Learning has permanent changes to human capabilities. The complexity of learning present different implications for practice to a trainee. The work environment has a variety of impacts that determine the meaningfulness of a trainee learning. Work environment constitutes strategies that encode the learned capabilities which influence the useful utilization of materials. However, the work environment has obstacles for example work conditions, lack of peer support and lack of management support. The obstacles have a negative effect on learning. As a result, provision of suitable conditions is a guarantee for successful learning. The work environment, on the other hand, has positive values that stimulate proper progress in learning. Work environment has an effect on learning and determines how trainee develop the ability to apply learned capabilities. The paper is a report on the consequences of the work environment to learning.
The method of research involved use of secondary source approach to developing the report. The secondary approach used involved intent satisfaction of the claims about the influence of trainee learning relative to the different work environment. The aim of the approach was to find the conditions of the work environment, support the claims about the impact of the work environment on trainees, and subsequently obtaining know-how of solving development challenges by coming up with viable solutions to environments with negative influences. The secondary approach took the following shape;
1. Selection of journals and publications. A preliminary analysis of the outlined study setting followed the selection of the journals and publications related to the effect of work environment on trainees.
2. Data analysis of the selected sources and findings of the impact of work environment on learning.
The secondary research methodology data analysis involved the relation of data collected by various researchers. The collected information investigated the work environment and overall welfare concerning learning of trainees. According to Achinstein, Ogawa, and Speiglman, the work environment explicates that the experience of the work environment and learning exert a direct influence on the application of trainees’ abilities (2004). To conclude about the work environment impact on learning, the study identified and analyzed the outcomes. The results of the secondary research revealed that trainees have tough professional experience concerning work environment and overall welfare. Descriptive analysis of the varied outcomes is as follows:
A work environment determines the social, emotional and ethical development of learners. A research conducted by Arul Laurence (2012) showed that supportive work environment which fosters trainees as well as provision of care promotes the sense of connectedness and belongingness as well as the community. A good work environment influences the quality of learning of the trainees. For example, facilities that fail to provide necessary learning materials and conducive environment, result in the poor application of student’s capabilities into practice (Horng, 2009). Additionally, Success of learning by the trainees has a significant effect on trainee’s development of a respectful relationship with peers and other people. As a result, an organized environment into a community fosters the success of the trainees.
The learners experience the caring and support from the environment and become more motivated, ambiguous and have positivity to engagement in learning opportunities. The learners, therefore, have higher chances of engaging in practice to produce positive feedbacks. However, in comparison with the poor work environment, the trainees fail to exhibit their capabilities fully and this results in the production of poor performance. The development of connection encourages the use of new knowledge and skills (Horng, 2009). The trainees utilize their time well in a good environment to impact to a good willingness to provide a feedback. The learners, therefore, develop a connection to each other as the perception from the trainers stimulate their effort and engagement. A good work environment thus has a positive impact on learners.
Work environment has obstacles which may inhibit learning. The obstacle work conditions associated with inadequate equipment, few opportunities to use skills, time pressures, and inadequate budget inhibit learning. For example, a learner in a rural environment experiences such obstacles because of the limited distribution of resources. The research by Byoung-suk (2012) showed that urban work environment has good roads, communication and a relaxed condition that positively contributes to the learner's willingness to develop social amenities for successful learning. As a result, the learners develop a preference to stay in the urban studying facilities to get an exposure and experience. The study results indicate that trainees in the urban areas avoid the obstacles of work condition and therefore have a favorable advantage to the successful performance compared to those in rural areas.
A work environment, therefore, determines the attitude and enhances the performance of the learners. The obstacles related to in a work environment inhibit learning. Consequently, the learners develop negativity and do not provide the effort required in the transfer of their abilities. The obstacles cause lapses and therefore resulting in old behavior and loss of skill pattern (Byoung-suk, 2012). The obstacles in a work environment, therefore, require signaling for policies that offer social support relevant for designing of activities that an individual can experiment with the use of new knowledge and skills. An environment with obstacle result therefore impact to reduced performance as well as the unwillingness for transfer of the capabilities.
The work environment has an influence on learner’s ability to apply learned capabilities. The obstacles in a work environment have a negative impact on learning and constitute the lack of peer and management support (Horng, 2009). A trainee has the ability as a result of the development of a relationship with the trainers. The ability to get well with the peers and management enhance achievement and the willingness to provide practice and feedback. However, difficulty in building up the relationship with the peer and management result in underachievement. For example, a learner who positively associates with fellow peers develops potent success as a result of improved psychological impact on the environmental factors (Horng, 2009). The trainee, therefore, has the ability to engage in activities that prove the capability of application of the specific abilities without the influence of others.
A work environment, therefore, has an influence on the psychology of a learner which results in a difference of the application of the learned capabilities. Dworkin and Saha (2003) observed that a work environment may have a negative influence on learner’s ability achieve goals especially if the environment exhibits unfavorable climate and lacks appropriate learning materials. The unavailability of such materials leads to ineffective peer influence which discourages the trainees in the transfer abilities for the provision of feedback. The trainees develop a waste of time feeling about the training causing a poor production of the expected results. As a result, poor work environment leads to lack of motivation thus a negative impact on the learner’s performance and achievement.
A work environment determines the application of trainee’s knowledge and skills. The research to find out the impact of work environment on learning relied on secondary sources. According to the research, a work environment determines the social, emotional and ethical development of learners. A good work environment results in the development of management support, peer support as well as better conditions. A poor work environment, on the other hand, results in poor performance associated with several obstacles. Poor work environment additionally leads to lack of motivation thus a negative impact on the learner’s performance and achievement. The work environment has an influence on learner’s ability to apply learned capabilities. An environment with obstacle result therefore impact to reduced performance as well as an unwillingness for transfer of the capabilities.
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