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Leadership of a Multi-Cultural Workforce in UAE
19 pages (5162 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The multicultural workforce has the benefits of high creativity, innovation, effective decision making, and efficiency in marketing in foreign markets but there are certain disadvantages even such as increased turnover rates, interpersonal conflicts, and communication breakdown.... communication problem is the most common barrier in an organization with multicultural workforce (Hofstede, 1993).... In order to deal with this kind of barriers in multicultural workforce it is often essential for the leaders to adopt the best of practices so as to resolve conflicts in such a workplace and even the employees in this type of organization needs to be given the best of training programs so as to reduce the communication gap amongst them....
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The Role of Consumer Reviews in Purchasing Decisions
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research specifically focused on the impact that Twitter and other forms of micro-blogging had on promoting exhibits at the NRW-Forum Duesseldorf, a contemporary art museum that includes photography, media, fashion, and communication.... ?? The researchers extended this argument through arguing that blogs were particularly effective as a communication tool because they allowed readers to comment and engage directly with the content and as such encouraged a greater amount of participation and sharing among the populace....
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Marketing Reformation, Retention, and Development of Competitive Advantage
17 pages (4928 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Another successful key factor that inputs to TESCO sustainable development and growth is the marketing communication plan that provides the detailed overview of the Company's fiscal policies as for meeting the clients' needs and providing competitive prices within wisely located grocers all over the world.... verview of TESCO's International communication Strategy ... nternational communication strategy is an important tool in conducting communication strategy for the company of any type....
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A Case Study in Eastbourne
13 pages (3746 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
According to Lewis and Trevitt (2000) all of these voluntary controls related to the advertising and the related laws with them are there to maintain a sustainable controlled situation in the UK market for the interactive marketing communication.... This is basically a communication gap within the organization.... Gap 4: Service delivery versus external communication: This is a gap which creates lots of confusions among the customers....
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Career Development in Business
8 pages (2182 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
escription: Allow open communication and an open culture to make sure there is feedback given to the management by the employees.... The specific team needs when appraising them on a whole is concerned include: individual performance with respect to group performance, focusing on the relationships and impact of good communication is important, individual development should not be ignored, specific member skills and also the final appraisal interview.... ostering a culture of open communication and information sharing with other team members ...
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Identity Online: Bullying and Anonymity
7 pages (2054 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
(2001) ‘Identifiability and self-presentation: computer-mediated communication and intergroup interaction' Journal of Social Psychology, Vol.... The "Identity Online: Bullying and Anonymity" paper explores the issue of cyber-bullying as part of online identity, considering the question of whether being anonymous when online allows bullying within online communities, such as those associated with academic institutions such as universities....
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The Role of Public Relation
9 pages (2571 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Organizational communication scholars and related business fields of advertising, marketing, management, and public relations have struggled to define the mysterious concept of corporate image.... The paper "The Role of Public Relation" discusses that with the increase of pace in global markets and rapid expansion of many large corporations, there is often the need to realize that adaptation and learning are the keys to the success of any contemporary organization....
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The Hard Lessons f Katrina
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
If journalism is the first rough draft οf history, then Douglas Brinkley's The Great Deluge—released less than nine months after the disaster οf nature and management that was Katrina and before the beginning οf the next hurricane season— should probably be viewed as the first polished document....
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The Effect of Formal Controls on Innovation and Performance in The Presence of Trust
11 pages (3437 words) , Download 0 , Thesis Proposal
rovision of formal, reliable and effective communication is another way through which management control systems are important and significant to organizations' performance and innovation.... More recently, the process of content analysis has been applied more widely to almost any form of communication. ... Future computing, communication, control and management....
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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
8 pages (2281 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Mass communication does not server as a necessary and sufficient cause of audience effects but act among those mediating factors and influences, these mediating factors make media a contributing agent rather that a causing agent in the process of reinforcing the exiting conditions (Baran and Davis, 2012). ... The communication and media theories explain clearly different effects and the way media shapes our perception of reality and ways of life.... (2012), Mass communication Theory:Foundation , Ferment and Future....
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The World's Best Managers and Leaders Are the Best Communicators
7 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Branson is a living proof that leadership and communication are two inseparable things.... In order to attain this, Trump utilized his persuasion and communication skills to obtain $45 million in loans (Howard 2005).... From the research, it can be comprehended that although political leaders seem to be a career, it is apparent that one has to have good communication traits in order to have a command of many followers.... communication in organisations is extremely vital for success since it is the chief tool that organisations use to achieve coordination (Turne 2003)....
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Understanding Change and its Drivers
14 pages (4582 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Understanding Change and its Drivers" discusses that it is essential to state that successful change can be administered by integrating leadership, strategic management and change management to gather the general commitment of all stakeholders.... ... ... ... Change connotes varied meanings to a different context....
