bars due to the severe intoxicated condition and the character of participants.... One or two simple facts cannot explain the exact causes of such behaviour....
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Learning Organization and Strategic Change
4 pages (1035 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Learning Organization and Strategic Change" states that generally, organizations have developed different strategies, over the period of time, towards management change in order to tackle obstacles by planning and adopting appropriate actions.... ... ... ... The organizations collectively have also learned the process of change over the passage of time....
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Basic Hypotheses of Nursing
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "Basic Hypotheses of Nursing" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the basic hypotheses of nursing.... The first question sought to answer the question of whether the level of staffing in nursing predicted the level of teamwork.... ... ... ... Secondly, the other research question in the study sought to answer the question about whether the level of staffing predicted subscales of teamwork, again about the size of the hospital and CMI....
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Normans Writing Strategy
5 pages (1291 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper ''Norman's Writing Strategy '' tells that One of the writing strategies that Norman uses to draw his readers into his work is the rhetorical question.... He asks a short series of questions that are designed to make the reader think about the subject he is introducing by recalling minding the various times....
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The Catholic Church
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Article
Within a few short years of the Resurrection, the followers of Jesus began calling themselves "Christians" (Acts 11:26), and by the end of the first century, the word "catholic"-meaning "universal"-was applied to the Church.... ... ... ... ... Within a few short years of the Resurrection, the followers of Jesus began calling themselves "Christians" (Acts 11:26), and by the end of the first century, the word "catholic"-meaning "universal"-was applied to the Church....
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The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
2 pages (723 words) , Download 3 , Article
The essay 'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R.... Covey' looks at the value of listening as a communication and learning skill.... The author clearly identifies listening as a receptive learning skill, meaning that the listener receives this skill of listening rather than producing it....
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Guidelines for Writing an Academic Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Writing papers is probably the one thing that may stick throughout one's life, therefore, a student must excel in the art of writing papers.... The objective of this article is to outline the general principles and best practices of writing an academic paper.... ... ... ... How many times have you been stuck at writing a paper in college?...
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Social Time:The Heartbeat of Culture
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Full name Professor Subject Date On Time and Culture Points of Agreement: 7.... Americans are known for their punctuality.... They are very particular with time when it comes to meetings and other appointments.... They do their best to be at the appointed time and place on the assigned time and some even would be there earlier....
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Pulling Punches by Christopher Duncan
4 pages (1110 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Pulling Punches by Christopher Duncan' four issues will be tackled regarding the article Pulling Punches by Christopher Duncan: gender ideology, just parenting, good fathering, and Christian families as disciples who may be called to be 'countercultural.... .... ... ... The author states that Duncan thinks that perhaps knowing how to fight will help his son survive as a man in a man's world, just as he thinks this skill helped himself and his brothers cope with life: 'Over time, physical combat begot intellectual combat, and our competitiveness and discipline allowed us to be fairly successful in the world'....
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Career in Education That Began with 'Teach for America'
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Date Article Writing A Case Study of a Career in Education That Began with “Teach for America” The thesis of the study is to present the seven year experience of a teacher who traversed the road to teaching through an uncommon path starting from teaching without professional preparation and eventually moving up his way to earning a masteral degree in education....
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Facilitation in Recognizing Pairs of Words: Evidence of a Dependence Between Retrieval Operations
5 pages (1339 words) , Download 1 , Article
The author of the "Facilitation in Recognizing Pairs of Words: Evidence of a Dependence Between Retrieval Operations" paper is concerned with the determination of how paired words are recognized when presented to subjects in the form of letter strings.... .... ... ... Retrieval of information from a long term memory resembled the retrieval of information from a magnetic disk....
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Traits Across Cultures: a Neo-Allportian Perspective
5 pages (1311 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Traits Across Cultures: a Neo-Allportian Perspective" asserts that external aspects like culture and social environment are important elements that have a considerable impact on human behavior.... The fact that there are some common factors that cut across the human race.... ... ... ...
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The US Health Care: President Bushs Executive Order
4 pages (1255 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of the paper "The US Health Care: President Bush's Executive Order" argues in a well-organized manner that Bush's policy aimed at lowering health care costs, reducing medical errors, improving patient safety, and providing better information to patients and physicians.... ... ... ... In the United States, healthcare is provided by many separate legal entities....
