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Digital Sales Promotion
2 pages (563 words) , Download 2 , Article
As the paper "Digital Sales Promotion" outlines, after formerly coming into existence in the year of 2008, Groupon has a considerable amount of online consumers and affiliates.... Some figures show that the company has 60 million online consumers and 10,000 affiliate partners.... ... ... ... Lionsgate, a pioneering entertainment Hollywood company, strikes a deal with Groupon for marketing and promotional activities....
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The Toyota Production System
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper will review the article “The Toyota Production System” by the Public Affairs Division of the Toyota Motor Corporation.... he main issue then is that Toyota needed to become more competitive in producing global cars, but in a more organized manner.... ... ... ... As a result, the management developed the TPS or the Toyota Production System....
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Knowledge Embedded in Clinical Practice Critique
2 pages (768 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Knowledge Embedded in Clinical Practice Critique" focuses on the analysis of the article Uncovering the Knowledge Embedded in Clinical Practice by Benner, 1983, which discusses the significance of developing expertise, which is embedded in the practice of clinical nursing practice.... ...
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Educating for Leadership
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Article
This essay aims to review the article 'Educating for Leadership.... The article is about the leadership programme provided to nurses early on in their careers.... It discusses the relevance of such a programme and its positive effects on the nurses, the patients and the workplace as a whole.... ...
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Empirical Action Research on Behavior Management Systems
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Article
In the first article, there was an understanding that performance within an organization is directly associated with collaborations for operation management.... The.... ... ... It was noted that this was specifically in relation to the skills of managers as well as the amount of knowledge which was associated with the behavior management. ...
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Letter of complaint
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
I did cancel all my appointments, including one at the hospital, on the day of delivery of the articles, to wait all day but nothing arrived.... did trust your shop's policies and made the full payment of the articles because I needed an urgent delivery of the furniture.... I did cancel all my appointments, including one at the hospital, on the day of delivery of the articles, to wait all day but nothing arrived.... I did trust your shop's policies and made the full payment of the articles because I needed an urgent delivery of the furniture....
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Emotions in Romantic Relationships
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Title of an article is an important component or section.... It, in fact, introduces the article to the reader, provides some idea about the work carried out and inferences reached.... The authors of this article have developed a catchy title which captures the main idea f the article.... ... ... ...
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Forgiveness Therapy
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Article
This essay describes women who were emotionally abused in spousal relationships and how their psychological health is impacted.... This paper will provide a summary, the writer's reflection on it and how the writer would apply the learned information to a potential counseling setting.... ... ... ...
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Crucibles of Leadership by Warren G. Bennis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper aims to discuss 'Crucibles of Leadership' by Bennis and Thomas.... The review focuses on comprehending the overall thoughts and opinions presented in the article.... This article is considered to impact the fundamental understanding about leadership.... ... ... ... In a broader perspective the article deals with different concepts about leadership, for instance, the specific qualities which facilitate a leader to inspire people while instilling loyalty in them....
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The Popularity of Fake Fur Products Over Products Made of Real Fur
4 pages (1088 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "The Popularity of Fake Fur Products Over Products Made of Real Fur " focuses on the various attributes of faux fur which has made it immensely popular among consumers.... These products allow greater flexibility and resistance towards tough conditions and hazards.... .... ... ... Designers have been increasingly turning towards substitute fur products....
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Qualitative Insights into Stigma as Experienced by Suicide Survivors
7 pages (1917 words) , Download 0 , Article
"Qualitative Insights into Stigma as Experienced by Suicide Survivors" paper analizes the article of Peters, Cunningham, Murphy, and Jackson which seek to explore how people feel stigmatized after their loved ones die as a result of suicide.... Many lives around the globe are lost through suicide....
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Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal Nutrition by Andrea Cespedes
3 pages (750 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article "Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal Nutrition by Andrea Cespedes" demonstrates various persuading techniques to elicit facts about the product.... In her rhetoric, she is aimed at convincing the reader about the ill-related facts engraved in cinnamon toast crunch.... ... ... ... Most of the sentiments drive at the fact that the product is not proper for human consumption owing to the sugar content....
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Nursing assessment: Nursing Tools and Strategies to Assess Cognition and Confusion
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Article
Nursing Assessment: Nursing Tools and Strategies to Assess Cognition and Confusion Abstract This is a critical review of article on cognition and confusion by the authors Thomas Aird and Michelle McIntosh.... They stress the need for the awareness among the nursing professionals about the differentiation between cognitive impairment and confusion....
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Project Management Office
1 pages (341 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article harnessed for the completion of this study is 'Why you need a Project Management Office', which explains the needs of the formation of an office of a project manager in a company.... The benefits of a project management office to an organization according to the article include aiding....
