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Important websites for studying
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
etter Management - a website that provides articles, websites and conferences regarding fields of Business Management including Financial Management, Performance Management and IT Management.... A user may search for articles, photos, videos, news, jobs and more.... The websites listed in the table will be useful for finding information necessary to accomplish assignments and research papers as these sites provide historical data and updated articles directly related to my course....
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Volunteer and Mega Sporting Events
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
With all these different types of motivations that drive volunteers to work, there are other major reasons discussed below in the light of some articles and real life examples.... This paper 'Volunteer and Mega Sporting Events' will focus on why volunteers are hired and managed and what motivates them to be loyal to their jobs....
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Kuhn: Why Scientific Revolutions Occur and Why They are Necessary
6 pages (1854 words) , Download 0 , Article
Nevertheless, besides the great plausibility of an ideal picture, there is an increase in doubt if it can possibly be a picture of science.... Kuhn states that these anomalies have a magnitude of importance to key players in science in a particular period1. ... Kuhn ‘s type of scientific paradigm is different, and to a great extent, as compared to logical positivists in that it emphasizes more human persons participating as scientists puts an enhanced emphasis on the individual humans involved as scientists, rather than translating science into an abstract , absolute logical and philosophical encounter2. ...
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Marketing: Environment Audit
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Retrieved from: http://articles.... Environmental audit Bijiek Jieknyal Walden University Environmental Audit Introduction I have chosen Apple to carry out an environmental audit on given the high spirit the company is rated with.... A company is well known for changing the way people lead their lives especially in the communication field....
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Sexual Dysfunctions
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Article
medical, social and cultural theorists define sexual dysfunction differently.... According to the medical dictionary, sexual dysfunction is “he inability to fully enjoy sexual intercourse.... ?? (Retrieved from medical-dictionary.... Hypoactive sexual desire disorder has been reported in approximately 30% of women and 15% of men in population-based studies, and is associated with a wide variety of medical and psychological causes....
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Preschool Children Wefare and Parenting Stress
5 pages (1534 words) , Download 3 , Article
It makes sense that parents under stress tend to forget medical appointments more since they frequently worry and are less focused in what they are doing.... "Preschool Children Welfare and Parenting Stress" paper argues that parents and other adults surrounding a child must be wary of their behavior and dispositions....
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The Problem of Global Warming in Todays Society
5 pages (1738 words) , Download 0 , Article
The increased heat waves have serious impact on human health, such as aggravate present medical conditions, and heat stroke.... "The Problem of Global Warming in Today's Society" paper seeks to understand the solutions to how to prevent the continued problem of global warming in society....
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Learning of Languages
5 pages (1404 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper "Learning of Languages" presents the performance, perfection and the speed of Spanish children within the age bracket 8-13 years who are aspiring to learn the English language as their second language and also how children adapt cognates as compared to noncognates.... ... ... ... It is observed that once adults start to learn a language they easily grasp those words which are similar to their language to which they can easily relate too....
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Treatment of Neck Pain with Collateral Meridian Acupressure Therapy by the Australian Journal of Acupuncture
8 pages (2161 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Treatment of Neck Pain with Collateral Meridian Acupressure Therapy by the Australian Journal of Acupuncture" addresses that the CMAT technique has the ability to induce a short-term effect on neck pain, and further research is required to find out its long-term effect on the same.... ...
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Total Quality Management by Russell
10 pages (2794 words) , Download 0 , Article
science International, 26(2), 791-799. ... The paper 'Total Quality Management by Russell' is an affecting variant of the article on management.... In Russell's (2000) article, he describes ISO 9000:2000 as a family of standards designed purposely for helping organizations to effectively espouse and run quality management systems (QMSs)....
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Conditions of International Business
10 pages (2740 words) , Download 0 , Article
Forecasting technological change and public response to it under various pricing scenarios is an inexact science.... The paper "Conditions of International Business" highlights that the use of cell phones would increase rapidly as people will tend to rely more on their mobile sets for any work, in the future....
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The God Delusion Debate
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Dawkins is regarded as supporting 'new atheism' while Lennox talks about the relation between science and religion and believes that science itself has led him to believe in the existence of God.... Evaluation of the debate In the debate, Dawkins explains his theses regarding the rejection of God's existence saying that science is based on evidence-based grounds whereas faith is blind and is based merely on satisfactory beliefs and thus it drags humans to believe what is told in religion without the need of understanding and exploring....
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Legal Profession System in the UK
5 pages (1501 words) , Download 3 , Article
ne easy way of defining these professions separately is to take an example from the medical profession.... The essay "Legal Profession System in the UK" focuses on the peculiarities of the British legal profession system that is divided into two different categories, Barrister and Solicitor....
