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Personal & Professional Development
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Besides, the requirement of good communication skill was also essential in order to structure the entire paper in the most suitable manner that would depict what was intended.... As a part of this module, I had been engaged in a group work to prepare a report on the diversity considerations those tend to have an impact on negotiations within the workplace setting of the modern business context....
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Today's Role of Palliative Care
6 pages (1852 words) , Download 8 , Essay
The communication Process 4 3.... The communication Process ... This section deals with the communication process that exists between patients and palliates care nursing.... communication in Palliative Care is a process through which meanings, feelings and information is shared between two parties.... They involve non-verbal communication also.... communication is done in varying ways in which context of nursing and the diagnosis initials are of main importance....
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Forum Discussion on Citizenship
8 pages (2025 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The world has become borderless in a sense where transportation and communication is no longer a problem of how but when.... The paper "Forum Discussion on Citizenship" highlights that it is in our hands as citizens first of our nation and then of the world to be knowledgeable and understanding of what we and everybody can and should be doing with the common goal of goodness and harmony for the global community....
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Cryptography and Data Protection
5 pages (1827 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
ithin the framework of every application-to-application communication, there are certain definite security necessities, comprising: Authentication which is the process of confirming a user's identification (Burgess, 2008).... The paper "Cryptography and Data Protection" highlights that safeguarding of confidentiality and private data is one of the key policies for the technique....
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Methods of Treating Diabetes
26 pages (7579 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Methods of Treating Diabetes" states that adequate secondary data proved the current rise of diabetes threatens the world.... But few peer-reviewed journals were found for this topic.... That concerns the new technology of mobile diabetes management.... ... ... ... This study aims to identify various informative materials, preferably peer-reviewed journals, about mobile diabetes management in the United Kingdom and the Gulf Countries....
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Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning
8 pages (2236 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Therefore, the research work helps me to improve my communication skills through building more interactions with the sample groups and supervisors.... Without proper communication, it is hard for me to collect data and information as well as proper guidelines to conduct the study in a systematic manner.... Developing relationship with supervisory teamIn order to improve relationship with the supervisory team, it is important to build open communication where the team members can share knowledge and own ideas with each other (O'Neil and Perez, 2013)....
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Investigating the Main Factors on Adoption of Internet Banking of HSBC Uxbridge Branch
30 pages (8031 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
After its advent in the year 1969, Internet has evolved from the sole domain of computers and academics to the mainstream channel of communication.... communication is the main factor for success in a number of companies and the Internet is the key tool of communication.... In the banking sector, communication is the key determinant of success, so, it has adapted information technologies right from the invention of the Internet, so as to improve their communication with in-house staff as well as the client base....
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The Emotional and Cognitive Communication Aspects of Fibromyalgia
22 pages (6435 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "The Emotional and Cognitive communication Aspects of Fibromyalgia" presents the qualitative narrative methodology to establish the mental and cognitive aspects of FMS in two patients and their perceptions on the need for collaboration between doctors and FMS patients.... ...
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The Challenges for the Scientific Community
9 pages (2446 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
vi) The communication Section.... Industrial participation for each of the branches is also being improved in the areas of optical communication, pixel detectors and carbon dioxide based coolant technology.... f) The communication and Networking Section- The huge amount of money and time that goes into the funding of these programmes at CERN calls for policy in which the activities of CERN at communicated to the general public to prevent any kind of resentment or negatives vibes from the public at large....
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Globalisation: Reshaping the Geographical Imagination
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Development of the Internet and communication technologies is the unique characteristic of last few decades.... Skyrocketing increase in availability of information, enhancement of communication flows and speed of transmission leads to significant decline in transactional costs and serves as an enabler for development of the operations across the traditionally defined borders. ...
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Literature Review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Coursework
Longenecker and Nykodym (1996) examined the potential benefits of performance appraisals and revealed that the appraisal process serves as a communication tool, a means to increase motivation and productivity, an arena for discussion of future career prospects for growth and development, as a basis for wage administration, and as a framework for decision making process relative to human resources concerns.... l, 2010) is a function of both performance appraisal procedures and treatment focusing on four indicators: clarity of role and purpose, extent of communication and flow of information, level of trust the employee has for their supervisor, and fairness throughout the process....
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Leadership of a Multicultural Workforce in UAE
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
But this multicultural work force has certain disadvantages also which includes increase in costs through increase in turnover rates, communication breakdowns and interpersonal conflict.... The common barrier in multicultural workforce is communication problem.... This essay "Leadership of a Multicultural Workforce in UAE" presents the effect of leadership style and how it differs for a diverse culture workforce compared to a non-diverse workforce culture....
