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Oldest Known Fossil in Human Lineage Found in Ethiopia by Alexandra Sifferlin
1 pages (300 words) , Download 1 , Article
According to the article "Oldest Known Fossil in Human Lineage Found in Ethiopia by Alexandra Sifferlin", a team of United States-led researchers was able to find a partial jawbone and teeth of what is believed to be the oldest fossil.... This discovery is the oldest species to have evolved to humankind....
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A New Choice for Detecting Cervical Cancer by Deborah Levenson
1 pages (303 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "A New Choice for Detecting Cervical Cancer by Deborah Levenson" presents an article 'A New Choice for Detecting Cervical Cancer,' authored by Deborah Levenson, that was published on November 1, 2014, by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry.... ... ... ... While it is common for many women to find out she has cervical cancer is through a pap smear, there are now new technological and scientific advances that enable doctors to possibly detect cancer....
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Inventing University by David Bartholome
1 pages (321 words) , Download 0 , Article
In the article "Inventing University by David Bartholome", the author articulates the issues that individuals encounter upon entering the university as writers.... Throughout the essay, he mentions varied situations in which people make efforts to write for their audience.... ... ... ... David Bartholome gives the example of a student writing a placement examination....
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In US Visit, Brown to Urge New Deal by Sullivan
1 pages (334 words) , Download 3 , Article
In the paper 'In US Visit, Brown to Urge New Deal by Sullivan' the author discusses the article where we read of Prime Minister Tony Brown's visit to the United States to visit President Barak Obama.... They are there to discuss the global financial crisis that their countries find themselves in....
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Bullying at school
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
It is stated that any action done negatively against someone can be classified as bullying.... According to the article bullying has been on an increase and bullying at school is a very old and common phenomenon.... A.... ... ... The author had researched into this subject and found out that boys bully others more than girls do and the latter are also mostly bullied by Running head: Bullying at School Bullying at School Institute's Bullying at School The article by (Olweus, 2003) defines what exactly bullying means....
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Hiroshima bombings
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
War is one of the negative occurrences, which should be avoided using any means necessary.... The 1945 Hiroshima bombings have had severe effects to date with side effects realized.... One of such side effects is Leukemia a critical condition dangerous to the health of an individual.... Studies show that children born 10 years from the time the nuclear bombs exploded develop, leukemia at the age of 35....
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Searching the Brain for the Roots of Fear
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "Searching the Brain for the Roots of Fear" aims at finding a clear-cut difference between fear and anxiety and goes on to seek the cause of each.... Although the research is done from a theoretical and observation perspective, it gives a lot of information regarding the subject matter....
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Material Challenges for Nuclear Systems by Todd Allen
1 pages (305 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Material Challenges for Nuclear Systems by Todd Allen" will generally look at the fuel environment and materials from proposed and current nuclear systems and how they work.... A description is given of the creation of an advanced test reactor scientific user facility.... ... ... ... In the lifetime of a nuclear power system that is more than sixty years currently, the construction materials are subjected to a corrosive environment, high temperatures, and damage from high energy pieces resultant from fission....
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The Best Recruits May Not Be Who You Think by Michalowicz
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "The Best Recruits May Not Be Who You Think by Michalowicz" presents a case of an employee, a computer forensic examiner who was barely qualified to use a computer.... But within a year, he not only conducted forensic examinations but also could pass rigorous cross-examinations in the court....
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Psycho-Physiological Problems among Dual Career Women: A Cause of Stress
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Psycho-Physiological Problems among Dual Career Women: A Cause of Stress" presents explores physical and psychological stresses in the work environment and their relationship with stress for women.... Women have differing situations in which they play numerous roles.... ... ... ... The study is relevant in the current society because it explores the sensitive issue of stress at the workplace and its impact on both employers and employees....
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Maintaining Solid Corporate Ethics in International Business
1 pages (301 words) , Download 0 , Article
It is evidently clear from the discussion "Maintaining Solid Corporate Ethics in International Business" that laws are created in such a manner that they should help companies generating extra revenues and facilitating more opportunities to make corruption for government officials.... ... ... ... This article reflects the ethical issues that big multinational companies often face....
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English Spoken Here
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
The following paper "English Spoken Here" is being written as a critical analysis of the topic of the necessity of cultural plurality and sheltering techniques for English-language learners throughout primary and secondary education.... ... ... ... I can see the efficiency of such a method as it allows the instructor greater flexibility in lesson planning, with less stress on differentiated instruction that would ultimately be required in an intensely integrated classroom....
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Marketing Myopia, Theodore Levitt
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
Levitt Theodore's 'Marketing Myopia' is an insightful literature that explores the relationship between adequate management and growth of industries.... The article discusses both strategy and marketing as essential components to the success of a business.... In the end, it is.... ... ... The success of a business depends on management that formulates aims and policies in the business, and defines their industry correctly to identify their customers....
