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Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning - Assignment Example

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The paper "Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning" is a wonderful example of an assignment on human resources. Making the proposal is a big opportunity for me to develop my own skills and knowledge about the research work. I try to improve the knowledge which is necessary for my academic as well as professional life in the near future…
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Learning agreement

Table of content

1. Introduction3

2. Critical reflection3

3. Barriers of conducting research4

4. Barriers to complete DBA process4

5. Support requirements5

6. Relationship with DOS5

7. Developing relationship with supervisory team5

8. Skills and knowledge requirement6

9. Developing own knowledge7

10. Action plan8

11. Conclusion9

Reference list10

  • 1. Introduction

Making the proposal is a big opportunity for me to develop own skills and knowledge about the research work. I try to improve the knowledge which is necessary in my academic as well as professional life in near future. The purpose of this learning project is to discuss about my role in developing own skills and completing the research successfully. The study provides me a scope to build relationship with the supervisors which is necessary for conducting the project appropriately.

  • 2. Critical reflection

The research proposal provides me an opportunity to develop my own technical skills and theoretical knowledge about the research topic. I try to seek effective knowledge about several secondary literature sources such as books, journals, articles, business report and newsletters. Through studying the literatures, it is possible to understand the marketing tools and the differences between traditional and social media marketing techniques in the recent years. After collecting proper literatures about the consumer’s buying behaviour, social media marketing strategies, traditional media marketing and effectiveness of marketing planning, I try to gather more primary data which helps me to analyse the topic more specifically. Therefore, primary data facilitates more opportunities to gain market feedback and purchasing decision making behaviour of the individual in Qatar.

I allocate proper timing to complete the research work successfully by analysing the topic properly. Technical skills help me to analyse the collected primary data to evaluate the differences between social media marketing and traditional media marketing techniques. I try to analyse whether social media marketing planning is better in the recent years or not. I try to maintain ethics during the research work such that there will be successful submission of this research without any ethical issues. I show utmost honesty and integrity during collecting the primary data and do not force anybody to provide their feedback about the social media marketing planning or traditional media marketing. I ensure that the data are used for academic purpose and I try to protect the data by applying Data Protection act 1998. Supervisor’s guideline and support from them help me to complete the proposal successfully. Therefore, the research work helps me to improve my communication skills through building more interactions with the sample groups and supervisors.

  • 3. Barriers of conducting research

Timing is the main barrier during the research work as due to lack of timing I cannot analyse the collected data appropriately. Moreover, data collection techniques are another complicated step of this research. It is difficult for me to collect authentic data from the customers and the employees as they cannot rely on the questionnaire and they are concerned about lack of protection of the data. Therefore, it is quiet difficult for me to collect their feedback. It is also not easy to distribute sample questionnaire and choose a relevant sample size to collect proper answer. On the other hand, I try to arrange telephonic interview with the employees to gain their point of view. Accordingly, due to lack of timing, I select only 50 customers and 10 employees to analyse the research topic. It will be more efficient if I could select more sample size to gain more real life experience of the consumers and employees of the organisation in Qatar.

  • 4. Barriers to complete DBA process

I face few barriers to complete the DBA learning process due to lack of interactive skills. I face issues in communicating with the people as well as my supervisors. Without proper communication, it is hard for me to collect data and information as well as proper guidelines to conduct the study in a systematic manner. Therefore, this is the main barrier that I face during successful completion of the course. Doing the DBA course work, I also engaged in research work. Therefore, it is sometime difficult to manage both the course work and research for me. As I am engaged in conducting the research, it is quiet hard to attend the entire workshop which further raises complications in completing the DBA course.

  • 5. Support requirements

During the study, I require proper support from my supervisor and supervisory team to gain proper guideline to collect and analyse the data to evaluate the research topic successfully. Moreover, I need to develop my theoretical knowledge about the social media and traditional media marketing strategies to understand their effectiveness in the consumer’s buying decision making behaviour. In addition to this, during the project plan, it is also necessary to gain proper support from the sample group from where the relevant data can be collected (Schmeck, 2013).

  • 6. Relationship with DOS

The Director of Studies (DOS) is generally responsible for the academic leadership and they have important contribution in achieving the academic success and developing more academic research (W.G. Dyer and J.H., Dyer, 2013). I need a cooperative relationship from my DOS who can support me throughout my entire research. They play a crucial role as quality assurance and I need proper support from DOS so that it is easy to maintain quality of research and conduct the paper successfully. It is also important to coordinate for preparing the document and take proper action to complete the research properly within effective time.

  • 7. Developing relationship with supervisory team

In order to improve relationship with the supervisory team, it is important to build open communication where the team members can share knowledge and own ideas with each other (O'Neil and Perez, 2013). I try to develop open communication with the supervisory team through sending emails, arranging meetings for face-t-face conversation. This is the better way of communicating with each other and share own ideas with the team members (Schunk and Zimmerman, 2012). Positive attitude and mindfulness is also another strategy to strengthen the relationship with the team members (O'Neil and Perez, 2013). I try to take responsibility as per the supervisor’s comment and cooperating with them to gain appropriate knowledge and understanding about the research topic.

In addition to these, appreciating each other and positive mind are important to improve relationship with the team members (Schmeck, 2013). I try to interact with the team members positively so that we can motivate each other to conduct the research by seeking more knowledge and analysis. Trust is the main factor that is essential for building relationship with the members. Without trusting each other, it is very hard to conduct the job (Schmeck, 2013). In this regard, I try to build trust within the tam so that we can work and communicate more efficiently. Thus, open minded conversation and honesty is necessary to conduct the job cooperatively (Schunk and Zimmerman, 2012). The team members need to cooperate and interact with each other for gaining better result. Openness to seek constructive feedback of the team members and professional attitude are required to build good relationship with the supervisor and the other team members (O'Neil and Perez, 2013).

