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Asian American Analysis
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Article
They are frequently not identified as being minority students; when I see conference papers, journal articles, or Web discussion on "minority" students, I look for any mention of Asian Americans, only to find, more often than not, their omission.... This paper declares that Asian American students of the Chinese, Indian and South Korean origin are under a variety of stress because of the stereotypes generally assigned to them....
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Presentation Skills and Its Capabilities
8 pages (2220 words) , Download 1 , Article
Finally, though knowledge and height of logic are important when presenting arguments in favor of the information sought to be imparted through the presentation, the more significant aspect is the depth of conviction and the enthusiasm with which these arguments are presented to the targeted audience.... Usually audiences, without their awareness are more swayed by the personal power displayed by the presenter than the facts or logic of the presentation....
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Turning Work into a Game
7 pages (1888 words) , Download 2 , Article
The similarities of games and work in terms of achieving a result reminiscent of rewarding victory sustain the logic of a concept of conversion of work into a game for purposes of commitment and motivation.... The logic behind the transfer of interest witnessed in games with respect to beating time regulation informs the conversion of time into a revenue generating resource to surpass the allocated budget to meet the costs of production....
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Any article for fitness such as tips for work out o
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
20 Apr.... 2011.... How to choose body building equipment for exercise at home: A sound body is necessary for healthy living.... Staying fit is compulsory for rational thinking.... Many people join gym in order to seek advice from health trainers and do body building.... ... ... ... It is a perfect school for physical education....
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Answering questions from the article Questions number 5 and 6 only
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Consequently, this meant that each employee was responsible for the errors made in their authorised shipment.... Additionally, every department nominated a candidate.... ... ... Notably, this ensured that each employee was awarded for his or her individual input.... Furthermore, picking orders directly from the supervisor provided workers accountability....
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Article Critique on Responsibilities and Training Needs of paraeducators in Physical Education
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
If you were conducting research in this area, what would be the next study you would conduct based on the outcome of this study?... That is, where do we go from here?... What would be the title of your research? ... ... he purpose of the study is to identify the training requirements of.... ... ... The study also determined the responsibilities of paraeducators....
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Changing Health-Risk Behaviors
6 pages (1608 words) , Download 1 , Article
These journal are based on original research like theoretical review articles which are integrative, outcome trails treatment, meta-analysis, and scientific reports.... The paper "Changing Health-Risk Behaviors" discusses that the integration into existing practices based on evidence on cognitive-behavioural models has a crucial enhancement in the effectiveness and efficacy of the interventions, theories on behavior change validity and economical information....
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Positive Emotions in the Treatment of Depression
6 pages (1758 words) , Download 3 , Article
om/resources/articles-and-videos/brain-and-mental-health/foods-that-heal-depression Miller, C.... The author of the "Positive Emotions in the Treatment of Depression" paper talks about depression and its cure.... Positive emotions will surely help to get rid of depression without the side effects....
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Positive Emotions in the Treatment of Depression
6 pages (1758 words) , Download 1 , Article
om/resources/articles-and-videos/brain-and-mental-health/foods-that-heal-depression ... This article "Positive Emotions in the Treatment of Depression" offers five ways to nurture positive emotions.... This article talks about depression, that still remains very common, and its cure....
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Entrepreneurship, Customer Experience, and Environmental Impact
6 pages (1582 words) , Download 1 , Article
Through articles that are contained in this website, readers get an opportunity to understand the role of entrepreneurship as a driver of innovation and progress in society.... This article "Entrepreneurship, Customer Experience, and Environmental Impact" presents the discourse on environmental sustainability that is gaining traction through the involvement of major corporations in advocating for business practices that accentuate it....
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How Air Brakes on Trains Work
5 pages (1544 words) , Download 2 , Article
et/articles/railfanning/airbrakes/index.... This article "How Air Brakes on Trains Work" gives a basic understanding of the air brake system on a train that may be defined as the universal fail-safe, typical, train brake applied by railways globally.... Despite the level of complexity, air brakes use the basic physical features of compressed air....
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Media Impact on Young Girls
6 pages (1681 words) , Download 1 , Article
There are articles on magazines and advertisement that suggest that having abs and a flat stomach is the ideal body shape for any woman.... This paper "Media Impact on Young Girls" discusses the impact of the media on young girls that has adverse effects more than a positive effect....
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Muslims and Islamic Society of Darwin
6 pages (1532 words) , Download 1 , Article
Different articles have been provided with the aim of attracting the attention of readers about racial discrimination and war between Sunni and Shia (Winston, 2014).... This paper ''Muslims and Islamic Society of Darwin'' tells that Darwin is a city in Australia where a certain percentage of the population belongs to Islam....
