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Impact of Social Web on Society
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
ccording to (Liebowitz, 2005), at the present the social networking technology is offering a major role in e-commerce, business communication, e-business, financial growth and dealing with other business activities.... The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the social web on society....
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Research methodology used to collect data and converting the data into meaningful information
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
I have used my major strength as communication skill to frame the questionnaire and drag respondents smoothly from demographic perspective of the study to core topic.... In this paper the researcher will brief about the research methodology which will be used to collect data and converting the data into meaningful information....
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The Rapidly Changing Business Environment
4 pages (1644 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Employee will be satisfied if the workplace includes transparent communication, clear organizational mission, careful hiring and wirk-life flexibility.... The paper "The Rapidly Changing Business Environment" discusses that the main factors that increase employees' motivation and thus influence job performance are fair pay, incentives, benefits, encouragement, trust, chances for growth, fulfillment of their needs and recognition....
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The Notion of Remediation in the WWW
6 pages (1665 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Anis Bawarshi comment that genre studies which emphasizes on the creation of texts have grown in operational and applied linguistics, education, communication studies, oratory and composition and even psychology ... The essay "The Notion of Remediation in the WWW" critically analyzes the issues on the notion of remediation in the World Wide Web....
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Understanding Absenteeism in the Workplace
4 pages (1376 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
Presented various theoretical frameworks that aim to enhance the understanding of behavior in organizations through topics such as management functions, assisting personnel to balance work and other responsibilities, improving employees' skills, focusing on customer service, discussing motivational concepts, delving into communication, power and politics, conflict and negotiation, culture, and stress management....
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Communication and Social Media Usage in Emergency Management
12 pages (3536 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "communication and Social Media Usage in Emergency Management" discusses the use of social media in the management of flooding emergencies in the UK and Turkey concerning the development of emergency communication, challenges encountered, and the notable communication gaps.... This chapter provides a literature review of communication and social media usage in emergency management.... communication AND SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE IN EMERGENCY MANAGEENT ...
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Challenges and Problems Faced by Native Arab Students in Learning English
19 pages (5227 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The author of the paper states that in the current globalized world, the English language has become important not only as a medium of instruction but also as an important tool of communication in the diaspora of international students in universities and as a means to gain more advantageous positions in a workplace.... n the current globalized world, English language has become important not only as a medium of instruction, but also as an important tool of communication in the diaspora of international students in universities and as a means to gain more advantageous positions in a workplace....
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International Analysing Different Dimensions of Cyber-Warfare
15 pages (3942 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
For instance cutting communication cables undersea would cripple some countries and regions in context of their ability towards information warfare.... The paper "Analysing Different Dimensions of Cyber-Warfare" discusses that targeted attacks can be referred to as those when a specific victim is to be targeted....
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Relation between Domestic Terrorism and the US Armed Forces in the Mid-90s
10 pages (2985 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The ability of anyone "surfing the Net" to access huge volumes of hate-mongering, racist and violence-inciting information (both textual and video-graphic) has undoubtedly opened a new avenue for recruiting and communication for such groups.... Technological advances particularly in the transportation, communication and weapons field, have facilitated the abilities of modern-day domestic terrorist groups to get their message out and has improved their capacity to take violent action to achieve their goals....
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Causes and Cures of College dropouts
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In addition, by improving their communication with other students and professors, they can come to know about the financial resources other such students depend on.... In addition, it is pointed out that professional education has nothing to do with professions like journalism, software engineering, and stock trading....
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American Culture in the 1920s
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
n the nineteenth century, the development of technological products, such as telegraph and telephones, enabled instant communication over long distances.... The advent of the new journalism, motion picture, and radio presented opportunities for mass entertainment, information as well as advertising of various products of mass consumption....
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Frankenstein and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Journalism & Mass communication Educator, 64(1), 39-53.... There were increases in technology and society became more progressive.... As a reaction formation of the industrial revolution, romanticists wrote novels that were meant to talk about the dangers of science.... ... ... ... In particular, Mary Shelly and Robert Stevenson, had novels that centered on specifically the malevolent results of what science and technological processes could not only have on a character, but also on society (Givner, 2000)....
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Medium Research Methodology
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Content analysis in communication research (1952).... Pulling Newspapers Apart: Analysing Print journalism (2008): 154.... The author of the paper analyzes the methodology part outlines the overall research process or plan.... It describes the information and data, how the research is done, how samples were chosen, the instruments employed and the quantitative analysis of the collected data....
