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Detention of Juveniles and their at High Risk Suicide
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article may not have been really detailed like other journal articles but the information it provided was direct and to the point.... he article may not have been really detailed like other journal articles but the information it provided was direct and to the point....
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Measuring Compliance With Tobacco-Free Campus Policy by Amanda Fallin
3 pages (898 words) , Download 0 , Article
For example, individuals exposed to The paper 'Measuring Compliance with Tobacco-Free Campus Policy by Amanda Fallin" is a engrossing example of an article on social science.... On their studies, the authors use the University of Kentucky Chandler medical Center, which implemented a tobacco-free campus policy in 2008....
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Abortion laws in Chile
6 pages (1728 words) , Download 0 , Article
Currently in Chile, abortion gets considered illegal and has become outlined in the penal code articles.... This situation creates serious dilemmas for both women and medical practitioners.... Chilean medical professionals get expected to report any illegal abortions to the authorities to assist keep the anti abortion laws.... Legislative provisions on medical confidentiality are contradictory.... medical personnel get expected to report possible crime to authorities....
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Analyzing Theories of Human Development
2 pages (554 words) , Download 3 , Article
Apart from the development stages, the psychological changes are well explained in the three articles.... The article "Analyzing Theories of Human Development" focuses on the critical analysis of the works of Piaget, Vygotsky, and Erikson and their theories which were aimed at explaining the growth of human psychology....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This is the case with several healthcare facilities where modern technology in communication and computer science is gaining more application in patient health related decisions.... The underlying concept towards this minimal error is due to the significant computerized operation and control of the flight “Forward-thinking hospitals are trying to reduce the chances that medical mistakes occur, and while their efforts won't eliminate mistakes they will make it more difficult for errors to happen” (pg....
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Financial Resources Buffer Subjective Well-Being after the Onset of a Disability
3 pages (869 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article was published on September 2005 in the Psychological science Volume 16, Number 9 edition and aims to show that wealth can buffer well-being after a decline in health.... The paper "Financial Resources Buffer Subjective Well-Being after the Onset of a Disability" discusses that the study did not show how money buffers or act as a buffer in people with illness and disability but implied the standing of some third variable in the promotion of well-being....
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Falls during Acute Hospital Stays
3 pages (962 words) , Download 3 , Article
ewly admitted patients from medical, surgical, oncology, orthopedic, and gynecology wards participated.... he nurses reviewed the medical records of all the participants to gather information about their medical history and treatment and documented the demographic data on a data collection form.... The investigator obtained information on the circumstances surrounding the participant's fall based on the eHOR report and participant's medical records and nurses' and participant's accounts of the incident as necessary....
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Mexican Culture and Taboos
1 pages (333 words) , Download 6 , Article
The author of this article states that the primary objective of this paper is to discuss the Mexican Culture and taboos.... According to Freud (2004), a taboo is a prohibited action whose tendency not to do mostly exist in the unconscious.... .... ... ... Most Mexican's have continued to uphold their culture and use Spanish as their primary language....
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Retrying Galilieo
4 pages (1268 words) , Download 0 , Article
People during this period also became divided over whether science and Scripture were in conflict. ... For instance, many people still debate whether science and religion can be compatible, and what the relation is between scientific study and faith. ... Religion is always a potential adversary to science as long as Scripture is taken literally; there is always a potential for the discovery of new scientific evidence that contradicts it.... Religion is also a potential adversary of science as long as religious leaders, such as those of the Inquisition, hold so much power over people that knowledge can be suppressed....
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War in Darfur
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/articles/2013/06/13/darfur-s-still-burning.... The militia is torching villages, destroying them and killing people in broad daylight as the villagers watch.... The militia has been denying access to journalists, aid.... ... ... peacekeepers so that there is no evidence of the killings and destructions going on....
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Consensus: the Impossible Goal
6 pages (1827 words) , Download 1 , Article
Chances for a unified political response to the issue soon deteriorated, however, as the president's critics and their allies in the medical and pharmaceutical industries sought to crush and efforts at reform.... The "Consensus: the Impossible Goal" paper critically assesses Wildavsky's theory of two presidencies, one foreign and one domestic policy with reference to America President Bill Clinton and George w....
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Cure for Office Burnout: Mini Sabbaticals
2 pages (508 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Cure for Office Burnout: Mini Sabbaticals" states that each country has a different set of labor laws that pertains to vacation leaves.... It would be inaccurate to take the vacation leave practices in Europe and then assume that the same is applicable in America.... ... ... ... The article entitled Cure for Office Burnout: Mini Sabbaticals about enforced extended rests in the company to avoid employee burnout and reduce stress with the objective of reducing turnover, particularly among the younger employees....