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Changing Health-Risk Behaviors
6 pages (1609 words) , Download 6 , Article
By taking a look at journal articles on health psychology and more specifically health-risk behaviors, it is possible for the readers to harness and understand psychological factors.... These journal are based on original research like theoretical review articles which are integrative, outcome trails treatment, meta-analysis, and scientific reports....
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Article Review of any: Production and Procurement in the Aviation/Aerospace Industry
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
The aviation industry is characterised by various factors hence the players intending to enter this field as well as those already existing in the market should be well versed about these issues.... .... ... ... The report by PRNewswire (June 3, 2013) entitled “The Commercial Aircraft Market 2013-2023” was specifically meant to provide a detailed analysis of both historical as well as forecast the global industry values, factors that influence demand and the challenges that are encountered by the players in the aircraft industry....
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Reflection on Presentation and Representing: From Fractions to Rational Numbers Article by Lamon
1 pages (310 words) , Download 2 , Article
The "Reflection on Presentation and Representing: From Fractions to Rational Numbers Article by Lamon" paper argues that focuses on the article, the author which finds out through collaborative research with teachers in different grades, it is of great essence to build a distinguishing perspective....
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Kuhn: Why Scientific Revolutions Occur and Why They are Necessary
6 pages (1854 words) , Download 0 , Article
logic is an historical implausibility and remains an allowed view relating scientific theories that follow each other chronologically.... Scientific revolution authenticates existing theories when their logic is challenge and some in the long-run proves to be immune to dispute such as the Newton's dynamic theory....
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Why do Social Scientists need Research Methods
8 pages (2344 words) , Download 0 , Article
It entails carrying out a diligent inquiry following a rigorous impersonal mode of the procedure without overlooking the demands of logic.... It entails carrying out a diligent inquiry or a critical examination of a given phenomenon following a rigorous impersonal mode of procedure without overlooking the demands of logic while making conclusions (Russell 2001).... Relevance and reliability are important throughout such an exercise and therefore the historian will need research methods in the exercise of collecting information in the sources without compromising on relevance, reliability and logic. ...
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Analysis of The Role of The Left Somatosensory Cortex In Human Hand Movement Article by Okuda
3 pages (886 words) , Download 2 , Article
"Analysis of The Role of The Left Somatosensory Cortex In Human Hand Movement Article by Okuda" paper focuses on the study in which Okuda et al.... take a unique approach to establish facts in their study by scrutinizing the dexterity of hand movements in four right-handed subjects.... ... ... ... McCrea and Rybak make the contribution of CPGs to the effective treatment of spinal cord injuries more emphatic by stressing further this medical cause....
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Analysis of Hypocrites Lionise Assange and Demonise Murdoch Article by Mirko Bagaric
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 0 , Article
"Analysis of Hypocrites Lionise Assange and Demonise Murdoch Article by Mirko Bagaric" paper offers a critical evaluation of the article the author of which tries to use the case of the famous Wiki leaks and News of the World scandals to bring out his point.... ... ... ... The article was published by The Australian on July 21st, 2011....
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3 pages (750 words) , Download 10 , Article
Recommended Action The major issue in the case study is the budget problem of the City of Urbanopolis due to the overspending of the departments and the unnecessary positions filled up within the organization.... The necessary actions that must be implemented include the streamlining of the positions which equates to the planned reduction-in-force (RIF) and the enforcement of cost-effective means to reduce the expenditures of the city....
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The summary of the article for business within two weeks' newspaper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
“Poker Web Site Cheated Users, U.... .... Suit Says” By Matt Richtel, The New York Times, Sept.... 20, 2011 http://www.... ytimes.... om/2011/09/21/business/poker-site-misused-players-money-us-says.... tml?... cp=1&sq=September+20+2011&st=nyt Summary A web site called Full Tilt Poker cheated millions of people who logged onto it to play poker....
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The Relationship between Reason and Passion
8 pages (2460 words) , Download 0 , Article
To him, a viable practical argument has a premise that is not only true but also supported by logic and hence its end is worth pursuing (Velleman, 2000).... To this effect, Aristotle reckoned that human beings use logic, interpretation, analysis, criticism and evaluation in their every day life....
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The Major Categories of Information Security Controls
8 pages (2272 words) , Download 0 , Article
Include definitions of a logic bomb, back door, denial of service attack and distributed denial of service attack.... logic bombs are codes that individuals insert intentionally into a particular software system that sets off malicious functions under specified conditions (Helen, Sarandis & Christos 2011, p....