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Perception and communication
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
O.... G.... P.... (November 01, 2011).... An exploratory survey of professional accountants perceptions of interpersonal communication in organisations.... ournal of Public Affairs, 11, 4, 297-302. ... ... he article “An exploratory survey of professional accountants'.... ... ... The main aim of the research is to identify and shed light on the issues relating to the perceptions and perceived nature of communication by professional accountants in their Maubane, P....
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Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Article
In this article, the author states that solid oxide fuel cells are energy efficient, fuel-flexible and low population energy source.... Their operation is based on the electrochemical conversion of the chemical energy of fuels e.... .... Hydrogen, hydrocarbons, and others into electrical energy-electricity....
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Stigmatization of Schizophrenia
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Stigmatization of Schizophrenia" presents stigmatization of schizophrenia as perceived by nurses, medical doctors, medical students and patients' written by G.... erafini, M.... Popili, R.... aghighat, D.... Pucci, M.... Pastina, D.... ester, G.... Angeletti, R.... Tatarelli, and P....
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Approach to Addiction - Imaging Receptor Changes in Human Drug Abusers by Cosgrove
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper under the title "Approach to Addiction - Imaging Receptor Changes in Human Drug Abusers by Cosgrove" focuses on the fact that as argued by numerous scholars and analysts, drug addiction in the United States has been a major problem over the years.... .... ... ... Many addicts are in correctional centres where they are subjected to counselling and mild treatment....
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Natural Capitalism
2 pages (606 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper ''Natural Capitalism'' tells ua about the article 'Making Markets Work' exemplifies other business strategies essential to make sustainability consistent with the notion of profitability.... It identifies that the objective of natural capitalism as outlined by Paul Hawken is to demonstrate sound principles of the market....
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Ethical Violations: At Wal-Mart in Mexico, a Bribe Inquiry Silenced by David Barstow
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article focuses on the unethical activities conducted by Wal-Mart while operating in the region of Mexico.... The article states that the organization named Wal-Mart was indulged in bribing the officials of the region of Mexico in order to open more and more Wal-Mart stores.... ... ... ... The article titled 'At Wal-Mart in Mexico, a Bribe Inquiry Silenced' was authored by David Barstow and in the article was published in the online edition of New York Times (Barstow, 2012)....
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Reflecting on Strategic Innovation by Jennifer Kho
1 pages (263 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper 'Reflecting on Strategic Innovation by Jennifer Kho" focuses on the fact that the topic of the article is very interesting and important.... Sustainability is an emerging concern globally and it is indeed a welcome move that companies are realizing its significance.... .... ... ... One thinks that a clear operational definition of the term 'sustainability' should have been included in the article....
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The Net: A Market Too Perfect for Profits
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper 'The Net: A Market Too Perfect For Profits' explains the challenges for e-commerce companies to have sustainable profit from e-commerce-based businesses.... The objective of this essay is to review this article and analyze the economic concepts employed in the article.... ... ... ... The basic economic theory which has been dealt with in the article is competition and monopoly....
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The Difference in Nonverbal Behaviors and How It Changes In Different Stages of A Relationship
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Article
This article, ‘The Difference in Nonverbal Behaviors and How It Changes in Different Stages of a Relationship', by Tracy and Prinsen and Narissra Punyanunt-Carter presents information on the importance of nonverbal communication in different stages of romantic relationship.... ... ... ... he researchers have explored the level and understanding of nonverbal communication in casual dating, long term relationship, exclusively dating, cohabitation, and marriage....
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Enculturation into Secrecy among Junior High School Girl
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Article
According to this paper, in the social context of the modern life, secrecy has been identified as one of the most significant and problematic elements which call for refined research and investigation relating to the individual rather than the society.... ... ... ... Whereas there are various studies on the topic of secrecy, how individuals learn to use secrets needs to be explored further....
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Family of murdered schoolgirl meets UK gov't
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article written by the Associated Press and published in the Bloomberg Businessweek on the 11th of July, 2011 proffered issues pertinent to the scandal involving News of the World tabloid, owned by Rupert Murdoch.... .... ... ... Article Abstract: The article entitled “Family of murdered schoolgirl meets UK gov't” written by the Associated Press and published in the Bloomberg Businessweek on the 11th of July, 2011 proffered issues pertinent to the scandal involving News of the World tabloid, owned by Rupert Murdoch....
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Analysis of Back to Basics: Why Countries Trade, Finance and Development by McDonald B
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay discusses the article 'Back to Basics: Why Countries Trade' begins by addressing the hypothesis that trade between countries makes the world better off.... Apparently, it implies that reasons behind trade are the first most crucial aspects of international business.... ... ... ... This implies that countries abundant in the capital like plants, factories or machines will produce capital-intensive commodities and similarly labor abundant countries will produce labor-intensive commodities....