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Crossing a Line in the Sky
10 pages (2587 words) , Download 2 , Article
Evaluation of Three articles ARTICLE The article ‘Crossing a line in the sky' published on 30th November' in the ‘The Economist Newspaper Limited' in the year 2013 intends to present different facts in relation to Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) that has been declared by China.... Thus, the facts and information in the articles are presented in an organized manner (The Economist Newspaper Limited, “Going off the Rails”)....
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Legalization of Medicinal Marijuana
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Article
There is a need to allow science to take its course when it comes to pursuing more definitive data on marijuana.... there are critical legal differences that exist between medical Marijuana at the state and federal levels.... This article "Legalization of Medicinal Marijuana" describes reasons for being Marijuana legalized for medicinal purposes....
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Respondeat Superior
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
A Report released by the Institute of Medicine (2004) indicates that negligence and errors caused by the medical staff account for more than 45,000 deaths of hospitalized patients every year.... medical malpractice entails professional negligence on the part of the practitioner when he or she is executing his or her duties....
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Independent Photoreceptive Circadian Clocks Throughout Drosophila
1 pages (322 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Independent Photoreceptive Circadian Clocks Throughout Drosophila" is to investigate the expression of genes instrumental to the functioning of the biological clock.... The researchers sought to examine the activity of unidentified circadian photoreceptors in organs other than the eyes....
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Research Summaries
6 pages (1599 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'Research Summaries' provides summaries for the following articles Working Memory Capacity Attentional focus, and Problem Solving by Wiley and Jarosz (2012), Context in emotion perception by Barrett, Mesquita and Gendron (2011), The Tiger on Your Tail, by Rosenbaum (2012).... It is imperative to be cognizant of the fact that diverse research in psychological science has pointed to the fact that environment is viewed in terms of affordances.... xford, England: Blackwell science. ...
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The Meaning of It All
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Article
In these lectures, Feynman discusses the impact that science has on society, the relationship between science and religion and the importance of doubt in science.... The author states that considering the first two aspects of science discussed by Feynman, they are very closely related, indeed even complementary.... The philosophy of science might be considered, after a fashion, to begin in Ancient Greece.... Philosophy of science Introduction In 1963, physicist Richard P....
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What Embodies the Notion of Skepticism: The Myth of Evil Aliens
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author actually means that as a history of civilization has shown, development of society vis-à-vis education, science and technology and democratic pattern of society has made us a more tolerant and inclusive society that thrives on understanding and mutual respect.... The objective of the present document is to provide a critical response to Michael Shermer's article entitled "The Myth of the Evil Aliens"....
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Investing in Kids by Nicholas Kristof
1 pages (278 words) , Download 1 , Article
The article "Investing in Kids by Nicholas Kristof" provides anti-poverty initiatives as one of the best ways to ensure increased investment in vulnerable children in the country.... Kristof utilizes rhetorical devices to appeal to his audience.... ... ... ... Nicholas Kristof's article 'Investing in Kids' is more of a proposal for a higher level of dedication to bettering vulnerable children's lives....
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Sensation and Perception Psychology by Amoore
2 pages (575 words) , Download 3 , Article
Chatton's book 'Current medical Diagnosis and Treatment' has been used to achieve information on a few topics; an occurrence of anosmia in the population, a relationship of Anosmia with the gender and occupation and treatment and precautions of anosmia.... The paper 'Sensation and Perception Psychology by Amoore' discusses the symptoms and the problems that are related to anosmia; a disease that paralyzes the sense of smell of an individual....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
New York: Nova science Publishers.... Positive Psychology: The science of Happiness and Human Strengths.... Specifically, I was an assistant coordinator, and ensured that every person in the community received the message and reading material contained health tips that minimize the chances of contradicting the terminal medical conditions....
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The Alchemist's Dream by Wilson
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
resupposition in the articlePresuppositions are always used as assumptions in articles but in relation to what really happened at one point.... The plan or rather proposition in this article "The Alchemist's Dream by Wilson" is the idea of the formation of a partnership between Great Lakes Chemical Corporation and the Octel Associates....
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University by Andrew Wernick
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Where its usefulness or ideologies depends on the one who is holding its material sources, either making it a registered institution of truth, wisdom, science, excelled legitimacy and independence or a mere means of production of controlled thoughts.... uring the Renaissance, the deductive logic of scholasticism was superseded by the inductive methods of modern science....
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Farming Transition
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
rg/choices-magazine/theme-articles/transitions-in-agriculture/social-forces-and-cultural-factors-influencing-farm-transition... The paper "Farming Transition" discusses the article, "Social Forces and Cultural Factors Influencing Farming Transition" by Shoshanah Inwood that explains that agriculture and farming techniques are variable from region to region and are also influenced by the socioeconomic factors....