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Service Marketing of Hotel Industry
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Article
?? Marketing science 25 (6).... The article "Service Marketing of Hotel Industry" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues on service marketing of the hotel industry.... The different service sectors and industries require a specific organizational role, specifically to assist with the growth of the business....
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Virginia Henderson Nursing Theory
10 pages (2865 words) , Download 0 , Article
Henderson emphasized on the need of medical personnel and nurses to communicate to patients without using a lot of medical jargon, because it is very rude to speak to patients in a language/manner that they are not able to understand.... "Virginia Henderson Nursing Theory" paper focuses on the theory which emphasizes the significance of patient independence such that the patient continues to improve even after being discharged from hospitalization....
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Including Change in Talent Flow Decisions
5 pages (1573 words) , Download 2 , Article
For example, Scott Beaird, director of Talent Management at Tufts medical Center told me, “We hire what the manager wants.... The article "Including Change in Talent Flow Decisions" states that It's hard to find leaders of the Human Resources function who are active in helping their organization improve the way they work....
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Traditional Chinese Medicine
4 pages (1322 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the past two decades, the American population has increasingly resorted to Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for treatment of certain medical conditions.... The National Center for Health Statistics, in its National Ambulatory medical Care Survey in 2003 revealed that “no less than 8 million children under 20 musculoskeletal injuries in 2003 “.... assage is one form of TCM that has been widely accepted even by medical professionals nowadays....
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Challenging the Medicalization of Womens Bodies
5 pages (1819 words) , Download 2 , Article
Medicalization involves medical study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment.... Sociologists first devised the concept of medicalization to explain hoe knowledge is applied to behavioral changes, which are not directly linked with self-evidenced medical or biological conditions (Blake, 2005).... It is significant to note that, menstruation and pregnancy appeared a medical problem that required interventions such as hysterectomies.... The term remains widely used particularly in medical and pharmaceutical sections....
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Risk Factors of Malnutrition and Physical Inactivity
1 pages (363 words) , Download 2 , Article
The link among these articles is that they are all advocating for the need to observe the right food and the importance of physical activity and especially draws on the sociology of childhood.... The articles also show that children are social agents that shape the structures and processes around them.... This analysis of the articles enables individuals to increase their understanding of how children perceive movement and therefore there are suggestions for policies and changes in the environment to increase freedom of movement....
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Current Imaging Process
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The patient is fully involved in the process as they are asked to help provide a relevant medical history, as well as the primary purpose of their visit.... With the current dictation process, the raw verbal dictation completed by the radiologist is submitted to the Radiology Information System (RIS) and Hospital Information System (HIM) for typing by the medical transcription company.... The medical transcriptionist types up the draft report, and it is submitted back to the RIS and HIS for review and approval by the radiologist....
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The Primary Function of Human Resource Management
9 pages (2623 words) , Download 2 , Article
Talentship and the New Paradigm for Human Resource Management: From Professional Practices to Strategic Talent Decision science.... Then as now, HR departments became the responsible sections for areas such as employment (hiring and firing), employee welfare (housing, medical, educational and financial), wage setting, safety, training, and health as well as employee benefits....
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When Doctors Grieve
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
How is grief viewed in the medical context?... he medical fraternity generally views grieving by doctors as shameful and unprofessional.... s a solution to this issue, Granek proposes that adequate training needs to be afforded to medical professionals which would help them deal with the grief in the right manner.... In addition, death should be viewed as a natural life process in medical settings....
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The Hazardous Storm of Hurricane Katrina
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Article
This informative, historical and reportorial article about the most hazardous storm known as Hurricane Katrina presents the various facts about Hurricane Katrina has had on the local and international insurance markets and how this storm has affected attitudes toward insurance.... ... ... ... Hurricane Katrina was the costliest as well as single of the five deadliest storms in the past of the United States....
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Operation Iraqi Freedom
9 pages (2462 words) , Download 1 , Article
S Seize Vital Sites and Target Ruling Elite as Fighting Closes in on Baghdad,” Christian science Monitor, 2003 ... The article demonstrates that the immediate or prime objective of the U.... .... controlled alliance operation of Iraq launched on the 23rd of March 2003, famously referred to as Operation Iraqi Freedom was to immediately remove the Saddam Hussein rule and also to make it impossible to use their weapons of mass destruction and also disabling it to allowing these weapons to be used by the terrorist forces....
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The Use of CNS Medications and the Its Impact on the Cognition of the Elderly
3 pages (976 words) , Download 2 , Article
medical records were also obtained from the Harkatie Health Centre in Lieto and they aided in providing a thorough previous health diagnosis of the participants.... "The Use of CNS Medications and the Its Impact on the Cognition of the Elderly" paper analyzes numerous Central Nervous System medications which are prescribed for patients of a certain age and how the effect that these have on the patient could be detrimental to their cognitive health....
