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Is My Water Safe
1 pages (401 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Is My Water Safe?... is a worthy example of an article on environmental studies.... In this article, I feel that the research question is clear and can be answered.... This is because, when the research question is asking whether the fracking water may cause drinking water contamination, it is a question that can be researched....
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Women's choice to remain childless or to have less children: the effect of that on the society
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Many American couples are now opting to have a single child in their marriage or others opting to go childless.... The statistics of such couples has been steadily rising and specialists fear that this would have dire consequences in future (Last).... .... ... ... Women and Children.... Many American couples are now opting to have a single child in their marriage or others opting to go childless....
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Deaf Education, Arts, and Lit: The Rise of a Whole Deaf Identity
2 pages (782 words) , Download 3 , Article
wo articles underscore the theme of challenging traditional modes of communication and education that disenfranchise Deaf individuals from learning ASL as a natural and vibrant language system.... According to the paper 'Deaf Education, Arts, and Lit: The Rise of a Whole Deaf Identity', the deaf community has similarities with other marginalized communities that challenge oppression and affirm their identities to undercut their disempowerment....
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Conventional Warfare: Armed Social Work
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
In the paper 'Conventional Warfare: Armed Social Work' the author discusses two articles: 'The New (and Old) Classics of Counterinsurgency' and 'Scholar, Pope, Soldier, Spy.... Laleh Khalili depicts the idea of counterinsurgency that militarizes 'social work' in other countries....
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Behavioral Characteristics
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
Web sites that ridicule African Americans, Jews, gays, immigrants and others, but some took it a few steps further by combining bigotry with articles about guns, bombs and other implements of violence.... Mr.... Bush believes that retrieving stem cells from the embryo destroys it, thereby resulting in the killing of a human being that cannot be justified no matter how vast the potential benefits are....
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Type a summary for each of the 4 readings that are assigned this wk
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Article
Kelly (2008) asserted that women and Deaf people both experience duality because of their closer connection with their gender and because of their shared experiences of Summaries of articles on Deaf People and Deaf Studies Summary of Kelly's “Where is Deaf HERstory?... Kelly (2008) explored the feminist standpoint, epistemology, and methodology of Deaf Studies in “Where is Deaf HERstory?...
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Homeopathy and Miasmic Theory by Samuel Hahnemann
10 pages (2777 words) , Download 0 , Article
"Homeopathy and Miasmic Theory by Samuel Hahnemann" paper determines whether the miasmic theory is an important part of the understanding and management of chronic diseases in homeopathy.... The miasmic theory is an important aspect of homeopathy because it has can be used to explain chronic conditions....
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An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan
3 pages (934 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan' the author analyzes the article, where it is strongly recommended to 'eating food'.... The author is promoting the view to eat healthy, fresh, and natural food.... The author wants people to refrain from the junk food products available in the market....
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The Process of Demolition of Concrete Frame Structure
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The strategy and equipment for demolition of concrete structure depend on the size and type of framework and also its foundation.... Time is also an important factor as demolition required within a short time frame may have to be undertaken by skilled experts to avoid complications, dissatisfaction, hazards to life and limb, and ensure compliance with federal regulations. ...
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Personality Development
3 pages (813 words) , Download 0 , Article
From the paper "Personality Development" it is clear that personalities such as joy, and courage are very significant in our daily lives.... We realized that life is not only about positive attributes, therefore we must be ready to forgo and make sacrifices in order to strengthen our personalities....
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Family Structure and Risk Behavior
3 pages (827 words) , Download 0 , Article
Since there is a lack of previous studies on the constructs that are being studied, the articles cited were enough and were peer-reviewed in nature.... The paper "Family Structure and Risk Behavior" identifies how differences in the way self-esteem has been conceptualized help in the prediction of drinking behavior among college students of America who belong to different ethnicities including the White, Korean as well as Chinese ethnicities....
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The Contrasting Conceptions of Heritage
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
While Maggie has conformed to her heritage, Dee displays a character which is highly complex considering many of those articles which she seems to admire from her culture, to be for decorative purposes.... This article is a brief narrative that centers on the cultural disagreement that goes on between the narrator, Mama and her daughter Dee....