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Equal rights for all workers: Irish trade unions and the challenge of labour migration
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Article
The author, Krings (2007), discusses how Irish trade unions react to these challenges.... This paper will critique the Krings' (2007) article.... It will describe the central thrust of the article and explain how and why the author reached his conclusions.... ... ... ... After conducting qualitative interviews primarily with trade union executives and documentary analysis, Krings (2007) shows these trade unions encourage a rights-based loom towards immigration....
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Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa
5 pages (1326 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper "Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa" reports that food insecurity as a result of drought, famine, political instability, economical inadequacy, conflicts, and HIV has exposed 38 million African people to immediate threats of stability, security, and peace.... ... ... ... This research paper analyses the article titled, 'Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa' written by a researcher at the Institute of Security Studies (ISS), Jenny Clover....
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Motivation, Pay Satisfaction, and Job Satisfaction of Front-Line Employees
5 pages (1348 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Motivation, Pay Satisfaction, and Job Satisfaction of Front-Line Employees" is a perfect example of a management article.... Having highly motivated, satisfied and committed employees are critical to the success of an organization.... Having employees who are highly motivated and satisfied in the jobs usually result in increased productivity, commitment and low absenteeism and turnover....
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Oil Market Dynamics and 2016 Outlook by Bluford Putman
5 pages (1453 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Oil Market Dynamics and 2016 Outlook by Bluford Putman" is an outstanding example of a macro & microeconomics article.... The article 'Oil Market Dynamics and 2016 Outlook' highlights a detailed discussion on the supply and demand in the oil market.... The author starts by noting that over the recent past, the oil market has experienced 'a powerful downward price adjustment' which was sustained throughout the period 2015....
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Single Motherhood as a Common Occurrence in This Modern Age
5 pages (1395 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Single Motherhood as a Common Occurrence in This Modern Age" states that the researchers' idea of focusing on maternal optimism is an interesting concept.... They still concentrated on the fact that these families were facing economic difficulties.... ... ... ... The findings of the study also add that how a single mother is raised is correlated to the stresses that she will incur during adulthood, which will influence how a mother tends to her own children....
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Non profit organizations
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Article
Non Profit Organizations Table of Contents Introduction 3 Review of the Item 4 Personal Reflection 5 Summary 6 References 7 Introduction Andrew Twaits (1998) stated that the duties of officers and employees in non-profit organizations are considered to be objective.... ... ... ... The duties along with responsibilities, reflecting from their parts are mostly based upon the statutory tasks that are performed in a formative manner....
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Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks by LaRay Barna
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of the following paper states the article provides an insight into the common barriers that people from different cultural backgrounds faced while communicating.... Barna provides various factors that act as barriers to intercultural communication with these factors including anxiety.... ...
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Multimedia Report
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
http://triad.... ews14.... om/content/top_stories//634680/charlotte-family-to-be-honored-in-rose-bowl-parade Our textbook emphasizes not only the problems of parenting but also the joys of parenting.... It refers to a large interview research study done, with 511 subjects, the only significant study on parenting joy....
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Psychopathy and Violent Crime
4 pages (1097 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper ''Psychopathy and Violent Crime'' tells that The study included 76 white prisoners with a mean age of 30, educational attainment of 10 years, and a mean IQ of 105 with sixth-grade reading ability.... The level of psychopathy was measured using two psychometric scales: Pd and socialization scales....
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Experiences of Migrant Filipina Domestic Workers
4 pages (1231 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper ''Experiences of Migrant Filipina Domestic Workers'' tells about Parreñas' core aim encompasses highlighting the political aspect that characterises reproductive labour in relation to globalisation (Parreñas, 2000).... In previous literatures, on femininity and migration, scholars often assert that migration is a rather liberating experience for women....
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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Principles and Practices
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Rational emotive behavior therapy is an active directive and comprehensive empirically and philosophically based psychotherapy that focuses on resolving behavioral and emotional disturbances and problems and allowing people to lead joyful and more gratifying lives.... .... ... ... Albert Ellis established and developed rational emotive behavior therapy after being inspired by numerous teachings of ancient Greek, Asian and Roman as well as modern philosophers....
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The understanding of language learning
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The main aim of this research article is to bring out facts about our understanding of language learning as co-constructed development in situated discursive practices.... This study revolves around the “interactional competence framework” for perceiving the nature of interaction and participation of this process or discursive practice....
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The Dimensions in Psychology
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The focus of the journal article is to address that there are some issues when it comes to teaching psychology.... This comes from the inability for a textbook to differentiate the meaning of data collection methods and research methods, which leaves many students confused.... ... ... ... Toward the beginning of the article, the authors assume what traditional teaching methods are when approaching how to teach psychology....