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Nightingale's Nursing Theory
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Healthy communication with the patient and healthy environment keeps the patient's mind active and stimulated.... Here Nightingale stresses that communication should be soothing and a form of therapeutic aid to the patient's suffering.... Florence Nightingale is one the greatest women in history for being the forerunner of the nursing profession....
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Dove's Campaign for 'Real Beauty': An Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay describes and evaluates the Dove's advertisement in terms of the type of communication used and relayed, the message, the target audience and determine its impact on consumers.... In this regard, Dove CFRM would hereby be described and evaluated in terms of the type of communication used and relayed, the message, the target audience and determine its impact on consumers.... Source: Ad Review: Dove's campaign for 'Real Beauty' As depicted, there were different communication styles used by changing the size of the font and using colors for highlight....
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Smoking Cigarettes is Good for Your Health - Article Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
rom the article, it is evident that the writer believes the only way to realize communication and draw the attention of readers is through taking this risk.... Differences between Oral and Written communication.... The paper "Smoking Cigarettes is Good for Your Health - Article Analysis" discusses that it is risky for the author to choose such a sensitive topic and argue of benefits of smoking knowing very well that security agents are opposed to the idea....
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In what ways have your previous educational experiences prepared you to be a college scholar
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This may perhaps be the reason why scholarship has been considered as one of the most virtuous traits right from the ancient stages of human history.... However, most of.... ... ... The same thing happened to me as I have failed to appreciate the value of education and a college degree earlier in my life....
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The Proposed Internet Filtering Laws by the Australian Government
4 pages (1302 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Internet has revolutionized the means of communication.... Though it is considered as the best and quick medium of communication, it has certain drawbacks as well like the availability of uncensored obscene materials, politically and religiously motivated stories etc....
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Ever-Changing Trends in the Business Market
4 pages (1042 words) , Download 4 , Personal Statement
Like them, I am also very hard working, and intend to train myself in various business skills, like leadership, communication, management, and organization.... I am proud to have contributed to the society in social communication and community service. ... The author of the paper "Ever-Changing Trends in the Business Market " will begin with the statement that he has always been inspired by changes in the business world, and has been struggling to attain a better understanding of today's competitive financial market....
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Movie Review - The Hurt Locker
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Besides this, there were other numbers of errors highlighted by the veterans like improper military uniform worn by the soldiers, non-availability of service radio sets for voice communication or even the misconduct of few soldiers shown during the movie.... The movie review "The Hurt Locker" presents the conflict to the viewers from the soldiers' point of view, which faced the blunt of war in the Middle East....
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Racial Tension and Cultural Encounter
7 pages (1834 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Greene's novel constantly makes references to the difficulties of communication in foreign cultures.... The review "Racial Tension and Cultural Encounter" analyzes the issues on the racial tension and cultural encounter in Paul Bowles's The Spider's House and Graham Greene's The Quiet American....
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Surveillance Society
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 6 , Coursework
nother example of such laws was the ‘communication Assistance for Law Enforcement Act' (CALEA), passed by the USA government in 1994.... This paper 'Surveillance Society' undertakes a critical analysis of the permissibility of state intervention in the citizens' personal data in order to provide universal protection against crime and terrorism using the latest inventions - the biometric surveillance, fingerprint surveillance etc....
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SWOT Analysis of Leadership Qualities and Personal Development Plan
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 6 , Assignment
The author states that for being a good leader, a person must have certain leadership traits such as honesty and integrity, ability to delegate, written and oral communication skill, sense of humor, confidence, commitment, positive attitude, creativity, intuition and the ability to inspire.... For being a good leader, a person must have certain leadership traits such as honesty and integrity, ability to delegate, written and oral communication skill, sense of humour, confidence, commitment, positive attitude, creativity, intuition and the ability to inspire....
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How People from Different Cultures Relate to Each Other
9 pages (2528 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The form of communication applied by each cultural group is very important as they are also applied in the in-group and out-group communication relations.... The respect that is existent in the in- group relationship for the Arabic culture helps them use informal communication with each other.... Informal communication is not applied by most cultures and formal communication is preferred.... lopf, (2001), reports that the western culture bear the same feelings as well since communication is not a barrier in the in- group relationships....
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Culture Differences
9 pages (2528 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Engineers are in charge of technological development that resulted in the modern society; they have come up with infrastructure; mechanized agriculture; modern transportation systems, as well as technological innovations like computers, mass media and communication systems (Brewer & Venaik, 2012).... Cross-cultural communication framework developed by Geert Hofstede provides a wide understanding of different countries' cultures across the world.... Gestures and other nonverbal communication play an important role in face to face encounters....
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E-marketing and ICT in private hospitals in the United Kingdom
80 pages (20000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Hospitals are under stress and ongoing improvement in service delivery has become a strategic imperative.... ICT has been increasingly employed by private hospitals in the UK.... However, no study has been conducted on any private hospital to ascertain the implementation of ICT.... .... ... ... The healthcare industry has been witnessing enormous challenges as consumer demands have changed....