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Jewish Legacy Inscribed On Genes by Karen Kaplan
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper 'Jewish Legacy Inscribed On Genes by Karen Kaplan" focuses on the fact that the Ashkenazi Jews are also known as 'Jews of Germany' are a Jewish ethnic division that emerged from the Holy Roman Empire approximately in the first millennium (Silberstein 11).... .... ... ... The Ashkenazi Jews have been found to have some deadly genetic disease as well as high IQs....
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Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing
2 pages (717 words) , Download 2 , Article
There are articles in the journal that discusses the availability of randomized scientific trials to the study.... There are articles in the journal that discusses the availability of randomized scientific trials to the study.... This article "Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing" discusses ways of managing chronic heart failure, civilizing the continued existence rate, civilizing on the value of life, and reducing the health care utilization of patients suffering from chronic heart failures....
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The Concept of Market Segmentation
1 pages (664 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Concept of Market Segmentation" states that market segmentation is a group of individuals that impart one or more aspects.... Each business fragment is extraordinary and promoting directors choose different criteria to make their target markets.... ... ... ... Concerning locale, in blustery areas dealers can offer things like overcoats, umbrellas and gumboots....
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Reconstruction after the American Civil War
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
After the bloody American civil war, the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendment articles were guarded in the U.... In the paper 'Reconstruction after the American Civil War,' the author discusses reconstruction implemented by Congress after the American civil war from 1865 to 1877....
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The necessity of Government
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Name 24 July 2011 Assignment A government is necessary for every country because it requires some higher body to maintain its law and order and ensure that there is peace and stability as well as justice prevailing.... Governments are also required in order to mitigate disasters and help the people of that country to understand a single line of thought and work together in order to be able to emerge victorious when it comes to staying together and working out the problems that all the citizens of those countries have been facing....
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Is the EU's Application of Its Emissions Trading Scheme to Aviation Illegal
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/news/articles/is-the-eus-application-of-its-emissions-trading-scheme-to-aviation-illegalIs the EUs Application of Its Emissions Trading Scheme to Aviation Illegal?... This essay describes the legal implications of the emissions.... With the use of case study methodologies, the legal implications are researchable....
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Controversies on School Uniform
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Article
I therefore, believe that the arguments in these articles are adequately persuasive, that uniforms have brought about equality in schools and no one can easily tell who comes from either rich or poor families (HBC-SU).... The aim of the paper 'Controversies on School Uniform' is to examine the current debates about uniforms, which has confirmed to be an extremely complex question in most countries....
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Ethical Issues In Business And Society
4 pages (950 words) , Download 0 , Article
om/articles/absolutesandrelativisim.... The writer of this paper states that Ethical relativism is the view that what is wrong in some cultures can be right under another culture, depending on the culture's point of view.... Egoism is when a person or company acts in their interest alone....
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Life Coaching Practice
3 pages (838 words) , Download 3 , Article
The author of the paper "Life Coaching Practice" argues in a well-organized manner that life coaching has immense value in individuals' lives when they are in a difficult and seemingly hopeless situation, such as a job loss, a stagnant and unsatisfactory career or relationship, complacency, etc.... ....
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Should we use wikipedia or not
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
econdly, articles on wikipedia can serve personal interests or even encourage favouritism, since one can present any viewpoint on the website.... The world wide web is a treasure-house of knowledge on a plethora of topics;in fact, on every possible topic!... The number of web users are growing by the day and web recipients range from school children to collegians,from professionals to house-makers....
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In Labors Cause by David Brody
3 pages (940 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'In Labor's Cause by David Brody' focuses on the American labor movement and American history.... Brody is credited with founding the field of 'new labor history' in North America which examined working-class culture rather than simply workers' organizations as a source of history.... ... ...
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Basing Nursing Practice on Evidence
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Third, a nursing journal club can allow nurses in a given organization to read articles about the effectiveness of evidence-based care on patients.... EBP (Evidence-based Practice) is the simulation of medical expertise, patient principles, and the finest research proof in decision-making for caregiving procedures....
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Modular questions for vendor systems
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
om/articles/tech-doctor-best-breed-or-integrated-systems.... In order to ensure their healthcare facility is compliant with the 2014 deadline for the electronic health record (EHR), the informatics professional has many choices available to him or her.... The two main methods of incorporating EHR, also called EMR, are “best of breed”....