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Global Economy Stabilization and Recovery
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The writer of the following article "Global Economy Stabilization and Recovery" seeks to summarize the current state of the global economy.... Particularly, the article will discuss the stabilization of economic crisis at the international level as well as highlight existing threats to it.... ... ...
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Highly Relevant Study by Andrew Dylag
3 pages (1019 words) , Download 2 , Article
From the paper "Highly Relevant Study by Andrew Dylag" it is clear that the article is focused on the primary objective of the study and is able to assert the importance of immunization amongst the adult population for reducing pertussis amongst infants.... ... ... ... TdaP vaccination practice amongst adults would be the best timely intervention to reduce the incidence of the diseases in infants....
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Dispositional Resistance to Change
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The study aimed at evaluating the links between the Resistance to Change (RTC) scale that measures individual resistance to change and its sub-scales (routine seeking (RS), emotional reaction (ER), and short-term thinking (ST) and the personality factors as seen in the Five.... ... ... The main idea for this research was to evaluate if the RTC scale also measures the same tendencies as seen by the personality traits scale....
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Is the Onslaught Making us Crazy
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper stresses that Tony Dokoupil's main objective in writing this article is to draw the reader's attention towards the very real danger posed to mental stability by long hours of internet usage.... Dokoupil argues that 'the Internet's deleterious effects on the mind'.... ... ... ... As the paper highlights, by drawing a corollary between internet usage and mental illness and psychopathology, Dokoupil attempts to raise awareness of the internet's insidious side-effects and prompts a re-examination of its role in our lives....
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Risk Management in the Age of Globalization
5 pages (3999 words) , Download 0 , Article
It is also a big loss considering that Jobs has been compared to Henry Ford and Walt Disney.... It was in early August when Jobs decided to resign as CEO of Apple for reasons of health. ... ... obs has.... ... ... The paper "Risk Management in the Age of Globalization" is a great example of an article on management....
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Losing the Plot - Middle Managers and Identity by Thomas, Robyn, and Linstead Alison
13 pages (3704 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'Losing the Plot - Middle Managers and Identity by Thomas, Robyn, and Linstead Alison' is a worthy example of a management article.... The paper attempts to critically appraise the research design of qualitative or quantitative research.... This will help in developing an in-depth understanding of the different research strategies used by the researchers to investigate some established theories....
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Importance of Pre Pregnancy Nutritional Status
9 pages (2642 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Importance of Pre Pregnancy Nutritional Status" describes that the types of food that a woman eats before and during pregnancy flavours the amniotic fluid, making the baby accustomed to that flavour, hence good or poor eating habits as the babies grow.... ... ... ... The nutritional status of women considering to be mothers is also important because it reduces the chances of miscarriages....
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The Ecological Indian By Shepard Krech III
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
'The Ecological Indian' has been one of the most cherished articles among environmentalists.... As the paper "The Ecological Indian By Shepard Krech III" outlines, flipping over the pages of Krech's book, one cannot avoid raising a question such as, were the Natives living harmoniously with the ecological system and that the Whiteman's arrival damaged the environment?...
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Chinese Higher Education in Moks Works
11 pages (3033 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Chinese Higher Education in Mok's Works" describes that Crabb enlightens us on the increasing commodification as well as privatization of education, expressed with a dominant popular and official discourse on quality education as well as how a consumer culture explosion.... ... ... ... Mok (2005) in his article has selected the theme of riding over global capitalism and socialism to examine how the government of China has reinvented the delivery of its social policy through the espousal of novel strategies of governance with the intention of managing the increasing globalization impacts....
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Evaluation of the Evidence for and against Stem Cell Plasticity
6 pages (2062 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Evaluation of the Evidence for and against Stem Cell Plasticity" states when the new stem cell is introduced to the new body there is a possibility that the body will react to the introduction negatively because the differentiated tissue will be treated as foreign tissue.... ... ... ... Some of the endorsers of stem cell plasticity use the fact that stem cell plasticity can be used in tissue repair to justify their support for it....
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Wallstreet Journal Opion
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/news/articles/SB10001424052702303945704579391070814416410... Your editorial “Closing the Productivity and Pay Gap” (Politics and Ideas, Feb.... 9) addresses an invalid, but widespread, belief that wages should follow productivity gains in a particular firm or industry.... Mr....
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Your Personal Policy on the Occupy Movement
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/articles/archives/2012/feb/09/what-future-occupy-wall -street/?... The occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement focuses on voicing their grievances on the government (Greenberg, 2012).... The movement displayed their disgruntlement on the busy streets.... The protests were staged in parks like Zuccotti Park & Lincoln Center. ...