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Social Media's Small, Positive Role in Human Relationships by Zeynep Tufekci
1 pages (319 words) , Download 9 , Article
The author's purpose is to show the flaws that exist in the research and articles that condemn social media as one of the ways that lead to isolation and disconnect.... This paper tells that in her article, Zeynep Tufekci argues that social media does not necessarily lead to loneliness and disconnect but improves the social lives for many people especially those that find it harder to initiate face to face conversations....
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A Global Perspective of Human Trafficking
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of this paper "A Global Perspective of Human Trafficking" will provide an analysis of human trafficking as international political science news.... Political science is one branch of the many social sciences, and it constitutes international relations, comparative politics, and political philosophy.... The branch of internal relations within political science is concerned with how different governments inter-relate with one another also how international organizations relate with governments and people....
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The Nature of Genetic Diseases
1 pages (300 words) , Download 2 , Article
Genetics is a leap forward in the field of medical science.... The purpose of the following article "The Nature of Genetic Diseases" is to provide a scientific definition of genetic disorders.... Moreover, the article describes the underlying causes of genetic diseases as well as contemporary tendencies in its diagnosing and treatment....
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Endoscopic vs Tactile Evaluation of Subgingival Calculus
2 pages (707 words) , Download 5 , Article
The article is written by four authors; Osborn, Lenton, Lunos, and Blue with a medical background.... The article is purposed for medical professionals in a clinical setting.... The article "Endoscopic vs Tactile Evaluation of Subgingival Calculus" is about research conducted to determine the difference in the effectiveness of endoscopic and tactile evaluation techniques....
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Global Interdependence
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
Thus, the authors in their respective articles condemn vehemently the destructive force of ruling a supposedly inferior race by a self-proclaimed superior race.... This essay tells that the article of Aime Cesaire theorizes colonialism as a process of decivilizing the colonizer by robbing him of all humane instincts....
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Worst International Aid Ideas
3 pages (888 words) , Download 3 , Article
As a result of this critical international issue, many people have written articles on how needy people have been helped and the organizations which have been involved.... The paper "Worst International Aid Ideas" describes that the structure of the article is good and this makes it easy for the reader to follow and understand....
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Something impact health 8
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Therefore, the unveiling of this study will compel medical practitioners conduct further researches on how to use spearmints and rosemary compounds to stave off Alzheimer malady Something Impact Health 8 The November 15Th ScienceDaily article (Read online) revealed how certain extract compounds from specialized spearmint and rosemary can adequately improve a person's memory, a study conducted on animals (“Saint Louis University”).... Therefore, the unveiling of this study will compel medical practitioners conduct further researches on how to use spearmints and rosemary compounds to stave off Alzheimer malady commonly associated with memory loss (“Saint Louis University”)....
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Dollars Surge Pummels Companies in Emerging Markets
2 pages (623 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper ''Dollars Surge Pummels Companies in Emerging Markets'' reviews the article published in the Wall Street Journal under the title Dollar's Surge Pummels Companies in Emerging Markets.... After a brief introduction, the paper aims at producing a gist of the article describing how companies in the emerging market....
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Tussle over Privacy by Mangu-Ward Katherine
2 pages (550 words) , Download 5 , Article
The paper "Tussle over Privacy by Mangu-Ward Katherine" states that technology allows people to connect with each other at whatever time.... The problem that arises with the use of technology is privacy.... Personal information that is found in most of the sites present can be used for many purposes....
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U.S. Is Ready to Lead on Climate
1 pages (202 words) , Download 0 , Article
.... ... ... The paper "The U.... .... Is Ready to Lead on Climate " is a wonderful example of a politics article.... Global warming is a major issue in today's world, especially during the economic crisis where it must be decided wisely where the money is being spent.... An article from the NY Times revealed that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton would like to create a global warming treaty on behalf of the United States....
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Disability in the UK: Measuring Equality by Purdam
5 pages (1295 words) , Download 0 , Article
dentify 4 journal articles that would be useful to follow up this reading.... isabled people, key surveys, accessibility, opportunities, discrimination, non- work-limiting disabilities, medical conditions, sensory disabilities, learning disabilities, policy development, survey data, minority ethnic populations ... With high medical and other extra expenses, disabled people find themselves living in financial debt and consequently, in poverty....
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Skin cancer ( Health Professional Practice 1)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Skin cancer: A Summary of articles Introduction Cancer of the skin is the most common cancer in human beings and its incidence is rapidly rising all over the world.... In this review, a summary of 5 different articles on skin cancer will be provided to enhance the understanding of the reader about skin cancer....
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How to Respond to Global Financial Crisis
4 pages (1181 words) , Download 0 , Article
he comparison of the various articles discussed would all be regarded as objected toward achieving stabilization of international capital flow and the financial markets.... The articles propose the establishment of regional commission that would act as action centers in addressing financial problems encountered to their regional areas....