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Spy Virus Linked to Israel Targeted Hotels
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/be/en/pages/about-deloitte/articles/cyber-security_hackers-target-the-weakest-link-in-a-company.... In the paper 'Spy Virus Linked to Israel Targeted Hotels' the author analyzes the case for the cyber security firm Kaspersky, which following its cognizance of a successful hack on its computers and networks, sought to find out who else fall victim to the attack....
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Simulation in Nursing Training
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 6 , Article
In this type of simulator an image is produced through computer modeling and advanced computer programming; the trainee interacts with this image.... Simulation has emerged as a useful learning tool in nurse training as the trainee nurses can enhance their skills by learning and practicing various procedures and repeat them till they acquire proficiency....
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Globalisation,Social Issues and Public Policy
10 pages (2998 words) , Download 0 , Article
The logic of practice.... The paper "Globalisation,Social Issues and Public Policy" tells us about social capital.... Social capital can be defined from various perspectives.... One of the perspectives is viewing it as the valuable asset found in individual association with other people in an association that results in mutual benefits....
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The Definitions
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper ''The Definitions'' tells about High mountains present resistance to rain clouds and prevent their movement by standing like a wall.... Due to this phenomenon, the other side of the mountain slope is deprived of rain.... It is called a rain shadow, and the area suffers from the effects of dry air....
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The World Has Nothing to Fear from the US Losing Power
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper 'The World Has Nothing to Fear from the US Losing Power' seeks to evaluate Guardian article which engages the reader with a current comparison of the United States ceding power to China and what this ultimately means for a previously uni-polar world.... ... ... ... The author states that although the article has some powerful strengths, which will be referenced later, the reality of the fact is that it takes a rather fanciful view of the way in which global affairs and international relations will be conducted in the future....
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Factors Affecting Skewed SNS Use Among the Adolescents
10 pages (2688 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Factors Affecting Skewed SNS Use Among the Adolescents" presents that the video game industry has evolved from the previous bulky home systems that offered a few games to the diverse games that can be hosted on a variety of platforms including console systems.... ... ... ... In this study, self-esteem did not have a significant effect on SNS use....
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Climatic Change Adaptation Strategy
11 pages (3370 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'Climatic Change Adaptation Strategy' entails exploring the impact of climatic change at Australia's Gold Coast on the built environment and infrastructure, the key stakeholders in the strategy and their responsibilities as well as the policy instruments that can be used to ensure that the strategy is made a success....
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Improving the Efficiency of Light Distribution in Passive Optical Network
11 pages (3631 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper "Improving the Efficiency of Light Distribution in Passive Optical Network" discusses how Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) technology is utilized in implementing fiber-to-the-home/ curb/ building (FTTx) solutions for 'last mile' bandwidth bottleneck problems.... ... ... ... The fundamental concepts of EPONs are presented at the beginning of the paper, followed by discussions on Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) architectures and available upstream channel solutions....
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Protection and Indemnity Clubs
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
However, it seems as if the logic is a bit twisted.... The paper 'Protection and Indemnity Clubs' seeks to evaluate Protection and Indemnity Clubs which protect shipowners from unlimited liability.... These clubs, the first being Shipowner's Mutual Protection Society, established in 1855, limited liability for shipowners....
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How to Handle Bereavement at The Wrong One Died by Irvin Yalom
14 pages (4085 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "How to Handle Bereavement at The Wrong One Died by Irvin Yalom" begins with the statement that the loss of a loved one is a process that no one is prepared for.... This is regardless of the circumstance surrounding the death event, either through sickness, accidents, suicide, or even murder....
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Six Writers in Search of Texts by Arndt
15 pages (4278 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of the paper under the title "Six Writers in Search of Texts by Arndt" researches writing protocols of English as a second language or English as a foreign language from the perspective of the writing activity and that of the written text.... ... ... ... This paper details the findings of an empirical case study conducted by Valerie Arndt in China generalized among six postgraduate EFL students....
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Extent to Which Public Policy Influences the Courts in Deciding
14 pages (3616 words) , Download 1 , Article
This sense of justice, not logic, guided the court in developing the law of negligence since 1932. ... "Extent to Which Public Policy Influences the Courts in Deciding" paper argues that English courts have the tendency to allow tort liability unless it is less than that margin of error which demonstrates the tendency to defer to standards which are set by the profession itself or regulatory bodies....