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The Effective Leadership
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This circumstance can be exacerbated when there is poor communication within an organization, ultimately making it difficult for management to respond to such issues.... n an article by Dellinger (1994) poor communication between employees, management and different departments proved to aggravate the already poor morale level in the independent laboratory service for hospitals in Santa Fe.... According to Terry (2008) it's essential for management communication be ‘top-down' as key managers must be asking questions in order to identify issues, as well as capitalize on opportunities....
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Battle of Leyte Gulf
9 pages (2333 words) , Download 7 , Case Study
If journalism is the first rough draft f history, then Douglas Brinkley's The Great Deluge-released less than nine months after the disaster f nature and management that was Katrina and before the beginning f the next hurricane season- should probably be viewed as the first polished document....
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City Marketing of Bordeaux
19 pages (4734 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
A close analysis of Bordeaux's city marketing efforts reveals that the city is yet to establish open communication channels between the local authorities and the tourists.... Bordeaux will diversify its communication channels and establish feedback systems, allowing all the stakeholders to participate in the development of the city.... communication ObjectivesTo inform the community and the region of the strengths of Bordeaux city as a remarkable tourist destinationTo enhance and encourage two-way communication channels....
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Describing the Experiences of Guardians and Parents Before and after Transplant Surgery to Children
10 pages (2850 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Other measures of ensuring validity entailed maintenance of an audit trail, searching for negative evidence, as well as the maintenance of open communication among the researchers. ... he research finding of the study are strong and it recommends for other studies to focus on focus on effective communication and ways of building relationships between families and the transplant team to enhance quality care delivery.... Qualitative Research Reports in communication....
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Relationship between the Traditional Media and Social Media1332
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, today more emphases need put in identifying the best way in which both forms of media can be utilized to achieve even a much effective communication tool.... With the popularity and the low cost of using social media it is obvious that social media would be the most preference means of communication (Salanova, 2012).... ifferent studies give different arguments on the effects of social media as a tool of communication on traditional media....
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Term paper of Digital Cinema class
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Media convergence, according to Henry Jenkins, has altered the relationship between the existing industries, Convergence is the interlinking of the ICTs and computing, communication networks, and other media content due to the development of the internet.... The internet is the main aspect which has emerged as a digital media environment where all institutions interact across the ICT networks whether they are art or business, government or journalism, health or education, or any other activity that is part of the industrial or social life (Jenkins, 2004, p....
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Content Analysis
11 pages (2924 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
According to Berelson (1952), it refers to a research approach that is meant for the systematic, objective, and quantitative explanation of the evident content of the communication.... According to Berelson (1952), it refers to a research approach that is meant for the systematic, objective and quantitative explanation of the evident content of the communication.... Content Analysis in communication Research.... Journal of Mass communication, Vol....
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Design in Relation to Technology
12 pages (3456 words) , Download 0 , Essay
journalism and its associated media are core factors in today's society.... ooper, M, 2010, the Future of journalism and Public Media: Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Market Failure and Public Policy Responses, Working Paper, the Donald McGannon Communication Research Centre. ... As explained by Cooper (2010), usage of internet to communicate to the public reduces the production and distribution costs that are used in communication through the print media....
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The Strategic Verticals of Davivienda
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This assignment highlights existing issues regarding internal communication inefficiencies, increasing the cost of operation and lagging project duration for O&M department of Davivienda Bank by measuring each of mentioned problems and their impact on the operational efficiency of O&M department....
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A Great Influence on Environments: Sensory Stimuli
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Loud tastes, coloured fragrances, and scented sounds: How and when to mix the senses in persuasive communications, journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, vol.... The paper gives detailed information about the retailing industry.... retailers must understand how their channels and assets mix....
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Media Empire and Cultural Entrepreneurs
7 pages (2094 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
New media is a term that at the end of the last century began to be applied for interactive electronic media and new forms of communication between content producers and consumers, as well as to identify differences with traditional media, such as newspapers; the term refers to the process of digital development, networked technologies and communications.... Convergence and multimedia editorial become routine elements of contemporary journalism....
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Consumerism as a Social-Psychological Phenomenon
8 pages (2201 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
(2009) The Culture of Consumption journalism and Mass Communication, ... The paper 'Consumerism as a Social-Psychological Phenomenon' focuses on a mass phenomenon, which covered all the continents.... Due to the rapid development of information technology, economic and cultural globalization, the objects of acquisition do not principally meet the true needs of people....