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Movie Comparison
5 pages (1301 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
of the Journalism, Mass Media and communication of the Concerned 7 March Movie Comparison It is a fact that crime movies by themselves do make an interesting movie genre and command immense viewer following and liking.... This paper ''Movie Comparison'' tells that it is a fact that crime movies by themselves do make an interesting movie genre and command immense viewer following and liking....
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Research Papers: What is the impact of recession to my life as a college student
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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It is measured by several indicators such as unemployment and inflation rate among others.... The events that lead to its occurrence can not be easily stated as a formula. ... ... he debate as to what.... ... ... As most problems are, they sprung from not just one but rather a series of events.... As a case in point, the current recession has been associated to the unsustainable lending When the recession of 2008 hit, everyone was taken by surprise....
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Modern Technology and Social Change
4 pages (1385 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Since the mobile phone has been widely adopted as a tool for entertainment and communication, this has led to the revolutionization of the society and the redefinition of patterns of social relationships and contacts among individuals.... Besides being used as communication device, the mobile phone is also considered as a fashion tool which has shaped people's prestige and identity thus resulting to the creation of a subculture especially in adolescents.... Since early 1990s, Information communication Technology (ICT) has been considered to be the powerful tools in strengthening the impacts of the development processes....
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Background of The Tourism Industry
18 pages (5285 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Background of The Tourism Industry" explains that the businesses have now become global these days and they are now rendering services in multiple countries; as s result, there is intense competition among the companies and the customers are given a wide range of options to choose from....
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International Marketing
6 pages (1739 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
This paper outlines the globalization of the market, dimensions of national cultures, high and low context communication culture, the international marketing arena.... International cultural dimensions, communication patterns, and globalization of markets.... I also national cultural dimensions, communication patterns, and globalization of markets.... However, the two genders are involved in constant communication where females aim at proving that they are equal to men (Fletcher, & Brown, 2005)....
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Learning Organization, Communication, and Project Planning
13 pages (3329 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The information will not be in control of the top management, but it will be facilitated through flexible learning and communication.... This will eliminate barriers to communication by adopting flatter organizational design and communication (Argyris, & Schön, 2001, 115).... earning organization will improve the image and reputation of the organization, contingency, and communication ... As the paper "Learning Organization, communication, and Project Planning" tells, learning organization is one of the critical topics in project management....
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Interrelated Digital Media Concepts
6 pages (1667 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Convergence is a function of digital systems and communication technologies that have bolstered the melting out of the myriad of older media technologies.... Diversification through digitization must not be confined to the media and communication because it has as well revolutionized other industries via the developments in computing and telecommunications. ... he digitization concept has revolutionized data creation, synthesis and storage, and has cultivated the general evolution of unprecedented interrelatedness between information communication technology and media platforms....
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The Diminishing Roles for Women in American films
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The following are findings from a study conducted by the Annerberg School of communication and Journalism, University of Southern Carolina.... Paper title: Name: University: Despite making up over half of the population and ticket buyers, the roles of women n films continue to conform to traditional roles and duties....
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The Idea of the Private Changes over Time
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Social media and the law: a guidebook for communication students and professionals.... In the paper 'The Idea of the Private Changes over Time' the author analyzes the idea of the private changes over time.... The ideology behind technology interfering with the privacy of individuals has been the main reason why some individuals have opted not to use technology....
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Romantic Relationships Among Undergraduate Students
6 pages (1681 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
But the IT age has its own set of issues, which leaves a distinct mark on interpersonal communication and normal human relations.... The paper "Romantic Relationships Among Undergraduate Students" discusses that the covering letter accompanying the questionnaire will have the details about the study....
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Language and Literacy in the Math Area
6 pages (1688 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Language and Literacy in the Math Area" discusses students that have a variety of challenges in today's world.... They have to keep up with technology, and they have to keep up with social challenges.... In the area of mathematics, students might have problems if the student is illiterate....
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Teenage Pregnancy in the Central Valley
6 pages (1704 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
He maintains that unlike other ages, the 21st century exhibits higher cases of teenage pregnancy because of modernization and its forces such as an ultra-developed and liberal media and information and communication technology, the rise of individualism instead of familism, the growth of secularism and higher costs of living. ...
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Social Psychology in Systems of Science and Knowledge
6 pages (1708 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Social interactions involved have unique forms of communication, for instance, dialogues.... The paper "Social Psychology in Systems of Science and Knowledge" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the place of social psychology in the systems of science and knowledge....