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The Primary Function of Human Resource Management
9 pages (2623 words) , Download 2 , Article
n HR we do not have decision support frameworks as elegant as ROI, and simply applying ROI logic to HR investments is not the answer.... The author of this paper states that systems processes are an important part that HR plays in the overall organization, especially with one of the most critical systems a company has, its employees....
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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Low Self-Esteem
11 pages (3159 words) , Download 1 , Article
The therapist may carry out different experiments and ask patients various questions, sometimes also captious or funny ones, in order to find out their prejudices, irrational logic, and false beliefs.... The article "Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Low Self-Esteem" focuses on the critical multifaceted analysis of the current Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) research of low self-esteem as well as the methods used to explore this area....
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Terrorism and Political Violence
12 pages (3091 words) , Download 0 , Article
The logic of Terrorism: Terrorist Behaviour as a Product of Strategic Choice.... The "Terrorism and Political Violence" paper focuses on terrorism which may be described as a substantial threat to democratic freedoms and the rights of individuals.... Terrorism is considered an act that threatens life as terrorists will stop at nothing to create disorder and destroy lives in society....
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Access Control System Technology
10 pages (2868 words) , Download 0 , Article
Indeed, the logic behind access control involves restricting and protecting access to some resource and ensuring only those permitted do actually access it.... This article "Access Control System Technology" discusses aspects of access control technology by focusing on ACS technology trends and future directions organizational information and information systems are adequately secured....
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The Role of Data Mining and Fusion in Modern Marketing Management
14 pages (3992 words) , Download 2 , Article
arango and Raggad (1999) also note that there are a wide range of tools inspired by different paradigms including; artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, decision trees, rule induction methods, genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks, associative memories and cluster techniques....
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Relationship Between a Service Provider and a Consumer
5 pages (1380 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Relationship Between a Service Provider and a Consumer" gave a good insight into the activities of established customers, helped in analyzing and figuring out some other needs or things their established customers need to be supplied with or use in their operation.... .... ... ... A general conception of factors that leads to the growth and success of a firm by many people is the resources the firm possesses....
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Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem by Eric Fromm
6 pages (1580 words) , Download 0 , Article
"Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem by Eric Fromm" paper focuses on the article that tries to not only inform the reader of when disobedience is a positive force and when it is not necessary; he attempts to persuade the reader to work toward a developmental state.... ... ... ... Since we are basically in the same place as we were when he wrote this it is this writer's thinking that we need a change....
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Job Applicants with English American Names
5 pages (1342 words) , Download 3 , Article
From the paper "Job Applicants with English American Names " it is clear that gender is an independent variable that poses a key concern in the employment sector.... According to past research, employers have a preference for male employees over female employees.... ... ... ... This report is using dataset names....
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National Security: the Protection of the Nations Citizens
6 pages (1662 words) , Download 3 , Article
The author of this article states that when Presidents speak of national security, they are describing decisions and actions intended to protect the nation's citizens.... President John Kennedy faced the most prominent threat to national security in the history of the country.... .... ... ... President George W....
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A Theory of Human Motivation
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article entitled A Theory of Motivation written by Abraham H.... Maslow initially began with a brief summary of a previous paper, also written by Maslow in 1943.... The author enumerated thirteen conclusions to the previous paper on his theory of human motivation with underlying frameworks.... ...
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Key Aspects of Children Emotions Expressions
6 pages (1627 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper "Key Aspects of Children Emotions Expressions" describes the ability to express one's emotion in a child.... This paper outlines the analysis of other relevant journals, the main ideas of the journal, acknowledges the expressing of these emotions by children.... ... ... ... For instance, when a child is upset, it will relate its emotions by drawing symbols and pictures depicting annoyance, for example, a toddler crying, or a storm....
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Should the Government Raise the Driving Age
6 pages (1601 words) , Download 1 , Article
The following article "Should the Government Raise the Driving Age?... articulates on the various issues that different research works establish to be beneficial by raising the driving age.... The article illustrates the different instances in support of the addition of the period of driving.... ...
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Alberto Burri and His Contributions to the Italian Field of Art
5 pages (1619 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'Alberto Burri and His Contributions to the Italian Field of Art' focuses on the magic of Italy that lies in its art and culture and it is one country that never fails to encourage it as well as flaunt it.... Italy, with its scenic beauty always leaves the person with a sense of awe.... ...
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