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E-Healthcare and Dementia in Poland
7 pages (2239 words) , Download 2 , Article
The Polish constitution articles of 2nd April 1997, precisely reveal the provision of social support to people with dementia covering cultural, social, economic freedom and rights (Ferri et al 2013, p24).... The paper "E-Healthcare and Dementia in Poland" states that Alzheimer's Europe believes that the government and regulators should not order any further restriction drugs related to the disease....
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Are Children Better In Learning Second Language Than Adults
6 pages (1926 words) , Download 2 , Article
This review highlights some of the early perceptions emerging from the previous age-related articles.... This review highlights some of the early perceptions emerging from the previous age-related articles; focusing on the results of some empirical investigations....
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Glass Ceiling and Its Presence Within The NYPD
6 pages (1890 words) , Download 1 , Article
The experiences of many women recruits came forward slowly through books and magazine articles that were published in years to come.... This article "Glass Ceiling and Its Presence Within The NYPD" attempts to take a peek into the history of the glass ceiling as it existed in the New York Police Department, and how women recruits receive treatment than their predecessors in who found it hard to make it to the top in the past....
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Egypt and the Coup Dtat
7 pages (2030 words) , Download 1 , Article
irstly, an analysis of the existing newspaper articles surrounding the coverage of the Egyptian coup d'état by The Independent reveals immediate levels of support for the rebels.... This paper 'Egypt and the Coup D'état' compare some of the positive and negative effects that this Arab Spring has had on Egypt as well as to discuss some of the key changes that have taken place as a result....
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Analysis of I Just Wanna Be Average by Mike Rose
6 pages (1796 words) , Download 2 , Article
The "Analysis of I Just Wanna Be Average by Mike Rose" paper explains the importance of the title of this article.... This line clearly explains the inconsistencies between every individual's actual intellectual capabilities and how the education system categorizes and deals with them.... .... ... ...
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Critique of Thomas Friedman Its a Flat World, After All
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/wp-dyn/articles/A17314-2005Mar31.... This article critically analyzes these IS centric arguments of Friedman using the principles of the Information needs of organizations and Socio-technical systems.... The basic crux of how globalization and technology have made the world closer and flatter....
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Handbook for Effective, Professional Communication by Vonhof, S
7 pages (1993 words) , Download 0 , Article
Many articles have been written to explain communication, how to improve it, its components, and types.... Many articles have been written to explain communication, how to improve it, its components and types.... The author of the paper "Handbook for Effective, Professional Communication by Vonhof, S" will begin with the statement that communication is vital for the survival of human beings since it is through communicating that we get to understand others and get to build relationships with others....
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Belief in Ghosts, Spirits, and Afterlife
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/articles/669/... The author of the article 'Belief in Ghosts, Spirits, and Afterlife' concerns the reasons why humans believe in the existence of such supernatural entities who come as punishment for sins or encouragement for virtue as well as a near-death experience of some spiritualists....
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
10 pages (2733 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" presents human rights that are rights that are inherent to man by virtue of being human.... They are also known as natural rights.... In many countries, the topic of human rights and the various violations of it is a serious topic.... ... ... ... In this connection, many countries have codified 'universal' human rights to which they subscribe....
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Rio de Janeiro: Exploring the Links between Inequality and Violence
9 pages (2584 words) , Download 1 , Article
ov/pmc/articles/PMC3863848/ ... et/media/objects/articles/rio-de-janeiro-the-forgotten-mix-of-city-and-metropolis-or-periphery-of-urban-regeneration/en-gb/ ... "Rio de Janeiro: Exploring the Links between Inequality and Violence" paper analyzes the contents of inequality and violence in Rio de Janeiro and identify the links between them....
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Chronic Pain Management Programs: An Evaluation
8 pages (2468 words) , Download 2 , Article
233, par 8) published in science in 1965, Pain Mechanism, A New Theory.... Elsevier science.... This article presents a critical analysis of research published in the International Journal of Nursing Practice.... The discussed study attempts to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of multidisciplinary team management of chronic pain where collaborative care is offered....
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Curriculum Development in New Zealand
8 pages (2232 words) , Download 0 , Article
The main purposes of Achievement Initiative are in establishing precise standards of achievement each level of compulsory schooling in science, mathematics, English, technology and te reo Maori.... The curriculum statement intends to present significant skills, knowledge and the expected student understanding in specified subjects and learning areas, like science and mathematics....
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The Importance and Aspects of Labour Rights Through History
8 pages (2287 words) , Download 2 , Article
0 American Academy of Political and Social science, The Cost of Living, (Philadelphia, 1930) ... 0 American Academy of Political and Social science, The Cost of Living, (Philadelphia, 1930) ... The article "The Importance and Aspects of Labour Rights Through History" states that the organized sector of labour achieved many privileges through collective bargaining, whereas the lives of labourers in the unorganised sector remained poverty-ridden and without hope....
