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Non profit organizations - Article Example

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Non Profit Organizations Table of Contents Introduction 3 Review of the Item 4 Personal Reflection 5 Summary 6 References 7 Introduction Andrew Twaits (1998) stated that the duties of officers and employees in non-profit organizations are considered to be objective…
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Non profit organizations
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The main priority which is laid while performing the broad duties mostly reflects upon determining the interests of the law. Also, the duties that perform by high rank officers are framed in such a way that demonstrates legal forms of working behavior. However, the main concern in such type of organization is to generate a balanced working atmosphere. This particular aspect is developed through executing various principles related to corporate governance in non-profit organizations. The best feature about this sort of organization is that all the officers along with other employees perform their respective assigned tasks quite effectively.

Also, the duties of officers in a non-profit organization are determined through following a broader framework which considers the basic objectives of such type of organizations. This way, the broad duties along with the responsibilities of all the members including the officers get prioritized in a formative manner (Twaits, 1998). This paper will broadly consider the major aspects pertaining to the broad duties of officers along with employees in non-profit organizations. In addition, the aspects will be critically analyzed, backed up with a proper review and a personal reflection of the concerned article.

Review of the Item As per the studies undertaken by Andrew Twaits (1998), numerous researches and surveys have been conducted upon managing the non-profit organizations (NPOs) belonging to this modern day context. With increased level of globalization along with internationalization, NPOs have been viewed to support the community members in terms of serving their best interests effectively. It has been learned that NGOs can very well move in aligning with the needs of the society by a certain degree.

With due analysis, it can be stated that the different activities of NPOs have been able to widen the expectation levels of shareholders in terms of fulfilling their respective desires. The management along with the operational activities that takes place in a NPO and the duties perform by the officers as well as the employees is often recognized to be quite broad. It can be apparently observed that the different tasks and the duties that are performed by the officers along with the employees deliver a high range of performance within the organizations.

According to the article, it can be viewed that there exist two sorts of organization that mainly comprise ‘unincorporated association’ and ‘incorporated association’. These associations eventually lead towards governing along leading NPOs to attain their predetermined targets. In this regard, the term ‘unincorporated association’ signifies the meaning of a chamber, club, federation, society, council, league, institute, union or guild, which is fundamentally voluntary in nature. This form of association is viewed to serve the basic purpose or serving the interests of a group of people.

The other form of association i.e. ‘incorporated association’ is regarded as a form of association which can be understood as a legal entity that possesses a perpetual succession and also a common seal. This form of association is considered to be highly recognizable in nature. This particular association is formed with the intent of considering all the legal attributes that are needed to be fulfilled while forming an ‘incorporated association’. Strong approval from the government is required for the formation of such

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“Non Profit Organizations Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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