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The Relation between Reader/Viewer and Writer/Artist
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The signifier/signified dichotomy confirm the logic of a predetermined meaning represented through the signifier, which in reality is a mere illusion.... Weaving is the logic of writing, not copying.... In the paper 'The Relation between Reader/Viewer and Writer/Artist' the author tries to answer the question: What impact does Barthes's notion of 'writerly text' have on the relation between reader/viewer and writer/artist?...
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The Iraq War in 2003
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Explaining the Iraq Qawr: Counterfactual Theory, logic and Evidence.... The paper 'The Iraq War in 2003' seeks to evaluate the war waged by the United States of America, with the aid of its allied countries, namely the United Kingdom, Australia, and Poland, which caused positive impacts to the Iraqi citizens and to the global security....
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Are Domestic and International Marketing Dissimilar
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Article
ccording to Hofstede (2010), culture refers to the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from others.... This essay 'Are Domestic and International Marketing Dissimilar?... discusses and demonstrates the core contributions to the discussions of marketing throughout the semester....
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Digital Media Concepts
6 pages (1638 words) , Download 0 , Article
Negative portrayals of people from certain groups are prohibited while encouraging diversity programming and minority employment in film industry.... In this paper 'Digital Media Concepts', the discussion focuses on three digital media concepts which are digitization, interoperability, and media diversity....
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A Review of the Debut Album XX by the Band
6 pages (1643 words) , Download 2 , Article
Jamie's careful programming with bass music put different parts together that sounded great and made the album a landmark.... "A Review of the Debut Album 'XX' by the Band" paper sets out to critique the band's debut album, 'The xx.... It covers the history of the band and how the first album was produced....
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Computer-Assisted Education Benefits
11 pages (2938 words) , Download 1 , Article
It may be argued that the deteriorating trend has been observed and has since then been the subject of numerous researches and articles from government agencies, academic institutions, non-government organizations and individuals who registered their concerns and even prescriptions on how to deal with this deteriorating trends. ... Thus articles such as “Computer-assisted education benefits young children” written by The Children's Partnership, “Computer-assisted education can undermine serious study by Joanne K....
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Portfolio of Publication Real Moms
13 pages (3379 words) , Download 2 , Article
As a former writer for ‘Fitness Fanatic' magazine, I have submitted 150 articles and published 75% of them.... I relied on interviews, newspapers, books and online authorities for these articles.... This article "Portfolio of Publication Real Moms" talks about a magazine that will be sold nationwide with distribution centers in major cities around the country....
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Colloids Versuss Crystalloids
10 pages (3198 words) , Download 0 , Article
Though the exact methodology applied by the reviewers of the Cochrane Injuries Group is different from that applied by this analysis nevertheless the basic logic coincides sufficiently to enable this analysis to declare that it has adopted its methodology from that report. ... This article "Colloids Versus Crystalloids" seeks the difference in effects that have been clinically studied in the course of meta-analyses of mortality in randomized trials of critically ill patients applied with either colloids or crystalloids as comparative fluids applied for volume expansion....
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Gun Ownership as a Risk Factor for Homicide in the Home
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 1 , Article
hich three articles “validated” the control group selection process? ... From this paper it is clear that the studies were conducted by the same authors of the current study, certainly bringing up the possibility of bias.... Perhaps a selection committee independent of the researchers may have been a better way to assure less bias....
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European Television in the Age of Convergence
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
There is not set path that the reader has to take, but they can choose their own route by jumping between articles on an online newspaper or selecting the websites they choose to access ... This paper 'European Television in the Age of Convergence' deals with the digitalization of television based on the theory of convergence....
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Standard Education in the USA
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
he No Child left Behind Policy (NCLB) is a critical concern in both of the articles.... The paper 'Standard Education in the USA' looks at Matt Miller's reforms that encompass every part of education.... Unlike Susan Headden, he makes an argument stretching beyond assessments.... At the beginning of his article, Matt Miller gives the example of a nationalistic figure....
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Brief discussion of an ethical issue impacting the nursing profession
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Article
This paper evaluates the depths of patient autonomy as an ethical dilemma impacting the nursing profession.... Patient Autonomy as an Ethical Dilemma in Nursing According to Tauber (2005), patient autonomy refers to the exclusive legal right of a patient to have his wishes accomplished by the medical personnel while in their custody....
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Dyspraxia and Issues with Physical Education
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Article
k/documents/Guides/Dyspraxia_Guide+dyspraxia+physical+education+find+articles&cd=14&hl=en&ct=clnk ... This paper "Dyspraxia and Issues with Physical Education" discusses issues in physical education in children with dyspraxia, recognition of social processes and psychological issues in these children and whether these children should be segregated or included in physical education and sports....