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Historic Development of Chinese Private International Law
18 pages (4657 words) , Download 2 , Article
The laws carried 7 chapters and 21 articles, inclusive of the supplementary provisions, general provisions, family, persons, succession as well as jurist act.... From then on, Wuhan University, Renmin University of Chin, Peking University, and China University of Political science and Law, began to enroll postgraduate students in private international law.... The sub disciplines of the subject are also taught in institutions offering courses related to political science, management and economics19. ...
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Radiology Department Manager Interview
6 pages (1570 words) , Download 2 , Article
I recently had the honor of sitting down with the manager of the radiology department, Ramon Lujan, at the medical facility that currently employs me.... This was a great opportunity to explore some issues related not only to the field of radiology but also to the medical professional as well.... Radiology Department Manager Interview Radiology Department Manager Interview Introduction I recently had the honor ofsitting down with the manager of the radiology department, Ramon Lujan, at the medical facility that currently employs me....
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Scholarships For Continuing Education Of Nurses
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Scholarships For Continuing Education Of Nurses.... ... t was shown that, despite the relevance of continuing education to nurses along with the participation of different stakeholders, there has still been a considerable lack of financial aid for those who aim to pursue such form of education.... ...
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Maternity Leave under Saudi Arabian Law and International Law
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The employers were fond of deducting a certain amount of money from their salary of women to cover for the medical care.... Currently, the employee is obliged to pay the maternity medical care for the woman.... The maternal leave seems to be longer keeping in mind that the women are paid their full amount and their medical expenses catered for....
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Health Care Information Systems and Technology
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Article
In terms of health care settings, it means that doctors, nurses and other medical staff shall have the access to the information which directly pertains to them.... ext Cutting Edge Technology One of the key trends emerging in information technology is the use of mobile applications which medical professionals can use is on the rise.... X-rays can be easily seen on iPads and doctors can easily access medical imaging records of patients using mobile applications and devices....
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Corporate Culture-Financial Performance Relationship in Multinational Corporations
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Corporate Culture-Financial Performance Relationship in Multinational Corporations" presents a definition of corporate culture to explore work done on the existence of subcultures and the possibility of modifying or enhancing corporate culture.... ... ... ... One of the salient points is the involvement of corporate leadership in defining and changing culture....
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Toxemia of Pregnancy in Sheep
5 pages (1627 words) , Download 0 , Article
Journal of American Veterinary medical Association,' vol 217, pp :1536-1539.... The paper "Toxemia of Pregnancy in Sheep" reveals topic of pregnancy toxemia occurs when there is a significantly low level of sugar (glucose) present in the blood.... The reduction in the glucose level results in brain damage, dehydration, failure of the kidney, and finally may lead to demise....
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Completing a Synopsis Appraisal of a Qualitative Research Study
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
This is to assess the applicability of the PARIHS framework in nearly all medical situations, which in this particular research is the applicability of the framework in rural health settings.... It was found out that while having a culture of practicing the guidelines as applicable was a strong enabler in the usage of the framework among participants, the lack of a formal or a proper integration plan of said guidelines into actual clinical practice was a major barrier in its adoption in medical settings, suggesting the need of modifying the framework to adjust for the needs of the medical practitioners....
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The Production, Distribution and Consumption of Goods and Services
4 pages (1153 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Production, Distribution and Consumption of Goods and Services" discusses that Economics is that branch of social sciences that looks at the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.... The two main branches of economics are microeconomics and macroeconomics.... ...
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Critical Developments in Commerce Theory and Practice
20 pages (5529 words) , Download 0 , Article
ome of the important changes that have emerged in the field of marketing can be traced to the developments in the field of technology and medical science.... Magnetic Resource Imaging (MRI) has for long been effectively used in medical science.... dvancements in technology and information systems and their use in marketing have accorded the status of science to marketing.... anotechnology, as a field of science can be credited with providing marketers products ranging from miniature storage devices to rough and tough vehicle tires....
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The Ecology of Energy and Nutrient Fluxes
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "The Ecology of Energy and Nutrient Fluxes" focuses on HWA (Hemlock Woolly Adelgid) infestation that has been causing a severe reduction in the survival rates of eastern hemlock in the North American forests and is currently reported from 15 states in the eastern USA.... .... ... ... This study successfully examines the effect of insect infestation on nutrient and energy flux, there is a need to examine their effect on the magnitude and direction of the matter and energy flow in such an ecosystem....
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College Is a Waste of Time and Money by Caroline Bird
4 pages (1266 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "College Is a Waste of Time and Money by Caroline Bird" claims that parents send their children to college under a firm impression that it serves as a path to the ultimate objective of attaining financial security.... The author claims that 'college is the dumbest investment you can make'....
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