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What Is Computer Ethics by James Moor
4 pages (1214 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "What Is Computer Ethics by James Moor" cites the code of ethics of the Australian Computer Society that encompasses all Information and Communications Technology Professionals as its members.... The code puts above all Public Interest, Honesty, and Professionalism.... ... .... ... ... The emphasis upon ethics becomes more important when it comes to the professional execution of everyday activities that involve Information and Communications Technology Professionals....
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Crisis Communication and the Underserved: Partnering with Institutions of Faith
10 pages (2905 words) , Download 0 , Article
Lachlan & Spence in this article shows the need of relief organizations to collaborate with religious institution to offer aids to the casualties after a major crisis.... The article illustrates the reliance of different people under different socioeconomic strata on religious.... ... ... The paper "Crisis Communication and the Underserved: Partnering with Institutions of Faith" is a great example of an article on macro and microeconomics....
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Michle Bear and Mark D. Cannon
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
In this article the authors question the reason for the abandonment of pay for performance strategy by managers of HP after initializing it.... ... ... The authors look at the experimental work conducted by Hewlett Packard management and their elimination criteria of pay for performance plan.... These experiments were conducted in 13 different location which had its own PFP plan but different implementation method....
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Madeline leininger
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
Madeline Leininger with the theme of explaining the route taken by the nursing profession as it breaks cultural barriers.... In the article the author describes the major phases and obstacle that occurred during.... ... ... Additionally, persistent and remarkable leaders have been recognized who made worth mentioning contributions to the field ...
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Existing Nuclear Power Plants May Be Renewable Energys Best Friend by Pere Kelly-Detwiler
1 pages (318 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Existing Nuclear Power Plants May Be Renewable Energy's Best Friend by Pere Kelly-Detwiler" states that the need to protect and preserve the environment creates the need to foster the nuclear energy industry until environmental friendly alternatives are fronted.... .... ... ... It is quite important to state that while nuclear energy fails to be cost-competitive, its use should be promoted due to associated environmental benefits....
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The Importance of the Rhizosphere in Nature
6 pages (1779 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The Importance of the Rhizosphere in Nature" describes important recognized structures within the rhizosphere comprising of persistent root hairs, mucilage secreted from the plant roots, and soil particles forming a cylinder around the actual plant root.... ... ... ... The rhizosphere zone is of great significance to scientists interested in understanding ways in which soil composition can be manipulated to increase plant growth and yield....
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Endoscopic vs Tactile Evaluation of Subgingival Calculus
2 pages (707 words) , Download 5 , Article
The article "Endoscopic vs Tactile Evaluation of Subgingival Calculus" is about research conducted to determine the difference in the effectiveness of endoscopic and tactile evaluation techniques.... The two methods are used to detect sub-gingival calculus in periodontal illness therapy.... ... ... ...
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A Coherent Planning Strategy to Unitary Development Plans
14 pages (4036 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "A Coherent Planning Strategy to Unitary Development Plans" focuses on the aim ostensibly that is to ensure that a coherent planning strategy is produced for London as a whole.... Although the role and structure of the GLC were criticized, its abolition has left many problems unsolved....
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Bilingual Education: an Introductory Reader by Garcia
3 pages (749 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'Bilingual Education: an Introductory Reader by Garcia' focuses on an edited version by Garcia Ofelia.... The copyright of the book is dated 2007, and it is printed, and bound in the USA.... It gives an overview of research on various language training programs.... ... ... ... The paper helps the learners to understand the meaning of bilingual education and the various, contradictory elements of bilingual education....
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Specific Features of Cognition and Learning in the School Context by Stanislav Stech
4 pages (1124 words) , Download 0 , Article
.... ... ... The paper "CSpecific Features of Cognition and Learning in the School Context by Stanislav Stech" is an excellent example of an educational article review.... The article attempts to provide an understanding of the contributions of the cultural psychological approach to learning and cognition and provide the differentiation between learning and apprenticeship, by exploring the ideas put forth by Vygotsky, Leontiev, and Luria....
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CocaCola Funds Scientists Who Shift Blame for Obesity away from Bad Diets
8 pages (2194 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Coca¬Cola Funds Scientists Who Shift Blame for Obesity away from Bad Diets" is an outstanding example of a family and consumer science article.... This paper focuses on the analysis of a newspaper article by The New York Times on how scientists funded by Cocacola shifted blame for obesity from bad diets to lack of physical exercises....
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Modern Genocide in Darfur, Sudan
10 pages (2848 words) , Download 1 , Article
"Modern Genocide in Darfur, Sudan" paper states that the tragedy of Sudan is ongoing and again the international community has done little to help, even though the international community this time recognizes that genocide has taken place.... In Darfur, Arab militiamen have destroyed villages.... ...