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Importance of Reflective Journal
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
From the paper "Importance of Reflective Journal" it is clear that such journal is used for holistic training as experiences, emotions, mind and body are joined in one and the learner can understand the connections whether the training is for Christians and other religious people.... ... ... ... From a social standpoint, Intel would be analyzed based on the impacts of population, social values, traditions, social behaviours and business practices (Jain, Trehan and Trehan, 2009, p....
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CNN and Al Jazeera Websites: A Comparison
31 pages (6894 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Among the most worthy of mention in delivering news and information which probably changed the concept of mass communication worldwide are two networks namely the Cable News Network or popularly known as CNN and the Al Jazeera Network.... The paper "CNN and Al Jazeera Websites: A Comparison" highlights that CNN and Al Jazeera's coverage of the Iraq war were equally biased, said Nerchivan Barzani, the prime minister of Iraqi Kurdistan....
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Leslie Sklair's and Competing Conceptions of Globalization
10 pages (2820 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Such a thing is caused by the big expansion in communication mass media and the global village.... Globalization in my opinion could be a new phenomenon which has caught the world with the growth of technology and more so communication.... Global communication/Media ... De Beer, Global journalism: topical issues and media systems ...
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Labour Market Policy
6 pages (1803 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
xtensive use of systems of communication ... The application of HRM policies which include systems for recruitment and selection, communication, promoting team working, flexible job designs, emphasis on training and learning, involvement in decision making, performance appraisal with tight links to contingent pay etc....
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Administration of Medicines
11 pages (2468 words) , Download 3 , Essay
ognizant of the considerably more time I will spend with patients compared to doctors, I am currently working hard on improving my communication skills, which will be quite essential for my nursing duties.... I am therefore in the process of developing good speaking and listening skills for nursing by attending inclusive training programs that will assist me in getting updated on the latest communication approaches and technologies in the industry, more so regarding care for patients....
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Privacy and Confidentiality in Social Applications
10 pages (2823 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
According to (Trepte, 2011), social applications include interactive tools and communication tools that are often internet-based.... While social applications have totally revolutionized communication and ways of conducting business, it has brought with them serious concerns on privacy and confidentiality as well as others concerns such as cyber-bullying, diminished social skills, and compromised privacy and confidentiality among the users (O Bien and Torres, 2012)....
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Making Considerations Before Contract Engagement
4 pages (1437 words) , Download 3 , Essay
However, on 29 September 2004 after the review she received communication from the department stating a drop on some key services offered by the local authority citing lack of sufficient funding from the central Government (Diamond 2009, P, 345).... The paper "Making Considerations Before Contract Engagement" discusses the case between Michael Barry and the council authority of Gloucestershire in the UK....
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Consumer Level of Trust to Written Word
12 pages (3945 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
communication is the fundamental factor that allows smooth ramming of businesses in the modern world.... It has become an important medium of communication in the current business world.... Companies are also participating in the communication in order to get relevant information about their customers.... Research shows that customers consider the online channels as a very reliable mode of communication.... Table of Contents Chapter 2: Research problem/ research questions 5 Chapter 3: Literature review/ Hypothesis 6 Chapter 4: Theoretical Framework 10 Chapter 5: Research methodology/sample plan 12 Chapter 6: Significance of research 14 Chapter 7: Research Implication 15 Chapter 8: Timeline 16 Reference List 17 Chapter 1: Introduction/Background communication is the fundamental factor that allows smooth ramming of businesses in the modern world....
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Cultural Competency in the Healthcare Industry
9 pages (2564 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
It has thus become imperative for them to overcome the present challenges and adopt suitable practices that would help to eliminate cultural, language and communication barriers and medical errors that could result from them.... Among this heterogeneous population the Asian Americans, African Americans and Hispanics are more likely to encounter cultural and communication problems (Anand & Lahiri, 2009).... Interpersonal communication is one of the core components of healthcare....
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The Impact of Work Environment on Learning
5 pages (1253 words) , Download 0 , Report
The research by Byoung-suk (2012) showed that urban work environment has good roads, communication and a relaxed condition that positively contributes to the learner's willingness to develop social amenities for successful learning.... The paper "The Impact of Work Environment on Learning" examines a good work environment results in the development of management support....
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School Presentation
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
All staff members are encouraged to participate in this webs system and share email communication with parents.... Inspired was discussing with her journalism students the yearly publishing projects that the journalism students they willwould produce togetherwith her assistance....
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The Future of PR as a Career
9 pages (2505 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As can easily be understood, communication of any sort, sanctioned by the firm or organization in question, is essentially a form of public relations; as it impacts upon the way that the public engages an understanding of the entity in question. ... Harkening back to the model that was utilized only 20 or 30 years ago, the reader can adequately note that public relations was conducted via the airwaves and/4 print journalism; to necessarily expensive approaches that reduce the overall scope and breath of the demographics that a given firm or organization could seek to impact upon....