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Public Schools Will Be Open for Worship by M. H. Saul
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of the paper "Public Schools Will Be Open for Worship by M.... H.... Saul" will begin with the statement that public schools in New York City are soon to allow religious services in schools that have been disputed for almost two decades now.... ... ... ... Nearly 30 churches held the services in the public schools for a little fee after the ban placed by the city on the public schools was found to be unconstitutional by a lower court in the year 2012....
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Online Education as an Agent of Transformation
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Internet technology has found its way into the education with more institutions attempting to develop a net culture in the environment.... The motive of many academic.... ... ... Online learning programs have been established in the education sector to enable many people to acquire education in the comfort of the homes in their remote locations....
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Discussion Unit-6
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The newspaper articles on McDonalds carry its good image.... In some markets it caters to children and teenagers while office goers may be the target in some other market.... McDonalds' approach has always been ‘Think Global Act Local'.... Its advertising campaign.... ... ... This is the most widely used promotional mix strategy by McDonalds....
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The Relationship between Total Quality Management Practices and Organizational Culture
8 pages (2355 words) , Download 0 , Article
Katayama and Bennett (8-23) conducted a detailed study in order to learn the importance of lean production system in context of the ongoing economic and industrial scenario in Japan.... The underlying rationale behind this study is to explore the current pressure that organizations.... ... ... The paper "The Relationship between Total Quality Management Practices and Organizational Culture" is a great example of an article on management....
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Goal Setting Effects in Elite and Nonelite Boxers by OBrien, Mellalieu, and Hanton
8 pages (2270 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "Goal Setting Effects in Elite and Nonelite Boxers by O'Brien, Mellalieu, and Hanton" deals with the question of how goal-setting effect or influence elite and nonelite athletes and their objective psychological returns in such combat sports as boxing.... ... ... ... The hurdles athletes face include hours of training, injuries, stress, the anxiety of the competition and distress in defeat....
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Adolescents' TV Watching Is Linked to Violent Behavior
7 pages (2428 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "Adolescents' TV Watching Is Linked to Violent Behavior" describes that children are not passive players in the society, but would tend to experiment what they see as observed by Piaget in early development stages of human beings.... Observable objects tend to stick in the human mind.... ...
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Eurozone Crisis Roars Back to Savage Spain
8 pages (2207 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article, 'Eurozone crisis roars back to savage Spain' highlights the unimpressive economic indicators of Spain and how these indicators have gone from bad to worse in the recent past to push the Spanish economy deeper into trouble.... ... ... ... This article and the author have quite well explained and connected the several issues faced by the Spanish government and its economy during the period from 2008 to the present....
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The High Street of Britain
7 pages (2019 words) , Download 1 , Article
This work called "Magazine Article" describes significant impacts upon the purchasing behavior of customers when shopping in High Streets and medieval places.... The author outlines the company's appropriate marketing practices as the trend of changing customers' preferences.... ... ... ... These changes have been apparent in Britain's High Streets....
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Stigma keeps some Latinos from Depression Treatment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article recounts a study which found that Latinos who stigmatized mental illness were less likely to benefit from the treatment due to their inability to take timely medication, to control their condition and keep up scheduled doctor appointments.... ... ... ... According to medical professionals when an individual holds a stigma to a particular condition they are always less likely to respond to medical care offered as the stigma gives them a feeling of being worthless and weak....
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Is the World Truly Ready for Gay Rights
1 pages (384 words) , Download 4 , Article
The writer of this article writes that efforts to promote gay and lesbian rights have occupied several civil discussions and legal debates.... However, the attention of most LGBT activists has been controlled and influenced by the political efforts.... ... ... ... The anti-discrimination laws are the main goals of the gay movement and the source of fervent political debates all over the globe....
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How to Issue a Great Apology by Tim Donnely
1 pages (339 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper "How to Issue a Great Apology by Tim Donnely" focuses on the fact that the author of the article portrays on the suitable methods of issuing a magnificent apology.... The author tries to convey his message concerning a slogan on a girl's shirt (Donelly).... ... ... ... Donnely wants to communicate his message to the manufactures of clothing since at times they inscribe some writings on clothes that are not appealing to the customers....
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Current Event Review 2
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article “Parents Say Social Networks Dont Protect Childrens Privacy” by Ingram (2010) published in the Bloomberg BusinessWeek reports on the basis of recent surveys conducted which highlight the growing concerns among parents regarding their children's online privacy.... ... ... ... Another source of worry highlighted by the surveys, which also tends to be a gross violation of Business Ethics, is that search engines Current Event Review Parents Say Social Networks Dont Protect Childrens Privacy The article “Parents Say Social Networks Dont Protect Childrens Privacy” by Ingram (2010) published in the Bloomberg BusinessWeek reports on the basis of recent surveys conducted which highlight the growing concerns among parents regarding their children's online privacy....
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