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The New Jim Crow by Michele Alexander
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of the paper "The New Jim Crow by Michele Alexander" will begin with the statement that in the 'The New Jim Crow', the author explores the origin of the term Jim Crow; as a word used in describing legally sanctioned freed slaves after the Civil War.... ... ... ... The article denied African Americans the basic freedoms such as the right to vote, right to choose a place to live, go to school or even work....
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Family Price Fears as Petrol Predicted to Climb to $2 a Litre
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper encompasses the implications of various economic indicators and economic fundamental concepts which apply to this article.... The article stresses on the fact that countries such as Australia are completed helpless to do anything against the prevalent situation in the oil market.... ... ...
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Depth of Processing and the Retention of Words in Episodic Memory
4 pages (1106 words) , Download 2 , Article
"Depth of Processing and the Retention of Words in Episodic Memory" paper focuses on the article which is the expression of research that aimed at designing experiments to be used in the exploration of the processing framework levels of human memory.... ... ... ... The study pursued to define the depth of the processing and retention of words in episodic memory....
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Mice Robbed of Darkness Fatten Up
4 pages (1144 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Mice Robbed of Darkness Fatten Up" discusses that study provides a significant amount of evidence that supports the idea that inappropriate exposure to artificial light does disrupt circadian rhythm, at least, for the mice involved in the study.... ... ... ... Findings reveal that mice housed in either bright (LL) or dim (DM) LAN have significantly increased body mass and reduced glucose tolerance compared with mice in a standard (LD) light/dark cycle....
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Prejudice and Discrimination in American Society
5 pages (1359 words) , Download 0 , Article
According to research findings of the paper 'Prejudice and Discrimination in American Society', in spite of the ideology that prejudice and discrimination give the majority a privilege, it comes with a cost not only to the victims but also to the American society.... .... ... ... American society is a melting point for diversified cultures and is supposed to embrace and promote diversity....
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BatmanThe Dark Kninght
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
It brings a dark, adult and complex character story to the big screen in such a way few people have been able to see in a long time.... The film acts as a symbol of desperation and struggle between chaos and.... ... ... The hero in the movie seems to be a billionaire and an industrialist who likes beating people up....
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Acoustic Emission as a Powerful Non- Destructive Technique
9 pages (2666 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/p/articles/mi_m0BFW/is_4_99/ai_101174120... The paper "Acoustic Emission as a Powerful Non- Destructive Technique" explores acoustic emissions (AE) which are taken to mean transient elastic waves produced from a fast discharge of strain energy caused by deformation or damage within or on the surface of a material....
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National Curriculum for Scientific Education
7 pages (2106 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "National Curriculum for Scientific Education" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues concerning the national curriculum for scientific education.... It is an observation that education interventions lack the scientific approach.... ... ... ... Scientific scope refers to the ability of the interventions to consider the personal results as recorded by individuals....
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Extent of New-Style Empire Created by the US
2 pages (752 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Extent of New-Style Empire Created by the US" states that the United States started formulating policies that could help to rebuild its economy immediately after the Second World War.... For example, human rights policies and anti-terrorism policies were formed.... .... ... ... Anti-drug cartel policies were also created....
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Food Disorders Related to Distorted Body Image
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Article
For the purpose of this study, the researcher will gather articles and related journals.... For the purpose of this study, the researcher will gather articles and related journals to discuss several issues related to eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorders....
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How to Improve Security in the Department of Education for Children with Disabilities
11 pages (3530 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/articles/2013/11/30/public-school-mainstreamingunderfireinlightofmissingautisticteen.... The paper "How to Improve Security in the Department of Education for Children with Disabilities" is about security concerns in the NYC Department of Education.... The case of the mortal vanishing of 14-year-old Avonte Oquendo, suffering from autism, awoke interest to prevent such tragedies....
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Digestion and Absorption of Food Nutrients
6 pages (1869 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Digestion and Absorption of Food Nutrients" discusses that protein is readily available in meat, beans, eggs, nuts, legumes, and soya beans.... Potassium on the other hand is plenty in fruits and vegetables and also in grains and other fortified fruits.... ... ... ... The nutrients that the person suffering from this problem is likely to miss include calcium, vitamin D, and potassium as well as protein....