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Impact of social media on marketing
33 pages (8250 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The advent of technology has redefined the way communication and interactions take place between marketers and consumers.... Social media has been able to leverage relationships, enhance communication and interactions between marketers and consumers.... The function of marketing has evolved from a one-way functional discipline to an interactive process....
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Quality Management of Clothing in the Globalized Context
6 pages (1825 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In addition to this, globalization and technology made transportation and communication very easy.... mportance of communication in International Clothing marketing in the Globalized Context ... We have adequate communication systems to reach any part of the world in the twinkling of an eye.... Apparel industry is also dependent on a medium of communication for its varied activities.... Apart from the functional aspects communication, textile industry uses a unique idiom of marketing communication....
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Implementing the New Innovation Strategy
18 pages (5089 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Mechanistic structure also, promotes efficient and effective communication lines and reduces or eliminates duplication of efforts.... This paper ''Implementing the New Innovation Strategy'' tells us that Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung-Mediengruppe is a media firm established in 1948....
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Social network marketing
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This rates the school as among the top institutions on the information and communication technology sector.... Social network marketing In many organizations, communication is the main tool for marketing, the quality of the marketing strategies depends a lot, on how the organization communicates their information to the outside world.... This has a lot to do with accessibility and clarity in the mode of communication used.... Social network marketing In many organizations, communication is the main tool for marketing, the quality of the marketing strategies depends a lot, on how the organization communicates their information to the outside world....
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Barclays Bank - Impact of Advertising on Retail Banking for Increasing Level of Brand Awareness
9 pages (2956 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Defining Corporate communication.... The paper "Barclays Bank - Impact of Advertising on Retail Banking for Increasing Level of Brand Awareness" argues technology advancement provided an opportunity for the bank to use digital channels of advertising.... The bank provides personalized products and services to the selected customer....
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Brand Improvement Strategies for Toyota Motor Corporation
84 pages (21000 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
The paper 'Brand Improvement Strategies for Toyota Motor Corporation" states that Toyota has been suffering from a number of quality issues.... The company has recalled approximately 1.... million cars in the concern of fuel leaks.... It has added another dent to the tarnished reputation in the US market....
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The Influence of Loyalty Programs on Customer Loyalty in Banking Sector in Saudi Arabia
69 pages (17250 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
However, customer loyalty in the banking sector is dependent on multiple factors like effectiveness of financial products and services, communication channels, personalised services and attention and nature and benefits of loyalty programs.... The study aims at identifying the impact of loyalty programs on customer loyalty in the banking sector of the United Kingdom....
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Impact of Cell Phones on Society
5 pages (1400 words) , Download 1 , Report
Cell phones in the current period have become the main means of communication for people around the globe.... The cell phone technology has provided us with convenience, safety, PDA's, alarm clocks, high communication abilities and all these in just one device (Straubhaar, Larose and Davenport 276).... The Cell Phone: An Anthropology of communication....
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Media and climategate
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In November 2009, while world leaders were gathering in Copenhagen for United Nation's climate conference, substantial amount of secret communication between internationally renowned scientists of Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in University of East Anglia was made public on.... he most disturbing email communication was among CRU Director Phil Jones and Penn State Scientist Michael Mann....
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The Benefits of Social Media Outweigh the Negative Aspect
7 pages (1673 words) , Download 0 , Report
In the end, more and more people are embracing social media a means of communication (Kossen, Kiernan & Lawrence, 2013).... This ability to tell how well the message has reached the audience gives social media an edge over the other means of communication. ... ocial media marketing (SMM) is a form of internet marketing which uses various social media platforms so as to achieve marketing communication as well as branding goals....
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Effect of inflation on wages
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Lessons from the recession: a management and communication perspective.... Inflation means the rate of rising of the level of prices for goods and services while at the same time the purchasing power of goods and services is falling.... Other definitions describe inflation as the uprising movement in the moderate level of items....
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Educational Interventions For Reducing The Spread Of Hepatitis
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The word ‘hepatitis' belongs to the ancient Greek word ‘hepar' which implies liver and the Latin word ‘itis' which implies inflammation.... Hence, hepatitis refers serious injury to the liver of a person with swelling of the liver cells.... ... ... ... Hepatitis can be identified as a medical situation which is defined by soreness of the liver and thus featured by the existence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ....
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Review to Access the Effect of Low-Cost Educational Interventions for Reducing the Spread of Hepatitis
11 pages (3401 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
ducational interventions are mainly concerned with the communication of information for various reasons such as raising awareness, improvement of knowledge and change in behavior.... The "Review to Access the Effect of Low-Cost Educational Interventions for Reducing the Spread of Hepatitis" paper reviews the articles related to hepatitis in various medical journals that are analyzed and studied....