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Journalism and Press in the Media
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
"journalism and Press in the Media" paper argues that journalists and the press are responsible for creating awareness amongst the masses and delivering factual accounts to them, raising them to a better well-informed position so that they are able to make decisions regarding democracy and liberty.... journalism and freedom of the Press have been linked with Democracy since time unknown....
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The Factors Affected the Market of a Family Run Online Tourism Agency Business
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
he advent of new technologies has revolutionized the communication, bringing forth a host of new ideas and opportunities in the field of tourism.... ‘In the tourism industry, more and more tourist service providers rely on the internet as a key communication tool that is enabling them to save costs and increase the number of customers' (ICT, 2005)....
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Globalization and the Media
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
here are positive globalizers who see the globalization of media as the form of opening up to positive opportunities such as internet that provides voice to people and leading to democratization of the communication across the globe.... There is a growing debate on whether the globalization of media is a form of cultural imperialism as large and economically powerful cultures are colonizing small and weaker....
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Conflict of Interest Applied to a Modern Day Journalism Issue
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay then provides a conflict of interest issue witnessed in Canadian journalism.... According to the paper journalism principles and standards comprise ethical codes that are of good practice as pertinent to the particular challenges journalists face.... Conflict of Interest in Canadian journalism Conflict of Interest in Canadian journalism journalism principles and standards comprise ethical codes that are of good practice as pertinent to the particular challenges journalists face....
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Gender Differences between Male and Female Users of the Nintendo Wii
36 pages (10410 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Gender Differences between Male and Female Users of the Nintendo Wii" states that some games are especially capable of shaking a person to his very core, allowing him to imbibe life lessons more easily than through other media, and allow players to develop better concentration.... ... ...
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Discussion questions
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
We set clear rules, deadlines, and communication guidelines.... We also have good communication channels.... To ensure success of collaborative writing, the following are needed: 1) clear rules, roles, and responsibilities; 2) knowledge of each other's strengths and weaknesses as writers and in technical field; and 3) open and honest communication lines....
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Exploratory Research
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The preliminary information clears the dilemma and launches the scope of the study along with setting the objective.... Usually.... ... ... The data that exists already is secondary and gathered not specifically for the research carried out.... “Secondary data might be outdated or may not exactly meet the needs of the researchers nevertheless; secondary sources often prove to be a Case study is a method employed in qualitative exploratory research....
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Is the Media an International Actor in its own Right
12 pages (3263 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
he media is a sensitive tool of communication that has the duty of playing an educational, informative, analytical and entertaining role to the society.... This literature review "Is the Media an International Actor in its own Right" presents media that is indeed an international actor in its own right according to the findings of this case study....
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Celebrity Endorsement Evaluation
25 pages (9403 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Following that, different theories regarding communication and how celebrities play an important role in framing communication strategies have been clarified.... elebrity endorsement is one of the most popular strategies for marketing communication and advertisers....
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Foundation for a Better Life: Critical Geography
13 pages (3501 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The combination has been so successful that everyone else is doing it: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have managed to redefine news with their combination of satire and journalism; Bill Mahr made the McLaughlin Group-format hip, funny and edgy again; CNN personalities like Anderson Cooper are achieving immense attention and personality cults....
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How to Save Organisations from Hackers
26 pages (6980 words) , Download 4 , Report
This report "How to Save Organisations from Hackers" sheds some light on the recent worrying trends in which more types of sophisticated technical approaches are used to compromise and illegal access information and computer systems/networks.... ... ... ... To highlight the threats to which IT companies are exposed with regards to hacking, the essay has used RSA's hacking incident in which attackers used phishing to target low-level users of RSA's information systems....
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Improvements to the Law as Introduced by the Defamation Act 2013
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Nature of Responsible journalism (2011) 3 Journal of Media Law 19-28.... On top of setting grounds on freedom to express one's own thoughts and ideas and the need to protect the reputation of another person or a business entity, the said Act also applies to the need to control libel tourism....
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Technology in Education
47 pages (10108 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
This paper ''Technology in Education'' tells us that scholars, teachers, and all the stakeholders of the issue of technology in education agree to the significance of the connection between the two.... Fact remains that technological integration in classroom pedagogy is not overwhelming.... ... ... ...
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A Study of Adult and Teen Differential Opinion Regarding Online Social Networking
35 pages (9592 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
It has been determined by various studies such as Kiesler (2007) that communication via the Internet fosters and improves communication and relationship building, which means that those who commonly use the Internet.... This dissertation "A Study of Adult and Teen Differential Opinion Regarding Online Social Networking" shows that the availability of the Internet as a means of communicating and bridging people from different places around the world has been increasing for the past decade....