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Three Misconceptions about Age and L2 Learning by Marinova
7 pages (2008 words) , Download 3 , Article
From the paper "Three Misconceptions about Age and L2 Learning by Marinova" it is clear that the authors are particularly interested in dispelling the widely held belief that age alone is accountable for the success of learning a second language giving a credit to young children for their artistry....
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Healthy Country, Healthy People by Christopher
9 pages (2565 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "Healthy Country, Healthy People by Christopher" will have a succinct portrayal of the purpose and content of the article and an analysis of the strength and weaknesses in the article.... A description of how the article contributes to the general knowledge of the topic will found in the essay....
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Correlation Does Not Imply Causation Proved by By Amanda MacMillan
1 pages (330 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper "Correlation Does Not Imply Causation Proved by By Amanda MacMillan" focuses on the fact that it is possible that two variables can show the same tendency of quantitative variability despite the fact that there exists no logical and natural relationship between them.... .... ... ... Two variables may trend together as a result of the same confounding conditions....
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Best Buy Chairman Resigns, Explores Options for 20 Percent Stake by Solman
1 pages (342 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Best Buy Chairman Resigns, Explores Options for 20 Percent Stake by Solman" states that Richard Schulze's 20% stake is still unknown as he contemplates how to explore his fortune.... The chairman's move to part ways with the Company is not a surprise but the timing was unfortunate.... ...
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The Impact of Social Context on the Relationship Between Individual Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism
2 pages (430 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper "The Impact of Social Context on the Relationship Between Individual Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism" focuses on the exploring the impact of job conditions (externally focused satisfaction) with work unit (internally focused satisfaction) on absenteeism.... .... ... ... The key issue that the author is addressing is determining how job conditions and work unit impact on absenteeism in the work setting....
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Recruiting and Retaining Talent: the Generation Divide by Nancy Lewis
1 pages (392 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Recruiting and Retaining Talent: the Generation Divide by Nancy Lewis" is about the difficulties that employee turnover creates, caused by the employers' fail of retaining employees in their companies.... The author points to at-will employment widely used in the USA.... ... ... ... Retaining employees is one of the challenges that organizations are facing today' and that the employee migration causes 'low productivity and lost time, totaling an estimated $5 trillion drain on the economy'....
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Facebook Friendships Based on Assumptions by Tom Jacobs
8 pages (2171 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper under the headline "Facebook Friendships Based on Assumptions by Tom Jacobs" is aimed to analyse the issue that people in social networks, such as Facebook, have the tendency to assume their friends' views regarding subjects such as political perspective.... .... ... ... In the article written by Tom Jacobs which he entitled 'Facebook Friendships Based on Assumptions,' he pointed out that a study proved that people tend to assume the agreement and similarities of Facebook friends to their political views and that the results showed that such assumptions were significantly questionable (Jacobs, 2010)....
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Marketing: Environmental Scan
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
Environmental Scan [N a m e] MKT.... 301 [Class] [Professor] [Date] Grossman, Marianna, & Jeannette Biz.... ‘How to uses social media to communicate your sustainability wins'.... Business Week.... Nov.... 2011.... 13 Nov.... 2011.... I.... INTRODUCTION: To highlight the increasing trend of the usage of media to market the products to people, an article namely “how to use social media to communicate your sustainability wins”, written by Marianna Grossman and Jeannette Bitz was published on November 11th, 2011 in the latest edition of business week....
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Parenting Among Mothers Suffering from Bipolar Disorder by Venkataraman
3 pages (911 words) , Download 0 , Article
Due to these extreme changes, the affected individuals, family members and care givers are all affected.... Although persons living with this condition.... ... ... It is important to understand how this disorder affects the lives of the victims and those around them.... In this paper, the findings of the study by Meenakshi Venkataraman (2011) on The paper "Parenting Among Mothers Suffering from Bipolar Disorder by Venkataraman" is a delightful example of an article on nursing....
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John Hollands Contributions
2 pages (515 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "John Holland's Contributions" tells us about the pros and cons of the career management theory of John Holland.... Holland's theory and measures do not adequately reflect some key elements of the person.... ... ... ... One of the biggest strengths of John Holland's theories is that individuals as well as counselors easily understand them....
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An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role by Terry L. Cooper
2 pages (593 words) , Download 6 , Article
The following paper 'An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role by Terry L.... Cooper' discusses conflict and responsibilities that a public officer faces.... In addition, when faced with such difficulties they are expected to abide by the set ethics.... ... ... ... The author states that when offering services as a public office there are certain administrative responsibilities that the administrator will face moreover, these responsibilities are very important to administrative ethics....
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Mandatory Parental Education
1 pages (512 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Mandatory Parental Education" states that in modern-day parenthood, the responsibility of parents has been criticized due to the behavioral change in their children.... In an argument by Bartolotti (2009) parents require day to fay education in the way they treat and handle their children....
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