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EMI and the Digital Music Industry
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Article
om/articles/20090723/0351345633.... This article 'EMI and the Digital Music Industry' analyses the relationship between EMI and the digital music industry.... The author has included an environmental scanning of the music industry to determine an appropriate marketing strategy to help EMI marketing department come up with marketing ideas....
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Economic Globalization: Myth or Reality
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Article
Sources used in this paper include articles, IMF surveys, and World Bank reports, and books regarding economic globalization.... Sources used in this paper include articles, IMF surveys and World Bank reports, and books regarding economic globalization.... This article 'Economic Globalization: Myth or Reality?...
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The Influence of the Sarbanes-Oxley Regulations on Securities Markets
10 pages (2888 words) , Download 1 , Article
This is despite New York Times having run a series of articles about Enron's political connections, with suggestions of widespread corruption in the political and financial worlds.... The article 'The Influence of the Sarbanes-Oxley Regulations on Securities Markets ' is devoted to the Sarbanes-Oxley law, adopted on July 30, 2002, in the United States, and is one of the most significant events in the change of the US federal securities law in the last 60 years....
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Role of the European Union
9 pages (2720 words) , Download 0 , Article
k/articles/bildt_ft_1june05.... This article "Role of the European Union" examines various political discourse credited to the union, and its economic achievement and development with an aim of simplifying if it has been primarily either a political or an economic project.... ... ...
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Working, a Necessary Evil for Students
10 pages (2738 words) , Download 1 , Article
?? Ezine articles.... "Working, a Necessary Evil for Students" paper states that while there are many ways in which students might be able to completely obtain a college education, one thing seems clear, working full-time while attending classes full-time can have nothing but negative effects on the college student....
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Controversy of Wearing Headscarves
13 pages (3551 words) , Download 2 , Article
The recent shift in visibility of Muslim women in Australian society has also led to the introduction of a magazine aimed at young Muslim women, featuring fashion articles and cooking tips. ... The article "Controversy of Wearing Headscarves" focuses on a critical analysis of the controversy of wearing headscarves in Muslim countries....
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Analysis of Skilled Work, Without the Worker by John Markkoff
1 pages (337 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Analysis of Skilled Work, Without the Worker by John Markkoff" discusses that the stark conflict of how robots in inimical to worker's interest because it replaces them.... Humans are like animals which give him headache to maintain stressing that human beings are also prone to conflict....
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The Impact of Economics on My Life as a Business
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay analyses the movement of a country's economic growth and recession, the causes of inflation and deflation, and the unemployment.... It also discusses the effects of government intervention through fiscal policy.... Normally, fiscal and monetary policy is used to control economic inflation....
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A Major Non-communicable Global Health Issue: Lung Cancer
12 pages (3882 words) , Download 1 , Article
om/p/articles/mi_m0675/is_3_20/ai_86230645 (accessed on august 15, 2008) ... om/p/articles/mi_m0PXW/is_2006_Sept_8/ai_n17215112 (accessed on August 15, 2008) ... om/p/articles/mi_m0887/is_n3_v9/ai_8841811 (accessed on August 15, 2008)... "A Major Non-communicable Global Health Issue: Lung Cancer" paper states that smoking is the agent of lung cancer and though many countries have started the fight against it, we still need to develop a stronger law to eradicate this dreadful plague, which at present is targeting much younger youth....
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Bilingual Education Act in the USA
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/p/articles/mi_qa3722/is_200304/ai_n9181273/ ... om/p/articles/mi_qa4013/is_200810/ai_n31172084/?... om/p/articles/mi_qa3722/is_199801/ai_n8762946/?... The paper 'Bilingual Education Act in the USA' seeks to evaluate English only laws in the United States, which discourage bilingualism in the educational system, which in turn discourages cultures other than the American culture in the United States....
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Nursing Shortage in Florida
9 pages (2574 words) , Download 1 , Article
om/p/articles/mi_qa3689/is_200301/ai_n9190962 ... om/articles/37577.... This work called "Nursing Shortage in Florida" describes the facts and figures to best describe and define the nursing shortage in Florida.... From this work, it is obvious that it is a problem that stems so much from work dissatisfaction due to low salaries and long difficult hours of work....
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