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Invictus by William Ernest Henley
12 pages (4277 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The multimodal approach refers to the use of different methods of communication and behaviour in order to enhance the meaning of the text being communicated.... However, the message changes with a different mode of communication, in this case with the visual images.... ode – refers to the channel through which communication is carried out... In journalism likewise, there is practical application, in the form of newspapers editorials....
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Globalization and the effects on developing countries and MNCs
44 pages (11000 words) , Download 5 , Dissertation
Opinions differ on the extent of change and the impact that it has created.... his change has taken place due to what is now commonly known as ‘Globalization'.... lobalization according to Frankelmeans integration through international trade of markets in goods and services, financial integration through international trade in assets....
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Media Campaign to Visit Sydney
9 pages (2669 words) , Download 0 , Essay
n the media campaign, we will set our communication objective.... Specifically, we shall be guided by the following communication objectives, of what we want people or the public feel about Sydney – ... owever, in this age, integrated communication is becoming essential for successful advertising.... ross‐Cultural communication for Peace, Security for Sustainable Tourism Industry in Africa, International Institute for Peace through Tourism, Retrieved 21 August ...
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Genre of Lecture Notes
9 pages (4663 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Mor eover, the sharing of constructive criticism allows students to engage in productive interaction and communication.... Genre of Lecture s Dis analysis for Language Teachers Introduction Effective communication through language is an exceptional faculty of human beings, and one that is of primary importance.... There are various types of writing which perfectly perform the function of communication in daily life.... Apart from the sharing of paragraphs with classmates, there is little area for communication....
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Contemporary Writing
9 pages (2511 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Each individual is speaking with his or her own language and communication is lacking totally which is the sign of the end of man.... She describes the horrible situation happening in the city and in such ghastly circumstances, Anna is trying to survive herself and not only survive but she is trying to recreate those things which have been ruined like humanity, communication, solidarity.... ack of communication: ... Like Auster Margaret Atwood is also handling the same problem of the advanced society and that is the loss of communication when we come to know about the family background of the protagonist that his father was not happy on Jimmy as he has not talents in science and his mother never spends her time with her son....
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Life in the United States by David Kyvig
6 pages (1607 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Transport and communication during these decades (1920-1939) were enhanced thereby making daily lives of ordinary Americans to be easy and enjoyable5.... Unlike in the previous decades where the radio was extensively used, Kyvig confirms how President Franklin personalized radio as a form of communication.... Kyvig in this book attempts to evaluate the effect of innovations and technology on various sectors of the economy such as transport, electricity, communication, and entertainment....
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Computer Based Physician Order Entry
5 pages (1482 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Even then, the use of standards that try to facilitate communication between two networks, does not give much information about the patient.... Thus, although messaging standards can contain more information, coding standards, can facilitate better communication among clinicians, radiologists, laboratories, and pharmacists.... CONCLUSION CPOE is an undertaking that facilitate communication among healthcare professionals to expedite better healthcare....
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About the English Department at the New York University
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
communication amongst graduate students-- The collection of emails written and send by graduate in the English department at NYU represents communication in between colleagues and peers.... Different categories like request for teaching ideas, party invitation etc channel a communication that belongs exclusively to the graduate student members of the community....
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Organizational Change Management, Change, Talk and Sensemaking
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
The analysis provides an example of why clear and concise communication is necessary, particularly during periods of change.... The best results, as high as 80%, are achieved by companies that abide by principles such a strong senior leadership, clear vision of goals and consistent communication of goals.... Lack of open communication and secretive ventures of this nature can create a great deal of distrust.... Boundaries in communication and those of divisiveness result in organizational failure to grown....
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The Strength and Weakness of Talk Radio as a Forum for Political Debate
5 pages (1457 words) , Download 0 , Report
The Strength and Weakness of Talk Radio as a Forum for Political Debate As a media for disseminatinginformation and for improving the level of communication between opposing ideas, the strengths of Radio can not be denied.... adio itself has had ups and downs in terms of popularity with the public but in the present day and age it is one of the fastest growing forms of mass communication (Hendy, 2000).... he radio also becomes important as a medium for communication between individuals from various backgrounds....
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Personal and Profesional Development
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Some of the root causes of low employee morale at Talk Team UK relate to pay, benefits, rewards, non-appreciation, lack of communication between workers and managers, and perceived lack of growth opportunities.... One of the main problems that the company faces is low employee motivation....
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Ideas and Issues in Globalisation
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The transnational bonding between the current immigrants has been measured as increasingly concentrated in comparison to their respective historical matching parts owing to the velocity and comparatively inexpensive nature of communication as well as travel.... The increase speed of progress in relation to communication, trade, information and transport networks owing to globalisation is believed to have fortified the associations of migrants with regard to more than one place....
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