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A Result of Steve Jobs Creativity in Building Designs
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/articles/SB114783026556754978... This article explains the preparations in place for the new second Apple store in Manhattan located at the General Motors Building plaza.... The Fifth Avenue Store is the company's 147th store.... Wingfield (2006) provides some of the building strategies used to attract customers to the store....
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What Is Prototyping by Vicki L. Sauter
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
The author of the paper "What Is Prototyping by Vicki L.... Sauter" will attempt to describe several benefits, drawbacks of prototyping and resulted that currently, the software industry is following only six (6) out of seventeen (17) guidelines of prototyping.... ... ... ... The document explains an article titled 'What is Prototyping' written by Vicki L....
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Dental Coverage in Australia
3 pages (1078 words) , Download 4 , Article
Additionally, not only do they waste a lot of time while seeking medical attention, but they also have low self-esteem, a factor that significantly contributes to the low output of employees.... One of the factors currently contributing to low levels of people seeking medical attention for their oral health is the lack of funds, yet the cost is rather high....
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Performance Improvement in Healthcare
6 pages (1584 words) , Download 2 , Article
Thу paper "Performance Improvement in Healthcare" discusses the problems that from poor communication and what can be done to improve the process of medical care and the staff's efficiency in this respect.... It will be based on three journals addressing safety in surgery, emergency medicine, and the need for technology to enhance medical communication.... Depending on the gravity of the error, the injuries vary from minor, or serious enough to occasion the death of the affected patient/s; this is in addition to the detrimental effects on the medical budget....
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Cross Border Health Care Flows
8 pages (2262 words) , Download 3 , Article
The author states that healthcare science has rapidly progressed than the ability to manage the systems of healthcare.... Healthcare science has rapidly progressed than the ability of managing the systems of healthcare.... lobal price differential among hospitals emerge because of different quality services and advanced medical equipments among hospitals.... Indonesia, India, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, and Malaysia and other countries are the major medical tourism destination (Bookman, 2007)....
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Differences between Parents Understanding and Those Diagnosed
4 pages (1304 words) , Download 3 , Article
Critique the Literature Review The literature review used in the research comprises of the materials from books, journals and articles while the report that follow come from the internet.... On the other hand, parents of the AS victims and the caretakers usually accept the medical situation and work out to seek assistance and cure for their children, the victims wit AS argue about this medical and pathological perspective.... Is it true that the aspies need medical and pathological assistance?...
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Game to Learn IT Security Crime
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
This program, ideally, was intended, by the creators, to be implemented in smaller medical practices, although anyone can use them, because these smaller practices , “…don't have the budget or infrastructure.... This short article describes an interesting way, that was found to be used in security training of staff....
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The Quality Movement
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
science of Improvement: Establishing Measures.... The stakeholders of the MGH include Partners Healthcare, North Shore medical Centre and Women's Hospital (Massachusetts General Hospital, 2015).... When the hospital generates higher income they claim that it The Quality Movement The Quality Movement Definition of Quality by Various Stakeholders Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) is among the oldest medical research and education centre in the world....
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Effect of a Low-Glycemic-Index Diet during Pregnancy by R.Moses
3 pages (821 words) , Download 2 , Article
ecause of these results, the study is beneficial since medical professionals can use this information in counseling pregnant women.... This study 'Effect of a Low-Glycemic-Index Diet during Pregnancy by R.... oses' is considered as an Epidemiological paper since the study was attempting to determine risk factors such as low-glycemic-index diet and its effect on pregnant women....
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Case Studies in Environmental Hazards
5 pages (1655 words) , Download 2 , Article
Journal of Natural Disaster science, 26, 27-36.... Journal of Natural Disaster science, 26, 27-36.... This paper ''Case Studies in Environmental Hazards'' tells that the authors mainly focus on the aspect of thinking about infiltration in soils that have been affected by wildfire....
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Nancy Folbre's View on Valuing Domestic Product
2 pages (814 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'Nancy Folbre's View on Valuing Domestic Product' reviews the economic aspects of unpaid domestic work.... It focuses on the unpaid work by homemakers and the ignored economic value that domestic labor holds.... This paper seeks to discuss why full-time homemakers are income equalizers....
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Slow Food and the Politics of Pork Fat by L.Alison
2 pages (670 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Slow Food and the Politics of Pork Fat by L.... lison' the author analyzes Alison's aim in the article, which is to point out the emergence of the Slow Food Movement, the international consumer that gets dedicated to protecting the endangered foods.... ... ... ... The author states that Alison's objective is to examine and understand the slowness within the present debates over the identity of Europe, the rationality neo-liberal model critiques....
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