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Use of Internet in Healthcare: Its Present Role and Future Trends
6 pages (1599 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The author of the "Use of the Internet in Healthcare: Its Present Role and Future Trends" paper state that electronic mail can play a significant role in improving communication and enhancing the relationship between the physician and the patient, and among the physicians of the same and different disciplines.... Electronic mail can play a significant role in improving communication and enhancing the relationship both between the physician and the patient, and among physicians of the same and different disciplines (Kapur, 2001, p....
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Benefit of Bilingualism
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Superior academic performance and improved communication skills. ... Bilingualism improves communication skills, which is vital for socialization ... astly, it has enabled children to be superior academic performers and many of them have improved communication skills; thus becoming good performers in varied leaning institutions.... The research indicates that studying two languages improves the communication skills of the child; hence less prone to communication difficulties of foreign language (Baker 272, pr....
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The Impact of Computer in the Early-Childhood Education
20 pages (5639 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
nformation and communication technology, especially computer plays important role in the early-childhood education.... urthermore, the article also explains the effect of information and communication technology on the pre-school education of the children between 3-5 years.... The researcher has explored different results from different approaches that helped the researcher in drawing his interpretation of the impact of information and communication technology on the pre-school children....
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Immersion Journalism That Refers to the Creative Writing of Nonfiction Stories
7 pages (2002 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Immersion journalism That Refers to the Creative Writing of Nonfiction Stories" states that information gathered through active involvement in an enthralling manner.... The combination of humor, inquiry, facts and writing skills makes Pollan is a great example of literary journalism.... Prof: Literary journalism Literary journalism, also known as immersion journalism, refers to creative writing of nonfiction stories....
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The Brand Strategies which Toyota May Adopt to Improve Tarnished Brand Image
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
In the vertical integration, the corporate objectives and corporate missions must be supported by the marketing and communication objectives.... ntegrated Marketing communication 22 ... rand communication 35 ... For example, the existing management system deliberately tries to implement integrated marketing communication that focuses on better marketing strategy for enhancing consumer values.... he brand communication strategy has its focus towards representation of the brand and the creation of the brand image....
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Organisational change management
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Management: Organisational Change Management Organisational change is happens when an organisation's personnel make calculated efforts to make big changes in order to improve the organisation's effectiveness or respond to external issues that might negatively affect the organisation.... ... ... ... Organisational change is also effected to improve an organisation's performance....
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The Cause of the Patient Safety Issue
11 pages (3392 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Errors in medications may occur due to issues affecting the multi-disciplinary team, with the major factors likely to contribute to errors being poor communication, poor team culture and poor supervision (Mahajan, 2010).... Interdisciplinary communication plays a huge role in the prevention and reduction of medication errors.... Murphy and Dunn (2010) explained the need for inter-disciplinary communication between nurses and other professionals, which would help prevent mistakes caused by false assumptions....
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Journalist Martha Rountree
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The abilities of Martha as a journalist were unmatchable and she opened many new streams in journalism and television broadcasting.... Since she started her career in a newspaper, she decided to continue her career in journalism and worked for many prominent publications like The Tampa Tribune in Tampa, Florida.... Name of author: Journalist Martha Rountree (Martha Rountree Radio/Television Producer, Writer, Host) Martha Rountree is believed to be one of the most creative women in the American history of journalism....
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Exploratory Methods
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The second problem with archival research is experimental bias (Goodwin, 2009, 388) Content analysis The method used in social science to study the communication content is called content analysis.... Content analysis is used for various functions such as understanding the differences between the different forms of communication contents, compare the various levels of media communication, determine the psychology of the person, reflect the cultural differences through behavioral patterns, etc....
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Virtual Project Management
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Lack of proper interaction and communication in virtual teams compromises effectiveness in product output.... communication is an important aspect of project management that allows conveyance of decisions and progress across different mediums.... Cultural difference between the software team members and poor communication may lead to conflicts which greatly hamper productivity....
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Social Intelligence
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This has a reflective effect, in that their communication toward me also becomes more professional.... The body language, dressing sense and the tone of communication should all speak about the honesty and integrity of the leader – both to himself and to others.... Building high performance teams include establishing a diverse team, generating the team purpose, developing critical processes, sharing leadership and responsibility, fostering strong relationships, establishing effective communication, acknowledging main milestones and celebrating successes as well as reviewing and learn through experience. ...
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The Media Technology Innovations and the Living Standards of the People
5 pages (1373 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Engaging communication technologies of the 1950s Introduction The modern-day world has had the advantage of witnessing the introduction of mediology.... As human population grew, which resulted in the formation of groups and ultimate nations, different forms of communication emerged.... Up until 19th century, traditional form of communication was the norm of the day.... Then inventions and innovations that took place during 19th and 20th century is what eventually led to the modern form of communication that everyone enjoy today....
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