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Security Audit and Compliance
11 pages (3153 words) , Download 1 , Article
The research was done by carrying out a literature review on past journals, articles and books that have explained and expounded what information security and information security culture is.... This article "Security Audit and Compliance" provides the findings of research on the evaluation of the factors determining the creation of information security culture in an organization....
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Legality of the Arrest of Mr Dave Smith
10 pages (2645 words) , Download 0 , Article
Section one of PACE that requires a police officer to possess “reasonable grounds” to suspect that they would find stolen or prohibited articles is quite impressive.... The paper "Legality of the Arrest of Mr Dave Smith" states that strong initial police opposition to the tape recording of interviews has dissipated and the tape recording has proved to be a strikingly successful innovation providing better safeguards for the suspect and the police officer as well....
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A Coherent Planning Strategy to Unitary Development Plans
14 pages (4036 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "A Coherent Planning Strategy to Unitary Development Plans" focuses on the aim ostensibly that is to ensure that a coherent planning strategy is produced for London as a whole.... Although the role and structure of the GLC were criticized, its abolition has left many problems unsolved....
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The Potential Contribution of the 2010 Soccer World Cup to Climate Change by I. Otto and E.T. Heath
9 pages (2621 words) , Download 0 , Article
For instance, the authors seldom use of articles written in 2008 and 2009.... The paper "The Potential Contribution of the 2010 Soccer World Cup to Climate Change by I.... Otto and E.... .... Heath" is a delightful example of an article on environmental studies.... We critique an article by I....
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Inequality of Sexual Orientation - Chappals and Gym Shorts by Almas Sayeed
5 pages (1289 words) , Download 0 , Article
So, the author is quite accurate in the rationale and logic that he applies to arrive at the ultimate conclusions. ... The paper 'Inequality of Sexual Orientation - Chappals and Gym Shorts by Almas Sayeed" points to the sources of cultural conflict affronting people caught between an impulse for progress and the restrictions of tradition....
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Antigon as a Leader
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
He bases his decisions on logic, and turns out to be mean.... This paper talks about Antigon.... Antigone possessed different leadership qualities.... For instance, she displayed a great level of courage and principle, which is required for one to be regarded as a leader.... Antigone was courageous enough to go against the law....
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The Truth About Mass Shootings and Gun Controls
4 pages (1074 words) , Download 2 , Article
No law, logic or legal ramifications can deter such people or completely eliminate the taking of innocent human lives.... The present paper "The Truth About Mass Shootings and Gun Controls" has identified that the truth contradicts what politicians and the media propose shows that actually none of these could prevent the occurrence of this crime or any that is yet to materialize....
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Nursing questions
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
This phase normally follows two distinct processes while on actual practice.... First, during this phase, a patient has a felt need and seeks out a professional help, and.... ... ... In practice, this phase can be characterised initially as moving in a single direction.... The nurse upon contact needs to introduce himself/herself During this stage, the nurse gathers relevant data from the patients, primarily, the most relevant medical g history....
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The Use of CCTV Technology
7 pages (2004 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "The Use of CCTV Technology" discusses CCTV, a TV system that provides for monitoring, and this system cannot be accessed by the general public but monitoring is done at a central station, primarily for surveillance and security purposes (Rousse, 2012).... ... ... ... In today's world where the crime rate is increasing, the need for CCTV has increased....
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Suicide Bombing as a Political Tactic: Effectiveness and Goals
5 pages (1300 words) , Download 1 , Article
"The Strategic logic of Suicide Terrorism.... This paper 'Suicide Bombing as a Political Tactic: Effectiveness and Goals' states that Suicide bombing inflicts more fear, more horror, and greater revulsion than any other tactic in modern warfare.... Statistically, they have been responsible for a very small fraction of the killing....
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Bluffing in Business to Maximize Profit
4 pages (1295 words) , Download 0 , Article
In many forums in general and the courts in particular, business bluffing is a fairly understood phenomena and logic is preferred over intuition.... According to research findings of the paper 'Bluffing in Business to Maximize Profit', bluffing in business has become so common that many have started to interpret it as an essential business strategy without which, one can not conduct business in a profitable manner....
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Causes of Dizziness among Patients and Individuals over the Age of Forty
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Article
or this study, two major articles are to be taken into serious consideration.... hrough the studies and articles that had been evaluated in this paper, the process of dealing with the symptom has been decided upon by the researcher of this paper which shall be presented in the diagram below: ...
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What Is Nursing Theory
5 pages (1795 words) , Download 4 , Article
articles (that) deal with any of the processes of science, including research, theory development, concept analysis, practical application of research and theory, and investigation of the values and ethics that influence the practice and research endeavors of nursing sciences.... du/articles/Fall%202007/Scholarly%20Reflection%20on%20Nursing%20Practice....
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