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Classic Example of the Power and Effectiveness of Propaganda Campaigns
7 pages (2206 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 85(3), 591+.... American journalism Review, 30, 34+.... The paper "Classic Example of the Power and Effectiveness of Propaganda Campaigns" states that the positive effects of alternative media sources were seen during the Iraq war as well....
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Diversity Comprises an Ethical Dilemma
6 pages (1826 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Journal of Business communication, 40(1), 28-50.... American journalism Review, 15(9), 18-25.... American journalism Review, 17(7), 42.... From the paper "Diversity Comprises an Ethical Dilemma " it is clear that among the various ethical duties associated with the concept of corporate social responsibility is that which dictates the imperatives of functioning to resolve societal problems....
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Living 24 Hours without Technology
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 78(4), 702-705.... It was observed that in the time period under consideration the number of people who lagged in adapting to cell phones as a means of communication gradually shrank, however, the socioeconomic attributes of the people played a significant role in determining their predilection for adapting to cell phones....
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The Theory of Social Exchange in the Movie The Color Purple
6 pages (1615 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
ournalism, Mass Media and communication Task Introduction We live in a diverse world with different people.... Celie's sister is reciprocating this love by constant communication with her sister despite the fact that they are distant apart.... The author of "The Theory of Social Exchange in the Movie The Color Purple" paper explains a direct link between the theory of social exchange and the movie....
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The Issues Surrounding the Entry of Photography into Modernism
7 pages (1793 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
y the start of the 20th century photography turned into medium for mass communication by the spread of illustrated news papers and magazines.... Mass communication could be seen to have marked the entry of photography into modernism.... Photo journalism gained glamour and authority and photographic documents were applied in advertising to symbolize modernity....
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Strengths and Limitations of Email-Based Online Survey
6 pages (1739 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Perceived utility and ease of use were measured using a three-item 7 point scale and media usage also utilised 7 point scale where participants indicated how often they utilised communication platforms such as social media, mobile phone and computer.... (2013), Mobile news adoption among young adults examining the roles of perceptions, news consumption, and media usage, Journalism & Mass communication Quarterly, 90(1), 126-147....
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Television and family circle
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Although, most of the violence occurs at homes, the familial setting does not lend itself to the societal communication of violence.... Name Tutor Task Date “Television and Family circle” Given its enduring influence of individuals and society, it is not amazing that the family is budding as the primary battlefield in the struggle to set the custom of personality, behavior and societal order....
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Case study for Tourism and hospitality Workforce
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Interpersonal communication The hiring process marks the start of getting a good front office employee.... Interpersonal communication initiatives motivates employees, maximizes their abilities, and in the process increases productivity and economic outcomes (Kerr, 2012).... The channels of communication at Sunrise hotel are clear indicators of the importance of interpersonal communication....
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Physical Therapy Assistant
4 pages (1121 words) , Download 0 , Personal Statement
The paper "Physical Therapy Assistant" proffer diverse issues relative to becoming a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA), specifically addressing the following concerns: (1) examples of information on PTA and how it influenced the decision to become one; (2) personal strengths on communication skills....
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The Implications on Organizational Set Up
13 pages (3538 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The current communication strategy is up to the mark and we see a lot of communication flowing from top to bottom.... However, there is a greater reliance on formal communication.... The role of communication is most important when changes are taking place in an organization.... n this section , we will critically analyze the change management policies(mentioned above) that Sanofi Aventis is following specially to deal with leadership, communication and motivation issues and ways in which these strategies can be improved. ...
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Whether the Element of Agreement Required for the Formation of a Contract Can Be Established
9 pages (2563 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Law of journalism and Mass Communication, 3rd Edition.... When handling a contract, the terms of a contract are important in setting out regulations required to make a communication.... When handling a contract, the terms of a contract are important in setting out regulations required to make a communication.... The communication between the two parties was as agreed.... communication was involved and Alex told Francis that he would think of about the offer....
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3D Computer Graphics in Contemporary Media
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(2010), Art and Technology of Entertainment Computing and communication ... Websites and social media communication have also been changes after the incorporation of the graphics in their form.... Computer graphic software has been manipulated into variable forms in mobile forms and miniature gadgets that would aid develop the communication society.... The 3D graphics application has been recognized for the flexibility level and manipulation measures that can be applied in presenting alternative channels in communication and relaying the available message....
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