  • 8. Skills and knowledge requirement
  • Skills required by a researcher:

In order to become a good researcher, I need to improve own skills and knowledge so that I can conduct any research work efficiently. I need to improve my personal ability to learn by flexibility and open minded. Without open minded communication with other team members, it is not possible to gain appropriate knowledge and information about the research topic (O'Neil and Perez, 2013). I also need to improve creative thinking and innovations to deal the research and problem statement efficiently and develop proper strategies to resolve the existing issues in the research. Moreover, in order to conduct the research in a smooth way, it is important to manage the research work. Therefore, I need to improve management skills and technical skills to organise the data so that I can analyse it to achieve successful result of the topic. E-communications kills is also required in such an era of globalisation to learn more and gather more secondary sources for research. Networking and team working skills are also essential as a researcher to conduct the study appropriately (Schunk and Zimmerman, 2012). Hereby, I need to improve my team building skills by ensuing more cooperation and interaction.

  • Skills required by a reflective professional:

As a reflective professional, I try to improve my personality such that I can learn from others. I need to improve my communication style so that I can interact with others properly. It will be beneficial for me in near future to share knowledge and skills with other team members. Moreover, I need to improve my critical thinking and decision making behaviour so that I can develop effective result from the research. On the other hand, positive attitude and hearing other’s view are necessary to develop reflective professionals (W.G. Dyer and J.H., Dyer, 2013). I also try to improve self-evaluation and self-analysis so that I can improve own performance in the academic as well as professional career.

  • 9. Developing own knowledge

I try to develop my skills as a researcher so that it is easy to conduct the academic research in a systematic way. In order to improve management skills, I try to manage information through using information sources and IT (Information Technology) system. Moreover, for improving e-communicative skills, I try to improve my monitoring and demonstrating skills so that I can interact with others with innovative views. In order to improve my creativity and innovation, I try to analyse the collected data and present it in more efficient way and in this regard gathering more information is useful for me to develop own creativity. As a researcher, I try to increase efficiency in managing team work and monitoring the daily progress through which I is possible to complete the job within effective time. I build professional relationship with the team members so that they can feel free to discuss and share knowledge. In this regard, open communication is supportive for me to improve my critical thinking and self-evaluation through which I can be a good researcher. Therefore, as a researcher, it is important to develop own skills and understanding about the research topic and open conversation with supervisory team is necessary to proceed in the research work. As a researcher, it is important to manage team and I try to provide freedom to the team members to share their views. I try to act a positive communicator as it is helpful to motivate others in doing the research paper more efficiently.

On the other hand, in order to improve my skills as reflective professionals, I need to improve listening skills and cooperative skills through which I can gather more information and manage my academic career. Moreover I try to improve interactive skills which are necessary to share my own point of view with other team members. Moreover, improving critical thinking is important to evaluate the research topic in new innovative way (W.G. Dyer and J.H., Dyer, 2013). Therefore, I try to improve critical thinking by analysing the topic more efficiently and gathering more information to improve understanding about the topic of the research.

  • 10. Action plan

The DBA course work is effective for me to improve my knowledge and professional practice. I try to investigate the research topic in a systematic manner to compare social media and traditional media marketing techniques in Qatar. Proper data collection and analysis technique helps me to complete the research paper successfully. I try to improve my interactive skills to collect relevant data from market research as well as communicate with the professionals to gain more knowledge about research work. The course is also effective for me to improve my critical thinking and creativeness to conduct the research in proper way. The research work is effective for further analysis in future and it facilitate more opportunities in my academic career to conduct more research in near future.

Main activities

Week 1-2



Week 5-6

Week 7-8

Week 9-10

Week 11-12

Week 13-14

Week 15-16

Contribution to skills as a researcher

Management skills

    Maintaining budget for research

          Managing information

              Improve e–communication skills

                  Contribution to skills as a reflective professional practice

                  Tam working skills

                      Interactive skills


                          Critical thinking

                            Improve creativity and innovation

                                • 11. Conclusion

                                Through the reflective learning assignment, I try to improve my own learning skills and gather more knowledge. I try to reflect my own skills and development critically throughout the coursework. I face several issues in conducting the research as well as in doing the course. Through implementing proper planning, I resolve the issues and improve my own understanding for conducting the research work successfully. Accordingly, I also analyse the strategies of developing proper relationship with the supervisor and the supervisory team so that it is possible to proceed in the research paper by following a suitable path. I try to analyse the skills required by a researcher and a reflective professionals. I try to follow proper steps through which it is possible to improve my skills as s researcher and also as a professional. I want to improve my interactive skills, critical thinking, creativity and innovation, team management skills and data management planning so that it facilitates more opportunity in my academic career.

                                • Reference list

                                Dyer, W.G. and Dyer, J.H., 2013. Team building: Proven strategies for improving team performance. New-York: John Wiley & Sons.

                                O'Neil, H.F. and Perez, R.S., 2013. Web-based learning: Theory, research, and practice. London: Routledge.

                                Schmeck, R.R. 2013. Learning strategies and learning styles. London: Springer Science & Business Media.

                                Schunk, D.H. and Zimmerman, B.J. 2012. Motivation and self-regulated learning: Theory, research, and applications. London: Routledge.

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                                Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words.
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                                Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 Words.
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